Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 590: The trial of the spirit begins

After all the gods arrived, it didn't take long for the master of Tianjiao Sect to appear.

As soon as the sect master appeared, he immediately opened the passage space of the secret realm spirit world without talking nonsense.

This made Qin Shaofeng want to complain on the spot about the efficiency of this door's organizing affairs.

There is no meaning of procrastination at all, the whole thing is vigorous!

After the passage was opened, as soon as the space stabilized, the doorkeeper said blankly: "Okay, the first group of people go in!"

As soon as these words fell, Qin Shaofeng and the other gods entered in batches with people one after another.

At this moment, besides the four of Qin Shaofeng, Geng Qiutong, the little princess, Du Meng and Xiang Qianqian, six others followed.

These six are the Lin family disciples, but their strength is not simple.

Not only have they reached the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm, they even have a Yuan Power value of more than 2 billion points.

But Qin Shaofeng said that he had noticed that, like these people, their aura seemed to be something wrong.

Although it belongs to the aura of the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm, it was spawned in a certain way.

Although such a method would not require a lot of life for these people, Qin Shaofeng could feel it.

These six disciples of the Lin family, I am afraid that they have completely cut off the possibility of being promoted to the Holy Realm.

Intensified promotion with potential and reached the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm before the age of thirty, this is the situation!

And not only these six people, except for Hong Kun and other two or three people around Lin Yihan, the other Lin family disciples are in this situation.

They have more or less two billion yuan, even more than three billion points.

The people around the other gods are also very similar.

In fact, given the talent of these people, if they go to a place with a little more advanced spiritual energy, there are still opportunities to break through the holy realm.

But it is a pity that they were born in the place of Nine Clouds Continent.

To be promoted to the Holy Realm in Nine Clouds Continent, the talent required is not simple.

They were obviously not enough, I am afraid it was precisely because of this that they sacrificed the potential for promotion to the Holy Realm and became the peak of the Holy Origin Realm.

And the contributions they have made are for geniuses like Lin Yihan, so that these geniuses can be promoted to the holy realm.

Such a thing may be very sad, but this is the behavior of the big family.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this, and led those people directly into the passage.

After entering the passage, it didn't take long to feel a shift in space, and Qin Shaofeng and others came to the secret realm spirit world.

The place where it reappears is a hall.

This hall was specially built, and no spirit beasts in the secret realm would attack this hall.

In a sense, this is also a safe point.

Because even other people who have entered the secret realm of the spirit world can't attack others in this hall, and can't even gather too much energy.

Otherwise, it can trigger the ban of this hall, which is no joke.

The prohibition of this hall was arranged by the first generation of Jiuyunzi, and once it broke out, even the strong of the holy realm would not be able to withstand a few times.

As soon as he appeared in this hall, Qin Shaofeng saw Lin Yihan, Hong Kun and others not far away.

As soon as I saw Lin Yihan, the six Lin family disciples around Qin Shaofeng passed by.

At this moment, Lin Yihan also walked over to Qin Shaofeng and asked with a smile: "How about? Does Qin Shaofeng need to act with us?"

"No, a few people on my side can already do it!" Qin Shaofeng said euphemistically.

"That's it, then we will act separately!"

Lin Yihan didn't take it seriously, he had already guessed that Qin Shaofeng would not act with him.

However, thinking of the transaction between his Lin family and Qin Shaofeng, he asked.

"By the way, what about the deal between us?"

"Wait until the fifth day, we'll be done trading here!" Qin Shaofeng replied.

"Well, that's all right!" Lin Yihan nodded, and then didn't say anything to Qin Shaofeng. He turned around and took Hong Kun and a dozen others, and left the hall directly.

"Okay, let's start now too!"

As soon as Lin Yihan and others left, Qin Shaofeng turned around and smiled at the people around Geng Qiutong.

Everyone nodded, and then left with Qin Shaofeng.

Just after Qin Shaofeng left, He Shaotian on the other side flashed a fierce light in his eyes.

"Master, shall we do it?"

Seeing He Shaotian's appearance, a man with his breath at the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm next to him asked in a low voice.

"No need to!"

A trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, but in the end He Shaotian shook his head and said: "Although Qin Shaofeng doesn't want to admit it, it is definitely not easy for Qin Shaofeng to become a **** son through that special challenge, and now he has been promoted to the Saint Yuan realm. , I am afraid that it will be a little troublesome to deal with the strength!"

As he said, He Shaotian's eyes flashed, and he fell in the direction Lin Yihan had left. After taking a look, he turned to the He family disciples behind him and said in a deep voice: "Then Qin Shaofeng gave Lin Yihan six of his places. Now Lin Yihan has more people around us than us, and has an advantage. Under such circumstances, it is not suitable for Qin Shaofeng to attack!"

Although He Shaotian wanted to kill Qin Shaofeng immediately, the situation in front of him, especially the sixteen masters who followed Lin Yihan, made He Shaotian very concerned.

Although the spirit beasts in the spirit world are very dangerous, they are probably the most dangerous ones.

After all, this is not a sacred mansion, and there is no rule in the sacred mansion that it cannot take action against other people. Under such circumstances, how can the human side still live in harmony?

This is especially true for the He Family and the Lin Family. Even if there is a chance, both Lin Yihan and He Shaotian might want to kill each other.

Moreover, He Shaotian has not forgotten the most important purpose of entering the secret realm spirit world this time.

Break through the peak of the Holy Origin Realm and advance to the Holy Realm!

This is He Shaotian's main purpose!

Thinking of this, He Shaotian spoke directly to his subordinates next to him, and said: "Don't care about Qin Shaofeng for now, as long as I break through the holy realm, I won't be a Qin Shaofeng, even Lin Yihan can't escape!"

While talking, He Shaotian's eyes flashed with a bloodthirsty murderous intent.


This entry into the secret realm of the spirit world means that the trial of the spirit has begun!

Although this secret realm spirit world is not as big as some secret realms in the Divine Mansion, it is not as big as the smallest secret realm of the Qianshan Sect.

But seriously speaking, the space of the entire secret realm spirit world is more than ten times larger than that of Black Cloud Valley. Even at Qin Shaofeng's speed, without two or three days of effort, it would be difficult to walk all over.

However, it is precisely this that caused the 100 people who came in this time to not compete for any position at all.

The most important point is that the spirit beasts of the secret realm of the spirit world are unevenly distributed no matter how strong or weak. It is possible that the strongest spirit beast will be encountered wherever the weakest spirit beast is encountered.

As for the strength of the spirit beast, it definitely exists, and the Shenfu has deliberately divided it into several levels.

These levels are low-grade spirit beasts, middle-grade spirit beasts, high-grade spirit beasts, and top-grade spirit beasts.

In fact, this division was not invented by Shenfu.

Qin Shaofeng knew that all spirit beasts in the secret realm on the Origin Continent were divided in this way.

And it also corresponds to the level of this spirit beast. If it is hunted, it will be able to obtain lower-rank spirit crystals, middle-rank spirit crystals, upper-rank spirit crystals, and top-rank spirit crystals.

That's right, in fact, the existence of the spirit crystal is the existence and the body of the spirit beast.

In fact, spirit beasts are special existences condensed from spirit energy, and spirit crystals are the core crystals of spirit beasts.

However, without guessing, Qin Shaofeng also knew that even if the spirit beasts here were of the highest grade, the spirit crystals they had were not as good as the genuine low-grade spirit crystals.

After all, the real low-grade spirit beasts have the strength of the holy realm at the lowest level.

And here in the secret realm spirit world, the lower-grade spirit beast is only equivalent to the strength of the holy origin realm, but at most it is the triple holy origin realm.

And the strength of the middle-grade spirit beast corresponds to the fourth to sixth level of the Saint Yuan realm, and the top-grade spirit beast from the seventh to the ninth level. For the best spirit beast, it is equivalent to the existence of the tenth level of the Saint Yuan realm.

Qin Shaofeng's few people were lucky, but they weren't far away from the main hall. It is estimated that after walking thirty miles away, they encountered a low-grade spirit beast.

Without waiting for Qin Shaofeng to take action, Du Meng, who had long been unable to resist, rushed up for the first time, and then killed the low-grade spirit beast with several moves.

It's not that the low-grade spirit beast is unbearable. Although it is not as good as the genuine spirit beast, the spirit beast here, even the lowest low-grade spirit beast, can have a vitality value of over 100 million points.

Under normal circumstances, a strongest low-grade spirit beast is afraid that it can have a vitality value of more than 500 million points. The combat power it possesses, even if it is a genius of the Tianjiao Sect of God's Mansion, does not possess the seventh layer of the Holy Origin Realm. Realm, didn't dare to fight with such a low-grade spirit beast alone.

The low-grade spirit beast that Du Meng killed was not the strongest low-grade spirit beast, but it also possessed a vitality value of more than 300 million points, and its strength should not be underestimated.

The reason why Du Meng was able to kill him in twos or twos was because of the strength that Du Meng possessed now.

Dependent: Du Meng

Level: Saint Yuan Realm Triple Peak

Occupation: Knight

Yuan Power Value: 800 million / 800 million (San Zhong Sheng Yuan Realm has 100 million Yuan power points, and the 3rd level Yi Jin Jing is increased by eight times)

Innate roots: five elements overlord body (earth, gold, water, wood)

Talent skills: Nine Ranks Indestructible Body

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: Xiao Li Fei Dao

Skill 3: Dancing in the sky

Servant: Bear of the Earth (Great Might)


Du Meng has now cultivated to the pinnacle state of the triple Saint Yuan realm. The reason why it is slower than Geng Qiutong's owning a little princess is that Qin Shaofeng deliberately prepared more spiritual fluids for the two women.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also gave her enough spiritual solution to Xiang Qianqian during this time.

The reason for this situation lies in Qin Shaofeng's divine mighty space, the rich fire element spiritual power.

It was with the help of those Fire Element spiritual powers that the two women were able to practice much faster than Du Meng.

After entering the Saint Yuan Realm, Du Meng's five-element domineering body once again awakened a series of attribute powers, and now Du Meng had four spiritual roots.

So just pure power, Du Meng has 100 million points.

Coupled with this, Du Meng's Yi Jin Jing has risen by one level and reached level 3. After this bonus, Du Meng now has 800 million yuan power.

According to this situation, once Du Meng reached the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm, Lin Yihan might not be his opponent.

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