Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 568: Tianjiaomen

The quarrel between He Baicheng and Lin Changsheng continued, and the five people present still only had their voices.

In the end, it seemed that I really didn't want to watch the quarrel between the two major assessment elders go on, and the head of the special department finally spoke.

"Well, don't make any noise, I already have a solution for Qin Shaofeng's matter!"

When the master said, Lin Changsheng and He Baicheng, who were still arguing, immediately stopped.

The sect master in front of him is a disciple of the contemporary Jiuyunzi, although his age is not as good as them, but his identity as a disciple of the Jiuyunzi makes Lin Changsheng and He Baicheng not dare to be in front of them and have some behavior of relying on the old and selling the old.

They are not qualified enough to share the generations with Jiuyunzi disciples!

Of course, the most important point is that the sect master in front of him, whose cultivation base has already been a strong holy realm.

This alone can't allow the two major assessment elders to show off!

Looking at the same people again, the sect master said faintly: "It stands to reason that Qin Shaofeng is qualified to join my sect, but Elder He’s opinion also has some truth. In this case, I will arrange a task for Qin Shaofeng, as long as He is done, everyone has nothing to say, right?"

Arrange a task?

Since this person spoke like this, it means that the task Qin Shaofeng wants to accomplish must be somewhat difficult.

I'm afraid it is not something ordinary people can do!

Facing such a situation, He Baicheng didn't say anything, and directly acquiesced.

As for Lin Changsheng, he just wanted to be angry with He Baicheng, and Qin Shaofeng was not a member of their Lin family, so he naturally wouldn't say much now.

And the two hall masters of the law enforcement hall were still silent.

Upon seeing this, the sect master nodded and said, "Since everyone has no objections, then it's a decision!"

As soon as these words fell, the sect master flashed his figure and disappeared.

This concludes the meeting!


The inner city of Shenfu, Qin Shaofeng's training room.

Qin Shaofeng has been staying in his training room for the past few days and has not appeared, but although he has not appeared, Qin Shaofeng has almost spent the past few days in the Pagoda of Fantasy.

In the inner city of the Divine Mansion, every formal disciple's training room has a fixed point to contact the Pagoda of Fantasy.

Pass this fixed point and consume 10 points to enter the Magic Tower.

Therefore, even if he didn't go out, Qin Shaofeng had gained a lot of experience points in the past few days.

After passing the trial tower, Qin Shaofeng earned 18,000 points.

In the trial tower, if you successfully pass the first level, you can get 1,000 points, the second level is 2,000 points, the third level is 5,000, and the fourth level is 10,000 points.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng now has nearly 20,000 points.

In fact, those who pass the Heavenly Boundary Realm also have points. According to Qin Shaofeng's nine times through the Heavenly Boundary Realm, he should be able to get almost 100,000 points.

But for some reason, Qin Shaofeng still hasn't obtained the points through the Heavenly Sky Realm.

On this day, Qin Shaofeng finally understood.

This is all done by the He family!

On this day, Lin Tieshan approached Qin Shaofeng again, and then explained it to Qin Shaofeng, only then did Qin Shaofeng know about it.

"...So, you can't get the points for passing the Heavenly Realm now!"

With that said, Lin Tieshan glanced at Qin Shaofeng. Seeing Qin Shaofeng’s expressionless face, Lin Tieshan spoke again and said, “However, you don’t need to worry too much about this point. You are absolutely indispensable for this point. The Shenfu’s rules are like this. No matter how bold it is, it will be delayed at most, they will never completely deduct your points!"

On this point, Qin Shaofeng didn't worry too much, because he actually knew that even if the He family was capable, he wouldn't dare to deduct the points he deserved.

Even seriously speaking, it wasn’t that He didn’t dare, but that the He family couldn’t manage it. It’s just that this time the situation was a bit special. He passed through the Heavenly Realm nine times a day, and the He family caught this and said something to do. This did not get the points of the Heavenly Realm.

If the He Family really had the ability, he would probably not even give out the points for breaking through the fourth floor of the trial tower.

And from what Lin Tieshan just said to him, Qin Shaofeng also knew that the He family was deliberately embarrassing himself.

Who caused himself to conflict with that He Shaojie!


Taking a calm look at Lin Tieshan, Qin Shaofeng asked, "Senior Lin, you shouldn't just come to tell me these things today?"

Just to inform himself of this, Qin Shaofeng believes that Lin Tieshan will not come in person, and this needs to be sent to himself through the identity token.

Now that I came here in person, there must be something else.

"Sure enough, you can't hide it!"

Lin Tieshan smiled slightly, paused, and then suddenly asked, "By the way, Qin Shaofeng, do you know that this special department exists in Shenfu?"

Special department?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he understood something.

If it was a few days ago, Qin Shaofeng might not know yet, but in the past few days, the little princess has inquired a lot of things, the most important of which is about this special department.

"Special department! I've heard about this in some cases!"

Qin Shaofeng thought for a while, and then said: "I heard that the so-called special department needs special conditions to enter it, but I don't know what the specific situation is!"

Qin Shaofeng was telling the truth about this. If given a little time, the little princess might be able to find out, but now, she only knows that such a special department exists.

Lin Tieshan was not surprised after hearing Qin Shaofeng's words.

"Just hear it!"

Nodding slightly, Lin Tieshan said, "However, you probably don't know the specific situation of this special department. I will tell you now!"

In the next time, Lin Tieshan explained to Qin Shaofeng clearly the conditions for entering that special department, such as the conditions for entering the Earth Element Realm, as well as the conditions for entering the Heaven Element Realm and Saint Yuan Realm.

Finally, Lin Tieshan said something.

"Qin Shaofeng, let me tell you straightforwardly. People who can enter this special department are absolute geniuses in a million. If you can enter it, it will definitely be of great benefit to you in the future."

Absolute genius without a single?

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly without the slightest excitement in his heart. He glanced at Lin Tieshan calmly and said softly, "It's just that, even if I meet the conditions now, I shouldn't be able to directly enter that special department, right?"

"Yeah!" Lin Tieshan nodded and admitted without hesitation.

"Which family again?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

Lin Tieshan said nothing, nodded again.

This caused Qin Shaofeng's eyes to flash with a cold light, and his heart was a little angry.

What a pity, this is a dog skin plaster, no matter how you shake it, it's really disgusting!

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's expression a little angry, Lin Tieshan didn't say much, he patted Qin Shaofeng on the shoulder, and then let out a sigh of emotion.

"Okay, don't worry, you are not completely out of chance. My uncle, who is the elder of the assessment hall, has fought for you. Now you only need to complete the task assigned by the special department head, and the He family can't stop it. is you!"

With that said, Lin Tieshan took out a piece of jade slip and handed it to Qin Shaofeng directly, leaving behind a word.

"These are some situations in that special department. As for the task that the sect master gave you, it should be within these few days. I believe you can definitely complete it!"

After saying this, Lin Tieshan left.

The reason why Lin Tieshan came to tell Qin Shaofeng about these things was to give Qin Shaofeng a good impression and make Qin Shaofeng feel good about the Lin family.

Of course, if Qin Shaofeng can really complete this task and then join that department, the Lin Family will have more opportunities to contact Qin Shaofeng in the future.

After Lin Tieshan left, Qin Shaofeng began to check the jade slips left by Lin Tieshan.

From that piece of jade slip, Qin Shaofeng knew that the special department of Shenfu had a very big name.


The special department where the pride of heaven is located!

The disciples of Tianjiao Sect, from lowest to highest, are low-level disciples, intermediate-level disciples, high-level disciples, and the god-child at the top.

In fact, the low-level disciples are the disciples who enter the Earth Element Realm, and the middle-level disciples are the disciples who enter the Tianyuan Realm.

As for high-level disciples, they must have the cultivation base of the Saint Yuan Realm, and then pass the Saint Yuan Realm challenge to become a high-level disciple.

As for the **** child, it is even more difficult.

The son of God, the son of God's Palace is also an absolute arrogant of the Nine Clouds Continent, but if you want to become the son of God's Palace, it is not easy.

The reason is simple. After entering the Saint Yuan Realm, each level must pass through the Saint Yuan Realm once.

For example, Qin Shaofeng is currently the cultivation base of the first level of the Saint Yuan realm. He must defeat the virtual clone of the first level of the Saint Yuan realm through the Heavenly Realm. When Qin Shaofeng rises to the second level of the Saint Yuan realm, if he can’t pass the Saint Yuan realm within three months. If you solve the Mitian realm in the second layer, you will deprive you of the title of God Child.

Of course, if Qin Shaofeng had risen two levels in a row, the rules would be the same.

It is not that the tenth level of the Saint Yuan realm must pass the Mitian realm, but as long as the cultivation base is upgraded to the first level, it must pass the challenge of the Mitian realm within three months.

At present, there are seven people in the Tianjiao Sect of God's Palace who have the title of God Child!

The He family and the Lin family each have a **** son, the Jun family has two, the remaining three have other families, and there is a genius who has emerged from the grassroots.

However, no matter who it is, the strength of these seven gods is terrifying.

The most obvious point is that Lin Tieshan left a sentence on Qin Shaofeng's jade slip, with Lin Tieshan's strength, facing the **** son of the Lin family, he would lose within ten moves.

Qin Shaofeng knew that although Lin Tieshan was not the tenth level of the Saint Yuan Realm cultivation base, his Yuan Power value was much more than that of Xu Feiyang, exceeding 1.5 billion points.

But such a master can't resist the ten tricks of the son of God!

And there is another thing Qin Shaofeng cares most about, that is, the strength of the **** child of the Lin family is probably ranked fourth or fifth.

This means that among the seven **** children, there are even more terrifying existences.

"Tsk tsk, it's interesting. I didn't expect that there is such a genius in this divine palace. At this level, I am afraid that it can be regarded as a rare genius on the Origin Continent!"

With a light tusk, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, revealing a hint of excitement.

"However, the more this is the case, the more interesting it is!"

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