Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 567: High-level meeting

After Jiewangquan, Lingbo Weibu, and Qianshanquan improved, Qin Shaofeng still had more than two hundred thousand skill proficiencies left.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng finally started to improve his Wukongshu and Xiao Li Feidao which he hadn't upgraded for a long time.

Since Wukongshu and Xiao Li Feida, Qin Shaofeng has not upgraded these two skills since they were upgraded to level 4.

One was the spiritual power or elemental power that he had before, some of which were not enough, and Qin Shaofeng was afraid that he would not be able to use it after the upgrade.

The second is not so much skill proficiency.

But now, with 500 million yuan strength and sufficient skill proficiency, Qin Shaofeng plans to upgrade these two skills to level 5.

As a result, Wukongshu and Xiaoli Feidao both possessed a lot of skill proficiency originally. When the two were added together, it would only consume Qin Shaofeng's 120,000 points of skill proficiency to reach level 5.

After upgrading the two major skills to 5, not only the attributes and abilities have been improved a lot, but more importantly, the two major skills have actually awakened with additional skills.

Air Dance: Level 5 0/1 million, god-level active skill, can move and fly freely in the air, without being restricted by gravity! Has a rapid skill.

The current level is 5, and it can fly at high altitude within one kilometer at a speed of 300 meters per second. Need to consume spiritual power, 5th-level dance air skills need to consume 100 yuan per minute.

Haste: The upgrade skill of Sky Dance, after using it, you can get a triple speed increase for ten minutes. The current level can be used three times a day.

Xiao Li Fei Dao: Level 5 0/1 million, God-level active skills, Xiao Li's magic knife, the best in the world, a shot, a good example! Have skills to fly to combos.

The current level is 5, and within one kilometer, you can fight against opponents of the same tier. There are no false shots, a hundred shots are hit, and a minimum of 1 million yuan is consumed each time.

Fly to combo: It can consume a large amount of elemental power to trigger the flying knife combo. It takes 10 million yuan to trigger three combos of flying knives; one billion yuan to trigger four combos of flying knives; one billion yuan to trigger five combos of flying knives. (Currently, up to five combos of throwing knives can be used.)

Whether it was the rapidness of the air dance or the flying combo of Xiao Li's flying knife, it was an unexpected surprise to Qin Shaofeng.

Although Qin Shaofeng still couldn't use the five combos of Xiao Li's flying knives, Qin Shaofeng believed that as long as he was promoted to the Saint Yuan realm, he could use this trick.

And Qin Shaofeng was sure that the five combos of Xiao Li Fei Dao would definitely bring him no small surprises.

After upgrading Wukongshu and Xiao Li's Flying Sword, Qin Shaofeng discovered that he still had hundreds of thousands of skill proficiency points left.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng directly consumed more than 90,000 skill proficiency levels, and also raised the Beiming Divine Art to level 5.

Beiming Divine Art: 5th level 0/1 million, god-level passive skills, Xiaoyao faction top-notch skills, which can dissolve the enemy's internal strength and absorb it for yourself! It can also quickly absorb the aura of heaven and earth to increase the speed of cultivation and recovery. Have the skills to be naturalized.

The current level is 5, which can increase the training speed by eight times.

Naturalization: The improvement ability of Beiming's divine art can zero out attacks that do not exceed the player's upper limit of vitality, and neutralize the opponent's attacks. The current level is cast once a day.

The 5th-level Beiming Divine Art not only has an eight-fold increase in cultivation speed, but also allows Qin Shaofeng to dissolve the enemy's powerful attacks when combined with Dou Zhuan Xingyi.

And the most important level 5 Beiming Divine Art Awakening naturalization ability, but Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised.

If you can zero your attack on the upper limit of your current vitality value, and make your opponent's attack invalid, although you can only use it once a day, this is absolutely awesome!

Qin Shaofeng now has 500 million yuan strength, which means that Qin Shaofeng can face the enemy with an attack that consumes 500 million yuan strength!

This move definitely made countless Saint Yuan Realm geniuses want to cry without tears.

Imagine that the attack that burst out with full strength was completely resolved by the opponent without any harm.

Could there be anything more depressing than this?


A few days later, while Qin Shaofeng was still practicing in retreat, some senior officials in Shenfu finally started a meeting because of his performance.

This meeting was held in a special meeting room in the inner city of Shenfu.

Although there are only five people who can participate in this meeting, these five people are not simple.

They are the two appraisal elders who are responsible for the appraisal of Shenfu disciples, the principal and deputy head of the Shenfu Law Enforcement Hall, and the master of a special department in the Shenfu.

Examination hall, law enforcement hall, special department!

These are the three most important departments of the Divine Mansion, and although these five people are not the strongest in the Divine Mansion, in terms of rights, they are considered to be the highest level in the Divine Mansion.

Of course, this is not counted as the palace master of the palace, and those powerhouses in the palace who have already entered the holy realm.

But letting the five of them gather together for a meeting and discussion is enough to shock others.

The reason for this situation is precisely because Qin Shaofeng has passed through the Heaven Realm nine times in a single day.

As for the main content of the discussion, it is whether Qin Shaofeng can enter the special department of Shenfu.

The special department of Shenfu is actually the department where the top geniuses of Shenfu stay.

That is a place where the true pride of heaven can enter.

As for the way to enter, it is actually very simple, that is, it is based on the number of passes through the Heavenly Realm as the standard. After meeting certain requirements, you can join that department.

The ten levels of the Earth Element Realm can be all ten times, that is, if each level of the Earth Element Realm can pass the Heaven Realm, then you can join this department.

As for the Heavenly Origin Realm, if you can pass through the Heavenly Primal Realm eight times, you can also enter this department.

If you are in the Saint Yuan Realm, as long as you can pass the Heavenly Heaven Realm three times, no matter what cultivation level you are, as long as you are under 30 years old, you can join this department.

And if you join this department in the Earth Element Realm and Tian Yuan Realm, once you enter the Saint Yuan Realm, if you can't pass through the Mitian Realm again within the Saint Yuan Realm triple layer, you will be eliminated by that department.

Qin Shaofeng just passed the Heavenly Primal Realm eight times in the Heavenly Origin Realm, and it is now to discuss whether Qin Shaofeng can join this special department.

It stands to reason that Qin Shaofeng has completed the Heavenly Origin Realm, and he can join that special department by passing the requirements of the Heavenly Primal Realm eight times.

But the two major assessment elders in the assessment hall had different opinions.

"No, then Qin Shaofeng doesn't have that qualification yet!" One of the elders of the assessment said with a firm face.

The reason why this assessment elder objected so much is precisely because of his identity. Although he is one of the two major assessment elders in the assessment hall, he is also the previous generation of the He Family Patriarch, that is, He Shaocheng and He Shaojie's grandfather— —He Baicheng!

After learning of the conflict between Qin Shaofeng and his grandson, He Baicheng had no affection for Qin Shaofeng at all.

In the eyes of his assessment elder, his grandson has fallen in love with your woman. That is to give you face, so you dare to resist?

This is really reckless!

Although Qin Shaofeng showed extraordinary talents, in He Baicheng's view, Qin Shaofeng still belonged to a lowly existence.

It's just a mere thousand mountain sect. I don't know where ants born in a small place exist, and they want to enter the most special place in the gods.

How could he make Qin Shaofeng his wish?

"Why not? Not qualified?"

As soon as He Baicheng spoke, the other person who was also the two major assessment elders of the assessment hall sneered.

"Then Qin Shaofeng is in the Heavenly Origin Realm and has passed the Heavenly Primal Realm eight times. This has already reached the standard, why is he not qualified?"

This assessment elder is of the same generation as He Baicheng, and more importantly, he is Lin Changsheng, the previous generation of the Lin family.

Because of the mismatch between the He family and the Lin family, these two assessment elders have also been wrong.

It is probably because of this reason that they are allowed to serve as the two major assessment elders in the assessment hall, because in this way, when the disciples of the gods are assessed, they cannot be partial in either aspect.

In the case of mutual misalignment, if one party is partial, the other party may be even more embarrassed.

And it is precisely because of this that Lin Changsheng will help Qin Shaofeng speak at this moment.

It can be regarded as a good deal with Qin Shaofeng.

Secondly, because of the current relationship between Qin Shaofeng and the He family, Lin Changsheng naturally hoped that Qin Shaofeng would enter that special department and then clash with the geniuses of the He family.

This is also a good phenomenon for their Lin family.

After all, the more talented the place, the more fierce the fight, and that special department is even more so.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Changsheng also wants to be angry with He Baicheng. After all, if Qin Shaofeng really joins, He Baicheng will definitely be angry.

He Baicheng's expression became angry when he heard Lin Changsheng's words, and he said slightly angrily: "Passing through the Heavenly Realm nine times a day, there must be a problem with this. This qualification is not counted!"

"Don't count?" Lin Changsheng smiled coldly, "He Baicheng, you mean that there is a problem with the Heavenly Boundary Realm?"

Is there a problem with the Heavenly Realm?

Upon hearing this, He Baicheng couldn't wait to punch him, and blasted the old guy across the face.

To dare to question the Mitian realm is to question the first generation of Jiuyunzi. Such a thing is something that the current generation of Jiuyunzi dare not do.

He Baicheng is too fate, dare to question the Heavenly Realm?

What this shows is to buckle one's head with a basin of shit!

"Lin Changsheng, what nonsense are you talking about? I just said that Qin Shaofeng has a problem. Why did you ever say that there is a problem with the Mighty Heaven Realm? You don't want to spit people!" He Baicheng said angrily.

"Huh, what a **** mouth, what you said just now obviously meant this!" Lin Changsheng snorted disdainfully.



Soon, the two began to quarrel with each other.

The main and deputy hall masters of the law enforcement hall on the side didn't say a word, but watched the two people arguing like a theater, and the face of the deputy hall master was even more interesting.

The head of the Law Enforcement Hall was from the Jun family, but compared to He Baicheng and Lin Changsheng, he was a generation younger, and because of this, even his cultivation base was better than Lin Changsheng and He Baicheng.

But in many cases, these two assessment elders still look a little leaning on the old and selling the old, which makes him very unhappy.

Now that he saw the two quarreling, his heart was darkened.

As for the main hall master, he looked indifferent, closed his eyes and calmed down, not caring at all.

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