Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 536: Everyone after two months

After realizing that Sharing Zhi possesses huge vitality, Qin Shaofeng is finally relieved of the strength he possesses.

After the Yuan Li recovered a little bit, Qin Shaofeng directly consumed one hundred thousand Yuan Li points, condensing the forty-meter-tall Suzuo Nenghu.

Although Suzuo Nenghu, who consumes 100,000 yuan of strength, is much weaker than Suzuoneng who consumes one million yuan.

But even so, it was enough for Qin Shaofeng and the others to face the demonized leader of the Tianyuan realm.

And the most important point is that with only one hundred thousand yuan strength, this can be fully recovered from the Yi Jin Jing of Qin Shaofeng, Little Fox, Lord Tiger, and Du Meng within a minute.

This, coupled with Qin Shaofeng's fourth rank nine-layer spirit pill, also allowed Geng Qiutong and the others to burst out powerful attacks within Xu Zuonenghu.

After such a lineup, the general demonized monster group was not Qin Shaofeng's opponent at all, and was directly killed.

This situation caused a very unexpected thing for Qin Shaofeng.

Seventy days!

It's just that in the month of changing Yuanli into a shared power, Qin Shaofeng has completed 90% of the dungeon missions for extreme upgrades!

Extreme upgrade: special task. When the player is in the realm of the great yuan pill to the earth yuan, and the experience value reaches the current upgrade limit of 999,999,999 points, the system will automatically trigger this task.


Ten-star completion: within three months, kill 100,000 demonized monsters, and kill 30 demonized leaders and one demonized lord! One billion points can be obtained, and the level of all members is increased by 5! The system rewards three demon props, and the system mystery rewards one.

Face-to-face progress: 100,000 demonized monsters have been killed, and 30 demonized leaders have been completed!

This means that Qin Shaofeng can complete this extreme upgrade task only by killing a demonized lord.

Not only the ultimate upgrade task, but also the eighth phase of the ‘first person in a thousand mountains’ quest, only one master of the Saint Yuan realm was left, and it had not yet been completed.

As early as this month, the one hundred masters of the Heavenly Origin Realm, Qin Shaofeng's shared power was enough to kill them.

And this result has caused Geng Qiutong and the others, and now they have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Because there are too many demonic monsters killed, even if they are affected by Gong Qingzi, they have been reduced a lot, but Geng Qiutong and others have all been promoted to the tenth level of the Earth Element Realm!

Promoted to the tenth level of the Earth Element Realm, the strength of several people has changed greatly, the most obvious of which is the increase in the value of the element.

Geng Qiutong’s tenth level of Yuan Power in the Yuan Realm, after the addition, just reached 700,000 points!

The little princess has 630,000 yuan, the little fox has 660,000, and Du Meng has just 600,000.

As for the Tiger Lord, it was originally the least, but just yesterday its Yi Jin Jing level was upgraded, from level 1 to level 2, the element power value was increased by five times, and finally it had the element power in the tenth layer of the earth element Value, from the situation with the fewest people to the highest one.

A full 750,000 yuan worth of energy!

Once Qin Shaofeng shared the power of several people, the total power of those people would exceed three million points!

With a 3 million yuan power value, this has already lost to the existence of the pinnacle of the earth yuan realm.

Under normal circumstances, the average person in the tenth layer of the Earth Element Realm can only have one million yuan power value, and only some geniuses can have more than one million yuan power value in the Earth Element Realm.

Three million yuan power value is no longer the realm that an ordinary genius can reach.

In fact, at this moment, the strength of Geng Qiutong alone is probably against the Heavenly Origin Realm. It is estimated that under the Seventh Heavenly Origin Realm, most people are probably not their opponents.

This also made Qin Shaofeng finally feel that it was the last time.

It's time to complete the mission to upgrade!

Seeing how many people are in the tenth level of the Earth Element Realm, even Du Meng's envoy is the same, it is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to say that he has no thoughts.

In the next time, Qin Shaofeng and the others began to look for the demonized lord who needed to be hunted.

Since it is called a lord, it naturally means that it is the leader of a region.

During these two months or so, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the places he had visited were three spheres of influence.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng knew now that the three demonized lords were located.

But the strength and situation of these three demonized lords made Qin Shaofeng not want to provoke him.

One of the three demonized lords was the lord who Qin Shaofeng had just arrived in this dungeon secret realm, and a demonized demon wolf possessing the five levels of the holy origin realm.

The five levels of the Saint Yuan Realm, but this is no longer Qin Shaofeng's consideration.

The other one was a demonized demon tiger with the triple strength of the Saint Yuan Realm, which was not within Qin Shaofeng's consideration.

As for the words of the third Demon Lord, it was actually the most suitable for Qin Shaofeng.

Because the other party is the first layer of the holy yuan realm, even just the middle stage of the first layer.

But this demonized lord is a queen bee!

Enchanted black bee queen, a queen bee with countless demonized black bee!

Although those demonized black bees are not powerful individually, and there are even small yuan pill realm demonized black bees, the number is very terrifying.

A million?

That's only the lowest, it's not too scary.

Seriously speaking, this demonized black armor bee is probably the most terrifying demonized lord.

Just as soon as he understood, Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to use this enchanted black armor bee as his goal to complete the task.

But after a few days of investigation, Qin Shaofeng was finally helpless.

In the past few days, Qin Shaofeng and the others have explored a lot of places, but the results of the investigation have made him very helpless.

It is impossible to go back from the east direction, and the demonized demon wolf lord there cannot be the target.

The same goes for the demonized lord of the demon tiger to the south, and to the west is Qin Shaofeng's current location.

These people Qin Shaofeng kept walking to the west, but the demonized lords in the areas they encountered were very powerful, and some of them were much stronger than the demonized demon wolf lord.

Qin Shaofeng did not give up, but continued to investigate.


Seeing the endless expanse in front of him, whether it was the existence of the ocean or the lake, Qin Shaofeng was helpless.

Although without the assistance of the small ball, even with Qin Shaofeng himself, he could also feel the countless terrifying existence in this lake with his fiery eyes.

After staying for a while, Qin Shaofeng's perception field showed three demonized monsters of the Saint Yuan realm.

This is absolutely a dangerous place!

In desperation, after discussing with Geng Qiutong, Qin Shaofeng finally listened to the little princess's suggestion and turned around!

If you look back, naturally you can only choose the target from the demonized lord you met before.

It was the suggestion of the little princess that Qin Shaofeng finally fixed his gaze on the enchanted black armor bee.


When it was three months before this extreme upgrade mission and the last 13 days left, Qin Shaofeng and his group faced a valley.

There are countless enchanted black bees in this valley, one of them is bigger than watermelon.

Taking a look at the valley in the distance, Qin Shaofeng turned his head to Geng Qiutong and asked a few people, "Everyone has a clear plan, right?"

"Yeah!" Geng Qiutong nodded at the same time, even Dameng nodded a little, its big head.

"Very well, since everything is clear, then I won't say much. Now everyone will check the items to be battled again, and then we will set off." Qin Shaofeng said again.

When Geng Qiutong heard this, he immediately checked it, and then said to Qin Shaofeng that he was ready and there was no problem.

Seeing that everyone is ready, Qin Shaofeng is not talking nonsense.

"Well, let's kill the enchanted black armor bee now!"

With a loud cry, Qin Shaofeng didn't even conceal it, and walked towards the valley like this, and Geng Qiutong followed closely.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng and the others appeared, they attracted the attention of a large number of enchanted black bees, and for a time countless enchanted black bees flew to them aggressively.

This enchanted black bee has a very strong sense of territory. After discovering the invaders Qin Shaofeng, the first reaction is to wipe out the invaders.

In the face of the dense clusters of enchanted black bees, Qin Shaofeng and the others were not afraid.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and the next moment, the power of teaming ability sharing was activated instantly, and then the Yuanli value of his attribute interface instantly became more than three million points.

After Yuan Liyi shared, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly, and the six-pointed star pattern representing the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel appeared.

Then, Yuan Li turned around, and the forty-meter-tall Suzuoneng appeared instantly, protecting Qin Shaofeng and the others.

Most of the enchanted black bees in front of them are only the realm of the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, and they have no influence on the forty-meter huge size of Suzuo Nenghu.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about them at all, but controlled Suzuoneng to advance toward the valley.

boom! boom! boom!

The huge Suzuo Nenghu leaped step by step, finally letting the more powerful enchanted black bee notice the anomaly here.

For a while, more enchanted black bees appeared.

It wasn't just the enchanted black bee of the small yuan pill realm, but the enchanted black bee of the great yuan pill realm soon appeared, and even some enchanted black bees of the earth yuan realm also attacked.

But even so, Suzuo Nenghu was still very strong in the face of countless demonized black bee attacks, and walked toward the valley unhurriedly.

Finally, the invasion of such a powerful enemy made the enchanted black armor bee in the depths of the valley notice.


There was a sharp roar, and the next moment, more than a million demonized black bees flew up fiercely and attacked Qin Shaofeng.

Especially this time, there are already many demonized black bees in the Celestial Origin realm in this group of demonized black bees.

Bang bang!

Numerous attacks, uninterrupted bang on Suzuo Nenghu, erupted with a loud noise.

Qin Shaofeng finally felt that Suzuo was struggling at this time.

But in the face of such a situation, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with excitement, and Geng Qiutong's eyes also showed a hint of eagerness.

"It's going to start, everyone is ready!"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly yelled, and with his yell, Suzuo was shocked, and instantly rose to fifty meters!

Qin Shaofeng directly consumed one million points, which further strengthened Xu Zuoneng.

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