Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 562: Vulnerability?

He Shaojie was still a little unwilling to listen to his third brother's indifferent tone.

Although he knew that his third brother was telling the truth, he knew that Qin Shaofeng had such strength, his heart was full of anger.

However, to say it is anger, in fact, I am afraid it is mostly just jealousy.

Because when He Shaojie was in the Earth Element Realm, he didn't have the strength of Qin Shaofeng.

He is jealous!

However, it was precisely because of this that he even more did not want Qin Shaofeng to survive.

Looking back at his third brother, He Shaojie asked in a deep voice: "Third brother, can I go and kill that kid now?"

Although from a certain aspect, He Shaojie is a genius, but he is also a young genius.

However, he is not stupid either, so he wants to know if he can kill Qin Shaofeng now.

"Ha, what are you anxious!" He Shaocheng smiled slightly, "Qin Shaofeng is just a small amount, even if he has passed the fourth floor of the trial tower with the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the earth element realm, but as long as he does not pass the Mitian realm, the gods will We won't really value him. In this case, how to play is not what we say!"

He Shaocheng said in the end, his tone was full of confidence.

Although their He family is not as strong as the Jun family, at least they have passed on in the Nine Clouds Continent for more than a thousand years, and the family strength is not what ordinary people can imagine.

He Shaojie smiled when he heard his third brother's words, but at this moment, a person suddenly rushed in and shouted in surprise.

"The Third Young Master, Fourth Young Master, it's not good, then Qin Shaofeng intends to go to the Heavenly Realm!"


Upon hearing this, He Shaojie's face changed slightly.

But after He Shaocheng was taken aback for a while, then he chuckled: "Heh, it's really interesting. He actually dared to go to the world, and he really regarded himself as a genius, really ignorant!"

And He Shaojie, whose expression had changed slightly, his expression relaxed after hearing the words of these three brothers.

Yes indeed!

What am I worried about? That's the realm of heaven!

I haven't even passed the challenge of a clone of the Heavenly Realm. Can he get past Qin Shaofeng?


After talking with Lin Tieshan for a while, Qin Shaofeng came to the Mitian realm.

However, Lin Tieshan was not optimistic about Qin Shaofeng's move, but he did not stop it either.

Because in Lin Tieshan's view, as long as Qin Shaofeng tried to fail in the Heavenly Realm, he would definitely be able to join the Lin Family more smoothly.

And during this time, Lin Tieshan also got a response from the Lin family.

In the face of Qin Shaofeng, he must win.

Aside from other things, it was Qin Shaofeng's ability to pass the fourth floor of the trial tower with the strength of the pinnacle realm of the Earth Element Realm, which really interested the Lin Family.

After all, if that method can also improve the strength of the Saint Yuan Realm, it would be a big deal.

Even if it is not able to improve too much strength against the Saint Yuan Realm, that is what makes the Lin Family more concerned.

Lin Tieshan, who received such a response, naturally followed up to see how Qin Shaofeng had broken through the heavens.

Within the bounds of the sky.

"Welcome to the Mighty Heaven Realm, do you want to start the challenge? If you do not start the challenge, you will exit the Mighty Heaven Realm after ten breaths!"

Facing the mechanical sound he heard again, Qin Shaofeng nodded and chose to start without hesitation.

"Yes, I want to challenge!"

"The answer is yes, the official members begin to challenge! This challenge is not limited in time, until one party is killed!"


The next moment, opposite Qin Shaofeng appeared an opponent exactly like him.

Character: Qin Shaofeng (virtual clone)

Level: Ten Layers of Earth Element Realm

Yuan force value: 13 million / 13 million

Talented Spiritual Root: Body of Thunder (Nine-Rank Spiritual Root)


Seeing the opponent's attributes at the moment, especially the skills that his virtual clone possessed at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly, and his heart brightened.


Sure enough, just like what Lin Tieshan said, most of the skills I used in the Magic Tower and the Trial Tower already possessed this virtual clone, even if they didn't, I would use other skills instead!


Looking at it again, Qin Shaofeng's mouth curled slightly at the attributes of the virtual clone opposite.

Because he found a very interesting place, that is, he possessed the Thunder God Art, this virtual clone has not been copied, only has the Thunder Control Art.

For the same level of Thunder Control and Thunder God Spells, although the amount of elemental power consumed by the use of thunder skills, the less cost is the same.

Even now Qin Shaofeng and his own virtual clone, using thunder system skills are less than half of the original value, the power of the controllable thunder technique is only 30%, and the power of himself is more than double.

Under such circumstances, even if the virtual clone's actual skills are 30% more powerful than your own, under the influence of the Thunder God Art, if you use the same lightning skills, you are afraid that you can be 40% more powerful than this virtual clone.

"It seems that this duplication of the Heavenly Realm really has many flaws!"

With a slight smile, Qin Shaofeng immediately noticed after discovering this.

The next moment, just when the virtual clone was about to attack him, Qin Shaofeng directly made a move with both hands, and his whole body flashed with thunder.


A huge thunder and lightning unicorn in the thunder light suddenly jumped out and galloped towards the virtual clone.

Upon seeing this, the virtual clone also fought back immediately.


The other party also used the Thunder Dungeon Kirin, but Qin Shaofeng said that he had noticed that, under the same consumption, the Thunder Kirin on his side was obviously stronger than the opponent's aura because of the Thunder God Technique.


In the end, the two thunder and lightning unicorns collided together, although they exploded in the first place.

But Qin Shaofeng's power has always been stronger, so under such circumstances, the power of the explosion spread to the virtual clone crazily.

This caused the clone to disperse the thunder and lightning without waiting for a blow to the Chidori Current.

Ha, this is indeed the case!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's mouth curled slightly, and then another unicorn burst out without hesitation.

The virtual clone obviously didn't expect it, Qin Shaofeng performed this trick again.

However, it didn't react slowly. With a flash of lightning, he released another lightning unicorn.

But what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that after this thunder and lightning unicorn was on display, the virtual avatar on the opposite side unexpectedly surged and rose instantly.


Two thunder and lightning unicorns collided, although Qin Shaofeng still had the upper hand, but this time the virtual clone opposite did not dodge, because it is no longer needed.

This is the copied Suzano?

Looking into the distance, Qin Shaofeng smiled at the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth when there happened to be a tall and powerful giant who was sixty-five high.

Sure enough, it has increased by 30%, and even Susanoh has increased from 50 meters to 65 meters!


After a glance, it seemed that it was just a virtual clone that directly enlarged his body, and Qin Shaofeng's eyes with a six-pointed star pattern flashed with disdain.

"Counterfeit goods are fake goods, is this also called Suzuo Nenghu?"

Qin Shaofeng immediately noticed that the huge virtual clone on the opposite side was only condensed with pure spiritual power, and it wasn't really a suffocation.

In the next time, Qin Shaofeng also tried it.

After an attack, Qin Shaofeng was completely sure that what the virtual clone in front of him had was not Su Zuoneng at all, but was the existence that condensed the vitality.

Although the defensive power is amazing, it is still quite different from his own Suzano.

The most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng discovered that the giant condensed from the opposite force seemed to be unable to control freely.

His own Suzuo can almost control his own body as he likes, but the opposite is different.

This made Qin Shaofeng understand one thing, and that was that there might be a kind of skill in Nine Clouds Continent that had the power to gather a huge figure, but it was definitely not as good as his own Suzuo.

This virtual avatar can prove this point.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng did not use the Suzuo Nenghu as well, but attacked with the Thunder Escape skill.

Otherwise, just dodge and dodge, and didn't bump into the opponent.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng is like this is because he wants to take this attrition war.

Because of the existence of the Thunder God Technique, Qin Shaofeng could surpass the virtual clone by 40% with the same lightning skill and consumption.

In this case, don't wait for the virtual clone to make additional consumption.

The virtual clone seemed to be aware of this too, so it chose it for the first time, and it really showed Suzuo Nohu with amazing defensive power.

It is a pity that its Suzuonenghu is purely a pirated counterfeit, and its power is not as powerful as Qin Shaofeng's genuine Suzuonenghu.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng could easily dodge and counterattack.

But after all, this is a virtual clone copied from the Heavenly Realm. Although it can't have the command of a human, it has the ability to fight instinct.

Soon, the virtual avatar discovered that his move would not cause Qin Shaofeng to suffer too much damage, and he would even consume a lot of Yuan Power.

Therefore, after a few minutes of fighting, it dissipated and returned to its original form.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng was smiling.

Because he found that the vitality value that the virtual clone had at the moment was also much less than his own.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, and the next moment he burst out with all his strength.


A dragon chant sounded, and a hundred-meter thunder dragon appeared.

But this thunder dragon has a much weaker breath than the thunder dragon that Qin Shaofeng displayed on the fourth floor of the trial tower.

That's because this thunder dragon was just a thunder dragon that Qin Shaofeng barely managed to come out with the help of the **** of thunder technique, with 5 million yuan strength.

If it were not for the blessing of the devil's power, I am afraid it might not be able to be used.

Although the power of the demon king can only be used once a day, Qin Shaofeng has discovered a situation.

After using the power of the Demon King in the trial tower, Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly discovered that the Demon King's suit he was wearing, the power of the Demon King used once a day, still existed.

In other words, the power of the demon king used in the trial tower was only a copy of the trial tower with his own mental power, and he himself was not affected by the outside world.

But think about it, after all, whether it’s the Trial Tower, the Pagoda of Illusion, or the Heavenly Realm, no matter how much energy is used in your spiritual body, after you come out, your body will still be in the original situation, and it will not reduce any energy. .

This made Qin Shaofeng guess that even with a skill like his own Demon King's power, it is very likely that this is the case.

In fact, it is true!

After entering the Mighty Heaven Realm, Qin Shaofeng discovered that he could still use the power of the Demon King.

This gave him the feeling as if he had found a loophole in the Sky Realm.

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