Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 558: Connected to three floors

Outside the trial tower, there is a stone tablet, and there is a light curtain above the stone tablet.

That light curtain can reflect the situation and progress of those who pass through the trial tower.

At this moment, the light curtain lit up slightly, and then a line of large characters appeared.

Qin Shaofeng, the time required to pass the first level of the trial tower is thirteen breaths, the pinnacle of the realm!

This is the message that everyone will reveal after successfully breaking through the trial tower, and it can be regarded as the result of the passer.

The stele records the scores of the runners and even ranks them.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng's score appeared, there was an instant change in the score of the first level of the trial tower.

The first rank of the trial tower!

First place:...


Fourth place: Qin Shaofeng


Seeing this scene, Rao was slightly surprised by Hong Kun, who had known Qin Shaofeng's energy for a long time.

The reason is very simple. Even he, with the help of a large number of war beasts, can pass the first level of the trial tower.

After all, there are a thousand Heavenly Origin Realm triples, even if they are Saint Origin Realm beasts, it will take time to kill them.

And Hong Kun's performance at the beginning was only ranked in the top 20 in the first floor of the trial tower.

But now Qin Shaofeng has entered the fourth place, although to a certain extent, it is related to his only cultivation base of the Earth Element Realm.

But thirteen breaths killed thousands of monsters in the Tianyuan realm, which made Hong Kun a little unimaginable.

He is really amazing!

After taking a glance at the light curtain on the stone tablet, Hong Kun looked up at the huge trial tower and sighed softly in his heart.

At this time, there were some people in front of the trial tower who watched other people rushing to the trial tower. When they suddenly saw a scene, they were slightly surprised.

Especially after seeing Qin Shaofeng's name, they were even more surprised.


In the trial tower, after the lightning unicorn exploded, the ubiquitous mechanical sound of the trial tower rang again soon after.

"Passed the first level of the trial tower! May I ask the preparation member Qin Shaofeng, whether to continue the second level challenge? If you don't start the challenge, you will exit the trial tower after ten breaths!"

Does this still need to hesitate?

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and directly chose to continue the challenge.


After Qin Shaofeng confirmed, the surrounding space was slightly shaken, and then Qin Shaofeng knew that he had entered the second floor of the trial tower.

And the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a large number of black shadows, and another thousand virtual monsters appeared.

It was just that this time it was no longer a demon wolf, and the demon beast that appeared this time was actually an earth bear with a strong defense force.

The guard demon beast on the second floor of the trial tower was in the seventh realm of the Tianyuan realm.

And the Earth Bear in the Seventh Stage of the Heavenly Origin Realm, its defensive power is extremely strong, I am afraid that it is the ordinary Eighth Stage of the Heavenly Origin Realm, and even the Monster Beast of the Ninth Stage of the Heavenly Origin Realm, not as strong as the Earth Bear.

But in the same way, with a strong defense force, the sensitivity of the Earth Bear is relatively speaking, slightly lower than other monsters of the same realm.

But as a demon beast with a defensive power or strength, the attack of the Earth Bear also carried a very strong attack.

It can be said that when challenging the trial tower, it is not a good situation that a guardian monster like the Earth Bear appears.

Under normal circumstances, I am afraid that most people will give up.

However, once he gave up, Qin Shaofeng would not be eligible to enter the trial tower today.

Once the trial tower fails, you can't enter the trial tower again within three days.

This is in great conflict with Qin Shaofeng's plan.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not choose to give up.

Besides, Qin Shaofeng will not give up either.

Although the guardian monster is just a bit of trouble for the bear of the earth, it is nothing but trouble, and it is nothing to Qin Shaofeng.



Similarly, at the moment when a thousand earth bears appeared, Qin Shaofeng once again displayed Thunder Dun, and then a huge thunder and lightning unicorn appeared instantly.

The lightning unicorn that appeared this time was stronger than the previous one, which can be seen from its huge size of fifty meters.

Because this was condensed by Qin Shaofeng with a full five million yuan strength, in other words, if there was no Thunder God technique, it would be 10 million yuan strength.

Qin Shaofeng also discovered that after he passed the first floor of the trial tower and started the second floor challenge, his virtual mental body had already recovered as much of the original energy that he had consumed on the first floor.

Therefore, this time Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate. At the moment when the thunder and lightning unicorn rushed out, his hands flashed again, and the second huge thunder and lightning unicorn with a height of fifty meters also appeared instantly.


Two huge thunder and lightning unicorns raged among the group of earth bears.

Even the Bear of the Earth, which is famous for its defensive power, can hardly hold on under the violent attack of two fifty-meter huge thunder and lightning unicorns.

Every time the two thunder and lightning unicorns waved, the huge thunder and lightning claws could scatter one or two earth bears into stars.

When the ravages reached almost the same level, the two thunder and lightning unicorns shook together, and then blew themselves instantly among a large number of earth bears.



Two huge loud noises exploded together, the surging explosive power, frantically ravaged the surroundings, and directly destroyed the earth bears!

Qin Shaofeng had expected such a situation a long time ago, and before the two thunder and lightning unicorns exploded, he stepped back and retreated.


how is this possible?

Looking at the light curtain on the stele in front of him, Hong Kun was shocked for the first time.

Qin Shaofeng, the time required to pass the second level of the trial tower is twenty-three breaths, the pinnacle of the realm!

Looking at the line of characters that appeared on the light curtain, Hong Kun couldn't imagine his eyes.

Twenty-three interest?

Actually it was only ten breaths longer than the first level?

how can that be?

Hong Kun was full of disbelief. To know the challenge of the second level of the trial tower, he had to face a thousand guardian monsters of the Seventh Heaven Realm!

Although it is only threefold, the increase in strength is definitely several times, even ten times.

And under such an improvement, counting the base number of one thousand is definitely a terrible situation.

Although he passed the second floor of the trial tower at the beginning, it was very easy, and he didn't even make a move.

But the problem is that it was his natal beasts of the great Saint Yuan realm that shot.

With the strength of several holy yuan realm natal beasts, defeating a thousand seven heavenly yuan realm, or even the peak of the Tian yuan realm, is very easy for Hong Kun.

But that was just oneself. Because of his special spiritual roots, his life beasts were raised up, but it was easier than him.

Hong Kun couldn't think of how Qin Shaofeng passed.

Hong Kun was surprised, as were the others.

I am afraid that the people before the trial tower at this moment, only Geng Qiutong and the little princess can remain calm.

Is this surprised?

It's too early!

Looking at the shocked people around, the two women were full of pride.

At this time, many people have already begun to contact other people.

Not long after, the people gathered in the trial tower, but more and more people.


Inside the trial tower.

"Passed the third level of the trial tower! May I ask the preparation member Qin Shaofeng, whether you start the third level challenge? If you don't start the challenge, you will exit the trial tower after ten breaths!"

After the two huge thunder and lightning unicorns exploded, Qin Shaofeng was prompted to pass the second layer before the amount of violence that exploded.

Obviously, under that blew up, those earth bears did not resist at all.

This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, and chose to continue the challenge.

"The answer is yes, the preparation member Qin Shaofeng began to challenge the third floor of the trial tower! This challenge is the third floor of the trial tower, and the goal is to successfully kill a thousand Tianyuan realm Tianyuan realm peak guard monsters. There is no time limit, Quitting or being killed in the middle is considered a failure!"

With this mechanical sound, Qin Shaofeng appeared on the third floor of the trial tower, and then thousands of apes guarding the beasts appeared in front of him.

Black Ape (Virtual Monster Beast)

Level: Peak of Tianyuan Realm

Yuanli value: 5 million/5 million


Although it was only the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm, each of the black apes that appeared this time actually had a full 5 million yuan value.

Moreover, there are still a thousand black apes like this, which is quite a challenge for Qin Shaofeng.

"It seems that we need to be more serious!"

Looking at the thousands of black apes in front of him, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, without the slightest tension on his face.

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved.

There was no flash of thunder, this time Qin Shaofeng didn't come up and he was really Lei Dun Qilin, but a surge of vitality, directly condensing Xu Zuo Nenghu.

Qin Shaofeng in the pinnacle realm of the Earth Element Realm, the Suzuo Nenghu who is on display at this moment, even the Suzuo Nenghu that consumes 1 million yuan of energy, is more than the last limit upgrade task, and the Suzuo who is also consumed in the dungeon secret realm It can be more than three times stronger.

As soon as the fifty-meter-tall Suzuo Nenghu appeared, he was surrounded by those and black apes.

But at this moment, the condensed fifty-meter must be able to condense, that powerful defense, coupled with Qin Shaofeng's constant maintenance of the two major skills of "Northern Ming Art" and "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", it is not the black power apes can break through all the time.

However, feeling the attack strength of those black apes, Qin Shaofeng secretly calculated in his heart and found that even such a Suzuo Nenghu could only hold on for a few minutes at most.

"It seems that Suzuo Nenghu, who consumes a million yuan of yuan strength, has the limit here!"

After a soft whisper, Qin Shaofeng moved.


With a backhand move, lightning flashed, and Suzuo Nenghu's huge right hand, controlled by Qin Shaofeng, instantly added a Leiqi great sword.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng slashed and over twenty black apes were bombarded.


Susao Noka's right hand slashed, but his left hand was not free.

Under Qin Shaofeng's control, a series of powerful and terrifying Qianshan Fist Shadows were shot.

Even so, using Suzuo Nenghu to cast Qianshan Fist, the Yuan Li value consumed is huge.

But the effect is really different.

After the huge twelve shadows of Qianshan fist, the number of black apes was directly reduced by more than a hundred.

Then, Qin Shaofeng thought that he possessed the Thunder God Spell, and the cost of using the thunder skill was halved, and a large amount of thunder erupted.




Under Qin Shaofeng's constant attacks, the number of black apes became less and less.

Until Suzuo was about to be unable to hold on, Qin Shaofeng instantly exhausted the remaining vitality value and condensed a powerful thunder and lightning unicorn.


The thunder and lightning unicorn blew himself up after raging for a while.

Then, very smoothly, this time Qin Shaofeng also passed!

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