Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 591: Looking for a way to Lingjing?

With Du Meng's current strength, dealing with a low-grade spirit beast with more than 300 million yuan strength, this is naturally no problem.

After blasting the low-grade spirit beast to death, Du Meng stared excitedly at the place where the low-grade spirit beast disappeared, and began to look for it.

The spirit beasts that exist in the secret realm of the spirit world are pure auras, so once they are killed, the corpse will immediately dissipate and become pure auras again.

The only thing that can stay is the crystalized spirit crystal.

But soon, Du Meng exclaimed.

"No? How could there not be? Lingjing?"

Staring at the empty ground, Du Meng roared with anger, very angry.

He obviously killed the low-grade spirit beast, but there was no spirit crystal left. After discovering this, Du Meng was naturally very angry.

Sure enough!

Looking at the empty ground in front of Du Meng, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and he understood something in his heart.

Before, Qin Shaofeng had guessed that in this secret realm, not all spirit beasts have spirit crystals in them, but now, he really guessed it right.

"What is it called? If there is no, there will be no!"

Facing Du Meng who was yelling, Xiang Qianqian let out a bit of dissatisfaction, and Du Meng immediately became honest.

It was the little princess who took a few steps forward, and after taking a look, she whispered: "It seems that there should be no spirit crystals in the low-level spirit beasts!"

"Well, it should be like this. It is estimated that the lower-grade spirit beasts should have no spirit crystals, and I am afraid that even the middle-grade spirit beasts will not have spirit crystals." Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then said his guess.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and find the high-grade spirit beast!" Geng Qiutong said, and immediately rushed to the distance after speaking.

She is still a consistent behavior, pure actionist!

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng and the others could only follow closely.

In the following time, Qin Shaofeng and several others also encountered many spirit beasts, but most of them were low-grade spirit beasts.

There were some middle-grade spirit beasts, but as Qin Shaofeng had expected, there were no spirit crystals among them.

This was completely confirmed by Qin Shaofeng after killing several middle-grade spirit beasts one after another.

In the face of this situation, Du Meng was very dissatisfied.

Because according to this situation, I am afraid that only by killing high-grade spirit beasts can the spirit crystal be hunted.

But what made Du Meng upset was that a few of them had been in the secret realm spirit world for half a day, but they didn't find a high-grade spirit beast.

This point also made Qin Shaofeng a little unhappy.

From the Lin Family’s ability to take out fifty spiritual crystals and trade those six places with himself, just to gain a day’s time, from this point of view, the difficulty of hunting spiritual crystals should not be difficult!

But now it's been half a day, and a few of them haven't even collected a piece of spirit crystal.

But the Lin family would definitely not suffer. From this point of view, Qin Shaofeng guessed that this Lin family, no, it should be because other people are afraid that they have a way to find high-grade spirit beasts.

But what is the solution?

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled, but had no clue.

Because the spirit beasts encountered by several of them all appeared randomly, or were found by themselves, there were low-grade and medium-grade, and the distribution was disorderly and disorderly, and there was no trace of trace.

This caused Qin Shaofeng a headache.

But at this moment, the little princess Lian Yufeng suddenly made a discovery.

"Shao Feng, it seems a bit strange!"

Suddenly, after Du Meng killed a middle-grade spirit beast, the little princess walked to Qin Shaofeng and said softly.

"Strange? What is strange?" Qin Shaofeng asked curiously.


The little princess wrinkled her eyebrows slightly and said uncertainly: "I don't know if it is my illusion. I always feel that after every spirit beast is killed, the aura that they dissipated before disappears. They all seem to be deviated. At first I thought it was the wind, but I noticed it several times. It was clear that there was no wind, and such deflection and elegance still appeared."


What the little princess said shocked Qin Shaofeng.

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng didn't notice this situation, and didn't even think about it. Now after the little princess reminded him, Qin Shaofeng suddenly had an idea in his mind.

At exactly this moment, another low-grade spirit beast appeared, and it was shattered by Geng Qiutong's flame.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and instantly opened the field of perception with the golden eyes, and his attention was focused on the dissipation of the low-grade spirit beast.

Sure enough, just as the little princess said, after the low-grade spirit beast was crushed, it turned into a burst of spiritual energy, and it was indeed somewhat different.

Although that burst of spiritual energy quickly disappeared completely.

But before it disappeared, the aura was faintly floating to a place, and the situation was like something that was attracting those auras.

Could it be...

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted to several people: "Everyone, follow me!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng flashed his body and flew in the direction where the spiritual energy was fluttering before the low-grade spirit beast dissipated.

The little princess followed immediately, and Qin Shaofeng's actions also made her faintly guess what.

Although Geng Qiutong, Du Meng, and Xiang Qianqian were puzzled about Qin Shaofeng's sudden move, the three of them did not hesitate to follow.

During the flight, Qin Shaofeng soon encountered a few low-grade and middle-grade spirit beasts, but Qin Shaofeng, who had some guesses in his heart, did not stop to kill these spirit beasts, but continued to move forward quickly.

Finally, but after flying out a few miles, Qin Shaofeng's mouth suddenly showed a smile.

Because at this time, he has found a big guy.

A high-grade spirit beast with seven levels of Saint Yuan Realm!

High-grade spirit beast (special monster beast)

Level: Seven Peaks of Saint Yuan Realm

Yuanli value: 1.85 billion yuan/1.85 billion yuan

Innate spiritual root: spiritual power spiritual root (special spiritual root, spiritual root based on spiritual energy.)


Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised when he finally found a high-grade spirit beast.

Because at this moment, he seemed to understand that after the low-grade middle-grade spirit beasts were killed, the direction of the dissipated spiritual energy was probably pointing to the place where the high-grade spirit beast was in front of him.

No, to be precise, it should be where the spirit crystals exist, right?

"Hahaha, finally there is a powerful guy!"

Just when Qin Shaofeng discovered this high-grade spirit beast, Du Meng laughed exaggeratedly, and rushed directly on it.

This made Xiang Qianqian who followed him furiously: "You idiot, be careful, that's a high-grade spirit beast of the Seventh Layer of the Holy Origin Realm!"

But Du Meng, who had been reluctant to be wary a long time ago, couldn't even hear her words. With this rush, Du Meng fought with that high-grade spirit beast.

Upon seeing this, Xiang Qianqian could only stomped his feet and let out an angry murmur of dissatisfaction, but in the end he hurried forward to help.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

This fierce character is still reckless and reckless!

Of course, Qin Shaofeng also knew that the reason why Du Meng was so reckless was probably not related to him.

Because Du Meng had absolute trust in himself, he believed that he had his boss, he didn't need to worry about safety, he just had to enjoy the battle with confidence.

If only he and Xiang Qianqian were the only ones, Du Meng would be a different one.

Don't think that this fierce boy is really just blindly reckless. Under Qin Shaofeng's teaching, Tang Qijian, an absolute gentleman, has been'trained' by him to understand yin people.

This is not to mention Du Meng.

In this battle, Qin Shaofeng and the two women just watched quietly, and only Du Meng and Xiang Qianqian did their hands.

However, even so, the battle ended soon.

That high-grade spirit beast was beheaded!

With such a result, Qin Shaofeng was not surprised. On the contrary, if Du Meng and Xiang Qianqian lost, it would be an accident!

Today's Xiang Qianqian is also in the triple realm of the Saint Yuan Realm, and his strength is no lower than Du Meng. With the tacit understanding of the two, there is no big problem with this high-grade spirit beast.

This time, after the high-grade spirit beast was killed, Qin Shaofeng was expecting it to be a high-grade spirit beast, and there really was a spirit crystal in its body.

"Hahaha, finally there is a spirit crystal!"

Seeing the spirit crystal for the first time, Du Meng laughed, and he reached out to pick up the spirit crystal.

But Xiang Qianqian was a step faster, stretched out his hand to hit the spirit crystal into his hand, and then returned to the little princess without looking at Du Meng, and handed the spirit crystal to the little princess.

Among the few people, the little princess is in charge of the financial power. In fact, Qin Shaofeng's every resource consumption was only distributed after the little princess carefully calculated.

Du Meng rubbed his hands, looking embarrassed.

Although he wanted to touch it, how did the Lingjing feel, but seeing Xiang Qianqian getting angry, he didn't dare to say anything.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about the little awkwardness between Du Meng and Xiang Qianqian at this moment. At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's attention was completely attracted by a burst of pale white aura.

After the high-grade spirit beast was killed, not only a piece of spirit crystal was left behind, but even when it dissipated into spirit energy, it took longer to dissipate than those lower- and middle-grade spirit beasts.

And most importantly, this time the aura that dissipated, but clearly drifted in one direction.

In this situation, it was like that spiritual energy turned into a spiritual energy snake and flew to somewhere.

It's just a short while, just after flying seven or eight meters, this spiritual energy snake completely disappeared.

But before it disappeared, it pointed the way.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng and the little princess nodded, and then led the others to rush to the direction where the spiritual snake disappeared.

At this moment, even Du Meng was aware of this situation and felt a little excited for a while, and quickly followed Qin Shaofeng.

A few minutes later, when he encountered a high-grade spirit beast again, Qin Shaofeng finally determined that after each spirit beast was killed, the moment it dissipated, the aura that it transformed would point out where the spirit crystal was at the next moment.

And soon Qin Shaofeng should have discovered that not all high-grade spirit beasts have spirit crystals in their bodies.

Some high-grade spirit beasts do not have spirit crystals in their bodies, and it can only be said that the higher the elemental strength they possess, the greater the chance of spirit crystals appearing.

But one thing is completely certain, that is, the direction that the spirit beast is directed by the spirit energy that is killed, there will definitely be a high-grade spirit beast with spirit crystals!

It seems that after every spirit beast dies, the spirit energy it transforms is attracted by spirit crystals.

I'm afraid this is the way to find Lingjing!

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