Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 566: Special God Level Skill World King Fist

As soon as he left the Mitian realm, Qin Shaofeng took Geng Qiutong and the little princess into the inner city of the Shenfu.

Now the three of them can be regarded as official disciples of the palace, and naturally have the qualifications to enter the inner city of the palace.

At the entrance of the inner city, after obtaining the identity tokens of the disciples of the gods, the three came to the inner city, and quickly found their respective training rooms according to the instructions on the identity tokens.

Just entering the inner city, and also just becoming official disciples of the Shenfu, Qin Shaofeng and the three need to understand a lot, so the three separated.

Geng Qiutong and the little princess went to learn about the situation in the inner city of the gods, but Qin Shaofeng found his own training room and announced that he had closed his practice.

After all, he was still at the pinnacle of the Earth Element Realm early in the morning, but now he was already at the eighth level of the Tianyuan Realm cultivation base. For Qin Shaofeng, he actually didn't need to consolidate his cultivation base with nine levels.

After all, the existence of the system can completely make Qin Shaofeng omit this step.

Especially when he has his own copy of the virtual clone to practice hands in the Mitian realm, Qin Shaofeng can be regarded as completely controlling the current realm.

But if he didn't talk about his practice in retreat, Qin Shaofeng would have attracted the attention of many people.

The most important thing is that with his behavior, I am afraid it has caused a lot of shock in the divine palace. Under the current circumstances, choosing to retreat is the most appropriate move.

At the very least, this can quiet yourself for a while.

However, in his training room, although Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to practice in retreat, Qin Shaofeng still planned to improve his cultivation.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng Qin Shaofeng is in the eighth realm of the Tianyuan realm, and the accumulated experience value is only 6.7 billion.

But the eighth layer of the Tianyuan realm was upgraded to the nineth layer, but 80 billion experience points were needed, and 6.7 billion points were naturally not enough.

But this experience value is not enough, Qin Shaofeng still possesses a nine-layered spirit pill refined with spirit liquid.

The special version of the five-rank nine-layered spirit pill refined from the spiritual liquid has the best upper limit of its level, but it can be raised to the tenth level of the Tianyuan realm.

And now Qin Shaofeng has several special version of the fifth-grade nine-layer spirit pill!

After taking a special version of the fifth grade nine-layer spirit pill, as Qin Shaofeng expected, his level was directly raised to the tenth level of the Tianyuan realm.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Tenth Heaven Realm

Experience value: 6.75 billion / 99,999,999,999

Occupation: Devil

Yuan force value: 500 million / 500 million (the tenth layer of the Tianyuan realm has 500,000 Yuan force points, and the Yi Jin Jing is 50 times 25 million points, 20 Yuan Dan 500 million points)

Talented spirit root: body of dark thunder (ninth rank spirit root), body of demon king (unawakened), original world

Skills: King’s Blessing, Golden Eyes with Fire, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Yun Dan Shu, Dan Sutra, 108 Yoga Poses, Dancing Sky Skill, Writing Wheel Eyes, Ling Bo Wei Step, One Yang Finger, Bei Pluto power, Dou Zhuan Xingyi, God of Thunder (1 thousand mortal level skills)

Servant: Gong Qingzi (evolving)

Equipment: Dark Iron Epee, Demon King Suit

Task: The first person in Qianshan (the ninth stage)

Points: 2 billion 86.8 million 7000 points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Ordinary lottery chance: 113 times

Special chance to draw: 26 times

Skill proficiency: 1247 points

Skill points: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: Ball and ball card small vault, devil props (one), Yuanli fruit (three), world king boxing (unused skills)

Dependents: Meng Xiner, Qin Yueer, Zhao Yuner, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye

Ten levels of the Tianyuan Realm, with a value of 500 million yuan!

With such strength, Qin Shaofeng is not afraid of some Saint Yuan realm masters.

Even at this time, Qin Shaofeng was confident that if he faced a master like Xu Feiyang again, he could completely rely on his current strength to kill the opponent.

There is no need to use the Super God Summoning Card at all.

The increase in strength gave Qin Shaofeng finally some confidence.

In particular, some of the props obtained from the last extreme upgrade mission made Qin Shaofeng more confident.

As for the demon props, after Qin Shaofeng successfully used the demon king's suit, he gave two of them to Geng Qiutong and the little princess.

It's just that the two women don't have the help of the system, even if they have already recognized the master, but the demon item has not been stimulated, but they are in a similar and evolved state in the two women.

In such a situation, it is estimated that it will take a long time to fully manifest.

The one remaining Qin Shaofeng wanted to give to Du Meng, but when he thought of Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng gave up.

Because if Du Meng knew that he only gave him such demon props, and Tang Qijian didn't have it, he wouldn't be willing to accept it.

At this point, I'm afraid Tang Qijian is the same.

There was only one demon item left, so Qin Shaofeng planned to keep it, or give it to Zhao Yun'er, or use it himself.

In addition to this demon item, Qin Shaofeng also possesses three special items-Yuanling Fruit!

When the last extreme upgrade task was completed, Qin Shaofeng received three special rewards from the system. The rewards were these three Yuanli fruits!

It is the so-called Yuanli Fruit, which is actually an upgraded version of the Spiritual Fruit.

Yuanli Fruit: Special props, after taking it, allow players to use any skill within ten minutes without consuming any Yuanli value.

With the fruit of vitality, within ten minutes it is equivalent to having unlimited vitality, which gives Qin Shaofeng the confidence to challenge any strong below the holy realm.

Qin Shaofeng is confident that even the strong in the holy realm can't beat it, and can definitely escape.

These three Yuanli Fruits can be regarded as Qin Shaofeng's strongest hole cards at present.

Because of the infinite vitality, Qin Shaofeng could fully display the Thunder Dragon Thunder Dragon, and any increase in the power of the Demon King would explode ten times.

Under such power, Qin Shaofeng felt that he was an ordinary holy realm powerhouse, and was afraid that he would not dare to move forward.

In addition to this elementary spirit fruit tree, Qin Shaofeng was also extremely excited about the special god-level skills rewarded by this extreme upgrade mission.

World King Fist!

Qin Shaofeng is no stranger to this skill.

The first time Qin Shaofeng collected all the ordinary skills in the system recovery furnace, and then Qin Shaofeng's skill proficiency increased by more than 500,000 points.

After the recovery of the Fan-level skills, Qin Shaofeng will learn the king boxing of this world as soon as there is a vacancy in the skill position.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for over learning the special god-level skill "World King Boxing"!

World King Fist: Level 1 0/1000, special skill. It is a trick created by the World King in "Dragon Ball". It is a move that can increase one's combat power several times in a short time, but it is a great burden on the body. The boosted power depends on the player's physical condition.

The current level is level 1, which can double the Realm King Fist. After this, the strength will be increased by one level, and it will last for ten minutes.

(Note: The power multiplier raised here is to improve one's own realm, doubling is equivalent to raising the realm of one level. In addition, because the Realm King Boxing is a special skill, it does not consume the player's own elemental value when it is cast.)

Qin Shaofeng had a guess in his mind after studying the attributes of Jiewangquan.

But now after seeing the attributes of Jiewangquan, he was still shocked.

"A double increase is equivalent to an increase of one level of power, which is much stronger than the real Realm King Fist!" Qin Shaofeng exclaimed.

The Realm King Fist in the Dragon Ball is only a multiple of increasing strength, but now that the Realm King Fist is doubled by one level, this is definitely more than the doubled strength!

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng was surprised, but also very happy.

After taking a look, he now has nearly 600,000 points of skill proficiency. In the end, Qin Shaofeng consumed 111,000 points of skill proficiency and raised the Realm King Fist to level 4.

Jie Wangquan: Level 4 0/1 million, special skill, is a trick created by Jiewang in "Dragon Ball". It is a move that can increase one's combat power several times in a short time, but it is a great burden on the body. . The boosted power depends on the player's physical condition.

The current level is 4, and you can use five times the Realm King Fist. After you use it, your strength will increase to five levels, and it will last for 30 minutes.

(Note: The power multiplier raised here is to improve one's own realm, doubling is equivalent to raising the realm of one level. In addition, because the Realm King Boxing is a special skill, it does not consume the player's own elemental value when it is cast.)

The fourth-level Realm King Fist increased his five-level cultivation base, which was enough for Qin Shaofeng to temporarily possess the strength of the third and fourth levels of the Saint Yuan Realm.

This can increase Qin Shaofeng's strength to the boss.

In addition to Jie Wangquan, Qin Shaofeng saw that his skill proficiency still had more than forty, nearly half a million points, so he also improved some other skills.

The first is Lingbo Weibu. The Saint-level Lingbo Weibu has a phantom clone, but Qin Shaofeng’s powerful attack means. With sufficient skill proficiency, Qin Shaofeng naturally wants to improve Lingbo Weibu first. .

Soon, the level 4 Lingbo Weibu was upgraded to level 5!

Lingbo Microstep: 5th level 0/1 million, holy active skill, Xiaoyao faction's unique light power footwork, this footwork is exquisite and unusual, it can avoid the attack of many enemies. It was originally only a heavenly five-star skill that was upgraded to a saint-level skill after the skill upgrade card, which was more powerful than before.

The current level is level 5. After being cast, it can transform 15 phantom clones with 50% of the player's strength, possessing certain skills of the player, and lasting for ten minutes.

Level 5 Lingbo Weibu can display phantom clones with 50% of Qin Shaofeng's body strength, and there are still fifteen. Once this erupts, it is also an extreme terror.

Especially the fifteen phantom clones, if they burst out Qianshanquan together, that scene is simply able to slap most of the Saint Yuan realm masters.

However, it is precisely because of this that after raising Ling Bo's microstep, Qin Shaofeng also raised Qianshanquan from level 4 to level 5.

Qianshanquan: 5th level 0/1 million, holy level practice, Qianshanzong Zhenzong's unique, powerful, powerful, when the practice is great, you can blast out a thousand fist shadows with one punch, one thousand fists, one enemy mountain!

The current level is 5, and up to thirty-six Qianshan Fist Shadows can be condensed to attack! Each Qianshan Fist Shadow requires at least one million Yuan Power Points. Directly consume 100 million yuan of strength value, and can cast the Qianshanquan that combines 36 punches.

Level 5 Qianshan Fist can display thirty-six Qianshan Fist Shadows, although each one needs to consume at least one million yuan of strength, thirty-six fist is 36 million points.

But you get what you pay for, and you can imagine the power of Qianshanquan.

As for the 100 million-point 36-in-one Qianshanquan, Qin Shaofeng thought it would definitely be more powerful.

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