Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 543: Super God Killing (Part 2)

"Qin Shaofeng!"

With a roar, Xu Feiyang's eyes burst out with astonishing anger.

At this moment, the anger of revenge against his son in Xu Feiyang's heart is no longer important.

Because now the anger in his heart is no longer as simple as revenge.

And his own anger towards Qin Shaofeng!

An anger that made him feel ashamed!

After a roar, Xu Feiyang bombed his whole body, and his vitality surged crazily.


The sword in Xu Feiyang's hand shook fiercely at the moment the Yuan Li exploded.

The next moment, Xu Feiyang's body was filled with a terrible sword aura.

A closer look reveals that the sword energy that is full of Xu Feiyang's body is actually the result of countless small sharp sword lights.

Extreme Shadow Sword Art!

This is the sword technique possessed by the ancestors of the Qianshan Sect. Not only does it require extremely high kendo talent to practice, but even the most demanding is that it must have both water and fire roots at the same time in order to practice this extreme phantom sword technique. success.

Moreover, only with the existence of this kind of spiritual root of water and fire, can this sword art be cultivated to the greatest extent, and another kind of spiritual root will not work.

Just possessing the dual-system spiritual roots of water and fire is definitely a dual-system spiritual root that is extremely difficult to possess.

Among the three types of spiritual roots, there are water and fire plus another kind of spiritual root. Although it is very rare, there are still a few people in Qianshan Sect.

But if it is only a single water and fire dual system, it is very rare.

Not to mention the Thousand Mountain Sect, but the entire Nine Clouds Continent is rare.

Water and fire are incompatible. If there is no one or more spiritual roots to neutralize the incompatibility of water and fire, then there is a problem.

There are also people who have the dual system of water and fire spiritual roots. Although they will make rapid progress in the first practice, once they have cultivated spiritual power and cannot be compatible with water and fire, there will only be one end.

Blast to death!

Therefore, the reason why this Jidao Void Shadow Sword Art is called Jidao, it refers to the Jidao where water and fire merge.

But this Xu Feiyang is different, because the spiritual root he possesses is a dual system of water and fire, but in fact, the same water and fire as Xu Feiyang is actually just a spiritual root.

A kind of special spiritual root after the fusion of water and fire.

It was Xiaoqiuqi who learned of this situation at first, and it exclaimed for a long time.

Therefore, as far as Xu Feiyang is concerned, Qianshanzong's strongest sword art, Jidao phantom shadow sword art, is exactly the same as his tailor-made sword art.

And I am afraid it is precisely because of this that Xu Feiyang, who has cultivated the Extreme Shadow Sword Art, made Xiang Wanshan's jealous, still developed by the Shenjian Peak in the Qianshan Sect.

Not that he thought, but Xu Feiyang was too strong!

At this moment, Xu Feiyang, who was angry, finally used the power he never thought would use.

Extreme Shadow Sword Art!

Raising the sword and slashing lightly, Xu Feiyang disappeared.

It completely disappeared without a trace.

But the next moment, where Xu Feiyang disappeared, countless sword shadows appeared instantly.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's eyes shrank instantly, and the six-pointed star under his eyes flashed slightly.

Qin Shaofeng had long heard about this Extreme Shadow Sword Art. Once activated, it would become a virtual sword shadow, but it also had a powerful attack power.

And the most important thing is that in the phantom, the strongest sword in the body hides the person who uses the sword.

Compared with other phantoms, the sword shadow on the body is probably more than tens or even hundreds of times stronger.

Because according to what Qin Shaofeng knew, the power of the main body sword shadow was the combined force of all the phantom shadows.

But the problem is...

Looking up into the distance, Qin Shaofeng was a little confused by the number of virtual sword shadows exceeding thousands.

"I circled a cross. Isn't this the power of the same source of water and fire after cultivating the Extreme Shadow Sword Art?"

Qin Shaofeng groaned very painfully.

But before he could react again, the virtual sword shadows with more than a thousand daos shook together and shot at him.


Countless sword shadows erupted into the air, making Qin Shaofeng too late to escape, but it slammed onto Xu Zuonenghu in an instant.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Although the power of a virtual sword shadow was not enough to blast away the Xu Zuo Nenghu, under the large number, Qin Shaofeng's face changed quickly.

Because only one breath passed, Qin Shaofeng felt that the strength of Xu Zuo's energy was weakened by 10%.

This is not the previous Suzuo Nohu, but after a minute has passed, Qin Shaofeng consumes 100 million yuan of power to condense Suzuo Nohu in a state of victory.

But Qin Shaofeng said that he felt that until now, Suzuo Nenghu has only endured a hundred virtual sword shadows. Under such circumstances, Suzuo Nenghu can definitely be bombed.

Can't wait and die!

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and the next moment, Xu Zuo Nenghu's whole body flashed with lightning, and there was an extra thunder armor.

Lei Dun body protector!

But this thunder and lightning armor was shattered by a large number of virtual sword shadows just as soon as it appeared.

However, this gave Qin Shaofeng a chance to fight back.

"Lei Dun Qilin!"

With a violent drink, Qin Shaofeng once again broke out with Lei Dun Qilin!

The huge thunder and lightning unicorn appeared again, but compared with before, this thunder and lightning unicorn was shattered by a large number of virtual sword shadows as soon as it jumped out of Susanou's body.

However, even though it was crushed, the thunder and lightning unicorn was consumed, two to three hundred to the shadow of the virtual sword.

This made Qin Shaofeng secretly relieved.

But at the moment when Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief, among the hundreds of virtual sword shadows there, there was a sudden flash, a golden light-like sword shadow flashed out instantly, directly to where Qin Shaofeng was in Xu Zuo Nenghu. Cut off.

Needless to say, that golden light sword shadow is exactly the main sword shadow of the Extreme Shadow Sword Art that Xu Feiyang transformed.

not good!

Such a sudden sword caused Qin Shaofeng's expression to change drastically, and he subconsciously prepared to fight back.

But it's too late!

The speed of the Golden Light Sword Shadow was extremely fast, and it reached Qin Shaofeng in a flash.

What's more terrifying is that Jinguangjianying actually directly penetrated Suzuo Nenghu, who still had at least 50% of the power, all of a sudden.

As soon as Susano was penetrated, he paused slightly and instantly collapsed and dispersed.

Without the protection of Zuo Nenghu, Qin Shaofeng was directly exposed.

When the golden light sword shadow came in front of Qin Shaofeng, the Xu Feiyang face flashed slightly.

Grim and violent!

"Qin Shaofeng, let me die!"

With a loud laugh, Xu Feiyang manipulated the golden light sword shadow directly into Qin Shaofeng's chest.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng not only didn't panic at all, he even opened his mouth to smile at Xu Feiyang and uttered two words.


As soon as Qin Shaofeng said something, Xu Feiyang felt something was wrong.

And the next moment, after the golden light sword shadow penetrated Qin Shaofeng's body without hindrance, Xu Feiyang's heart sank.

No good, fooled!

This was the first thought in Xu Feiyang's mind.

However, he was also right.

Extreme Shadow Sword Art?

Impossible to see the shadow of the body?


But this is a big joke in front of Qin Shaofeng!

Can't see?

You are waiting for my psychedelic eye skills. Real eye is just a display?

Eye of Reality: Active skill, after casting, you can see through all illusions and look directly at the true origin of everything. Can be used three times a day.

The Extreme Void Shadow Sword Art is indeed powerful. Qin Shaofeng is sure that facing this move, Qianshan Sect Sect Master Xiang Wanshan will not be able to discover Xu Feiyang’s main sword light among countless Void Sword Shadows. What he can do Can only choose passive defense.

But Qin Shaofeng doesn't need it anymore. The psychedelic eye is like a divine weapon. How can it be impossible to see through the shadow of a virtual sword that Xu Feiyang has transformed?

In fact, as long as Xu Feiyang launched this trick, Qin Shaofeng saw Xu Feiyang's position with his real eyes, but Qin Shaofeng did not show it, but pretended to be invisible, and began to set off quietly.

Suzuo's ability to be shattered was also in Qin Shaofeng's expectation, but with the power of divine power, Qin Shaofeng didn't care how strong Xu Feiyang's sword shadow was.

As long as you don't smash the space barriers and smash my divine space, then in front of my divine power, no matter how strong your attack is, it will be scum, and it will not be effective on me!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was out of a state of blur.

Therefore, Xu Feiyang's attack on him naturally did not hurt him.

And just after Xu Feiyang passed through his body, Qin Shaofeng instantly lifted his virtual state.

Then the divine power space opened instantly, and twelve phantom clones of Qin Shaofeng jumped out of it.

Now Qin Shaofeng's Lingbo Weibu has risen to level 4, and the number of phantom clones that can be summoned has increased.

Lingbo Microstep: Level 4 73/100000, holy active skill, unique light footwork of the Xiaoyao faction, this footwork is exquisite and unusual, and it can avoid the attack of many enemies. It was originally only a heavenly five-star skill that was upgraded to a saint-level skill after the skill upgrade card, which was more powerful than before.

The current level is level 4. After being cast, it can transform twelve phantom clones with 40% of the player's strength, possessing certain skills of the player, and lasting for five minutes.

Not only did the Phantom clone increase by two, but the most important strength was Qin Shaofeng's 30% strength, which was raised to 50%.

A phantom clone with 50% of Qin Shaofeng's strength can burst out of six Qianshan Fist Shadows.

However, at this moment, on the fists of these twelve phantom clones, there is only this Qianshan Fist Shadow.

The difference is that these six-in-one Qianshan boxing shadows on these heads!

But the next situation is the real focus.

The moment the twelve phantom clones appeared, they all disappeared, leaving only the twelve six-in-one Qianshan Fist Shadow.

And the next moment, these twelve Qianshan fist shadows, under the control of Qin Shaofeng, were all shaken together, and they instantly gathered on Qin Shaofeng's right fist.

Then, an incredible scene happened.

After Qin Shaofeng's right fist oscillated twelve times at this moment, there was only one left.


After fusing all Qianshan fist shadows, Qin Shaofeng slammed a punch at Xu Feiyang.



It looked like a punch, but it was actually a punch of seventy-two Qianshan fist shadows. The power was terrifying, even Xu Feiyang was seriously injured.

As soon as he was injured, Xu Feiyang retreated from the state of Jidao phantom sword art.

Years of fighting experience told Xu Feiyang that under such circumstances, he would never retreat, because once he retreated, he would suffer a more violent attack.

At this moment, he had seen Qin Shaofeng as an opponent of the same level, and naturally he would not be careless anymore.

Therefore, after forcefully suppressing the physical injury, Xu Feiyang turned around with difficulty, facing Qin Shaofeng and planned to attack.

But just after he turned around, when he looked up, he met a pair of purple pupils with a magical pattern of six-pointed stars.


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