Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 577: Horror Fire

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Qin Shaofeng twitched the corner of his mouth and howled in his heart.

Nima, things are big!

But the next moment, when the fiery eyes and golden eyes fed back the information of this behemoth to Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng directly exclaimed.

"Grass, you play with me so much!"

The reason why Qin Shaofeng was so gaffe was that he was completely shocked by the attribute information of the thing in front of him!

Four Winged Poisonous Dragon Fire Dragon

Level: Ten Peaks of Saint Yuan Realm

Yuanli value: 9.5 billion/9.5 billion

Talented roots: Red Thunder and Poison Fire (Four-line mutant roots of Wind, Fire and Dark Thunder, Holy Grade 3)


Good opportunity, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon!

This name is really sharp!

However, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised that the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon was actually a monster in the pinnacle realm, not a holy monster.

It's not a holy realm, but the aura that it exudes is terrifying!

However, Qin Shaofeng now understands why the aura of this four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon is so terrifying!

9.5 billion!

What's so special, this guy actually has 9.5 billion yuan worth of points!

You are going to go to heaven!

9.5 billion?

This is 10 billion after rounding up!

Forget it, the special thing is still the four-line mutant sacred third-order spiritual root!

If he could give Qin Shaofeng a chance to come over again, Qin Shaofeng would definitely shake He Shaojie's hands and make peace when he cried to himself for mercy!

Of course, if possible, Qin Shaofeng hoped that he had never been to this Black Cloud Valley.

The trial area for disciples of the Tianyuan realm?

Nima, who are you bluffing?

With this guy in front of him, this Black Cloud Valley is definitely the trial area of ​​the gods of the gods, right?

That Erhuo sect owner is an idiot, and he actually released such a perverted mission to himself?

The four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon didn't know the many complex curses in Qin Shaofeng's heart at this moment.

But Qin Shaofeng's exclamation caused its dissatisfaction!


With a roar, the four-winged Poisonous Dragon Fire Jiao raised his head, vomiting a mouthful of inflammation to Qin Shaofeng.


Qin Shaofeng cried out strangely, and Ling Bo stepped slightly together, and then barely used the rapid state of the air dance technique at this moment to escape the blow at the moment the terrifying flame hit.

But after avoiding it, Qin Shaofeng's face was completely ugly.


Run away!

This guy has four wings and is fast!

Although Qin Shaofeng was very urgent at this moment, he was still able to calmly analyze his own situation.

Escape is impossible with escape!

Because the speed of this four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon is afraid that it has definitely reached the speed of the holy realm.


With a flash of eyes, Qin Shaofeng's heart flashed with determination.

"If you can't escape, there will only be a deadly battle!"


Seeing the tiny human being in front of him, unexpectedly dodges his own breath inflammation, a trace of dissatisfaction arose in the heart of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon.


At the moment of a low roar, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire flooded, and the mouth opened again to relieve inflammation.

This time, the anti-inflammatory spit out by it directly covered the 100-meter reaction area.

It seemed to it this time, the tiny human being in front of him could never escape his own inflammation.

In the face of this four-wing poisonous dragon and firefly attack again, Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​dodge.

When he had a decision in his heart, Qin Shaofeng snorted for the first time.

"Jie Wangquan!"

Because Qin Shaofeng intends to save the Realm King's Fist to challenge and become a special challenge of the God Child, Qin Shaofeng has not used the Realm King's Fist in the Huanchen Tower.

This is Qin Shaofeng's first use of this world king fist!


A violent breath burst out of Qin Shaofeng's low drink instantly.

That breath is tumbling and turbulent, amazing!

Level 4 Realm King Fist can cast five times Realm King Fist, allowing Qin Shaofeng to maintain his current level of five-fold upgrade within 30 minutes.

In just an instant, Qin Shaofeng's realm rose from the peak of the Tianyuan realm to five levels directly, reaching the five-level realm of the Saint Yuan realm!

It's just that the improvement at this moment is only an increase in level, and there is no increase in the value of Yuan Li. Qin Shaofeng still only has 500 million Yuan Li points.

But Qin Shaofeng had been prepared for a long time. At the same time as the Realm King Fist broke out, Qin Shaofeng took out a special fruit and swallowed it.

That fruit was just one of the three essence fruits that Qin Shaofeng currently possessed!

Yuanli Fruit: Special props, after taking it, allow players to use any skill within ten minutes without consuming any Yuanli value.

The infinite vitality state of the vitality fruit, compared to the infinite spiritual power state of the spiritual power fruit, has ten times more time.

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng didn't have much confidence in whether he could solve the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly in ten minutes.

But now Qin Shaofeng can only bite the bullet.

As soon as the state of the world king fist and the state of the fruit of Yuanli came into effect, Qin Shaofeng released his Yuanli to the maximum state without thinking about it, and summoned Suzuo Nenghu.


With a flash of purple light, a huge beard with a height of one hundred meters condensed in an instant, and any scorching inflammation expelled from the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly was directly shaken away.

A giant who was not inferior to him suddenly appeared in front of him, which shocked the four-winged poisonous dragon fire.

But there was more anger in it.

How dare this human being resist?

The Four Winged Poisonous Dragon Fire Dragon was angry, although for some reason it had been staying in this Black Cloud Valley, but long ago, it was the absolute king here.

In this Black Cloud Valley, no one dared to resist it!

It is not the first time that it has met human beings, but in its eyes human beings are only small and weak, and they are not worthy of anger.

If it weren't for the human being before, unscrupulously releasing its breath in front of its own house to provoke itself, it would probably not care about it.

But it's better now, the human in front of him not only provokes his majesty as the king of the Black Cloud Valley, but also dares to resist himself!

This is absolutely unforgivable!


With a roar of anger, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire flooded the whole body, the huge dragon tail slapped fiercely in an instant, and Qin Shaofeng Nasuzuo Nenghu's chest.


As if the giant peaks collided with each other, there was a loud noise, and it was incredible that the huge Suzuo Nenghu was shot and flew directly by the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon.

"Hi, what a terrifying power!"

Suzuo Nenghu who barely controlled the inverted flight, after falling, Qin Shaofeng gasped fiercely.

Even if he temporarily possesses the five-layered cultivation base of the Saint Yuan Realm and consumes 300 million Yuan strength points to condense the Suzuo Nenghu, there is no room for resistance in front of the four-wing poisonous dragon fire dragon?


There was no time for Qin Shaofeng to be shocked. After one tail, the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly flashed directly and came in front of Xu Zuo Nenghu, and another tail slapped him into flight.

And this time, without waiting for Qin Shaofeng's control of Xu Zuoneng to fall, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon flew into the air together and began a violent pursuit.

Bang bang bang!

The huge flapping sound made Susao Nohu like a piece of rag, flapping flying one after another.

Qin Shaofeng's expression completely changed, because according to this situation, I am afraid that it would not take much at all, and his own Xu Zuo Nenghu was completely beaten up.


With a secret anger, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with anger, and the moment when Xu Zuo Nenghu was shot flying again, Qin Shaofeng's vitality surged wildly.

Lei Dun Qilin!


There was a loud thunder, and the next moment, a huge thunder and lightning unicorn with a size of 100 meters suddenly jumped out of Suzuo Nenghu.


As soon as the thunder and lightning unicorn appeared, it rushed towards the four-winged poisonous dragon with endless lightning.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched, facing his own Lei Dun Qilin, that four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon was still so close!


With a blast, the huge thunder-dance unicorn was photographed into countless thunder lights, and then disappeared directly.

"Hold the grass!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but cursed.

But Qin Shaofeng was struggling.

"You are a bull! Well, I will make you bull!"

With a low anger, Qin Shaofeng's whole body's vitality surged, and Xu Zuo Nenghu's whole body was even more thunderous.

In the next moment, under the condition that Nasuzuo Nenghu's whole body was constantly thundering, one after another huge thunder and lightning unicorn jumped out and rushed towards the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon.

However, the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly didn't panic, and directly shot the thunder and lightning unicorns Qin Shaofeng had shown one after another, and shot them apart.

One by one without the slightest pressure!

This made Qin Shaofeng feel pained and gritted his teeth one last time and began to summon thunder dragons to attack.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng summoned more and more thunder dragons on display without the limitation of the original strength. Even if they were shot apart in the blink of an eye, no less than ten thunder dragons were surrounded by the four-winged poisonous dragon. With a few thunder and lightning unicorns.

This situation finally made the four-winged poisonous dragon Huo Jiao angry.


With a roar, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon used the fleshy wings on his back for the first time.


It just waved lightly, but with the fleshy wings of the four-wing poisonous dragon fire flood, the fleshy wings exploded with four terrifying wind blades.

Each wind blade is over a hundred meters long, and the fierce aura that radiates can definitely cut the giant peak away.

Bang bang bang!

As long as the wind blade touches it, whether it is Lei Dun Leilong or Lei Dun Qilin, it will be directly detonated.

In just a moment, all the thunder dragons and unicorns that had been displayed by Lei Dun were blasted and disappeared.

Even one of the wind blades directly smashed Qin Shaofeng's Xu Zuonenghu.


It was just that flash, Suzuo Nenghu was cut off directly, and he collapsed instantly.

This made Qin Shaofeng startled in a cold sweat!


Fortunately, the wind blade was not directed at Suzuo Nohu's chest, and he stayed in Susa Nohu's body. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would have been killed by that wind blade.

Until this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally figured out one thing.

Even if he used five times the Realm King Fist, he was promoted to the fivefold realm of the Saint Yuan Realm, plus a state of infinite Yuan Power.

But even in such a state, he is still not the opponent of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon!

After realizing this, Qin Shaofeng finally made a decision in his heart!

"It seems that I really can't keep it, this time I am afraid that I will really go all out!"

With a movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's body suddenly flashed purple and gold the next moment.

Qin Shaofeng, who appeared again, already had a set of mighty purple and gold armor on his body!

The devil is forbidden!

After realizing that he was not the opponent of the four-winged poisonous dragon, Qin Shaofeng finally used it for the first time, the ultimate domain skill of the Demon King's suit-Demon King's Forbidden Hand!

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