Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 554: You really owe you scolding!

Someone hit his attention of the woman?

Qin Shaofeng was angry instantly!

Although Qin Shaofeng had already had similar psychological preparations, after all, whether it was Geng Qiutong or the little princess' looks, they were all top-notch beauty.

Especially after the two girls were opened up by Qin Shaofeng, their maturity charms, but they can attract many people.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng didn't care if he looked at his heart.

But if the other party paid actual action, it would be Qin Shaofeng's reluctance to see it.

This is not to mention the situation outside the door at this moment.

This is no longer unhappy, Qin Shaofeng is already in a riot at this moment.

Seemingly aware of Qin Shaofeng's feelings at the moment, the little princess quickly grabbed him and said, "Don't be impulsive, they are just like this at best. If you take the initiative, it will be different!"

Qin Shaofeng naturally understood what the little princess said. Those of us in the Three Sects and Seven Sects have not become official disciples of the Divine Palace, and those official disciples of the Divine Palace cannot interfere with them.

He couldn't even do anything against them, because at this time it came from the command of the lord of the palace, that is, the lord of the Nine Clouds Continent.

Under such an order, no one in the entire Nine Clouds Continent dared to violate it.

But if Qin Shaofeng took the initiative, then the convenience could counterattack appropriately.

As for the proper method, it's up to the other party.

It was with this in mind that the little princess wanted to calm Qin Shaofeng.

Although the few people outside would definitely not hurt Qin Shaofeng, but...

"Outside is just a small role sent by the other party to irritate us. Once you do it, the other party has a reason, and then it will be the real trouble!" The little princess said helplessly.

For the first time, her appearance bothered her.

For this, Geng Qiutong thought the same way. At this moment, she was very self-blaming because it was really troublesome this time.

After listening to the little princess, and seeing the expression on Geng Qiutong's face, how could Qin Shaofeng not think of anything.

His face sank slightly, Qin Shaofeng asked, "Who is the mastermind?"

There was a slight pause, but in the end the little princess still spoke, "The first person named He Shaojie!"

"He Shaojie?" Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, "He Shaojie from the He family in the Shenfu?"

"Well, it's from the He family, and the other party is the fourth young master of the He family!" A hint of helplessness flashed in the little princess' eyes.

In the Divine Mansion, to be precise, it is the inner circle of the Nine Clouds Continent where the Divine Mansion is located. There are many family forces comparable to the Three Sects and Seven Sects.

Moreover, the strength of three of them is probably much stronger than the three schools and seven schools.

Jun family, He family, Lin family!

The Jun family deserves to be the first family in the Jiuyun Continent, because this generation of Jiuyunzi, no, one said that each generation of Jiuyunzi came from the Jun family.

It can be said that the Jun Family is the absolute overlord of the Nine Clouds Continent!

But the next He family and Lin family are comparable in strength.

But one thing is certain, that is, compared to the Three Sects and Seven Sects, both the He Family and the Lin Family are much stronger.

The most obvious point is that there are strong holy realms in both houses.

And for such a family, one of the young masters hit his own woman's attention, which finally made Qin Shaofeng understand that the little princess's sentence was very troublesome, what exactly did it mean.

Really troublesome!

But compared with this, Qin Shaofeng's anger was the most turbulent.

But Qin Shaofeng also understood that with his current strength, he could only endure such troubles.

But sometimes, if you endure it, it doesn't mean that things just passed away!

The next day, as soon as Qin Shaofeng left the house, the door was still surrounded by those few people.

"Boy, you are finally out!"

"Damn boy, you didn't know you were in a big trouble!"

"You dare to **** a woman from the Fourth Young Master, you really hate your life!"


Facing the cynicism of these people, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "A few wild dogs will get out of the way!"


When Qin Shaofeng called himself a few wild dogs, those few people instantly became angry.

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to?"

"Are you looking for death? You dare to scold us, it's just a matter of life and death!"

"I remember your name is Qin Shaofeng! You kid, I remember you!"


Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly when he heard the angry roars of a few people. He looked at the few people without fear, and said in a disdainful tone: "I don't know whether I live or die? Remember me? What's the matter, just you guys. Dog-like garbage, I just scolded you for nothing, any of you dare to do it?"

A trace of killing intent flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes. If the other party was really irritated and shot himself, then even if he killed these people on the spot, there would be absolutely no problem.

Even in the end, He Shaojie didn't dare to deal with him at all.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng still overestimated these people!

Hands on?

They really don't dare to do this!

The order they received before they came, but to anger Qin Shaofeng or Geng Qiutong and the little princess and the three of them, because in this case, their master He Shaojie had a reason to act.

But once they make a move, and finally get involved, I am afraid that their master will be targeted.

After all, among the three big families, apart from the Jun family, the relationship between the Lin family and the He family is very unfriendly.

This is targeted everywhere, naturally it is commonplace.

Therefore, these people will never do it, because if their master is caught in the pigtail by some Lin family, it will definitely make their master angry.

Then they were determined to be over.

Although Qin Shaofeng's words were completely irritated at this moment, none of these people had the intention of doing it!

This made Qin Shaofeng even more disdainful.

"Don't do it? Don't dare?"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at a few people with disdain, then sneered: "If you dare not, then get out of me!"

"Qin Shaofeng, you kid..."

The Tianyuan realm peak master who seemed to be the leader among the group of people was angry, but at this moment, before he could finish speaking, a cold and proud sound suddenly rang.


As soon as they heard this cold arrogant sound, the faces of the few people changed, and they immediately stopped making a sound and stood here honestly.

At this time, I don't know when, the young man who thought he was about the same age as Qin Shaofeng had already appeared not far from Qin Shaofeng.

This person is naturally the ultimate perpetrator of this incident, He Shaojie, the fourth young master of the He family.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng had already sensed the existence of He Shaojie.

The words that Qin Shaofeng mocked before were not so much irritating the few in front of him, it was better to force He Shaojie out.

He Shaojie only saw Qin Shaofeng's intentions clearly before he walked out of the dark.

He Shaojie certainly didn't have any thoughts of being angry, because in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng did not have the qualifications to make him angry.

And just as Qin Shaofeng said, these people sent by him are just a few dogs around him.

At this moment, He Shaojie came out because he thought Qin Shaofeng was very interesting.

With easy steps, He Shaojie came to Qin Shaofeng, and after looking up and down Qin Shaofeng, he smiled slightly, and then said: "Interesting, I didn't expect your kid to be quite interesting. I just lacked a flexible and interesting subordinate. You will mix with me in the future. Right!"

He Shaojie said such words to Qin Shaofeng so much, and his tone was even more gifted to Qin Shaofeng.

It seemed that he could be He Shaojie's subordinate, it was Qin Shaofeng's supreme glory and great blessing.

Even because of this thought, He Shaojie spoke a word as soon as he finished the previous sentence.

"By the way, since you have become my subordinates, then you can make a little contribution. The two women in the room behind you, I like them. Give them to me!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled. He really didn't know where the silly lack in front of him had the confidence to make himself his subordinate.

Could it be because of his identity as the fourth young master of the He family, and his current seven-layered cultivation base of the Holy Origin Realm?

Stop being funny, is this possible?

The corner of his mouth turned slightly, Qin Shaofeng showed a mocking smile, and said to He Shaojie in a cheerful tone: "Ha, I thought you He Shaojie is such a character, you are an idiot!"


As if he could not believe Qin Shaofeng would say such a thing to him, He Shaojie was slightly stunned, but then his eyes were cold, and his tone instantly became cold.

"what did you say?"

Seeing that their master was angry, those Heavenly Origin Realm masters were shocked instantly. They didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to be so bold.

It doesn't matter if you scold them, but if you dare to scold their young master, this is not too long.

This absolutely is looking for death!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care about He Shaojie's anger at all. Seeing He Shaojie's question, he sneered again: "What? I said you are an idiot! Didn't you hear me wrong? You actually asked me to repeat it again. !"


This time, He Shaojie's face was completely cold.

"Do you know who I am?" He Shaojie asked coldly, exuding a cold killing intent.

Under this killing intent, those few Heavenly Origin Realm masters, even those at the pinnacle of Heavenly Origin Realm, were shocked in a cold sweat, and their entire backs were wet.

But Qin Shaofeng was completely unaffected, ignoring He Shaojie's murderous intent on him.

"Who is it? Are you not He Shaojie?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, and then said indifferently: "Do you think I don't know who you are? The fourth young master of the He family of the three major families in Shenfu? Don't you have such an identity?"

"But what about?"

He looked at He Shaojie with disdain, and Qin Shaofeng said: "Because of this, I will be your subordinate and give you my woman? He Shaojie said you are an idiot. This is true, you think you Who is it? The **** is shocked, your grandpa, I have to surrender?"



When Qin Shaofeng finished speaking the two words at the end, He Shaojie couldn't help it finally, the surging vitality of his body surged out.

Under this violent rage, not only did he have a murderous intent on the reckless Qin Shaofeng in front of him, he even planned to make actual actions.

But at this moment, a figure flashed fiercely, and a big man instantly appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, directly suppressing He Shaojie's breath with more surging vitality.

He Shaojie also caused a lot of chest tightness when his breath was directly suppressed so arrogantly.

Seeing the strong man who suddenly appeared in front of him, He Shaojie said angrily: "Lin Tieshan, do you dare to stop me?"

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