Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 576: crisis! Great crisis!

The violent breath was released madly.

At this moment, He Shaojie had completely given up the idea of ​​survival, so he directly used a secret technique of the He family.

Although this secret technique could temporarily promote him to possess the strength of the sixth stage of the Saint Yuan Realm, even so, He Shaojie knew that he was far from Qin Shaofeng's opponent.

Therefore, He Shaojie did another thing.

That is to release the enhanced strength directly with aura, which allowed him to have the eighth level of the Saint Yuan realm for a time, and he was even close to the breath of the 9th level.

He just released his breath, but didn't plan to fight, it felt like He Shaojie was crazy.

But in fact, He Shaojie is not crazy.

He Shaojie's purpose is obvious. This is already the deep area of ​​the Black Cloud Valley. Even when he hurriedly fled before, now he is not far from the core area of ​​the deep Black Cloud Valley.

There is one thing, perhaps Shenfu doesn't know.

Why did the He family choose to establish a teleportation array in this area of ​​the Black Cloud Valley?

In order for the disciples of the He family to conduct trials?

No, this is just a superficial phenomenon!

Once again inadvertently, He Shaojie learned that there seemed to be a very powerful monster in the core area of ​​the Black Cloud Valley.

The He family already knew about this.

And besides that powerful monster, it seems that the Black Cloud Valley still possesses a certain secret. It is precisely for this reason that every time Black Cloud Valley has a large amount of strength that exceeds the triple realm of the Holy Origin Realm, it basically deals with this matter. The disciples of Tianjiao Sect were all from the He family.

It's just that this time the situation is a bit special, and because the He Family wants to take action against Qin Shaofeng, He Shaojie's grandfather didn't do anything to let Qin Shaofeng directly receive the task.

Although I don't know how strong that monster beast is, He Shaojie knows that the other party must not be simple, and most importantly, that monster beast seems to hate human aura very much.

And He Shaojie's current behavior is completely provoking the monster beast!

Qin Shaofeng didn't know this situation.

But seeing He Shaojie suddenly burst into such a strong breath, Qin Shaofeng also somewhat guessed, He Shaojie's intentions.

However, in Qin Shaofeng's view, He Shaojie at most wanted to attract a large number of Saint Yuan Realm monsters to deal with him.

Especially at this moment, a large number of Saint Yuan Realm monsters have rushed to this side frantically, making Qin Shaofeng more certain.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care either. Because of the rapid ability of the air dance, Qin Shaofeng was confident that no matter how many holy yuan realm monsters appeared, he could easily escape.

But the next moment, a very sharp roar suddenly sounded, making Qin Shaofeng feel that something was wrong.


As if it was a roar like a king over the world, Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that the holy yuan realm monster beasts that had rushed madly stopped for the first time.

Even Qin Shaofeng saw that several holy yuan realm five-sixth layer monster beasts that had appeared in his line of sight were shivering at this moment.

This...something is wrong!

Qin Shaofeng was startled, and gave birth to a premonition that was not so wonderful.

At the same time, He Shaojie, who finally felt that the blue light on his body was about to dissipate, burst into laughter when he heard this extremely unusual roar.

"Hahaha, it really appeared, Qin Shaofeng, you're done, you just die with me!"


Upon hearing this, Qin Shaofengxin moved slightly, and immediately felt what was hidden in it, and He Shaojie probably knew something.

However, there is no need for He Shaojie to say more.

Because no more!


At this moment, in the extreme distance, where the core of the Black Cloud Valley was, a fire suddenly rose.

The fire light was like sunset clouds, and the distant sky glowed red as soon as it appeared.

And just under the red sunset, Qin Shaofeng saw a black shadow tens of meters long, coming towards him at an absolutely terrifying speed.

Although the shadows were still far apart, Qin Shaofeng still felt it, an aura that made him chill.


Very strong!

Super strong!

Just feeling a trace of breath, Qin Shaofeng's heart jumped fiercely.

Xu Feiyang is very strong, He Feng is also very strong!

But after feeling this breath at this moment, Xu Feiyang and He Feng are probably just like a newborn child.


As soon as he felt the power of this breath, Qin Shaofeng instantly became alert.

Then, without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng turned around, raised his speed to the limit, and fleeing away lifelessly.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng fleeing, He Shaojie laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng is useless. Let me tell you the truth. With the strength of that monster beast, even if you are ten times stronger, you can't escape."

Qin Shaofeng ignored what He Shaojie said, because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already flashed far away in an instant.

But even so, He Shaojie still didn't think Qin Shaofeng could escape.

However, seeing Qin Shaofeng not chasing after him at this moment, He Shaojie's heart moved, but he felt fortunate.

Because he suddenly discovered that if Qin Shaofeng didn't chase him down, wouldn't he be able to escape smoothly, eh?

As soon as this thought appeared, He Shaojie was overjoyed, regardless of what Qin Shaofeng was doing, but turned around and dispersed to another place, but He Shaojie seemed to have forgotten one thing.


The boundless fire suddenly came, even if protected by the blue light, He Shaojie still felt a terrible heat.

He looked up subconsciously, and when he saw a huge monster suddenly appeared in front of him, He Shaojie's eyes showed incomparable panic.

"Dragon... Dragon... Is this a dragon?"

Seeing the huge monster in front of him, He Shaojie stunned in exclamation.

The behemoth that appeared in front of He Shaojie was a huge fire-colored dragon that was a hundred meters long!

No, to be precise, it's not a dragon, it's a Jiao!

Because this dragon has no limbs, its whole body is like a giant python, covered with flaming red scales as big as a palm.

The huge head has no dragon horns either, but a one-meter-long horn grows from the center of the forehead.

The unicorn flashed with thunder light all the time, and the thunder light was even more flaming.

And behind this dragon, there are two pairs of cyan fleshy wings that emit purple light.

This is a four-winged dragon!

However, at this time, He Shaojie didn't have time to observe these things, because he had been suppressed by the terrifying aura of this flood dragon long ago.

If it weren't for the blue light on his body, I'm afraid this breath alone would be enough to kill He Shaojie.

At this moment, feeling the breath of this dragon, He Shaojie seemed to have a feeling of facing his ancestors.

No, this breath is more terrifying than my ancestors!

Because my ancestor would not explode a strong aura to himself, but the flood dragon in front of him was furious.

Under this breath, He Shaojie had no idea of ​​resisting at all.

That's it!

This time it's absolutely finished!

With a sad smile, He Shaojie's eyes showed a trace of death.


At this time, the flood dragon roared, and a huge dragon mouth was a surging fire, violently sprayed out.


Under the burning of this blazing fire, with the protection of blue light, He Shaojie also screamed, and then died.

The cyan light blocked the blazing fire, but the hot aura erupted from the burning fire was not something He Shaojie could resist.

He was so hot!

This way of death is also very strange!

But that dragon is dissatisfied!

Although it has felt it, the tiny human being in front of him is dead.

But the blue light on his body still exists.

Although it was dimmed a lot, it was not destroyed by the alleviating inflammation it vomited, which made it very dissatisfied.

It seems that my dignity has suffered silent provocation and ridicule!


An angry dragon roar roared from the mouth of this dragon.

Long Yin instantly spread all over the area with a radius of thousands of miles. The monsters in this area, no matter how strong they are, they leaned over to the ground for the first time, trembling all over, and each one was incomparably panic, for fear of the true king of the Black Cloud Valley. Will bring anger to them.


After Long Yin, this Jiaolong vomited out his proudly relieved inflammation again.

Although it wasn't the real dragon's breath, the Jiaolong was still quite satisfied with his own inflammation.


Under the extremely terrifying inflammation, a cyan transparent jade pendant on He Shaojie's corpse suddenly cracked.

Then, not long after the cracks occurred, the jade pendant burst open instantly.

In the next moment, the blue light dissipated, and without the protection of the blue light, it was already extremely red. That time, He Shaojie's body was directly burned to ashes by the terrible inflammation.

Such an encounter, like that of He Feng, ended up with a dead body.

No, it's not that there is no dead body, but that there is no dead body.

They were all turned into ashes, and even the ashes were gone in the end, there are no traces of corpses!

Facing the consumption caused by himself, that dragon is very satisfied.

But it did not intend to return directly to its own lair in the Black Cloud Valley core, but Jiao turned around and looked in another direction.

That is the direction Qin Shaofeng flees like crazy!


The huge figure flashed fiercely, and the flood dragon rose into the air again, then turned into a stream of light, and quickly chased Qin Shaofeng.


An absolute crisis!

There is no need to look back, just feel the surging aura and move towards him again. Qin Shaofeng knew that the terrifying monster beast was chasing him.

As for the breath of He Shaojie, Qin Shaofeng had already noticed that it had completely disappeared.

But at this time, how could Qin Shaofeng care about He Shaojie!

"I circled a cross, shouldn't this be a holy beast?"

Feeling the terrifying breath, Qin Shaofeng made a very painful cry.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng had no other choice but to escape.

Today's power of the devil is used, and the power of the gods is also used!

If this is caught up, it will be a big one!

After Wukongshu's rapid ability, that speed was increased to the extreme by Qin Shaofeng.

But even at this speed, it's just a short time.

With a bang, Qin Shaofeng felt a violent and hot aura suddenly pressing down on himself.

The situation was like when a giant peak suddenly appeared, completely suppressing himself.

The darkness in front of him, the next moment Qin Shaofeng felt a huge black shadow, instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

Then, the huge black shadow exuding a terrifying aura completely blocked his way.

The crisis is coming!

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