Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 544: Killing are all killed, what else can't be killed?

Qianshan Fist Shadow that burst out of the phantom clone was directly integrated.

This move was a move that Qin Shaofeng had completely mastered during the three months that Qin Shaofeng was in the dungeon secret realm.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was able to complete the fusion of all the phantom clone Qianshan Quanying in an instant, and directly blasted this punch at Xu Feiyang.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that only this could not solve Xu Feiyang.

Therefore, after this punch, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate to use another skill of Little Fox's Psychedelic Eye-Spirit Storm!

At this moment, Xu Feiyang just turned around and looked at himself.

No accident, Qin Shaofeng launched a monthly reading!

Xu Feiyang is the pinnacle master of the Saint Yuan Realm, and his spiritual power is naturally extremely powerful.

However, Xu Feiyang could not maintain a complete victory after taking up the consumption, especially after using the Jidao Void Shadow Sword Art. Moreover, for Xu Feiyang, using the Ji Dao Void Shadow Sword Art was a great burden in spirit.

Under such circumstances, Xu Feiyang also severely suffered a punch, Qin Shaofeng's seventy-two Qianshan fist and shadow fusion.

Excessive consumption, weakened spirit, coupled with severe injuries.

Therefore, just as Qin Shaofeng expected, the monthly reading space went smoothly this time.

In the monthly reading space, Qin Shaofeng smiled at Xu Feiyang's mental body being dragged into the monthly reading space.

Since the Moon Reading Space has not collapsed, it shows that Xu Feiyang's ending is doomed this time.

It's over!

"where is this place?"

The surrounding environment suddenly changed, and Xu Feiyang naturally noticed it immediately.

"Where?" Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, "Where is your life."

At this moment, Xu Feiyang didn't seem to realize his current situation, but thought that he was in an illusion.

For the first time, Xu Feiyang subconsciously operated the vitality in his body, preparing to attack Qin Shaofeng.

No matter where, just attack Qin Shaofeng and kill Qin Shaofeng.

This is the solution Xu Feiyang thinks of!

But the next moment, when he was running the vitality in his body, he found that his body was empty and there was no trace of vitality.


Perceiving his current state, Xu Feiyang's face changed drastically.

But he didn't know that Qin Shaofeng consumed a lot of his vitality at the moment he was running his vitality. Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng consumed a lot of vitality before, but for his current state, it was still within the range of his tolerance. .

Especially before Qin Shaofeng used the Thunder God Technique to cast Lei Dun to fight Xu Feiyang, which led to his 1.4 billion Yuan power value, now he still has half.

And the most important thing is that with Qin Shaofeng's Yi Jin Jing, that one minute can recover 70 million yuan value.

Therefore, even after Qin Shaofeng's body had offset Xu Feiyang's resistance, his Yuanli value was still more than 100 million.

So in the next time, Qin Shaofeng can finally torture him, Xu Feiyang, the pinnacle master of the Saint Yuan Realm!


Although the Moon Reading Space has passed constant time, to the outside world, it was just a flash, and Xu Feiyang's body trembled in mid-air, and a free fall came.

And after the fall, there was no movement.

However, at this moment, Xu Feiyang's face, which had been completely gloomy, showed an extremely incredulous look.

Because just before Qin Shaofeng completely obliterated his spiritual body, when he said that his father was Qin Feiyang, Xu Feiyang's spiritual body expression was extremely wonderful.

A series of complex emotions of astonishment, hatred, and disgust appeared instantly.

This made Qin Shaofeng understand, obviously there must be many things between Xu Feiyang and his father.

But this is not important anymore!

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng heard a system alert sound.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing Xu Feiyang, the peak powerhouse of the Saint Yuan realm, for gaining a higher-ranking kill reward and gaining 1 billion experience points experience!"

Although he was only one person, Xu Feiyang was the peak powerhouse of the Saint Yuan Realm. The experience value bonus Qin Shaofeng gained with such a level-crossing kill was very rich.

In the end, the experience value obtained reached a full 1 billion points.

After receiving this system prompt, Qin Shaofeng finally felt completely relieved.

Xu Feiyang is dead, no matter what the relationship between him and his father is, it is no longer important to him.

Not easy!

Even with the increase in the bonus of the Super God Summoning Card, Qin Shaofeng was still surprised when faced with Xu Feiyang, a strong Saint Yuan Realm.

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng himself was the tenth level of the Earth Element Realm, and his element strength was only 2 million points.

But the Super God Summoning Card suddenly allowed him to obtain seven hundred times the value of his own vitality. Such an improvement method is actually a big burden.

However, even at this moment exhausted, Qin Shaofeng still did not relax his vigilance.

First, Geng Qiutong was released from the Shenwei space, and then some healing pills were given to the few people immediately.

These healing pills were all bought by Qin Shaofeng from the system store. Although the price was as high as millions of points, the effect was very significant. After taking them, Geng Qiutong's complexion improved a lot.

Especially for Geng Qiutong, who has an English Immortal Fire Body, the moment he took the pill, the Immortal Fire Body received the same stimulus, and burst out instantly, making Geng Qiutong's injury more than half healed, and then he became sober.

Geng Qiutong was sober, but Qin Shaofeng finally couldn't stand it, over-dominating the fatigue that far exceeded the value of his own strength, and passed out directly.

Just after Qin Shaofeng passed out of a coma, several powerful auras passed away after a short while.

It was Xiang Wanshan, the lord of Qianshan Sect, and the great elder of Qianshan Sect.

Qin Shaofeng and Xu Feiyang's battle, such a big movement, would it not be discovered by the master of the Qianshan Sect?

It's just that before, Xu Feiyang's formation was there, hiding his breath.

But when the two broke out completely, the formation instantly collapsed, and the fighting between the two produced a powerful atmosphere, which was immediately noticed by Xiang Wanshan.

However, even if the speed to Wanshan was fast, the battle between Qin Shaofeng and Xu Feiyang was completely over when others arrived.

But when Xiang Wanshan arrived and saw Xu Feiyang's body, he was shocked and speechless.


I don't know how long Qin Shaofeng has been in a coma before finally regaining consciousness.

As soon as he opened it, Qin Shaofeng found himself in a cave.

Looking at the cave, Qin Shaofeng felt a little familiar. In the next moment, after an old sound rang, Qin Shaofeng finally knew where he was.

"Heh, brat, are you finally awake?"

Looking back subconsciously, Qin Shaofeng saw a familiar old face.

Who else can it be if it's not Lei Lao?

"Master!" Qin Shaofeng quickly got up.

But with this body, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly felt weak all over, and then limp again.

Not only that, Qin Shaofeng still felt tingling all over his body at this moment.

It was okay when I didn't move before, but now that I moved, the tingling pain emerged, and the pain made Qin Shaofeng grinning.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's embarrassed look, Lei Lao smiled: "Ha, I told you to move, now I know it was wrong!"

However, after the laugh, Old Lei's expression became a little complicated.


With a slight sigh, Lei Lao opened his mouth and said: "Your kid is too messy. Although I don't know what method you used, you have to kill Xu Feiyang with your current realm. No matter how such a method, it must have no side effects. Xiao, shouldn't this affect your future promotion?"

Lao Lei's tone was a little worried, Qin Shaofeng could hear that this was Lao Lei's sincere attitude and there was no trace of adulteration.

"Hey, I can't do anything otherwise, you Xu Feiyang are going to kill me! I can only fight back!"

Qin Shaofeng grinned, without the slightest worry on his face.

"As for the side effects, there are again, but the problem is not big. After a period of recuperation, the body will heal."

"Oh, that's it! That's good!" Lei Lao breathed a sigh of relief.

As for what method Qin Shaofeng used to kill Xu Feiyang, Lei Lao didn't ask, and Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything. Both sides avoided this topic tacitly.

Old Lei seemed to think of something headache before, and then he sighed and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Actually, you killed Xu Feiyang, it is not a good thing for Qianshan Sect! Although I also want him to die, But Xu Feiyang can't die."

After a slight pause, Lei Lao seriously added: "The strongest he can't die now!"

Qin Shaofeng only thought about Lei Lao's words and understood.


For Qianshan Sect, although Xu Feiyang and Xiang Wanshan were incompatible, Qianshan Sect was in an internal struggle.

But it is undeniable that Xu Feiyang is a strong man, a strong man at the peak of the Saint Yuan realm.

This is definitely a strong support!

The relationship between the three sects and seven sects can be seen from the previous competition for hegemony.

There is no stipulation not to kill people, and to a certain extent, they even encourage the disciples of one's own sect to fight with the disciples of other sects.

In this regard, the two sects of Qianshan Sect and Qingyun Sect are the most obvious.

Under such circumstances, Xu Feiyang's life would be considered a shock to Azure Cloud Sect.

After all, Xu Feiyang not only possesses the cultivation base of the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm, but even cultivates the Qianshan Sect's strongest sword art, the Extreme Shadow Sword Art, whose combat power is enough to make the strong of Qingyunzong jealous.

But once Xu Feiyang does not exist, I am afraid that the relationship between the two sects that are already in a bad relationship will develop even worse.

And Qingyunzong will be even more unscrupulous, and will target Qianshanzong everywhere.

In this respect, Xu Feiyang really couldn't die.

Although it is not enough to say, without him Xu Feiyang, Qianshan Sect would not be destroyed.

But without Xu Feiyang, the situation of Qianshan Sect would definitely be a lot harder.

But I understand that although I understand, Qin Shaofeng has no regrets for what he did.

Even at this moment, when Mr. Lei said, Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes and said weakly, "You are all killed, and what can't be killed!"

Lao Lei's expression fainted, then he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Ha, that's right, people are dead, it's no use saying more."

However, after laughing, Lei Lao suddenly said to Qin Shaofeng: "By the way, you don't know the real reason for this competition, right?"

The real reason for the hegemony contest?

Isn't this a contest for the disciples of the Three Schools and Seven Schools to get an exercise, a shortcut to improve their strength, and a gambling contest for the Three Schools, Seven Schools and Ten Forces?

This is Qin Shaofeng's previous view, but now listening to his master's words, it seems to be a little hidden!

Qin Shaofeng's face became suspicious.

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