Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 561: Who knows if you don't try it?


When Lin Tieshan said that, Hong Kun was stunned.

Indeed, when he was in the Earth Element Realm, he himself already had the natal beast of the Saint Element Realm.

At that time, he was really sure that, under the full burst of his natal beasts, let him pass the third floor of the trial tower.

It's just that this full explosion is not his own explosive power, but his natal beasts.

Indeed, as a beast master, the beast is part of his own strength.

But this does not mean that the talent of the beast is his own talent, and the power of the beast cannot be counted as his own talent.

It can only show that you, the master beast master, are very strong, and the ability to defend beasts is very special and powerful.

But it's just the cultivation base of the Great Yuan Dan realm, how can one's own cultivation talent be better?

Hong Kun stopped speaking, because he already knew what Lin Tieshan wanted to express.

The same is true for Geng Qiutong. Although she was unwilling, she didn't know what to say at the moment.

But the little princess asked calmly: "Senior Lin, how did you know that Shaofeng did not rely on his own strength to pass the fourth level of the trial tower? In this case, it is impossible to deny Qin Shaofeng's cultivation talent. ?"

Seeing that the little princess can still remain so calm, Lin Tieshan glanced at her appreciatively.

As for the question of the little princess, Lin Tieshan shook his head decisively: "I don't know, not only I don't know, but everyone doesn't even know!"

"That..." Hearing this little princess, she needed to say something, but Lin Tieshan's next sentence instantly made her understand.

"But it is precisely because I don't know that I will be denied!"

Now the little princess did not speak, she had completely understood what Lin Tieshan meant.

Yes, because I didn't know, I couldn't be sure how Qin Shaofeng passed the trial tower.

The Pagoda of Illusion, the Tower of Trial, and the Heavenly Realm, the three treasures of the Divine Mansion are all very mysterious, and no matter what happens in them, outsiders don't know.

Even the lord of the palace, the lord of the Nine Clouds Continent didn't know.

This is because of this, the original Jiuyunzi who built the three treasures in the first place.

Therefore, in the face of Qin Shaofeng's ability to break through the trial tower, although it was recognized.

But some people can also say that Qin Shaofeng is a beast master and possesses many holy origin realm war beasts.

Although a little far-fetched, the rules of the Shenfu are like this.

The magic tower is used to increase the actual combat experience, and the trial tower is used to verify the strength.

And strength can include many aspects, not to say that strength is strong, it means that you are a talented genius.

The most obvious example of this is Hong Kun.

Seeing that everyone understands this, Lin Tieshan said, "So, I will say that Qin Shaofeng is more dangerous now."

This time, without Lin Tieshan, even Geng Qiutong understood what Lin Tieshan meant.

The talent has not been recognized, the Shenfu may pay attention to Qin Shaofeng, but it will never pay too much attention.

On the contrary, because of He Shaojie, Qin Shaofeng is a potential enemy to the He family.

No matter what Qin Shaofeng's talent is, and no matter how Qin Shaofeng will improve in the future, No Family will let Qin Shaofeng grow.

Only the pinnacle of the earth element realm possesses the power to rival a thousand monsters of the holy element realm!

No matter how small the odds are, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level will improve, and his strength will go further, and the He Family will not let Qin Shaofeng continue to grow.

This is the style of the big family!

No matter how small the potential threat is, even if there is a slight possibility, these big families will directly obliterate this possibility.

Because only the impulse is eliminated, is the most assured approach.

At this point, if the He family and the Lin family changed positions today, Lin Tieshan knew that the plan for how to make Qin Shaofeng disappear at this moment would probably have been held in his Lin family long ago.

Qin Shaofeng hadn't thought of this before.

Because he didn't even know that the definition of genius in Shenfu was not what he thought.

"Then you should know now, your current situation, joining my Lin family is the best choice!"

Lin Tieshan smiled faintly, with a very confident expression on his face.

Because in Lin Tieshan's view, after he understood the situation like this, Qin Shaofeng already knew the dangerous situation. Facing the existence of the He family, he could only rely on his Lin family in the Primal Realm.

But in order to dispel the last layer of resistance in Qin Shaofeng's heart, Lin Tieshan spoke again.

"Don't worry, joining the Lin family is not too restrictive. As long as you don't betray the Lin family or do anything harmful to the Lin family, the Lin family will probably not restrain you too much."

In fact, Lin Tieshan still had another sentence at this moment, and he didn't say it directly.

That is, usually facing a genius like Qin Shaofeng, the Lin family will definitely turn the opponent into his own.

And such an approach is naturally a marriage.

As long as Qin Shaofeng married a woman from the Lin family, he would naturally become a family.

However, after Yu Guang swept across the two women around Qin Shaofeng, Lin Tieshan still consciously didn't say this sentence.

Only after he joined the Lin family did he come to tell him such a thing.

Qin Shaofeng mostly guessed what Dao Lin Tieshan was thinking at the moment, and Qin Shaofeng also understood that joining the Lin family seemed to be the safest way to do so.


Don't betray the Lin family?

Don't do anything harmful to the Lin family?

Qin Shaofeng could be regarded as a family elder, even though the strength of the former Qin family and the Lin family in front of him was completely different.

But Qin Shaofeng had already seen the nature of the family.

Qin Shaofeng knew that even if he did not betray the Lin family, he would not do anything harmful to the Lin family.

But if there is any crisis in the Lin family, the first person to be unlucky is to join the Lin family like him.

Even if he could abandon himself and make the Lin Family safe, Qin Shaofeng knew that he would definitely be abandoned by the Lin Family the first time.

After all, it is not a family bloodline. Under the crisis, being the first to give up is also the consistent style of the big family.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Qin Shaofeng had no way to join the Lin family.

As for the hostility from the He family, Qin Shaofeng also has a solution.

After a faint glance, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said, "Senior Tieshan, I want to ask you something!"

"Ask, if you still don't understand, I'll make it clear to you." Lin Tieshan replied with a smile, he thought Qin Shaofeng wanted to ask about his treatment after joining the Lin family.

But Qin Shaofeng's next sentence made him slightly stunned.

"Well, it is like this. After listening to the words of the predecessors, I have a guess. The Pagoda of Illusion is a place for actual combat, and the Tower of Trial is a place for verification of strength. Then the Mitian Realm is the place where God's Palace defines genius! "

"Oh, this! That's right!" Lin Tieshan nodded, "Because the clones copied from the Heavenly Realm are all opponents with more than 30% of their strength. If they can be defeated, they will definitely attract the attention of the gods, and they are in the gods. There are some special geniuses in the mansion. Every one of them, at every stage, is a clone that can defeat the Heavenly Realm himself..."

Speaking of this, Lin Tieshan paused for a while, then suddenly raised his head to look at Qin Shaofeng, and said in disbelief, "I said, Qin Xiaozi, are you planning to enter the realm of heaven?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, did not speak, but the expression he showed had already let Lin Tieshan know his decision.

But Lin Tieshan exclaimed.

"Don't take a joke, kid, you don't know the true power of the Heavenly Boundary Realm, you can't pass the Blessed Heaven Realm!"

Seeing the same expression on Qin Shaofeng's face, Lin Tieshan said with a wry smile: "I know, how do you feel that you are confident when you have gone through the Heavenly Realm once, but..."

With a flash of eyes, Lin Tieshan's voice became heavy.

"But you don’t know the true situation of the Heavenly Boundary Realm. Perhaps you have some special abilities, and the Boundary Heaven Realm cannot be fully replicated, but the Heavenly Boundary Realm will be complemented by other abilities, so no matter what abilities you have, the clone of the Heavenly Boundary can Thirty percent better than you!"

"Perhaps the abilities you possess have not been displayed before. The Mitian Realm does not have information about that ability, but what I want to tell you is that the Shenfu's Pagoda of Illusion, Trial Tower and Mitian Realm, these three places are It shares a core."

When Lin Tieshan said this, looking at Qin Shaofeng, he said with a solemn expression: "Do you know what this means? This means that no matter you are in the Heavenly Realm, you have not displayed the ability, but as long as you are in the Pagoda of Fantasy or Trial When the show comes, the clone of the Sky Realm is also owned!"

"That is to say, if you go to the full sky now, you will face an opponent whose strength you showed on the fourth floor of the trial tower will exceed 30%!"

Lin Tieshan's words were already very clear.

He just didn't say that he was not optimistic about Qin Shaofeng.

But what he meant was already very obvious, he didn't think Qin Shaofeng could cross the Heavenly Realm.

Sharing a core?

Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised by this incident.

He hadn't thought of this before, so how to put it, this time facing his own virtual clone of the world, I am afraid that the strength is a lot stronger.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng did not give up.

After taking a look, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly when facing Lin Tieshan, who was not optimistic about him, and said, "Oh, is that so? But, even so, I still plan to give it a try."

Who knows if you don't try it?


At the same time, in the room of a luxurious mansion in the inner city of Shenfu, a teenager was losing his temper.

"Damn, damn, **** it, that ant can actually pass the fourth floor of the trial tower with the cultivation base of the Earth Element Realm, how is this possible?" He Shaojie roared abnormally.

Although it was confirmed, He Shaojie still didn't want to believe it.

"Hey, no matter how many trial towers he can pass, it's just a trash that doesn't live or die, why are you so excited?"

With a chuckle, a young man with a sloppy appearance was sitting not far away.

This person is He Shaojie's third brother, He Shaocheng.

In He Shaocheng's eyes, Qin Shaofeng was already dead.

Although the strength is good, it is only for people who are equivalent to the Earth Element Realm and Sky Element Realm, as well as ordinary Saint Yuan Realm cultivation bases.

At least with his He Shaocheng's strength, there are countless ways to kill such a so-called genius like Qin Shaofeng.

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