Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 537: Powerful Demon Lord

After Susanohu went further and further, after possessing a huge size of fifty meters, his defensive power was the enchanted black bee of the Tianyuan realm, and there was some help.

But to maintain such a Suzuo Nenghu, it would cost 1 million yuan per minute.

Although this million points of Yuanli value were consumed, Geng Qiutong and several people each served a special version of the fourth-grade nine-layer spirit pill, and barely recovered.

The special version of the fourth-grade nine-layer spirit pill can restore the energy consumption, and within ten minutes, you can use up to three.

Therefore, even if the shared power can last for thirty minutes, there is not much time left for Qin Shaofeng to display his abilities.

However, Qin Shaofeng had already understood this point, and even planned it.


After the 50-meter-long Xu Zuoneng appeared, Qin Shaofeng immediately shouted to Geng Qiutong, the little princess, and the little fox beside him.

In fact, without Qin Shaofeng taking action, they had already begun to prepare.


With a flash of white light, the little fox floated in the void in Suzuo Nenghu's body, and a surging vitality burst out of his body.

Five Elements Spirit Fire!

Five Elements Spirit Fire: One of the talent skills of the Nine-Tailed Sky Spirit Fox, the advanced version of the Spirit Fox Flame. A large amount of flames are released with the consumption of elemental power. The more spiritual power is consumed, the more flames will be, and the power will be stronger. At the time of success, it can burn all things in the world.

As one of the talent skills of the little fox, the Five Elements Spirit Fire is very powerful.

As soon as the little fox made a move, the next moment, endless flames emerged from Suzuo Nenghu's body and burned to the countless enchanted black bees around him.

In the first time, countless enchanted black bees in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm were instantly burned into coke.

But this is not over yet!

In the next moment, Geng Qiutong and the little princess stepped forward one after another, and came behind the little fox, and then a fire came out of them.

Realm of Extreme Fire!

Extremely mysterious fire!

The talent skills that belonged to the two were instantly blessed by the two in a state of blessing, blessing the little fox's Five Elements Spirit Fire.

In just an instant, the already powerful Five Elements Spirit Fire became extremely terrifying.

Under such circumstances, even the enchanted black bees in the Earth Element Realm could not resist, and they were burned to death.

Only those demonized black bees in the Tianyuan realm could hold on.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't move slowly. He waved Xu Zuo Nenghu's huge arms and slapped the enchanted black bees in the Heavenly Origin Realm one by one to death.


As if he had noticed such a situation, the sharp roar of the distant valley sounded again, but this time Qin Shaofeng heard the anger of the other party following the sound from that time.

Really angry!

Because in the next moment, millions or even tens of millions of enchanted black bees flew out of the valley in the distance, attacking Qin Shaofeng.

At this time, Geng Qiutong and the three of them were a little tired because of excessive consumption.

Not only that, at this moment, because of the consumption of the three of them, the Yuanli value shared by several people is no more than one million points.

Several people each took two special version of the fourth-rank nine-layer spirit pills again, which restored their Yuanli value to more than three million.

When Geng Qiutong and the others were resting, Qin Shaofeng glanced at Lord Tiger.

Hu Ye immediately nodded clearly and then let out a low growl.

In the next moment, a flash of thunder flashed over Lord Tiger, shooting towards Qin Shaofeng.

Then, Qin Shaofeng added a layer of lightning to his body.

This is the talented skill of Lord Tiger Thunder Light!

However, at this moment, Lord Tiger’s Lightning Light is no longer level 1. After this time, Lord Tiger has already upgraded his Lightning Light to level 3.

Light of Thunder: Level 3 283/10000, God-level active skills, special skills unique to Light of Thunder. Can use the power of thunder and enter the state of thunder light (level 3 thunder light can be applied to others).

The current level is level 3. After being cast, he enters the state of Thunder Light, his strength is temporarily increased by three levels, and the power of all skills is increased by three times for thirty minutes.

Level 3 Thunder Light can already allow Lord Tiger to impose Thunder Light on other states.

Except for the same time, the Light of Thunder applied to others can only increase the level of the person being applied at most. Although the power of the skill increase can also be increased by three times, it is only effective for the lightning skill.

But this is enough for Qin Shaofeng.

The strength temporarily increased by one level, and Qin Shaofeng temporarily possessed the strength of the first layer of the Earth Element Realm, which caused Qin Shaofeng's Yuan Strength value to increase to 200,000 points.

However, this is not important, what is important is that after entering the Earth Element Realm, Qin Shaofeng can feel that his strength has changed greatly.

As the realm increases, strength and skills will naturally increase accordingly.

The same consumption of the Great Essence Pill Realm, and the display of the Earth Essence Realm, the power is very different.

Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng squeezed his hands directly, and his body exploded with tumbling vitality. Facing the enchanted black bee, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of his mouth, which was just a cold voice.

"Lei Dun Qilin!"

In such a state, what would it be like to cast Kylin?

Qin Shaofeng didn't know this. Qin Shaofeng knew that he was afraid that he already had the thunder control technique, and this time he had no bottom line to explode the thunder-dance unicorn, he still used up the Yuanli value shared by several people.


There was a roar of thunder, and a purple light appeared.

The entire sky seemed to be illuminated, and after this purple light, there was only one purple lightning unicorn that was over a hundred meters tall and was made up of lavender lightning.

It is no longer a thunder and lightning unicorn that is implicated by a strong thunder and lightning, but a thunder and lightning unicorn that has a lightning entity.

Rao Qin Shaofeng himself was surprised by this scene.

However, Qin Shaofeng also quickly reacted, and with his hands, the thunder and lightning unicorn instantly rushed to the endless army of enchanted black bees.

It was like an extremely sharp sword, piercing directly into the decaying dead wood.

Countless enchanted black bees, only when they are touched by the thunder and lightning unicorn, they are directly turned into ashes.


This situation can only be described in these four words.

Perhaps it is because of the team card that Qin Shaofeng now kills the enchanted black bee in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, and can also get some kill experience points.

At least they have 1,000 experience points. If Qin Shaofeng hadn't turned off the system prompts, he would have been stunned by the system prompts.

However, even so, these experience points seemed to have been absorbed by Gong Qingzi, and Qin Shaofeng still didn't nag at all.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng was used to this situation.

The terrifying thunder and lightning unicorn roared, and countless enchanted black bees were continuously killed.

Finally, at this time, the enchanted black-armored queen bee in the deepest part of the valley finally couldn't help it.


A violent breath clashed, and the next moment, a black shadow flashed out of the valley.

call out!

Only in a flash, the huge thunder and lightning unicorn was directly penetrated by the black shadow.

However, at this time, those enchanted black bees were almost wiped out.

When he saw that black shadow and thunder and lightning unicorn pierced through, he flashed to his own mustache, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and he spoke to the little princess beside him with a deep voice and said, "Feng'er!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng made a sound, the little princess moved.


A flame radiated from the little princess, and the next moment, the Yuanli value shared by Qin Shaofeng and the others was instantly restored to a full three million state.

This is the little princess's super god-level talent skill, extremely profound fire's ability to regenerate from the ashes.

Qin Shaofeng had asked the little princess to try it a long time ago, and the result, just like his Yi Jin Jing, the little princess’s rebirth from the ashes is in a state of shared power, but it can instantly restore all the vitality of several people, even the injury same.

It is precisely because of the extremely exaggerated super god-level talent skills that the little princess has, Qin Shaofeng completed the task early, only to the point of the last demonized lord of the holy origin.

With the rebirth from the ashes, Qin Shaofeng felt the surging vitality appear instantly.

When Yuan Li recovered, Qin Shaofeng snorted again, "Mengzi!"

In the next moment, Du Meng's heart moved, and a glazed brilliance flashed across Suzuo Nenghu's body!

This is exactly the glazed golden body that Du Meng used to attach to Suzuo Nenghu.


Just as Du Meng had just displayed the golden glass body, covering the body of Suzuo Nenghu, the figure in the distance hit him, Suzuo Nenghu's body.

Feeling the shock from Xu Zuo Nenghu, Qin Shaofeng's face changed slightly, and he felt a little lucky.


Fortunately, in order to be a bit safer, Du Meng was asked to impose a glazed golden body on Susa Nohu. Otherwise, even if Susa Nohu can barely take the blow this time, then we in Susa Nohu can be Definitely will suffer a big shock.

If that happens, it would be terrible!

The blow was unsuccessful, and Sombra finally stopped and faced the Susanoh in midair.

Only then did Qin Shaofeng and the others see the dark shadow in front of them, that is, the enchanted black armor bee.

Unlike the general enchanted black bee, which is just a little bit bigger than the watermelon, this enchanted black bee queen is very huge, more than three meters in size, and the whole body is extremely dark, as if it is covered with a layer of black armor.

Upon seeing this situation, Qin Shaofeng's heart sank, adding a bad guess.

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, controlling the right arm of Suzuo Nenghu, and slamming a punch at the enchanted black-armored queen bee.


Facing Qin Shaofeng's punch, the enchanted black armored bee didn't intend to dodge, and chose to make a head-on.

After the collision, Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly.


Looking at the Demonized Black Armored Queen Bee who was not injured at all but just stepped back a short distance, Qin Shaofeng knew that this time he was afraid that he was in trouble.

The defensive power of this enchanted black armor bee is unexpectedly powerful!

"Each one attack!"

After consuming one million yuan strength again to maintain Suzuonenghu, Qin Shaofeng said to the people around Geng Qiutong.

In the next moment, Geng Qiutong and several people attacked the enchanted black armor bee.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng was also controlling Su Zuo Nenghu and blasted the enchanted black-armored queen bee with one punch.

I don't believe in your tortoise shell, so insist.

It was a pity that until one minute passed, facing the attacks of Qin Shaofeng and the others, the demonized black armor bee still did not suffer any actual damage.

On the contrary, the glazed golden light on Suzuo Nenghu's body has been continuously attacked by it, and it is almost consumed.

With such strength, persistence is terrible!

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