Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 608: Qin Shaofeng shot

"Hmph, I told you so much, and you understand now, so now you Lin Yihan can die with peace of mind!"

Looking at Lin Yihan again, He Shaotian sneered.


Lin Yihan sighed softly in his heart, but the next moment, his eyes condensed, and he said coldly, "He Shaotian, even if Lin Yihan died here today, I won't let you feel better!"

With that said, Lin Yihan made a certain determination in his heart.

At this moment he lost an arm, not only was he seriously injured, but his strength was greatly reduced.

Lin Yihan now, compared with the heyday, is afraid that even half of the power of the heyday is gone, and I am afraid that he will have 30% of the strength at most.

Under such desperate circumstances, Lin Yihan knew that he could not escape death today.

That being the case, it would be better to be afraid of life and death with the other party.

Although his strength has fallen sharply, Lin Yihan is confident that with his current situation, he can still perform the same tricks.

Not to mention other things, at least let him pull the traitor Song Yunlong back, so that even if he died, he would be somewhat reconciled.

He Shaotian seemed to be aware of Lin Yihan's intentions, and He Shaotian smiled coldly: "Lin Yihan don't worry about it. Whom do you want to die with? Oh, you have to pass me first!"

Lin Yihan's expression changed as soon as He Shaotian said this.

Originally, He Shaotian's demonstrated strength made Lin Yihan feel very difficult.

Lin Yihan knew that even the strength he possessed in his heyday would not be inferior to He Shaotian now. At this moment, even if he was in his state, he would not be able to cause He Shaotian to suffer any harm.


Could it be that I can only die so unwillingly?

Lin Yihan let out an unwilling roar in his heart, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

But at this moment, Lin Yihan suddenly heard a funny laugh.

"Ha, what did I say, He Shaotian, did you say this early? Your grandfather is still here, and you actually put on a safe hold of the winning ticket. Are you happy too early?"

this is?

As soon as he heard this voice, Lin Yihan was a little silly at first.

Looking back in a daze, Lin Yihan really didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment after seeing the playful and indifferent Qin Shaofeng not far from him.

To be honest, Lin Yihan had already forgotten the existence of Qin Shaofeng. If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's sudden words at this moment, he would not have known that Qin Shaofeng was around him.

But what is this called?

After listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, Lin Yihan was a little bit dumbfounded.

Is this an abnormality before death?

Obviously, in Lin Yihan's eyes, Qin Shaofeng, who could not even match his own strength, was afraid at this moment because he had lost his normal thinking performance because of death.

Just as Lin Yihan had to cry and laugh, He Shaotian on the other side was extremely angry.

"Qin Shaofeng!"

He Shaotian suddenly roared, then looked at Qin Shaofeng with a look of a dead person, and said coldly: "If you don't say anything, I still forgot your existence, but forget it, anyway, no matter what you say, today I will avenge my fourth brother!"

"Oh, it's just your fourth brother?" Facing He Shaotian's sneer, Qin Shaofeng didn't care, but rather deeply.

This shocked He Shaotian and had a good idea.

"Qin Shaofeng what do you mean by this?" He Shaotian said slightly angrily.

"What do you mean?" Qin Shaofeng smiled playfully, "The meaning is very simple. They are all your brothers. Why do you only avenge Shaojie, then He Shaoyong and He Shaocheng? You won't report their revenge?"

As he said, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved even more, with two more storage rings in his hand, and gently tossed it in his palm to play.

He Shaotian's heart was shocked when he saw the two storage rings, his eyes glared, and his face became completely grim.

The reason He Shaotian was so angry was because he recognized that the two storage rings were those of his second brother He Shaoyong and third brother He Shaocheng.

The storage rings of their four brothers are all special storage rings deliberately refined by the He family. Not only is the space not small, they even have the effect of accelerating cultivation, which can be said to be a status symbol for the four brothers.

Now that Qin Shaofeng has two storage rings in his hands, He Shaotian also guessed what it meant.

But still holding the possibility of an accident, He Shaotian let out a low anger and asked, "Qin Shaofeng, what happened to my second and third brothers?"

"What's the matter?" Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"What else? Of course it was just slaughtered!"


At the moment Qin Shaofeng spoke the words, He Shaotian's whole body aura came out completely violently.

The breath of vitality of that monstrous stock is astonishing, sweeping through the sky, turning the surrounding air and spiritual energy upside down, so that everyone present will not change color.

At this time, Lin Yihan had a wry smile because he only discovered that He Shaotian's strength was much stronger than he had expected.

Such a realm, even if it is not a holy realm, but that is not far off!

Even Lin Yihan faintly felt a certain aura in his ancestor from He Shaotian at this moment.

That is the unique and powerful aura that belongs to the strong in the Holy Realm!

"Qin Shaofeng you **** it!"

With a roar, He Shaotian looked at Qin Shaofeng with crimson eyes, his face was full of crazy killing intent and hatred.

After the previous retreat, He Shaotian did not find his second and third brothers, but he did not think about it. In his opinion, his second and third brothers are at best hunting spirit beasts, or directly looking for super products. The spirit beast is gone.

But he never expected that his second and third brothers, just like his fourth brother, would be killed by Qin Shaofeng.


This Qin Shaofeng is definitely going to die, and not only is he going to die, I want him to die with endless regret and pain.

This is He Shaotian's only thought at the moment.


He Shaotian moved and killed Qin Shaofeng with a monstrous killing intent.

When Qin Shaofeng saw this, his eyes condensed. Although his tone was playful, his face seemed indifferent, and he didn't seem to put He Shaotian in his eyes.

But in fact, He Shaotian's strength has already made Qin Shaofeng take it seriously.

Are you angry?

Seeing He Shaotian rushing towards him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed.


After a flash, Qin Shaofeng didn't directly face He Shaotian to fight. After this flash, Qin Shaofeng directly activated the rapid ability of Sky Dance, and his speed skyrocketed instantly.

In the rapid state of Wukongshu, after Qin Shaofeng flashed He Shaotian's attack, he came to Song Yunlong and the others for the first time.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly rushed towards him, Song Yunlong showed a trace of contempt in his eyes.

Although he also thought Qin Shaofeng was good at strength, Song Yunlong didn't think Qin Shaofeng was his opponent.

But the next moment, what happened, stunned him.

"Beng Lei Zhan!"

Qin Shaofeng let out a low cry when he flashed to Song Yunlong.

This Beng Lei Slash is a move created by Qin Shaofeng based on Beng Thunder Flash and his own Lei Che.

While drinking, on the palms of Qin Shaofeng's hands, lightning flashes directly condensed, two sharp sharpened lightning blades.

Beng Lei Shan was originally a move that stimulated speed with the power of thunder, and when Lei Che used it, it could also play a role in a speed burst attack.

After the combination of the two, Beng Lei Zhan was naturally better.

Especially at this moment Qin Shaofeng is still in the rapid state of Wukongshu, so after this low drink, Qin Shaofeng instantly turned into a silvery rainbow light, which shot into Song Yunlong, Zhang Cheng and others like lightning.

Then an arc flashed, and Qin Shaofeng arrived at the last place of the crowd in the blink of an eye.

Bang bang bang!

A series of falling to the ground sounded, the arc light that Qin Shaofeng had just turned, and then after flashing, the people Zhang Cheng brought, all those who were touched by the arc light, fell to the ground.

At that moment, Qin Shaofeng directly killed all those people with a vitality value of less than ten billion.

After this, the people Zhang Cheng brought, except for three masters with a value of more than ten billion yuan, were all killed!

Qin Shaofeng's attack was to directly kill more than a dozen people, so the result was unexpected for everyone present.

Now on He Shaotian's side, in addition to Zhang Cheng and his three subordinates, there are also Song Yunlong and the Song Family's two masters with a strength of over ten billion yuan.

What is going on here?

Faced with such a scene, Song Yunlong was stupid.

Qin Shaofeng killed these people?

But how is this possible?

Not to mention Song Yunlong, that Zhang Cheng looked dazed at the moment.

Even He Shaotian was shocked by this scene and stopped for a while.

Facing everyone's unbelievable gazes, Qin Shaofeng smiled disapprovingly, and said, "Don't look at me like this, it's just that some **** has been solved. You don't need to care so much!"

"Qin Shaofeng!"

He Shaotian was the first to react, and then roared, planning to rush towards Qin Shaofeng.

But the next moment, with a flash, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and stopped him. It was Lin Yihan, and not only Lin Yihan, Hong Kun and the other two Lin family experts also hurriedly followed. Come up.

"Lin Yihan, get out of here!" He Shaotian roared.

Lin Yihan was unmoved, but instead shouted to Qin Shaofeng in the distance: "Shao Feng, he Shaotian will leave it to the four of us temporarily. Can you solve the others?"


After hearing Lin Yihan's words, Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised, but he nodded and smiled: "Don't worry, wait a while, I'll be fine soon!"


Lin Yihan gave a wry smile, feeling very emotional.

It's really misleading!

I didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to hide so deeply!

Lin Yihan already knew from Qin Shaofeng's first shot, and Qin Shaofeng's strength was far above him.

Although he could kill those people, he couldn't kill more than a dozen people in an instant like Qin Shaofeng did.

However, this can be regarded as a few of my own, and now this situation is the only good news.

But the premise is that he and Hong Kun can stop He Shaotian for a moment, so that Qin Shaofeng has the time to solve Song Yunlong and Zhang Cheng.

In this case, they might still have a chance to survive.

Then it's time to work hard!

Looking at He Shaotian in front of him, Lin Yihan's heart moved, and immediately used a secret method to restore his own strength to a normal level.

At the same time, the two Lin family masters behind Lin Yihan also used a similar secret technique, and their aura instantly soared several times.

As for Hong Kun, it was even simpler. Although he was not assisted by the beast of life, there were many other beasts on him.


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