Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 574: Thunder Dragon Blast

Run... ran away?

Qin Shaofeng was a little dumbfounded looking at the black shadow that was leaving quickly.

What's the situation?

Then He Feng actually took He Shaojie away?

This is obviously a disadvantage!

The same doubt also appeared in He Shaojie's mind at this moment.

"He Feng, what are you doing? Why are you running?"

He Shaojie, who was grasped by He Feng and felt the wind, asked angrily.

He Feng was also helpless at this moment. He just observed that Qin Shaofeng's imaginary ability, although he didn't know how long it could last.

But as soon as he saw more than ten breaths, he gave up waiting.

He Feng didn't know whether Qin Shaofeng's ability could be used continuously, and how long it could last each time.

But just showing it right now makes He Feng not dare to gamble.

Because he is not alone!

If he was alone today, or without He Shaojie, the fourth young master of the He family, He Feng would definitely not run away, and Qin Shaofeng would definitely tell his life and death.

Either he died or Qin Shaofeng died!

But unfortunately, there is He Shaojie beside him today.

Compared with the task of chasing and killing Qin Shaofeng, He Feng's first task was actually to protect He Shaojie's safety.

He Feng couldn't guarantee what other cards Qin Shaofeng would have in the next situation.

If this is an accidental remark, Qin Shaofeng finds a chance, and it would be terrible for He Shao outstanding.

Even a person in the Ninth Stage of the Saint Yuan Realm with more than 500 million Yuan Strength could be suddenly killed by Qin Shaofeng.

In He Feng's eyes, if Qin Shaofeng was given a chance, He Shaojie would never have a chance to survive.

It was just like at that time when Qin Shaofeng took advantage of the virtual state, and suddenly he could not stop He Shao outstanding hand.

After informing He Shaojie of these considerations, He Feng finally said something.

"Four Young Master, my first task is to protect your safety. Qin Shaofeng's strength is a bit weird. If you are not careful, it will be very bad for you!"

What's wrong?

Although He Feng's words are quite euphemistic, He Shaojie is clear in his heart.

What a bad idea!

If one is not careful, he will definitely be dead.

Hearing what He Feng said, He Shaojie subconsciously wanted to refute something, but after thinking about it, He Shaojie opened his mouth before thinking about his six subordinates, and said nothing in the end.

He Shaojie is not stupid, he knows He Feng is telling the truth!

Qin Shaofeng's strength is really weird!

At this moment, He Feng seemed to have discovered something suddenly and whispered.

"No, then Qin Shaofeng is chasing you!"


He Shaojie was startled, and he turned his head to find out. Not far behind him, Qin Shaofeng really chased him.

Although He Feng took He Shaojie to escape at first, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised.

But Qin Shaofeng soon reacted.

The reason why He Feng is like this is nothing more than afraid that his sudden move will result in He Shaojie.

But precisely because of this, Qin Shaofeng didn't even plan to let these two people go.


With a violent flash, Qin Shaofeng directly withdrew from the state of blurring, and used the Wukong technique to chase the two of He Feng.

Then He Feng has concerns, but he has no concerns!

Moreover, this situation is actually extremely beneficial to him. If this is missed and He Shaojie returns to the Shenfu, then the chance of killing him is much smaller.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Qin Shaofeng, who came to understand, immediately caught up.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't use full speed either. He planned to chase He Feng and the others, taking the opportunity to recover the vitality in his body.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng's actions shocked He Shaojie.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng chasing the two of him, He Shaojie subconsciously thought that Qin Shaofeng really had other means, which made him panic.

"Chasing... chasing... catching up, then Qin Shaofeng is catching up!" He Shaojie shouted in a panic, with no pretension to grasp Qin Shaofeng's life and death in his hands.

He Shaojie at this moment is really scared.

This made He Feng feel very helpless, he actually guessed Qin Shaofeng's intentions.

In fact, if he took He Shaojie to escape, He Feng knew that as long as Qin Shaofeng was not stupid, he might catch up.

Sure enough now!

Although his behavior was definitely not correct, He Feng chose to do this for He Shaojie's safety.

However, He Feng now knows that there is only one way left for him, and that is to escape!

If he stopped to fight Qin Shaofeng now, He Feng believed that Qin Shaofeng would definitely keep attacking He Shaojie.

Under such circumstances, he would definitely shrink back and he would not be able to exert his full strength at all.

Therefore, in the present situation, I can only escape!

Seeing He Shaojie's panic, He Feng could only take a look and comfort him: "Four young masters, you can rest assured, at my speed, Qin Shaofeng will never catch up!"

He Feng's words reminded He Shaojie.

Yes indeed!

He Feng is a master at the tenth level of the Saint Yuan Realm, and the speed is probably not what Qin Shaofeng can catch up with.

But soon, He Shaojie and He Feng didn't think so.

Because even if He Feng started to slowly increase his speed, Qin Shaofeng still dangled the two of them behind him without being pulled away.

After discovering this, He Shaojie finally got scared in his heart.

"What does He Feng do now? Then Qin Shaofeng's speed doesn't seem to be slow! Under such circumstances, we will be overtaken by him sooner or later!" He Shaojie shouted in panic.

Without He Shaojie's reminder, He Feng had already discovered Qin Shaofeng's anomaly.

Looking back, He Feng frowned slightly behind Qin Shaofeng in the distance.

The situation is not good, it seems that Qin Shaofeng not only has the strength comparable to the average Saint Yuan Realm ten-level master, but his speed is also the same!

If this continues, I am afraid it is really possible to catch up with him.

In this case, it can only be done like this!

He Feng had a countermeasure just after thinking a little bit in his heart.


Suddenly, He Feng turned around, turned his head and flew He Shaojie in the other direction.

And this direction is the direction to the depths of the Black Cloud Valley.

"Oh, planning to go into the depths of the black cloud? Is this using those Saint Yuan realm monsters to escape from me?"

Seeing He Feng's sudden change of direction of escape, Qin Shaofeng quickly understood the other party's intentions.

"Unfortunately, how can I make you wishful?"

With a flash of eyes, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a playful smile.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng's vitality had long been restored, and even after just a chase, ten minutes had passed since Qin Shaofeng took five special five-grade nine-layer spirit pills in ten minutes last time.

If the Yuanli value is complete, you can also take five special five-grade nine-layer spirit pills!

Everything is ready!

That being the case, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not be polite.


With a low drink, Qin Shaofeng instantly used the rapid ability of Wukongshu.

Haste: The upgrade skill of Sky Dance, after using it, you can get a triple speed increase for ten minutes. The current level can be used three times a day.

The fifth-level air dance technique can make Qin Shaofeng fly three hundred meters in one second, but after the speed of this air dance technique is tripled, it is 900 meters.

After the speed increased three times, Qin Shaofeng directly broke out to full speed.


With just a light flash, Qin Shaofeng arrived in an instant, less than ten meters behind He Feng and He Shaojie.


At the moment Qin Shaofeng's figure disappeared, He Feng, who had been paying attention to the movement behind him, immediately noticed it.

But he didn't give him the slightest time to react. In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng appeared less than ten meters behind him.

It's just a distance of less than ten meters, this distance can completely break out a normal attack to the people of the Saint Yuan Realm.

not good!

He Feng felt bad for the first time and did not hesitate. He knew that the best defense was to attack. He Feng, who had this reason, was a backhand strike at this moment.


I have to say that this He Feng deserves to be a master of the tenth level of the Saint Yuan Realm, and there is also the absolute calmness of the dead, even if it is a hasty attack, it should not be underestimated.


A huge sword gas over thirty meters long was chopped out by He Feng in an instant.

Although he had not exploded with that level of power before, this sword aura was also extremely terrifying.

But this time it was different.

Qin Shaofeng, who was at full strength and had already prepared, ignored this powerful sword energy this time.

In fact, as early as He Feng had just reacted, Qin Shaofeng had already taken action.


There was a flash of lightning, and the moment Qin Shaofeng appeared behind He Feng and He Shaojie, his entire body was filled with terror currents.

Thunder Dragon!

At the next moment, the current flashed, and a dazzling purple light flashed, and a huge thunder dragon of a hundred meters suddenly emerged from Qin Shaofeng.

Before that, Qin Shaofeng had already exerted the power of the devil on himself!

Therefore, this thunder dragon was blessed by the power of the demon king's suit skill, and it was the thunder dragon that was tripled after Qin Shaofeng broke out with all his strength.


With an angry dragon chant, the thunder dragon shone out.

At the same time, He Feng just happened to cleave that sword energy.

But in front of this terrifying thunder dragon, He Feng's sword aura, after the thunder dragon explored the claws of a divine dragon, was completely broken.

how can that be?

Seeing this scene, He Feng, who had the calm mood of the dead man, opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Such a terrifying attack, how could it be possible for a person at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Origin Realm to burst out?

This breath made He Feng think of the strength of the big brother He Shaojie, the terrifying genius of his He family.

It's just the peak of the Tianyuan realm, but it has the power comparable to the peak of the holy yuan realm, and it is also the power of the **** child of the Tianjiao gate of the gods.

What kind of monster is Qin Shaofeng?

If he had a choice, I am afraid that even if he risked resisting He Shaojie's order, He Feng would forcibly prevent He Shaojie from chasing Qin Shaofeng this time.

Unfortunately this is impossible!


Thunder light flashed, and Thunder Dragon instantly rushed towards the two of He Feng and He Shaojie.

In an instant, the two of them were overwhelmed by endless lightning.

Although He Feng, who had not given up for the first time, condensed Yuan Jia in an instant.

But it's a pity that his Yuan Jia was defeated in an instant under the thunder light of Thunder Dragon, even if it was a piece of paper.

Once Yuan Jia was shattered, He Feng did not resist at all under the endless thunder light of the Thunder Dragon, it turned into a burst of fly ash, and then completely dissipated.

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