Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 557: Trial Tower

In three months, I said fast or not, but not slow.

Because today is the last day of the three-month test of Shenfu.

At this time, many people have successfully passed, the 100 victories of the Magic Tower, and the first floor of the trial tower, and then became the official disciples of the gods.

The first person to become an official disciple of the God's Palace was not Hong Kun nor the disciples of the three sects and seven sects at the top of the Heavenly Origin Stage, but the first genius Qiao Tian of the Tianmen.

It only took Qiao Tian less than a month to become an official disciple of Shenfu.

Of course, this also has the help of the He family.

Perhaps it was He Shaojie’s determination to kill Qin Shaofeng, or perhaps it was because of the insult that Lin Tieshan gave him on the first day, which made Qiao Tian face the solicitation of the He family. He finally threw away the so-called pride of the first genius and joined He. Home now.

In fact, this time the disciples of the Three Sects and Seven Sects have all received the help of some families in the Shenfu. There are some families in the Lin family, and some other families.

This allowed a total of 130 disciples of the Three Sects and Seven Sects. In three months, more than one hundred of them successfully passed the examination of the Shenfu and officially joined the Shenfu.

For this kind of phenomenon, Qin Shaofeng always held the breath of some conspiracy.

But he just reminded Du Meng and them, and he ignored the others.

It is worth mentioning that just yesterday, Geng Qiutong and the little princess also passed the first floor of the trial tower and then officially became disciples of the Shenfu.

In fact, with the strength of the two women, they would have become official disciples of the God's Palace long ago.

Although in the Magic Tower, you can only get the spiritual liquid in a virtual battle.

But the three drops of spiritual liquid that reached a certain number of victories in the trial phase for three months can be obtained free of charge.

Qin Shaofeng had also obtained the three drops of spiritual liquid a long time ago, and after obtaining the spiritual liquid, Qin Shaofeng was surprised to find that the effect of refining the nine-fold spiritual pill with the spiritual liquid was actually much better than the spiritual essence.

A drop of spirit liquid combined with a small amount of precious medicinal materials can produce a special version of the fifth grade nine-layer spirit pill, if it is used to refine the normal version, 30 pieces can be refined.

And the five-rank nine-layer spirit pill refined from the spirit liquid can not only allow a person in the Tianyuan realm to be upgraded to 3 levels at a time, and even up to the tenth stage of the Tianyuan realm.

This kind of effect is much better than what was refined with spirit essence before.

The most surprising thing was that Geng Qiutong and the little princess were still able to increase three levels by taking the special version of the fifth grade nine-layer spirit pill made with spiritual liquid again.

Therefore, in fact, in the first month before entering the palace, the two women had already been promoted to the tenth level of the Tianyuan realm, and they soon reached the peak of the Tianyuan realm.

This is all because in order to speed up the cultivation of the two women, Qin Shaofeng specifically asked the two women to practice with spiritual liquid.

As for the source of the elixir, it is actually very simple.

Qin Shaofeng used all the nine drops of spiritual liquid obtained by himself and his two daughters to make a special version of the fifth-grade nine-layer spiritual pill, which was then sold.

Ten drops worth!

This is a high price, but even so, a large number of people buy it.

Especially the families of the gods, in order to improve the realm of the disciples of the three sects and seven sects, quickly enter the gods, they are still willing to come out with some spiritual liquid.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not take matters into his own hands on matters such as trading the Nine Layer Spirit Pills.

Even because of his current feast with He Shaojie, I am afraid that if he personally comes forward to sell, due to the strength of the He family, even if someone is moved, he will not buy it.

Not only can he not come forward, nor even people familiar with him.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng approached Hong Kun and asked him to sell it on his behalf.

As for Hong Kun, facing Qin Shaofeng's offer of a deal, he would naturally not refuse to get a drop of spiritual liquid.

Besides, he also admires Qin Shaofeng's personality, and he can help with this.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng possessed a large amount of spiritual liquid in the case of selling a special version of the five-grade nine-layer spirit pill, and then the two women began the extravagant practice of taking one drop of spiritual liquid a day.

Under such circumstances, the two women were promoted to the Saint Yuan realm in just half a month.

Even today's two women are already at the peak of the second stage of the Holy Origin Realm, and are about to enter the triple cultivation base of the Holy Origin Realm.

However, at Qin Shaofeng's request, the two women's cultivation base deliberately used the secret technique taught by the small ball to hide the true cultivation base.

Others just think that the two women are still the tenth level of cultivation in the Tianyuan realm.

But compared with the two women, Qin Shaofeng is what attracts the most attention.

The pinnacle of the Earth Element Realm!

Three months!

After three months of cultivating in the Shenfu, Qin Shaofeng has not broken through to the Tianyuan realm. This situation makes everyone think that Qin Shaofeng has abandoned himself.

In the face of He Shaojie's threat, Qin Shaofeng admitted that he could not escape.

So it doesn't matter if you cultivate or not.

Because no matter how you cultivate, it is impossible to escape from He Shaojie.

It was for this reason that soon no one paid attention to Qin Shaofeng.

Few people knew the news that Qin Shaofeng was about to enter the trial tower today.

However, outside the trial tower at this moment, there are still several people waiting for Qin Shaofeng's progress in the trial tower.

Looking at Geng Qiutong and the little princess not far away, Hong Kun felt a little shocked at this moment.

Perhaps because the secret method of the small ball is too strong, even if it has a certain kind of natal beast with super detection ability, at this moment, Hong Kun still can't sense the specific realm of the two women.

But there was a feeling in Hong Kun's heart that the two women in front of him were not only in the tenth realm of the Heavenly Origin Realm, but they might even have been promoted to the Holy Origin Realm a long time ago.

In particular, a thought in Hong Kun's heart kept reminding himself that the two women in front of him were very dangerous.

With this feeling, Hong Kun was also surprised.

But he never doubted his own feelings. Above the induction crisis, because of the special circumstances of his spiritual roots, he had a premonition of crisis that was more sensitive than that of beasts.

However, Hong Kun would like to know Qin Shaofeng's situation more than the two women.

Ever since Qin Shaofeng let himself sell that kind of upgrading medicine, Hong Kun knew that Qin Shaofeng hadn't given up at all, and he even had great confidence.

And Hong Kun now also guessed what Qin Shaofeng was going to do, so he came here today and wanted to witness it.

"Perhaps because of this, that kid Qin Shaofeng has been deliberately suppressing his realm, the pinnacle of the Earth Element Realm?"

A faint glance at the trial tower not far away, a glimmer of expectation flashed in Hong Kun's eyes.

So Qin Shaofeng!

Let me see what step you can reach in this trial tower, just in the Earth Element Realm!

Can you exceed my expectations of you?


Inside the trial tower, the first floor!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't know what Hong Kun expected of him, and he didn't know that Hong Kun thought he wanted to break through the trial tower to suppress his realm.


What is this?

Obviously the task was not completed, OK!

However, Hong Kun was right about one thing.

That was Qin Shaofeng's goal today, absolutely extraordinary.

"Preparatory member Qin Shaofeng, welcome to the first floor of the trial tower, do you start the challenge? If you do not start the challenge, you will exit the trial tower after ten breaths!"

After Qin Shaofeng entered the trial tower, the same mechanical sound as the Mitian realm rang out for the first time.

Qin Shaofeng is no stranger to this.

Because of the same voice, he has heard it countless times in the Pagoda of Fantasy.


Qin Shaofeng answered very concisely and directly challenged.

"The answer is yes, the preparation member Qin Shaofeng began to challenge the first level of the trial tower! This challenge is the first level of the trial tower, and the goal is to successfully kill 1,000 Tianyuan realm triple guard monsters. There is no time limit, and we exit midway. Or being killed is considered a failure!"

Huh huh!

As soon as the mechanical sound finished speaking, the next moment Qin Shaofeng's eyes densely appeared thousands of monsters.

The 1,000 monster beasts that appeared in the trial tower were all of the same type, and all the strengths were the same.

However, not every monster that appeared was the same.

It is also the first floor of the trial tower. For example, what Qin Shaofeng encounters now is a monster wolf, so next time it is likely to be a monster tiger, or some other monster beast.

However, no matter what kind of monster beast it is, the strength they possess is the same realm, but the strength and attack they are good at are somewhat different!

The purpose of this is to avoid targeted behaviors, which are similar to cheating by guarding the weakness of the monster beast.

Of course, if you can master all the weaknesses of monsters, then this is not cheating.

After all, being able to do that step is also an expression of one's own strength.

However, as far as Qin Shaofeng is concerned, there is a golden eye, no matter what kind of Tianyuan realm monster beast, he can see its weakness.

But with the current situation, facing the thousand monsters in the triple realm of the Heavenly Origin Realm before him, Qin Shaofeng didn't need to start with the weakness of the opponent.

Because he has a more direct solution!

"Lei Dun Qilin!"

The first time the virtual monster appeared, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, and thunder flashed with his hands together.


The next moment, a huge thunder and lightning unicorn of 30 meters appeared instantly, and then rushed into the group of virtual monster wolves, raging crazily.

This thunder and lightning unicorn is a thunder-dance unicorn that Qin Shaofeng displayed with 3 million yuan.

Its explosive aura is far from being comparable to those of virtual monster wolves.

After all, although Qin Shaofeng only consumed 3 million yuan strength, in fact, under the Thunder God technique, the 3 million yuan strength consumed was 3 million after being reduced by half.

In fact, this Lei Dun Qilin was equivalent to 6 million yuan of Qin Shaofeng's Yuan Li.

It was just a sprint, and the thunder and lightning unicorn was like a normal thunder giant sword, directly inserted into the wolf pack, and then the entire wolf pack was reduced by one-tenth in an instant.

And then, under the roar of the thunder and lightning unicorn, the remaining wolves were only half resolved after only a few breaths.

Then, the next moment, the thunder and lightning unicorn that had been raging, suddenly his whole body lit up, and a dazzling purple light burst out.


With a loud noise, the thunder and lightning unicorn that Qin Shaofeng exploded with thunder escape directly exploded.

Under this explosion, the remaining half of the demon wolves did not resist at all, and they all turned into some starlight and dissipated directly.

A thousand demon wolves of the Heavenly Origin Realm's triple level were all destroyed!

But Qin Shaofeng just made one move, and he didn't even move afterwards.

Such a scene, if people see it, it will definitely be extremely shocking!

If Qin Shaofeng was only the pinnacle of the Heavenly Origin Realm, it would be better to shock people if he could achieve this step.

But Qin Shaofeng is only the Earth Element Realm now!

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