Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 560: Shenfu's definition of genius

In an instant, Qin Shaofeng's vitality was instantly exhausted.

However, Qin Shaofeng did one thing before using this trick Thunder Dragon.

That is the power of the Demon King that can only be used once a day when the Demon King's suit is used.

It is precisely because of this that, with the blessing of the power of the devil, at this moment Qin Shaofeng's head will appear a 100-meter-long thunder dragon with a terrifying and violent breath.

Looking down from a high altitude, the Thunder Dragon seemed to be a real divine dragon. He glanced indifferently at the colorful poisonous tarantula that rushed towards Qin Shaofeng, revealing a trace of disdain from the eyes of the Thunder Dragon.


With a roar of the dragon, the Thunder Dragon twisted in the void, rushing down from the sky with endless lightning.


At this moment, the moment the Thunder Dragon rioted, the entire fourth-layer space of the trial tower seemed to have been opened with a bang.

Lightning flashes, Shenlong wobbles its tail!

In just an instant, after a simple tail sweep, Qin Shaofeng discovered that hundreds of colorful poisonous tarantulas had been wiped out by the dragon's tail with lightning.

In terms of attribute power, the power of thunder naturally has absolute restraint on the power of darkness.

Even the small ball ball also told Qin Shaofeng, unless it is an existence with special dark power, otherwise, within the same realm, or even the same level, there will be dark power that the power of thunder cannot restrain.

And the dark power of these colorful poisonous tarantulas is just ordinary dark power.

Therefore, under the thunder of Thunder Dragon, these colorful poisonous tarantulas were absolutely restrained.

However, for Qin Shaofeng, Thunder Dragon's move was somewhat reluctant after all.

After just doing a simple tail swing and claw detection, the Thunder Dragon could no longer attack.

However, it does not matter!

Because the next moment, like Lei Dun Qilin, after the ravages, it will be the final blew!


A dazzling purple light, the entire fourth floor of the trial tower was shining purple.

Then, an extremely violent force swept the entire space in an instant.

None of the colorful poisonous tarantulas could be spared, even Qin Shaofeng couldn't escape the violent and terrifying power this time.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng's Level 6 Yi Jin Jing now has the ability to restore vitality, which can restore more than 10,000 points of vitality in one second.

After Qin Shaofeng wrote the round eyes at level 6, the divine power of the Awakening Eye Technique was only activated by 10,000 yuan.

It was with the help of the divine power's virtual state that Qin Shaofeng saved himself from this terrifying force that could strangle him.

You must know that once he also dies under his own Thunder Dragon, the trial tower will probably only determine that both parties will die together.

And once it is judged to die, it is not a successful challenge.

"Passed the fourth level of the trial tower! May I ask the preparation member Qin Shaofeng, whether you start the fifth level challenge? If you don't start the challenge, you will exit the trial tower after ten breaths!"

When the expected mechanical sound rang, Qin Shaofeng's mouth curled slightly, revealing a smug smile.

But at the same time, the outside of the trial tower exploded completely.

"how can that be?"

Even though Lin Tieshan, who was used to seeing geniuses, looked at the large characters on the stone tablet in front of him at the moment, it was the first time he shouted in exclamation.

If it was normal time, seeing this supervising person making such a fuss would definitely arouse the curiosity of many people.

But now no one pays attention to these, because almost everyone's eyes fell on the stone tablet.

Qin Shaofeng, the time required to pass the fourth floor of the trial tower is seven breaths, the pinnacle of the realm!

Seven breaths?

Are you kidding me?

A person in the Earth Element Realm was actually defeated in seven breaths. Thousands of monsters of the Saint Element Realm first level?

is it possible?

Do you dare to exaggerate a bit?

Seeing the line of characters in front of him, Lin Tieshan had some doubts whether he was dreaming.

As for Hong Kun on the side, he was completely stupid at the moment.

And just when everyone couldn't believe that the scene before them was reality, only Geng Qiutong and the little princess were not surprised, but felt that this was Qin Shaofeng's true strength.

If there is anything, it is happy.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's performance, I am afraid that he will definitely be valued by Shenfu. In this way, how can He Shaojie trouble Qin Shaofeng?

Before everyone recovered from the shock, Qin Shaofeng finally came out of the trial tower.

Seeing this scene, many people secretly breathed out.


Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng didn't continue to break through the barriers!

Otherwise, if Qin Shaofeng passed the fifth floor of the trial tower, it would have turned the sky upside down.

But even so, many people looked at Qin Shaofeng at this moment, but there was a little more complicated gaze.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng coming out of the trial tower, Geng Qiutong and the little princess immediately greeted them.

But only then did Lin Tieshan and Hong Kun come back to their senses.

Once he came to his senses, Lin Tieshan's eyes were very complicated, but after a little thought, Lin Tieshan quickly came to Qin Shaofeng.

"Qin Shaofeng, I invite you on behalf of the Lin family. As long as you join our Lin family, our Lin family will treat you as a core disciple of the Lin family to help you in your cultivation!"


Upon hearing this, everyone present took a breath, even Hong Kun smiled bitterly.

Lin family core disciple?

This is not just casual talk!

Lin Tieshan had just said something like this in front of so many people, that would definitely not be wrong.

As for the treatment of the core disciples of the Lin family, would it be such a treatment?

This can be seen from Hong Kun's performance.

The reason is very simple, even if it is Hong Kun's potential, coupled with his mother's identity, he still does not enjoy such treatment in the Lin family.

What is the core!

That is the existence that really values ​​the most!

As the core disciple of the Lin family, he enjoys the cultivation of countless resources of the entire Lin family.

This is much stronger than ordinary people fighting alone.

And even in the Lin family, if there is no transcendent talent, even the children of the Patriarch, it is impossible to become a core disciple and enjoy a lot of resources.

Qin Shaofeng also understands this.


Join the Lin family?

To put it nicely, it is to become a member of the Lin family and advance and retreat with the Lin family.

The unpleasant thing to say is to become a subordinate, or even a slave, of the Lin family, label the Lin family, and make contributions to the Lin family.

The more you enjoy, the more you pay.

Qin Shaofeng naturally understood this.

Therefore, when Lin Tieshan said that, Qin Shaofeng was ready to refuse without thinking.

He seemed to know that Qin Shaofeng meant to refuse. Before Qin Shaofeng could speak, Lin Tieshan hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Don't refuse in a hurry. When I finish speaking, you are thinking about it!"

With that said, Lin Tieshan glanced around, and then said to Qin Shaofeng and the others: "Then let us change places!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Tieshan waved his hand and a surging vitality radiated out. Then the next moment, Qin Shaofeng, Geng Qiutong, and the little princess and Hong Kun were all taken directly by Lin Tieshan and disappeared.

But they left, but the scene was a sensation.

Today Qin Shaofeng not only passed the trial tower, but also even connected to the fourth floor at once.

The most important thing is that he actually defeated thousands of monsters of the first layer of the holy origin realm with the cultivation base of the earth element realm.

Such news, even in this genius palace, can arouse a lot of surprise.


A few people from Qin Shaofeng were taken to a luxurious room.

Because he noticed that Lin Tieshan didn't have any malice, and because it was a sacred mansion, Qin Shaofeng did not resist, and was directly brought by Lin Tieshan.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng who was silent, Lin Tieshan didn't plan to bend the corner, and said directly to Qin Shaofeng, "I know what you are thinking now. It is nothing more than what restrictions you will face after joining the Lin family, and you will even have to obey many orders. I do not deny!"

Seeing Lin Tieshan directly admitted this, Qin Shaofeng was also a little surprised, but he didn't say anything.

On the contrary, Geng Qiutong and the little princess were a little angry.

Since this is the case, what else are you talking about?

The two women who knew Qin Shaofeng's character very well knew that under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng would never join the Lin family.

But when the two women wanted to speak out instead of Qin Shaofeng's retort, Lin Tieshan's words instantly changed their expressions.

"However, under Qin Shaofeng's current situation, you are much more dangerous than before. Without my Lin family, I can guarantee that you will never survive your strong day, because the He family would never allow it. !"

Lin Tieshan's tone was full of firmness, as if to state a fact.

"How is this possible?" Geng Qiutong couldn't help being the first to refute directly.

"With Shaofeng's current performance, how could Shenfu allow that Shao outstanding hand to deal with Shaofeng?"

Geng Qiutong didn't believe what Lin Tieshan said, and she even thought in her heart that Lin Tieshan said it deliberately in order to make Qin Shaofeng afraid, and then compromised to join the Lin family.

But at this moment, the little princess's expression was something wrong.

Because she noticed what Lin Tieshan said, he was not talking about He Shaojie, but the He family. Obviously, the little princess thought of something.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have thought of this.

Folding his brows, Qin Shaofeng looked at Lin Tieshan and asked, "You mean, in my current situation, even if Shenfu takes it seriously, isn't it an absolute value?"


Lin Tieshan nodded and said: "Your strength is indeed very strong. There is no doubt about this, because no matter it is the Pagoda of Illusion or the Tower of Trial, you can't cheat with that Heavenly Realm. You can do this, indeed. It’s your strength! But..."

As soon as the conversation turned, Lin Tieshan looked straight at Qin Shaofeng, and said word by word: "But what God's Mansion needs is a real genius, a genius with real talent! And you Qin Shaofeng is not!"

"how can that be?"

With an exclamation, it was Hong Kun who spoke out.

I didn’t care how many people looked at my eyes because of their exclamation. Hong Kun said in a puzzled way: "Uncle Tieshan, Qin Shaofeng has passed the fourth floor of the trial tower with the Earth Element Realm. Is it still true? Isn't it a genius?"

Hong Kun did not believe it, nor did Geng Qiutong.

But the little princess had already thought of something, she frowned slightly.

As for Qin Shaofeng, he sighed in his heart, but in his heart Qin Shaofeng was still not very nervous.

Faced with Hong Kun’s incomprehension, Lin Tieshan just smiled faintly, did not directly answer this question, but asked Hong Kun: "Don’t believe it? Then I ask you, in your case, you can definitely be in Dayuan In the pill realm, you can pass the third level of the trial tower, but this shows that your talent must be better than other geniuses in the great yuan pill realm?"

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