Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 607: Desperate?

Song Yunlong's tone was disdainful, and his gaze at Lin Yihan was full of mockery.

But this made Lin Yihan even more angry.

However, Lin Yihan is one of the sons of God and heir to the next generation of the Lin family. Naturally, his psychological quality is not bad. Soon he suppressed the anger in his heart, and then looked at He Shaotian not far away and asked.

"He Shaotian, I really want to know, what method did you use to make Song Yunlong do such a thing!"

While talking, Lin Yihan secretly used his body's vitality, madly recovering from his injury.

Although Lin Yihan seemed crazy and angry at the moment, in fact, he did not completely panic, but the more he calmed down.

Lin Yihan knew that if he had only anger at this time, he would definitely end in death.

If you can stay calm, although it is slim, there is still a chance.

He Shaotian is not unaware of Lin Yihan's thoughts. After all, the two have been opponents for a long time, and they have long been familiar with each other.

But He Shaotian didn't plan to break it, because in his opinion, Lin Yihan absolutely couldn't turn it over under the circumstances.

Moreover, seeing Lin Yihan's expression at this moment was a rare treat for He Shaotian, and he naturally wanted to experience it.

"Heh, it's actually nothing!" He Shaotian smiled faintly, "That is to say, my He family agreed to the Song family, this time after the secret realm spirit world, I will help the Song family break through the holy realm!"


Break through the Holy Land?

Lin Yihan's face changed, and a trace of disbelief appeared in his eyes: "How is this possible? Every time the secret realm spirit world opens, the super-grade spirit crystals that appear are only three or four. How can your He family give up a super-grade? Give the Song family the spirit crystal? And the super-grade spirit crystal can only exert the maximum consumption in the secret realm spirit world. If it is obtained from the outside world, the effect can be at most 70% to 80%. How can it be guaranteed to break through the holy realm?"

Holy Land!

Powerful people in this realm are very rare and powerful in the Nine Clouds Continent.

Don't look at the fact that God's Mansion now has a large number of masters in the tenth peak of the Saint Yuan realm, but in fact, these masters are not qualified to break through the Holy Realm.

If it were to change to a place where the aura was sufficient and the aura level was stronger than that of the Nine Clouds Continent, those masters of the tenth peak of the Saint Yuan Realm would still have a glimmer of hope to break through to the Saint Realm.

But for now, this seems unlikely.

Nothing else, just talk about the current secret realm in the spirit world.

At this moment, there are more than a hundred masters in the secret realm spirit world with ten levels of the Saint Yuan realm. Among them, there are probably no fewer than 20 masters in the Saint Yuan realm's ten-fold peak.

But most of these people deliberately consumed their own potential to cultivate to their current realm. If they want to break through the holy realm, the chances are minimal.

To break through the Holy Realm, after all, before entering the Trinity Realm, lay a solid foundation and slowly accumulate enough potential to break through.

Because of this, Shenfu had the existence of Tianjiao Sect.

The real intention of Tianjiao Sect's existence is to cultivate geniuses who can truly break through to the holy realm, and these geniuses are **** children.

Only with the potential and aptitude of the **** child can he have a great opportunity to break through the holy realm, and this also requires the help of super-grade spirit crystals.

Of course, this does not mean that on the Nine Clouds Continent, only this method can break through to the Holy Realm.

In the Nine Clouds Continent, there is still this way to break through the holy realm, and that is to use an extremely long time to accumulate vitality, and finally reach the point of breaking through the holy realm.

But this kind of accumulation of vitality takes an extremely long time. It is really a long, long period of time. This cannot be accumulated in a few years or more than a dozen years.

Although every disciple of Tianjiao Sect of Shenfu, including some ordinary disciples of Shenfu, will be sent to the power that manages the Nine Cloud Continent.

But this does not mean that there is no genius left.

As several big families in the Shenfu, they will leave some geniuses behind.

These geniuses have no hope of relying on their own talents to break through the holy realm, and simply stay in the divine palace and contribute to their own family.

However, who would give up the pursuit of the Holy Land?

Although these people who stayed gave up to enter a more powerful place with their peers, they still pursued the holy realm.

But in such a situation, if they want to break through the holy realm, they can only rely on the accumulation of vitality to break through the holy realm.

But basically, someone died and didn't accumulate enough vitality to break through the holy realm.

This is also the reason why there have been three major families in God's Palace for so many years.

To become one of the strongest families in the gods, there must be an absolute prerequisite, and that is to have a strong man in the Holy Realm.

Naturally, the Jun family needn't say much, even if the Saint Realm powerhouse is not counted as the Master of the Nine Clouds Continent's Jiuyunzi, it is also a Saint Realm powerhouse.

But apart from the Jun family, for so many years, only the Lin family and the He family have appeared strong in the holy realm, so both of them have become one of the three families.

But there is one thing that no one else knows except for the three big families.

That is, once the family of the holy realm powerhouse appears, it will basically not decline on the Nine Clouds Continent.

The reason is very simple, that is, if the holy realm is strong, if it reaches the end of life, it can instill all the holy origin power that one possesses into the body of a holy origin ten-fold peak master to help it break through the holy realm.

This is the third way to break through the holy realm, and it is also the last way to have the Lin family and the He family, once they have the power of the holy realm, they will always maintain the thrones of the three big families.

Therefore, even if the holy realm genius appeared in each generation and would be sent out directly, the three big families are still the three big families.

There is an absolute rule in Shenfu!

That is every generation of geniuses who have the title of Son of God, regardless of whether they can enter the Holy Realm, they will be sent away when the time comes.

Therefore, if you want to have a holy realm powerhouse and establish the strongest family in the gods, there is only the opportunity for the secret realm to open.

Because if you get a piece of super-grade spirit crystal by chance, let someone who is not a **** child use it to break through the holy realm, then you can stay.

But Lin Yihan didn't think that the He family would give a piece of super-grade spirit crystal to the Song family.

Lin Yihan didn't think that He Shaotian would give up a super-grade spirit crystal.

Help the Song family give birth to a strong man in the holy realm

Are you kidding, this is absolutely impossible?

Lin Yihan didn't believe it, but at the same time he knew it very well.

If it were not for absolute temptation, Song Yunlong would definitely not betray himself.

No, it should be said that the Song family will not betray their Lin family!

Song Yunlong's move meant that the Song family was completely opposed to the Lin family.

Therefore, even though he didn't believe it in his heart, Lin Yihan still knew a situation, in which there was definitely some kind of advantage that attracted the Song family.

But what is it?

Seeing Lin Yihan's unbelief look, He Shaotian enjoyed it very much.

"Haha, when Lin Yihan sees you looking unbelievable, I'll tell you the truth!"

He Shaotian laughed, then looked at Lin Yihan, and asked, "Lin Yihan, do you know the circumstances under which my He family gave birth to a strong Saint?"

He Shaotian asked suddenly.

Lin Yihan didn't respond. In fact, he couldn't respond, because if he didn't mention him, even the Lin family didn't know how the ancestor of the He family broke through the holy realm.

Lin Yihan knew that the other party suddenly showed the strength of the holy realm, and then established the He family.

At that time, everyone just thought that the holy realm powerhouse of the He family was a situation that had accumulated a long time of vitality and finally broke into the holy realm by luck.

But the current situation, I'm afraid there is something strange!

"Hmph, that's fine, I'll talk to you directly!"

It seemed that Lin Yihan and the others couldn't escape, and He Shaotian didn't hesitate to speak out of the He family's big secret.

"Tell you the truth. The reason why the ancestor of my He family broke through the Holy Realm was that he discovered that a certain valley had a lot of dragons and grasses, and at that time a powerful monster broke through the Holy Realm. ."

"At that time, when the monster broke through the holy realm, it was stunned by absorbing the huge spiritual energy and breaking through to the holy realm with a one-time impact, and this method was noticed by the ancestor of my He family, and then the old man of my He family After a long period of research and experimentation, the ancestor finally broke through to the holy realm through a large number of dragon grass and many spiritual things!"


Is there such a way to break through the Holy Realm?

Lin Yihan was shocked.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng was in pain.

To absorb the huge aura and hit the holy realm at once?

I circled a cross, it's life-threatening!

Qin Shaofeng had heard Xiaoqiuqiu say a few ways to break through the Holy Realm, and the most unreliable one was what He Shaotian said.

Because of this impact on the holy realm of promotion, but with this great instability, even if it succeeds, it will not survive for a few years.

However, when he thought of the situation in the Nine Clouds Continent, Qin Shaofeng knew that even so, I am afraid that there are definitely not a few people who want to obtain this method.

Sure enough, what He Shaotian said next confirmed Qin Shaofeng's conjecture.

"So, my He family has every way to help others break through the holy realm, especially when this mysterious realm is opened." He Shaotian smiled lightly, his tone full of confidence and arrogance.

At this time Lin Yihan understood.

Indeed, according to the method He Shaotian said, the Song family had no reason to refuse this transaction.

Because the spirit crystals are the most abundant spiritual creatures, according to He Shaotian's method, after having a large number of spirit crystals, as long as the method of the He family is obtained, the Song family can't say that it will be able to give birth to a strong holy realm.

According to these words, it was completely indifferent to the Song family to stand against the Lin family.

After all, is there anything that is more important than having a holy realm powerhouse in your family?

Thinking about it, Lin Yihan knew that if he were Song Yunlong, he would do the same.

But in this way, I am afraid that the situation of myself and others is dangerous.

Especially at this moment Lin Yihan also discovered something that was even more unfavorable to himself and others.

That was in the Song family sneak attack just now, not only was he seriously injured, but the situation on Hong Kun's side was also not good.

Although Hong Kun avoided the attacks of the two Song family masters, a battle beast storage bag on Hong Kun's body was taken by the opponent.

That war beast storage bag was specially refined, specifically for Hong Kun to store his life beasts.

Lin Yihan knew that Hong Kun's combat power was ninety percent in the beast storage bag.

Even if the opponent snatched the storage bag of the battle beasts, he couldn't enslave the beasts of Hong Kun, but in this way, Hong Kun would not be able to use the power of those beasts.

He was seriously injured, Hong Kun's strength was greatly reduced, and there were only three or four people around him.

Originally, He Shaotian had the upper hand, and now there are three more people including Song Yunlong. This is worse for him than it is, but it is much more serious.

This is an absolute desperate situation!

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