Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 582: Mission completed, senior disciple

Qin Shaofeng naturally wanted to use such a spiritual space for himself.

But how can this be won?

Looking at the space in front of him, Qin Shaofeng was worried.

If the small ball was there, it would be able to swallow the spiritual space, but now I am afraid it will not work.

And most importantly, because of his battle with the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly, the final spread was too large.

According to this situation, once he was going to hand over the task, when Shenfu sent a master to check, he would soon discover the anomaly in the Black Cloud Valley.

And if that's the case, the lair of the four-winged poisonous dragon and the fireflood will definitely be exposed, and then this spiritual space is probably also exposed.

And the one thing Qin Shaofeng cares most about is He Shaojie's actions before.

Judging from He Shaojie's actions, then He Shaojie should be more aware of the existence of powerful monsters such as the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon in Black Cloud Valley.

Although he didn't know that this Black Cloud Valley was a powerful four-winged poisonous dragon firefighter, but He Jia was afraid that he knew something about it.

It's just that maybe because of those dragons and grasses, the He family wanted to swallow it alone, so they didn't report the matter to the palace, and even in order not to cause anomalies in the palace, they didn't get rid of the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly.

But Qin Shaofeng understood that after he went back this time, the He family might make something of the matter.

Perhaps the He family didn't know the existence of this spiritual space, but the situation of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon, He family was afraid to know a little bit.

And how could there be no good things in the land of monsters like the four-winged poisonous dragon and the fire-bird?

In this way, this spiritual space would definitely be exposed, and then nothing would happen to him.

"I'm afraid I can't hide things in this spiritual space!"

Thinking of these things, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

However, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have thought of something soon, his eyes lit up slightly, and he laughed fiercely.

"Haha, I forgot that so, I can still do this now!"

As he spoke, the space in front of Qin Shaofeng was twisted, and a transparent swirling vortex appeared.

In the next moment, the surging Fire Element spiritual power in this spiritual Dao space was crazily absorbed by the rotating vortex.

Shenwei Space!

That rotating vortex was exactly the phenomenon that Qin Shaofeng opened up the divine power space.

Although the original world space can't be counted on, but he still has supernatural power!

Now Qin Shaofeng's supernatural power space is just a three-dimensional space with a length, width and height of 100 meters, which is very boring and does not have the slightest spiritual energy.

But it doesn't mean that if there is none, it cannot be stored!

Moreover, the divine power space is absolutely closed, and once the spiritual power is absorbed, it will not dissipate by itself.

However, if only the passage of the divine power is opened, the absorption speed is a bit slow.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng directly arranged a spirit gathering absorption array, and then directly set a space point in the Shenwei space at the center of the formation, so that the Shenwei space began to frantically absorb the spiritual power of this spiritual space.

Teleportation: Taking Shenwei Space as a fixed point in space, through Shenwei Space, it can be teleported to the place where the space point is fixed. Currently players can set a space point.

This is the second ability of Qin Shaofeng's divine majestic pupil technique. At this moment, in order to absorb the spiritual power of this spiritual space, Qin Shaofeng has set up this only spatial point.

However, even if it is used up now, this space point can be canceled back, but it is not completely fixed here.

In the next few days, Qin Shaofeng has been busy with this matter.

In fact, it was only on the first day that the divine power space was filled with the fire system spiritual power of that spiritual road space, but Qin Shaofeng compressed its inner spiritual power once, and this allowed the divine power space to continue to absorb spiritual power.

Although Qin Shaofeng couldn't control the divine power space like Moonreading Space, he could control it freely, but it was barely possible to compress his spiritual power.

If it is only compressed once, it will not take several days.

Qin Shaofeng did it again and again, compressing it several times, allowing the divine power space to contain as much spiritual power as possible.

In the end, it led to the fact that Qin Shaofeng's divine mighty space was already full of thick fire-colored fog, so heavy that it was almost impossible to reach out.

But even so, the spiritual power possessed by this spiritual space is only partially reduced.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng thought of Gong Qingzi, so he used his body to absorb the spiritual power of this spiritual space, and then sent it to Gong Qingzi.

This method really worked, but unfortunately, the spiritual power of this spiritual realm is at most only the sacred power for the cultivation of the holy origin. If that were not the case, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon would have been promoted to the holy realm.

Therefore, these spiritual powers helped Gong Qingzi, but it was not at all useless, at least Qin Shaofeng could sense it, and Gong Qingzi's transformation accelerated a lot.

It's just that it's still a long way from the completion of the conversion!

A few days later, Qin Shaofeng left the spiritual space directly, and even the divine power space point was taken back by him.

Because just the day before, he reported this matter to the Tianjiao Sect of Shenfu.

After learning of this news, the person in charge of the Shenfu Palace asked Qin Shaofeng to guard it first.

And now the Shenfu is about to send people, and this time the person sent by the Shenfu, Qin Shaofeng also knows that it is Lin Tieshan.

After telling Lin Tieshan all what he knew, Qin Shaofeng left.

As for what happened during this period, Qin Shaofeng also made up an excuse.

That was the other Saint Elementary Beasts of Heiyun Valley, under their own provocation, they besieged a powerful monster in the depths of Heiyun Valley.

Then, because of the power of that powerful monster, most of the Saint Elementary Realm monsters were killed, but that powerful Saint Elementary Realm monster was also seriously injured and finally disappeared.

Then, I found that the Black Cloud Valley did not threaten me at all. After some investigation, I accidentally discovered this spiritual space.

This is what Qin Shaofeng said, as to whether the people in the gods believe it or not, Qin Shaofeng will ignore it.

Believe it or not, it’s up to me. Anyway, this spiritual space has told you, even if someone knows that there is dragon grass in this place, what about it?

There is no provision in the Shenfu, the harvest of the disciples of the Shenfu during the mission needs to be turned in.

And I have reported the most important spiritual realm, so who has any reason to trouble myself?

Qin Shaofeng guessed, although in the end, the master of the gods found traces of the existence of the dragon's grass around the four-winged poisonous dragon fire-flood nest.

But the masters of the gods also discovered that most of the dragon's grass has been swallowed by the monsters.

Even if there are still residues, there are probably not many.

In this case, even if Qin Shaofeng obtained it, no one would pursue it for the sake of discovering the spiritual space.

And in this matter, the He family even dare not even speak out.

After all, the He family is in the Black Cloud Valley, but there is a teleportation formation.

Even if the He Family really didn't know anything about the situation in the heart of the Black Cloud Valley, the teleportation formation had existed for a long time after all.

Now that the Shenfu hasn't deliberately pursued it, if the He family is lucky enough, how can they dare to trouble Qin Shaofeng at this point?

However, after this incident, the He family's hatred of Qin Shaofeng became even stronger.

After all, He Shaojie has lost contact, and the reason why He Shaojie went out, the He family also knew in his heart.

Now Qin Shaofeng is safe and sound, He Shaojie and others contacted after death.

There is no need to say more about this result.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about the hatred of the He family for himself, and even if the He family came to question, Qin Shaofeng might even directly admit that he had killed He Shaojie and others!

The reason why Qin Shaofeng had such confidence was because, as a result, the mission this time, especially the discovery of Lingdao space, Qin Shaofeng not only successfully entered the Tianjiao Sect of Shenfu.

And because of the importance of the spiritual space in the Black Cloud Valley, Qin Shaofeng has directly become a senior disciple of the Tianjiao Sect of God's Mansion.

However, it was precisely for this reason that Qin Shaofeng didn't go to the Heavenly Realm for a while to carry out the special challenge of directly becoming a **** child.

The reason is simple. Heiyungu and his party have made Qin Shaofeng famous a lot, and many people are speculating that Qin Shaofeng definitely has gained a lot of benefits.

Although Qin Shaofeng has now become a senior disciple of Tianjiao Sect, he did not dare to attack him.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that some things would come sooner or later.

After all, not to mention other things, that is, the disciples of the Tianjiao Sect of God's Palace will always carry out the trial of life and death, which can make many people do some tricks.

Qin Shaofeng has just been promoted to a high-level disciple, but for a while, he doesn't need to go through these trials of life and death, but if he becomes a son of God now, there will probably be many voices.

At that time, I am afraid that the sect master of Tianjiao Sect will once again test him, which may be a trial of life and death.

If it was before, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't worry much.

After all, if you become a **** child, you can directly complete the task and promote to the Saint Yuan realm.

But now Qin Shaofeng's experience value is negative, and it's particularly negative by 500 billion points.

Under such circumstances, once the task is completed, let alone promotion to the Saint Yuan Realm, as long as it doesn't fall to the current level, Qin Shaofeng will thank God.

Anyway, there is still more than two months before this extreme upgrade mission, Qin Shaofeng is not in a hurry.

It would be better to take advantage of this period of time to brush back the experience points in the Magic Tower.

At best, accumulate some experience points, and then upgrade a few more levels at once.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that once he was promoted to the Saint Yuan Realm, his strength would once again rise to a level. At that time, I am afraid that as long as he possesses a Saint Yuan realm five or six levels, he will be able to display more strength than some **** children.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng was confident that no one could threaten his life, as long as he was not a strong Saint Realm.

Considering these various factors, after Qin Shaofeng became a senior disciple of Tianjiao Sect, he stayed in his training room forever, and had no idea of ​​going out.

Even after becoming a senior disciple of Tianjiao Sect, Qin Shaofeng's training room not only has access to the Pagoda of Illusion, but even has access to the Tower of Trial and the Sky Realm, and can enter it at any time without consuming any points.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is now spending his experience in the Magic Tower all day long!

As for Geng Qiutong and the little princess, Qin Shaofeng had brought them into their supernatural power space in the first time and began to practice.

With the help of those fire-type spiritual powers in the divine mighty space, the cultivation speed of the two women is as fast as flying.

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