Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 532: Enter the secret realm, the mission begins

Team card: special items, unconditional team. The members of the team can enjoy one-third of the experience value of Qin Shaofeng, the player, and can share the power during the team.

Shared power: The special ability skills of the team card. After use, the skills, abilities and powers of all members can be shared. They can only be used once a day for 30 minutes.

(Note: The experience points obtained by other members can be converted into cultivation bases by themselves, allowing the members to improve their current realm. If a team member is a member of the player, the experience points obtained are the same as those obtained by the player.)

It is with this team card that Qin Shaofeng has the confidence to kill the existence of Saint Yuanjing.

Once a team is formed, other team members don't want Qin Shaofeng himself, they will be restricted by extreme upgrade tasks and cannot be upgraded, even before the team is not limited by the level.

In this way, there is a great advantage.

That is the power of sharing that comes with the team card. Seeing this information, Qin Shaofeng immediately thought of sharing power.

The limit dungeon mission can team up to five people, and it doesn't count Qin Shaofeng himself as the captain. If this happens, there are only six people.

Sharing the vitality of six people, what is the value of the vitality?

What level will Suzuo Nenghu raise to?

Qin Shaofeng is looking forward to this.

As for the members of the team, Qin Shaofeng already knows what to do.

Geng Qiutong, the little princess, and the little fox, if possible, Qin Shaofeng would naturally want to bring Zhao Yun'er.

With Zhao Yuner's Astral Secret Star, if she could share her vitality, it would definitely be a great help.

But it is a pity that when Qin Shaofeng went to find Zhao Yun'er again, he learned that she was taken by Aunt Qing to some secret realm to practice, and she has not yet returned.

Zhao Yun'er didn't go, and Tang Qijian couldn't go because of his current situation.

Then only Tiger Lord and Du Meng are left.

Speaking of Du Meng, Qin Shaofeng knew the duel between Du Meng and Tang Qijian after returning to Qianshan Sect.

But Qin Shaofeng was not surprised, Du Meng did not appear these days, most people in the Qianshan Sect thought he was dead.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that Du Meng hadn't died, and he would never die, because Du Meng was completely fine with the substitute doll.

It's just that Du Meng hasn't woken up yet because of his hands and feet.

When Qin Shaofeng approached Qianshan Sect Sect Master Xiang Wanshan, he found that Du Meng's situation was exactly as he had expected, and he was just hanging in a coma.

When Qin Shaofeng told Wanshan that he had a way to save Du Meng, Xiang Wanshan was very happy, saying that as long as he could save Du Meng, he would speak directly.

Then, Qin Shaofeng was not polite.

With the help of Du Meng, Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth to Wanshan, the lion of the Qianshan Sect.

First, he directly asked for a hundred yuan of high-level spiritual essence and thousands of intermediate spiritual essence.

The high spirits are used to refine the special version of the fourth grade nine-layer spirit pill, and the intermediate is to refine the normal version. This is Qin Shaofeng's preparation for his next extreme upgrade task.

In addition to these essences, Qin Shaofeng still exploded a lot of medicinal materials.

Faced with such a large amount of medical supplies, Xiang Wanshan hesitated at first, but when he thought of the qualifications of his little disciple, Xiang Wanshan finally took it out.

Obviously, for Du Meng this fierce boy, Xiang Wanshan had already planned to accept him as a closed disciple.

After getting the medical herbs, Qin Shaofeng began the so-called treatment.

Retiring everyone, Qin Shaofeng hit Du Meng who was in a coma with a source of vitality, and directly appeared on Du Meng's chest, where the avatar was located.

In the next moment, the avatar doll pattern flashed slightly and then disappeared.

This is the stand-in doll finally fully functioning.

After the stand-in doll played a role, it completely replaced Du Meng's injury. Du Meng, who had been fainted for several days, finally opened his eyes.

But after opening his eyes, Du Meng looked at his boss Qin Shaofeng, but he was extremely embarrassed.

Although in the eyes of others, he was in a coma, but as long as Du Meng knew, his consciousness was awake from beginning to end.

In this situation, Du Meng immediately understood that in his state, it was definitely his boss who did something.

With this thought, he knew that Tang Qijian's so-called betrayal must have some reason.

Du Meng is actually not stupid, but he seldom uses his brain, and this ‘coma’ gave him time to use his brain.

So Du Meng finally thought it through, and finally understood something.

Therefore, facing his boss now, Du Meng looked embarrassed.

After a long silence, Du Meng smiled awkwardly at Qin Shaofeng: "Boss, am I stupid?"

"Hmm! Yes!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, "You actually believe that Old Tang really betrayed us. Your brain is all muddled? Have you forgotten that you and Old Tang are my dependents. Can you betray?"

When Qin Shaofeng said this, Du Meng was taken aback, and then he remembered the matter.


How did I forget this?

Du Meng scratched his hair regretfully, sighed heavily, feeling very depressed.

It's over, I've misunderstood Tang Lao Er, this time I will definitely be slapped to death!

After Du Meng sighed discouragedly, Qin Shaofeng said again: "Well, forget it, after all, with you, Old Tang can continue to carry out the plan smoothly, and you are a great hero!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng patted Du Meng on the shoulder with admiration.

But Du Meng's face became even more bitter.

After seeing Du Meng awake, Xiang Wanshan was very happy, and he didn't feel relieved to test Du Meng again in person.

After feeling that Du Meng was only weak and his body had fully recovered, Xiang Wanshan was finally completely relieved.

Qin Shaofeng's weakness was naturally caused by Qin Shaofeng deliberately. If not, how could he make Xiang Wanshan agree to take Du Meng away?

It was also Du Meng's weakness, so facing Qin Shaofeng's statement that he needed to go to a place to rest in order for Du Meng to fully recover, Xiang Wanshan hesitated and agreed.

As for the time when Wan Shan said to send a master to go with him, Qin Shaofeng refused with a compelling excuse.

In fact, after possessing the team card, Qin Shaofeng will assign more advanced people this time to his own team members, even the powerhouses in the Saint Yuan realm.

If this is the case, then this time the extreme upgrade dungeon mission will be easy to get.

But what Qin Shaofeng faced was how would he explain the existence of the Dungeon Secret Realm?

An unexpected discovery?

But there are all demonized monsters!

And it disappeared only once, which is too strange.

There is also during the team formation, because of the experience points gained, the players inexplicably improve the cultivation level, then how should we explain?

Therefore, from the very beginning, Qin Shaofeng didn't take other people's ideas with him, except for those who became his dependents, Qin Shaofeng didn't trust other people much.

When preparations were made, Qin Shaofeng set off with Geng Qiutong, the little princess, Du Meng, the little fox, and the tiger master the next day.

Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to enter the dungeon mission in the Qianshan Sect. After all, in the Qianshan Sect, once a few people disappeared inexplicably, and it was still two or three months in a row, this would definitely attract the attention of others.

Even the secret realm of giant peaks of the Qianshan Sect is not good, after all, those secret realms of giant peaks of the Qianshanzong have a one-month time limit.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to enter the dungeon secret realm after excluding the Qianshan Sect.


The gloomy sky, the suppressed breath, and the violent spiritual power fluctuations all over him.

This is the destination of Qin Shaofeng and others' trip-the secret realm of demonized copy!

As soon as he entered this secret realm, Qin Shaofeng and the others were all uncomfortable, because the spiritual power that existed here was all demonized magical power.

But I don't know if it was because of the demonic physique that Qin Shaofeng and others quickly adapted, and even felt a little comfortable.

Before entering, Qin Shaofeng formed the team.

Captain Qin Shaofeng, team members Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Bai Xue, Du Meng, Hu Ye!

It is worth mentioning that this time of'coma' also allowed Du Meng to smoothly promote to the Earth Element Realm.

Dependent: Du Meng

Level: Early stage of the first layer of the earth element realm

Occupation: Knight

Elemental power value: 15000/15000 (the first layer of the elementary realm has 3000 points, and the 2nd level Yi Jin Jing is multiplied by five times)

Innate roots: Five Elements Domination (earth, gold, water)

Talent skills: Nine Ranks Indestructible Body

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: Xiao Li Fei Dao

Skill 3: Dancing in the sky

Servant: Bear of the Earth (Great Might)


Like Du Meng, Geng Qiutong and the little princess came from the first realm of the Earth Element Realm, while the little fox and Lord Tiger were both in the third realm of the Earth Element Realm.

That's just enough, except for the captain Qin Shaofeng, the rest of the players are all in the Earth Element Realm.

This made Qin Shaofeng a little embarrassed, but there was no way.

Without paying too much attention to these things, Qin Shaofeng soon took Geng Qiutong and the others in search of the demonized monster.

This secret realm seems to be very large, and there are many mountains, rivers, woods and grasses. The only thing is that the environment here seems to be not good.

Not to mention the gloomy sky, the water of those mountains and rivers seems to be covered with a layer of gray, as for the woods and grasses that should be green, they are also strangely black.

Not only that, every plant and tree here, under Qin Shaofeng's fiery eyes and golden eyes, carries a demonized prefix name.

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng planned to encounter the magical medicinal materials of heavenly rank and collect them one by one.

He was very helpless in the face of these magical medicinal materials!

But the ball is not sure what to do!

However, the original world space is still in an evolving state, and Qin Shaofeng can only talk about collecting it.

Of course, the collection of magical medicinal materials is just accompanying, and Qin Shaofeng has not forgotten the main task of his trip.

That is naturally to kill the demonized monster!

As soon as he and a few people had adapted to the environment of this secret realm, Qin Shaofeng planned to start hunting the demonized monster.

Because he didn't know much about the strength of the demonized monster, Qin Shaofeng didn't find a powerful demonized monster at the beginning.

As for the demonized leader and the demonized lord, Qin Shaofeng didn't even think about that.

With such thoughts in mind, Qin Shaofeng and Geng Qiutong found the first goal to enter this secret realm.

A small group of seven or eight demonized monsters resembling demon wolves.

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