Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 581: Big price and big gain

Suzuo Nenghu, who had been summoned by himself, not only couldn't control himself now, it actually trapped himself.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng felt embarrassed!

But no matter how embarrassing it was, Qin Shaofeng was helpless now.

"Hey, it seems that I can only wait for time to pass, Susanoh disappeared by himself!"

With a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng's face showed a hint of helplessness.

Although helpless, Qin Shaofeng can only wait honestly now.

When he was bored, Qin Shaofeng summoned the system interface and flipped it around at will.

But at this moment, when Qin Shaofeng accidentally turned to his attribute interface, he was instantly dumbfounded.

"I wipe it, what's the situation?"

With an exclamation, Qin Shaofeng was completely stupid looking at his attribute interface at the moment.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Tenth Heaven Realm

Experience value: -633.2 billion / 99,999,999,999

Occupation: Devil

Yuan force value: 500 million / 500 million (the tenth layer of the Tianyuan realm has 500,000 Yuan force points, and the Yi Jin Jing is 50 times 25 million points, 20 Yuan Dan 500 million points)

Innate Spirit Root: Body of Dark Thunder...


Experience value: -633.2 billion! ! !

Yes, it is negative!

Qin Shaofeng watched it back and forth several times, and finally confirmed that this thing is a negative sign!

My current experience value has become a negative number, and I have lost more than 630 billion.

What a mess!

Qin Shaofeng was completely stunned at this moment, he had no idea what was going on now.

He remembered that his previous experience points were not negative at all, and he even had more than 300 billion experience points.

But now it becomes a negative number?

And this one lost more than 630 billion, which is too exaggerated!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something.

"I circled a cross. It's not because of that reason!"

At this time, Qin Shaofeng thought of the demon king's forbidden hand in his own demon suit, the final comment.

Note: The Demon Lord's Forbidden Hand in the current Demon Lord suit is temporarily a seal. If it is used forcibly, it will cost experience. The higher the level, the greater the cost!

Thinking of this gap, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly read the system prompts.

In general battles, Qin Shaofeng would switch the system prompts to the default state, so that he would not be disturbed by the Ding Dong prompts when fighting.

But after reading it now, Qin Shaofeng's face was completely painful.

Indeed, what is really special is that you use the Demon King's Forbidden Hand, which has caused such a terrifying experience value.

After checking, Qin Shaofeng discovered that once his current Demon Lord's Forbidden Hand is displayed, the amount of experience it needs to consume every minute is actually 100 billion points!

"One hundred billion a minute? Nima, this is too exaggerated!"

Qin Shaofeng's face twitched, and his heartache was extremely painful.

One hundred billion!

This is one hundred billion points of experience!

Qin Shaofeng had been in the Demon King's hands for more than nine minutes before, so he deducted one trillion points of experience in the end.

Qin Shaofeng even guessed that if it wasn't for his current limit state, I'm afraid he would have a situation where his cultivation base would retreat violently.

This Demon Lord Forbidden Hand is really a taboo skill!

"Unfortunately, I still think that after completing this extreme upgrade task, I will be directly promoted to the five or seventy-eight levels of the Saint Yuan realm! Now that I can successfully promote to the Saint Yuan realm, I am thankful!"

Looking at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng looked sad.

However, Qin Shaofeng's mood soon improved slightly.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng realized that the experience value he had lost was recovering little by little.

Obviously, the fifteen phantom clones of Suzuo Nenghu who just showed up were hunting down those holy primitive realm monster beasts, and Qin Shaofeng could actually gain experience points for the monster beasts that the phantom clones now killed.

This is also a comfort!

However, what quickly puzzled Qin Shaofeng was that in the next hour, his experience value had recovered to more than 100 billion.

Although Qin Shaofeng is at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Yuan Realm, he can get a reward for killing the beast of the Saint Yuan Realm.

But a monster beast of the first level of the Saint Yuan realm only brought 100 million experience points to Qin Shaofeng, and even a monster beast of the tenth level of the Saint Yuan realm would only have one billion points.

And Qin Shaofeng can be sure that the monsters that appear in the core area of ​​the Black Cloud Valley are at most the six or seven levels of the Saint Yuan Realm.

But now he has obtained hundreds of billions of experience points, which means that the number of holy yuan realm monsters in the Black Cloud Valley far exceeds his expectations.

"Tsk tusk, hundreds of billions! I didn't expect this Black Cloud Valley to have so many time monsters!"

With a soft tusk, Qin Shaofeng showed a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

There are more holy yuan realm monsters, that's all.

However, what made Qin Shaofeng more curious about was why this Black Cloud Valley possessed a powerful holy elemental realm monster like the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon.

"There shouldn't be any secrets in the depths of the Black Cloud Valley!"

There was a slight movement in his heart, just at this time it was the time for Xu Zuo to be able to, and Qin Shaofeng had recovered his freedom.

"Well, I will go to the depths of the Black Cloud Valley to take a look!"

After a little thought, Qin Shaofeng had a decision, and then his figure flashed, turned into a streamer, and hurried to the depths of the Black Cloud Valley.

Qin Shaofeng directly sent the corpses of those Saint Yuan Realm monster beasts killed by the Phantom Clone on the road.

For Qin Shaofeng, using the Demon King's Forbidden Hand this time, the loss was huge, and naturally he would not miss the corpses of these monster beasts.

If this can recoup some of the money, just recoup some!

Finally, after a while, Qin Shaofeng came to the core position in the deepest part of the Black Cloud Valley.

As soon as he arrived at this place, Qin Shaofeng felt the breath of the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly. If he wanted to come to this core, he should be listed as his lair by the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly.

At this moment, even if the Four-winged Poisonous Dragon Firebird was not there, no monster dared to approach it.

Of course, it might also be because the monster beasts that had the courage to approach had already been killed by the phantom clone.

But after arriving at the nest of the four-winged poisonous dragon and fire scorpion, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why a large number of holy primitive realm monsters would appear in the Black Cloud Valley.

This is all because there is a fire-red herb growing around the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon's nest.

Dragon grass!

A medicinal material that is said to only grow in the area where dragons appear, because of the dragon.

Of course, this statement is naturally wrong.

In fact, the dragon snake grass is also a kind of spirit grass similar to the cloud spirit grass, but because it has absorbed the breath of the dragon for a long time, it has produced a kind of abnormality, and it becomes a medicine with the smell of the dragon, which is called the dragon snake. grass.

And right now, these dragon grasses are actually not real dragon grasses, and even the spirit grasses that have been changed by the four-wing poisonous dragon fire dragon for many years.

However, even if it was just this kind of dragon grass, once it matured, it would definitely be no less than a treasure of heaven and earth for ordinary monsters.

Although the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon was not a dragon, it was just a fire dragon, but with its demonstrated strength, Qin Shaofeng guessed that the opponent might have a trace of dragon blood.

If not, he would not have such strength in the Saint Yuan Realm.

Moreover, the medicinal materials of the Holy Origin Realm in the heart of the Black Cloud Valley, probably because of these dragon grass, have broken through to the Holy Origin Realm.

Qin Shaofeng also discovered that these dragon grasses seemed to have entered a mature stage, and feared that it was precisely for this reason that a large number of holy primitive monsters appeared in the Black Cloud Valley during this time.

For such medicinal materials, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not miss it.

But it was a pity for Qin Shaofeng that most of the dragon's scorpion grass here had already been taken by the monsters, and Qin Shaofeng finally found a dozen dragons' scorpion grass, and only two of them were mature.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to directly collect the remaining immature dragon grasses into the original world space in his body.

As Xiaoqiuqiu said, now Qin Shaofeng can put things into his original world space.

It's only income, but it can't be taken out, and Qin Shaofeng can't get in touch, and can't even detect the situation of the original world space.

Although helpless, even the small ball could not help, Qin Shaofeng could only wait.

"It's just that there is such a good thing at the door of the old lair. There should be even better things inside the old lair of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon?"

With a soft mutter, Qin Shaofeng continued to move forward.

In a short while, Qin Shaofeng came to a cave. Seeing the appearance of the cave, it should be the real lair of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire scorpion.

But when Qin Shaofeng entered the depths of the cave, he made a major discovery.

"this is?"

In the depths of the cave, Qin Shaofeng looked sluggish at the entrance that exuded strong spiritual power at the moment.

It is said to be an entrance, but in fact this entrance is just a light group, and Qin Shaofeng is no stranger to such a light group.

Because this is the entrance to a spiritual space!

The real lair of this four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon is actually a spiritual space?

After discovering this, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why such a powerful four-winged poisonous dragon could exist only in a place like Black Cloud Valley.

This is all because of the spiritual space in front of you!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng quickly walked into the light group.

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng, who entered the light group, just felt a slight shock around him, and he appeared in an unfamiliar space in an instant.

However, as soon as he appeared in this unfamiliar space, an endless hot and surging spiritual power instantly rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

Although it was only pure spiritual power, such a strong and rich degree, for a while, Qin Shaofeng was able to face the attack of an ordinary Saint Yuan realm master.

"Hiss——! What a strong fire system spirit power!"

Feeling the spiritual power of this spiritual space, Qin Shaofeng exclaimed in his heart.

Because of the strong spiritual power here, even in the training room of the gods, the spiritual power possessed is less than one percent.

In this space, the pure fire system spiritual power is everywhere, so rich that it seems that the entire spiritual road space is burning in endless flames.

If you cultivate in such a place, it would be extremely happy for anyone with a fire system spiritual root.

"It's getting bigger!"

After understanding the space here, Qin Shaofeng felt a burst of ecstasy.

Although this spiritual space does not promote the progress of cultivation for him, and he does not need it, it is definitely a good place if it is used to cultivate pill fire.

And Qin Shaofeng also thought that if practicing in such a spiritual space, for Geng Qiutong and the little princess, it would definitely be a holy place for cultivation!

Just this spiritual space alone is the biggest gain of this trip!

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