Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 553: First trouble

In the next few days, Qin Shaofeng spent most of the time in the Pagoda of Fantasy.

Fortunately, this time the extreme upgrade mission was not the same as the previous one. All the experience points gained were absorbed by Gong Qingzi.

As before, by killing a monster of the first layer of the Tianyuan realm, Qin Shaofeng can gain 5 million experience points with the bonus of five times the experience card.

The demon beasts killed did not have a new level, and the experience points gained increased by 5 million points.

But Qin Shaofeng was very surprised that only when he killed the virtual monsters of the fifth level or above in the Heavenly Origin Realm, would he be counted in this limit upgrade mission.

However, even the five-tiered demon beast of the Heavenly Origin Realm that came out of the Fantasy Tower Virtually had at most one million yuan strength, and even under normal circumstances, it was only a normal seven or eight hundred thousand yuan strength.

Such a monster is nothing to Qin Shaofeng, it can be easily killed.

Regarding the test of the official members of the Shenfu, the 100 victories of the Magic Tower are counted when Qin Shaofeng defeats the five-tier virtual monsters of the Tianyuan realm with the strength of the pinnacle of the earth yuan realm. Go up.

If you are not fighting with real people, you only need to challenge your virtual opponents with three levels higher than your own. In that case, once the challenge is successful, it is considered a victory.

As for the real battle, that is, fighting with other people's spiritual bodies in the Pagoda of Fantasy.

There were still such things in the first three days, but now after seven or eight days have passed, no one has challenged real people.

The reason is simple. Such a real challenge does not use Qin Shaofeng and the others as the opponents, but with the official members of the Divine Mansion.

However, so far, in the same realm, except for a few people who can defeat the official disciples of the Shenfu, the rest have all lost the challenge.

And those few people are only the top geniuses of the three sects and seven sects such as Hong Kun, Du Meng, and Qiao Tian, ​​and so far only they can defeat the disciples of the gods of the same realm. The rest of them seem to have not succeeded in the challenge.

Qin Shaofeng didn't challenge the disciples of the gods, and he had the time. He might as well kill some virtual monsters and earn some experience points.

And it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng soon won a hundred victories, even far more than that.

In other words, as long as Qin Shaofeng goes to the trial tower and passes the first level, he can become an official disciple of the Shenfu.

When Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to become an official disciple of the Shenfu Palace now, because once he became an official disciple of the Shenfu Palace, he just wanted to enter the inner city.

The most important thing is that after becoming official disciples of Shenfu, you can't help Geng Qiutong and the others.

Although Geng Qiutong and the others don't need to worry about them, the other five disciples of Thunder God Peak are with them anyway, so they should always be responsible!

Qin Shaofeng thought this way, and of course the main reason was that in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, becoming an official disciple of the Shenfu earlier was the same as later.

The most important thing for Qin Shaofeng is the third floor of the trial tower and the full sky realm.

However, Qin Shaofeng was somewhat self-aware.

Qin Shaofeng knew very well in his heart that with his current strength, there might be some hope in the Heavenly Boundary Realm, but it would be a little difficult to test the third level of the tower.

No, it should be very difficult!

In order to pass the third floor of the trial tower, Qin Shaofeng knew that he had to improve his strength.

But now that one's own level can't be raised, the only way to improve strength is to start with raising one's spiritual root or raising the level of the alchemy.

Qin Shaofeng did not continue to challenge after defeating a ninth-layer demon beast in the Tianyuan realm again.

In order to try his current strength, Qin Shaofeng basically started fighting with twenty or thirty nine-layer demon beasts of the Heavenly Origin Realm at once.

This is naturally to adapt to such a battle and prepare for the trial tower.

At this moment, considering how to improve his strength, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, and said in deep thought: "My dark thunder body is already a ninth rank. If I can be promoted to the holy spirit root, it is estimated that the difficulty is not small, and the chance is slim. !"

The level of spiritual roots is only one to nine, and after the nineth rank is the holy roots, and the holy roots are only divided into nine levels from one to nine.

Although Qin Shaofeng's Dark Thunder Body was already at the 9th-Rank level, it could even be said that the 9th-Rank Peak and the Saint-Rank Spiritual Root were separated by a line.

But in fact, the difference in this line is like the difference between clouds and mud, and it is very difficult to upgrade.

Unless someone with a holy product pure thunder system spiritual root suddenly appears, Qin Shaofeng extracts the opponent's spiritual root and swallows his dark thunder body, and then it is very likely to rise to the holy product spiritual root.

As for the lifting method of Yoga 108, it no longer works for Qin Shaofeng now.

This is not the reason for the 108 Yoga poses, but Qin Shaofeng's own reasons.

Now Qin Shaofeng has discovered that the practice progress of Yoga 108 style seems to have been completely linked to his body of dark thunder.

Since Qin Shaofeng's dark thunder body was promoted to the 9th rank, Qin Shaofeng's 108 yoga poses began to advance suddenly.

But when Qin Shaofeng cultivated to the thirty-sixth style, it was like entering the first stage of consummation. Although he had elevated the body of the dark thunder to the peak of the ninth rank, he couldn't go further anyway.

Now the ball can't be contacted, and Qin Shaofeng doesn't know how to break through this 108 yoga pose.

Therefore, in general, the method of relying on spiritual roots to enhance strength can be temporarily put aside.

"If the spiritual root is not enough, then you can only rely on the elevating alchemy!"

Turning his gaze, he opened his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng fell above the attributes of the current "Alchemy".

Alchemy: Special skills, special techniques created by the old man of alchemy. After practicing, you can condense cloud pills in the pubic field, possessing the internal pill fire, and integrating alchemy tools. It is a powerful practice method, but it is an initial practice. When the level is low, it requires constant practice to improve.

The current level of the holy one star can condense ten cloud pills, which can control the fire of the pill. (The conditions for upgrading the Saint-level two-star, the cultivation level of the Tianyuan realm, the pill fire is upgraded to red)

Since the "Alchemy" was promoted to the holy rank, the way to improve proficiency has disappeared.

And now the holy level conditions of the "Pill Sutra" have changed, and it has become a requirement for cultivation base and pill fire.

And now Qin Shaofeng's pill fire is only a pure white flame.

According to what Xiaoqiuqiu said, the real pill fire will only show some differences after entering the holy rank.

The ten saint-level stars will show different colors, initially pure white, then red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, and finally gold to purple gold.

These ten colors represent the colors of each star in the "Alchemy".

The requirements of the "Pill Scripture" for the two-star level of the holy level require the cultivation of the Tianyuan realm and the promotion of the pill fire to red.

If the two requirements are met, the "Sutra of Alchemy" can be successfully promoted to the second-star of the holy level.

Although the cultivation base requires the Heavenly Origin Realm, in fact Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that as long as the Yuanli value was sufficient, it was enough.

As for the requirement of the two-star elemental strength of the "Pill Sutra", it's just that some good Heavenly Yuan realm masters can reach 1 million yuan.

Qin Shaofeng had already reached this point.

As for the improvement of Pill Fire, this is not a difficult task for Qin Shaofeng.

The reason is simple, that is, there is Geng Qiutong and the little princess.

Whether it is Geng Qiutong's Extreme Fire Realm or the little princess's Extreme Profound Fire, it can help Qin Shaofeng improve his Core Fire.

As for the help method, this is not enough for outsiders.

Anyway, based on the situation during this period, Qin Shaofeng calculated that his pill fire would be able to improve smoothly in just another month.

Of course, if the two women are more cooperative, the speed will be faster.

"Well, today is almost the same, it's time to go back!"

Taking a look at the vast white space of Huanchen Tower, Qin Shaofeng muttered softly, and soon left.

Sure enough, as Qin Shaofeng had guessed, it was already evening after he came out.

But when Qin Shaofeng returned to his residence, his brows wrinkled slightly.

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that his residence was actually surrounded by people.

Most importantly, Qin Shaofeng didn't know any of these people.

They are not from the Three Sects and Seven Sects, but these people are disciples of the gods?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, especially when he felt the breath radiating from these people, it was even more certain.

"Who are you? Why are you stuck here?"

Although the opponents were disciples of the God's Palace, Qin Shaofeng was not afraid at all, and directly stepped forward and asked in a cold voice.

Only then did those people discover the existence of Qin Shaofeng.

But as soon as they noticed Qin Shaofeng's breath, those people laughed strangely.

"Ha, did I feel wrong? This kid is only in the Earth Element Realm?"

"I wipe it, really!"

"Tsk tusk, what are the top ten forces? These three sects and seven sects are getting more and more rubbish. This time there is actually a place to enter, and they are where our gods are!"

"That's right! Our God's Mansion is not a place where all garbage can enter. It seems that the courage of the Three Sects and Seven Sects has been fattened a lot in these years!"


A ridicule sounded, making Qin Shaofeng a little angry.

With his eyes narrowed, Qin Shaofeng's eyes showed a trace of killing intent.

But at this moment, the door that had been closed because of these people's enclosure suddenly opened suddenly, and then a shadow flashed by. Before those people could react, Qin Shaofeng was pulled in by that shadow. The door is closed.


When the door closed again, those people reacted this time and called out for a while.

"I wiped it, that special kid actually went in!"

"Damn it, why did those two chicks let that kid in?"

"It's over, that kid is absolutely dead, those two chicks are the fourth young master's fancy!"


Outside the room, the few people were shouting.

Inside the room, Qin Shaofeng glanced at the little princess who pulled him in, and Geng Qiutong who was not far away, and asked in a deep voice: "After all, what is going on?"

what happened?

When Qin Shaofeng asked, Geng Qiutong's expression was a little embarrassed.

But the little princess's face didn't change at all, and her voice was a little cold and said: "It's a bit troublesome, in a word, someone is looking at me and Sister Qiutong!"


When the little princess said this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with killing intent, and his heart was raging.

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