Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 545: Shenfu?

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's suspicious look, Lei Lao knew that Qin Shaofeng knew nothing about it, so he explained to Qin Shaofeng.

After Lei Lao explained it, Qin Shaofeng finally understood the significance of this competition.

The reason is that the real purpose of this competition for hegemony is not a gambling of luck among the three sects and seven sects, nor the purpose of improving the strength of the disciples of the three sects and seven sects.

Seriously, these are just incidental.

The real reason is the meaning of Shenfu.

In the Nine Clouds Continent, although there are ten powers of the Three Sects and Seven Sects, there is still one power that surpasses the Three Sects and Seven Sects.

This is Shenfu!

Shenfu is a special institution established by the lord of the Nine Clouds Continent.

The reason why the Nine Clouds Continent is called the Nine Clouds Continent is because of the strong man who unified the entire continent at the beginning, and his name is Jiuyunzi!

Of course, the Jiuyunzi in the Jiuyun Continent is not the Jiuyunzi it used to be.

Even if it is a Saint Yuan Realm powerhouse, he can live for two to three hundred years at most, and even a powerhouse who steps into the Saint Realm can have a life span of hundreds of years.

Each master of the Nine Clouds Continent will not only inherit the Nine Clouds Continent, but will even inherit the name Jiuyunzi.

From his master, Qin Shaofeng knew that this time it was the Shenfu who held the Sanmen Qizong competition in the name of Jiuyunzi.

As for the simple reason, it is to select outstanding geniuses and earn them into Shenfu.

As for income, what will happen to the palace?

Elder Lei didn't elaborate on this point, he just told Qin Shaofeng that after joining the palace, if he could pass the cultivation goal set by the palace, he would be able to leave the Nine Clouds Continent and travel to a wider world.

This made Qin Shaofeng immediately understand that Jiuyun Continent is actually connected with the outside world.

As for whether this so-called wider world refers to the original continent, Qin Shaofeng doesn't know.

However, it is not true to think about it. After all, according to Xiaoqiuqiu, the distance between the Nine Cloud Continent and the Origin Continent is tens of thousands of miles.

To fly from the Nine Cloud Continent to the Origin Continent, using the words of Xiaoqiuqiu, even if Qin Shaofeng possesses the cultivation base of the Saint Yuan Realm, it will take at least dozens or even hundreds of years.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was sure that there was no teleportation formation directly connected to the origin continent on the Nine Clouds Continent.

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng planned to go to this Shenfu for a while.

It just so happened that the top ten in the competition for hegemony had the qualifications to enter the palace, which meant that Qin Shaofeng could also enter the palace.

It is precisely because of this that Lao Lei said this to Qin Shaofeng.

The time to enter the palace was one month later, which also gave Qin Shaofeng time to recover.

Three days later, Qin Shaofeng, who was barely able to act, left Lei Lao's cave once he resumed his actions.

Until then, Qin Shaofeng knew that his master was using the entire Thunder God Peak's spiritual veins to help him recover from his injuries.

When he left Lei Lao, Qin Shaofeng had already discovered that the current state of his master was already in a very dangerous situation.

Because of the relationship between the fiery eyes and the golden eyes, even if there is no small ball, Qin Shaofeng clearly feels that according to the current state of his master, I am afraid that he can only last for a year at most.

A year later, waiting for the end of his master, I am afraid that nothing will disappear.

"Is it only a year at most? It seems that my speed is going to speed up!"

When leaving, Qin Shaofeng glanced at the cave, a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes.


Qin Shaofeng already knew about Geng Qiutong's people from Lei Lao.

Qin Shaofeng was not very worried about Geng Qiutong's words.

As for the little princess, there was no need for Qin Shaofeng to worry about it. As early as the second day after returning, when Qin Shaofeng was not awake, the little princess completely recovered her injuries with the ability to rebirth from the ashes.

Du Meng and Tiger Lord, Qin Shaofeng was not too worried, because before he went into a coma, Du Meng and Tiger Lord who had taken the healing pill were not a major problem, at most they were a little weak.

On the contrary, the situation of the little fox made Qin Shaofeng very worried.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng left Lei Lao's cultivation cave and went to find Geng Qiutong as soon as he resumed his actions.

From Mr. Lei, Qin Shaofeng knew that after he was in a coma, the little fox had been taken care of by Geng Qiutong, and now he was looking for Geng Qiutong as soon as possible.

Geng Qiutong was also on the Thunder Mountain, and Qin Shaofeng didn't spend much time.

After arriving at Geng Qiutong's residence, Qin Shaofeng finally felt relieved.

Because this little fox was in the extremely fire world in Geng Qiutong's body, he was healed by Geng Qiutong with pure firepower.

This time, it was a mistake. In the case of serious injuries, the little fox grew a tail again and had three tails.

Then, with an extra tail, the little fox awakened the power of the spirit root of the fire system.

It is precisely for this reason that Geng Qiutong is putting the little fox into his own extreme fire world for treatment.

Moreover, this situation is developing in a good way, and the little fox will be completely healed in ten days at most.

Since the little fox is okay and everyone is okay, Qin Shaofeng naturally has nothing to worry about.

In the next time, Qin Shaofeng stayed in Geng Qiutong's residence while taking care of the little fox's recovery progress.

As for what his real purpose is, only he himself knows.

It is worth mentioning that the little princess also visited Qin Shaofeng during the period, and then under Qin Shaofeng's strong request, the little princess also stayed.

The situation of Qin Shaofeng's people did not attract anyone's attention, and even the fact that Qin Shaofeng's people were injured did not spread.

Of course, no one knows about Xu Feiyang's death.

The whole incident was deliberately hidden by Xiang Wanshan.

Even Xiang Wanshan gave Geng Qiutong a ban on several people to keep them from telling the news of Xu Feiyang's death.

As for the reason, Qin Shaofeng was already clear, because at this time, if Xu Feiyang's death were reported, it would not be a good thing for Qianshan Sect.

Especially although Xu Feiyang is dead, there are still many masters in Shenjian Peak.

If there is news of Xu Feiyang's death, and the masters of Shenjianfeng think it was done by Xiang Wanshan, the fun will be great.

So, Xu Feiyang is now in retreat!

Moreover, the news came from Tang Qijian. When Xu Feiyang died, he already knew that Tang Qijian was not betrayed by Du Meng, so he immediately approached Tang Qijian and said something about finding the place back.

It's a pity that Tang Qijian, who cultivated fruit in the Secret Realm of Sword, was not slower than Du Meng in his cultivation progress.

Then, the two finally ended in a tie.

At this time, Xiang Wanshan also knew that all Tang Qijian did was instigated by Qin Shaofeng, and then he discussed with Tang Qijian and came up with Xu Feiyang's retreat.

As Xu Feiyang's most important disciple, what Tang Qijian said naturally convinced the masters of the Shenjian Peak.

Because these masters are all Xu Feiyang's confidants, they all know that Tang Qijian has been completely controlled by his peak master with the pill, and will not betray.

Therefore, they believed that Xu Feiyang was really closed.

Many people even wondered whether Xu Feiyang would break through the peak of the Saint Yuan realm, and his cultivation level would go further.

If this is the case, then it would be a great happy event for their Divine Sword Peak!

Many people are looking forward to it.

But these people didn't know that in their expectation, Xiang Wanshan had already started to move.

Xu Feiyang is gone, so Xiang Wanshan will naturally have no scruples.

Now he has begun to slowly swallow the rising forces, and the Excalibur Peak masters who are in the excited expectation value do not realize this.

After realizing this, it was already too late.

The Thousand Mountain Sect at that time really just told Wanshan alone.

However, these are all things!

Now after a few days of recovery, Qin Shaofeng has finally recovered completely.

After healed, Qin Shaofeng was not idle, and soon began to prepare for the next entry into the Shenfu.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare, except occasionally with Geng Qiutong and the little princess, go to some giant peaks to kill monsters and hunt for some experience points, Qin Shaofeng's most important thing is to collect medicinal materials from the fifth-grade nine-layer spirit pill.

High-level spiritual essence, if you add some medicinal materials in one piece, you can refine a special version of the fourth-grade nine-layer spiritual pill, and you can also add some more precious sky-level medicinal materials to refine the normal version of the fifth-grade nine-layer spiritual pill.

But if you want to refine a special five-rank nine-layer spirit pill, that's different.

Although the same high-level spirit can also be used to refine a special version of the fifth-rank nine-layer spirit pill, what makes Qin Shaofeng feel so painful is that if this is possible, a special version of the fifth-rank nine-layer spirit pill needs ten It's high-level and pure.

And not only that, but also a lot of medicinal materials.

Qin Shaofeng saved his possessions from the recent harvest, and after all recovered the system, he bought a large amount of spiritual stones, and finally went to the Qianshan Sect to buy medicinal materials. In the end, he barely refined five special versions of the fifth grade nine-layer spiritual pill. .

It’s worth mentioning that because the monster inner alchemy of the demonized monster beast has the aura of being demonized, even if you know it, selling the monster inner alchemy to the Qianshan Sect is far more valuable than the system. Qin Shaofeng It was also helpless to choose recycling.

After all, taking out so many demonized monster inner pills is definitely a big trouble.

But even so, the massive amount of spirit stones exchanged for so many demonized monster inner alchemy was just barely enough, five special editions and twenty regular editions of the fifth-grade nine-layer spirit pills.

However, such a fifth-rank nine-layer spirit pill, even a normal version of the fifth-rank nine-layer spirit pill, can instantly restore a million yuan of energy.

In the special version, not only can it increase the cultivation base, but it can also directly restore 10 million yuan of energy.

But Qin Shaofeng was not very satisfied with this.

If there are only five, this is not enough!

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng had an idea and found Xiang Wanshan, the supreme master of the Qianshan Sect, and took out the special version of the fifth grade nine-layer spirit pill.

Upon learning that the pill that Qin Shaofeng refined could directly raise the cultivation base of the third level of the Tianyuan realm's seventh level, Xiang Wanshan was very surprised.

Especially at this juncture of Shenfu's income, the pill that Qin Shaofeng took out was very important, even if it could only be promoted once, it was very good.

Without hesitation, Xiang Wanshan quickly made a deal with Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng refines the pill, and his Qianshan Sect Master produces medicinal materials.

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