Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 573: Actually escaped?

The phantom clone first caused the four Saint Yuan Realm eight-fold masters to consume some Yuan Power.

Then it was shocked because of those two Saint Yuan realm nine-level masters being attacked and killed by Qin Shaofeng.

In addition, the Yuan Jia condensed at this moment has also consumed part of the Yuan Power.

This resulted in Qin Shaofeng's monthly reading not only directly succeeding, but even successfully pulling the spiritual power of an eight-fold Saint Yuan realm master into the monthly reading space.

In the moon reading space, the little fox who had been staying in Qin Shaofeng's storage bag had long since cooperated with Qin Shaofeng to transfer his mental power to the moon reading space.

When Qin Shaofeng dragged the spiritual power of the four Saint Yuan Realm eight-fold masters into the moon reading space, the little fox was a violent shot, directly using the mental storm of the psychedelic eye to launch a completely violent mental attack.

You must know that the little fox has already been promoted to the holy origin realm. Although it is only the first level of the holy origin realm, the little fox has spiritual power, and I am afraid that it is no longer lost to some masters of the holy origin peak realm.

Under such circumstances, where the four Saint Yuan Realm eight-layer masters can resist the spiritual attack by the spiritual storm bonus?

In just an instant, the four masters of the eight levels of Saint Yuan realm, their spiritual bodies were directly torn apart by the attack of the little fox.

As for the outside world, there was only a blink of an eye, and the four Saint Yuan Realm eight-fold masters puffed to the ground. Although the aura was still there, it was fading quickly, and they were already considered dead.

What happened to this?

Seeing a dozen or so breaths before, the six masters who were still flaunting their might, all fell to the ground at this moment, and they couldn't even survive.

He Shaojie is at a loss at this moment!

Is this a dream?

Not only him, but He Feng, who has absolute information about his strength, was a little confused at this moment.

Although the strength of those six people was nothing in his eyes, He Feng would be able to win if he was given one to six.

But this victory was based on the premise that a certain amount of time was required.

But Qin Shaofeng?

Although all this seemed complicated and the process was numerous, Qin Shaofeng made a lot of moves.

But in fact, this is a dozen or so breaths.

No, I'm afraid that if Qin Shaofeng really started to count, he didn't even have time for ten breaths, he would completely solve these two nine-fold four-eight-fold Saint Yuan realm masters.

Facing such a situation, He Fengxin also had a trace of extreme doubt.

Who is chasing and killing someone!

However, after this situation, He Feng completely understood one thing.

This looks very inconspicuous in front of him, it is only the peak realm of the Tianyuan realm, to him it is just an ant-like Qin Shaofeng, in fact, it is a terrifying behemoth covered in an ant shell.

Can't underestimate it!


He patted He Shaojie lightly. After He Shaojie returned to his senses, He Feng said solemnly: "Four young masters, you have to retreat one after another, give me Qin Shaofeng!"

If it was normal, He Feng would speak to himself in such a tone, He Shaojie would definitely be furious, and then swear at He Feng.

But at this moment, after taking a look at the six corpses on the surrounding ground, He Shaojie still swallowed the anger in his heart, nodded directly, and then honestly stepped aside.

Now He Shaojie no longer has any thoughts of killing Qin Shaofeng himself.

What's a joke, this Qin Shaofeng is completely a monster, how could he defeat the opponent?

If you do it yourself, it's definitely looking for death!

In the face of He Feng and He Shaojie's actions, Qin Shaofeng did not say anything, let alone make a move.

In fact, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who had just performed Moon Reading and killed four Saint Yuan Realm eight-layer masters in seconds, now had very little energy left in his body.

But at this moment Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to immediately draw out the pill and directly took it to restore his vitality.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew very well in his heart, I'm afraid that as soon as he noticed his intention of taking out the pill and preparing to restore his original strength, He Feng on the opposite side would probably attack him as soon as possible.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng believed that if He Feng made a move, he would definitely face the storm's attack.

Although He Feng only had 800 million Yuan Power, the feeling that the other party gave Qin Shaofeng was more terrifying than Xu Feiyang.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not dare to reveal the slightest flaw.

Now Qin Shaofeng can only rely on the Yi Jin Jing to recover the vitality value consumed. Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng now has 500 million yuan power, and the level 6 Yi Jin Jing can recover one-fifth per minute, which is 50 million points. Yuan force value.

With this recovery ability, five million yuan strength can be recovered in six seconds.

This is a little longer, which is beneficial to Qin Shaofeng.

But after all, He Feng was a master of the tenth realm of the Saint Yuan Realm. He had fought countless times and had rich experience in battle, and he soon noticed Qin Shaofeng's abnormality.

Although he also guessed that this might be Qin Shaofeng's strategy, maybe.

But considering the strength of his six companions, and Qin Shaofeng's situation of solving his six companions in such a short time, He Feng believed in his heart that Qin Shaofeng must consume a lot at this moment.

Otherwise, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't remain motionless now.

The most important point is that although He Feng has self-thinking, he is a dead man trained by the He family after all. After guessing, he will not worry about his own safety at all like others.

Therefore, in just an instant, He Feng shot.


His figure flashed, and He Feng's figure instantly disappeared from Qin Shaofeng's sight.

At this moment, even though Qin Shaofeng kept the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel, he only saw a trace of afterimage.

So fast!

Qin Shaofeng was startled, but he didn't panic either!

At this moment, more than ten seconds have passed, and Qin Shaofeng's vitality value has recovered more than ten million points.

Therefore, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate at all. With a move in his heart, the six-pointed star on his eyes flashed slightly with purple light.


With a low drink, the next moment, a huge purple figure with a height of 70 meters appeared and enveloped Qin Shaofeng.

At the moment when Xu Zuo Nenghu appeared, He Feng appeared again.

In the face of the sudden and continuous huge Xu Zuo Nenghu, He Feng's eyes were still calm, without a wave of waves.


He Feng didn't care how strong the Yuanli Giant was before him, He Feng slammed a punch.


With a loud noise, the huge Suzuo Nenghu shook the whole body, and the purple body unexpectedly showed signs of distraction.

I circled a cross, do you want to hang it like this!

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed in his heart after feeling the situation of Xu Zuo Nenghu after bearing He Feng's punch.

Because even if Qin Shaofeng had solved the magical skill of the North Ming, He Feng's fist was still a little too close, and he shattered his own Xu Zuo Nenghu.

But what made Qin Shaofeng's egg even more painful was that He Feng seemed to be aware of this situation. After the punch was blasted, Qin Shaofeng was not given time to react, and the second punch came in an instant.

In the face of He Feng's second punch, Qin Shaofeng knew very well that unless he was using the naturalization ability of Beiming's divine art, he would definitely not be able to resist it.

In fact, it is so!


With a punch, Suzuo Nenghu's huge body collapsed instantly.

the first time!

This was the first time that Qin Shaofeng was defeated so easily after using Xu Zuo Nenghu.

But having said that, this is not surprising.

After all, this He Feng is not only the realm of the tenth stage of the Saint Yuan Realm, but the Yuan Power value exceeds 800 million points, and the strength is extremely strong.

However, Qin Shaofeng just spent tens of millions of points to display the Xu Zuo Nenghu, naturally a little not enough.


As soon as Xu Zuo Nenghu was defeated, He Feng's figure flashed and went straight to Qin Shaofeng's location.

At this moment, He Feng's whole body vitality surged, his aura rose to the peak, and then the moment he appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, He Feng waved with one hand, turned his right hand into his fist, and used his palm as a knife to fiercely face Qin Shaofeng. Chop down.


A burst of vitality exploded, and He Feng's slash was directly chopped out a huge sword energy tens of meters long.

The sword aura exudes an aura of extreme terror, and the aura that seems to be able to split everything, it is amazing.

In the face of such a sword energy, Xu Feiyang probably was reborn, and he couldn't handle this move at all.

But in the face of this terrifying sword aura that was life-threatening, Qin Shaofeng didn't change his expression, even facing the sword aura that was chopped off as if he didn't care at all.

In this situation, He Feng frowned slightly.

And soon, he found a strange scene.

I saw that terrifying huge sword energy directly passed through Qin Shaofeng, as if Qin Shaofeng didn't exist, cutting down without any hindrance.


Qin Shaofeng was not beheaded, but after the sword energy hit the ground, it directly blasted a huge knife mark hundreds of meters long.

Even at the end, a few monster beasts in the Saint Yuan realm were directly blasted into scum.

But He Feng didn't care about these things. What made him care about was that floating in the void opposite him, the whole person seemed to blur the ordinary Qin Shaofeng.

It's not like it, but it's blurred.

The power of the gods is blurred!

Facing He Feng's powerful attack, Qin Shaofeng could only escape the blow with the help of Shenwei's imagining ability.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng was really worried at the moment when the sword aura came, and he felt the terrifying aura of the sword aura. He Feng's slash cut open the divine mighty space.

Fortunately, He Feng was not yet a strong man in the holy realm, and could not split the divine space.

Taking advantage of the virtual state, Qin Shaofeng directly took out three special edition fifth-grade nine-layer spirit pills and swallowed them directly.

Such a scene made He Feng's eyes flashed a pity.

Because he knew that he had just missed the best chance to kill Qin Shaofeng.

However, there is no other way. The sword energy just now is his strongest attack method.

But he didn't hurt Qin Shaofeng in the slightest. He Feng, who had the calm mood of a dead man, was shocked at this moment.

He had never heard of such a strange ability.

At this moment, He Feng suspected that Qin Shaofeng's ability to pass through the Heavenly Realm nine times in a row was probably because of this strange ability.

This ability to neutralize the opponent's attack is too bad.

For a moment, He Feng didn't have the idea of ​​making another shot, but just looked at Qin Shaofeng quietly.

And Qin Shaofeng also wanted to take the opportunity to recover some Yuan Power again, and then fight He Feng thoroughly.

After all, a minute of imagining can restore 50 million yuan of energy.

He Feng's strength is too strong. If he restores some Yuanli value, he will have more assurance.

And Qin Shaofeng also planned to try his best to drag He Feng for ten minutes, and then directly take five special edition fifth-grade nine-layer spirit pills.

As long as the original strength value is fully restored, he will directly come to a thunder dragon with 500 million yuan strength value and use the power of the demon king to increase it. Qin Shaofeng does not believe that He Feng can resist an attack like this.

But before the blur was over for a minute, He Feng made a situation that made Qin Shaofeng completely dumbfounded.

After staring at Qin Shaofeng for a while, He Feng's figure flashed.

It wasn't that he attacked Qin Shaofeng again, He Feng came directly to He Shaojie with this flash.

Then, he grabbed his right hand and left with He Shaojie without looking back.

He escaped!

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