Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 610: He Shaotian with a half-step field

Finally can't stand it!

Feeling his own state at the moment, and then looking at Hong Kun who had fallen into a coma not far away, Lin Yihan gave a wry smile.

I didn't expect Lin Yihan, it was nothing more than that!

At this moment, there was a glimmer of excitement in He Shaotian's eyes.

He had fought Lin Yihan for so long, and now he can finally end it completely.

He was about to kill Lin Yihan under his palm. Just thinking about it suddenly made his blood boil.

"Lin Yihan, you die for me!"

With a violent shout, He Shaotian patted Lin Yihan with a palm.

If this palm is taken to the ground, Lin Yihan's head is afraid that He Shaotian will be shot directly into tofu.

But although he understood this situation, Lin Yihan looked helpless at this moment.

Because the injury was too serious, the side effects of the secret technique broke out in advance, which made Lin Yihan no longer able to resist.

Oh, my life is over!

With a sigh in his heart, Lin Yihan planned to close his eyes and wait for death.

But at the moment when his eyes were about to close, he suddenly saw a figure flashing in front of him, and then shot it with a palm, and hit that He Shaotian directly.


A dull explosion suddenly appeared, He Shaotian was actually repelled!

Seeing this scene, Lin Yihan opened his eyes in surprise, and then saw that Qin Shaofeng had appeared in front of him.

"Tsk, almost! You almost fell apart by that stuff!"

Just when Lin Yihan was surprised because of Qin Shaofeng's appearance, he heard Qin Shaofeng's whisper.

This left Lin Yihan speechless, but because of this, he could no longer hold on and collapsed to the ground.

The side effects of the secret method swept through, and Lin Yihan knew that he was afraid that his time was running out, which made him feel a trace of regret.

It's a pity, it's a pity that I didn't go to see the outside world!

But just when Lin Yihan thought he was going to die, his mouth was suddenly pried open, and he stuffed a pill, and then Lin Yihan heard Qin Shaofeng's familiar voice sound again.

"Hey, I said, don't be like a dead fish, this is your fate, then you Lin Yihan is too silly!"


Lin Yihan was taken aback for a moment, just about to say something, but the next moment, a surge of medicinal power erupted from him, and he recovered some of his injuries in an instant.

Lin Yihan was shocked, and at the same time he immediately understood that the pill Qin Shaofeng took to himself was not a mortal thing.

Without hesitation, Lin Yihan immediately began to adjust his interest rate.

If he could not die, Lin Yihan would naturally not give up.

Now Qin Shaofeng gave him a chance to not die!

Qin Shaofeng finally breathed a sigh of relief after giving Lin Yihan and Hong Kun a special version of the sixth-rank nine-fold spirit pill.

Although Lin Yihan and Hong Kun are in the realm at this moment, even the special version of the sixth-rank nine-layer spirit pill will not allow them to improve in any realm.

But Qin Shaofeng believed that with the powerful medicinal effects of the special version of the Sixth Stage Nine Layer Spirit Pill, it would be no problem to save the lives of the two.

Now that the situation between Lin Yihan and Hong Kun has been dealt with, then what is the next turn?

Gently raising his head, Qin Shaofeng looked at the opposite side, and He Shaotian also looked at Qin Shaofeng at this moment.

Before Qin Shaofeng appeared suddenly, with a palm bang, he could not help but step back a few steps, which surprised He Shaotian slightly.

Then, when he discovered that Qin Shaofeng had solved Song Yunlong and Zhang Cheng, He Shaotian was even more shocked!

He Shaotian didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to solve Song Yunlong and Zhang Cheng who were both gods in such a short time.

This made He Shaotian look at Qin Shaofeng at this moment with a little more caution.

"Qin Shaofeng didn't expect you to hide so deeply!"

In a deep voice, He Shaotian's eyes flashed with a cold light: "It is probably because of this that my second and third brothers died in your hands, right?"

"Isn't it, hidden, don't you know if you try?" Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly.

When He Shaotian heard this, the cold light in his eyes became more intense.

"Very good, then let me give it a try, how capable is your Qin Shaofeng!"

As soon as the voice fell, He Shaotian suddenly violently shot.


With a shock, He Shaotian instantly stretched out his hand to strike out a surging vitality attack, blasting towards Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's reaction was not slow, and his right hand was lightly together, and his fingers were a little bit.


The two breaths collided and a loud noise erupted in the air, and neither of them could do anything.

Qin Shaofeng seemed a little impatient.

"He Shaotian's tricks of temptation, don't show them ashamed."

With a disdain, Qin Shaofeng turned his right hand, and a huge thunder light burst out.


The next moment, a roar came from the thunder light, and then a huge thunder and lightning unicorn jumped out of it.

Lei Dun Qilin!

With a secret cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng immediately waved, and then the huge thunder and lightning unicorn rushed towards He Shaotian frantically.

What a powerful thunder and lightning!

Seeing that huge thunder and lightning unicorn, He Shaotian was shocked, but he quickly reacted.

"Ashamed? Qin Shaofeng, are you talking about yourself!"

With a sneer, He Shaotian's vitality surged, surging up.


The next moment, He Shaotian blasted out a punch, which was a huge shadow of the fist.


The huge shadow of the fist that He Shaotian blasted instantly hit the thunder and lightning unicorn, and then the Lei Dun unicorn that Qin Shaofeng had cast was directly blasted away.

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised at this, and he had even expected it a long time ago. With a wave of his hands, lightning flashed, and another roar appeared.

A huge thunder and lightning dragon a hundred meters long, rose into the air, with an incredibly violent thunder and lightning aura, blasting towards He Shaotian again.

Damn, this Qin Shaofeng really can't underestimate it!

He Shaotian felt a little dignified in his heart when he felt this thunder dragon exuding an aura far surpassing the previous thunder and lightning unicorn.

It seems I can't keep my hands!

In an instant, He Shaotian had a choice in his heart.


Suddenly, He Shaotian's body burst out like an endless source of vitality, that endless source of vitality surging out like a long river, and then a 300-meter area around He Shaotian directly formed an ocean of vitality. .

In this area, there are countless thunder lights shining, flame-like elemental power, and countless wind blade-like blue lights.


Qin Shaofeng displayed the Thunder Dragon, and after entering this area, he was directly shattered by the thunder light, flames, and wind blades and dissipated directly.

this is?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked, and there was a hint of surprise and shock in his eyes.

Shocked indeed!

Because at this moment He Shaotian displayed this kind of vitality aura, in fact it is a super strong version of the vitality wall.

However, this level of Yuan Jia Qi Wall is already extremely close to the real holy realm?

If it is more serious, this is the so-called half-step realm.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that He Shaotian's strength was probably much stronger than he had previously expected.

Even at this moment, He Shaotian was afraid that he was fighting with that Yao Jian, and it was probably a situation of no distinction.

He Shaotian laughed fiercely as he saw the shock on Qin Shaofeng's face at the moment.

"Haha, Qin Shaofeng must be clear to you, what kind of ability is this? Don't think that only you know how to hide. In terms of hiding power, you are far behind me!"

After speaking, He Shaotian sneered on his face.

No one knew that even Lin Yihan, who had fought with He Shaotian for many years, had never discovered He Shaotian's true strength, or talent.

For many years, this He Shaotian has been hiding his true strength and realm. Others don’t even know it. In fact, the eight gods of God’s Mansion before are just He Shaotian who barely ranks in the top five realms. Their real strength can definitely match Yao Jian, the first place, competed.

"Indeed, I am really far behind!"

Facing He Shaotian's question, Qin Shaofeng nodded and admitted.

Qin Shaofeng had to admit it too!

Because what He Shaotian had hidden before had actually concealed his golden eyes.

No, maybe it's not a question of glaring eyes, but something to do with He Shaotian himself.

At this moment, He Shaotian in this state is his strongest state.

And in this state, He Shaotian's Yuan Strength actually soared to more than 40 billion!

Such hiding is also a kind of ability, with Qin Shaofeng's current golden eyes, it is hard to see through.

As long as He Shaotian didn't take the initiative to show it, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't notice it either.

With such a hidden ability, Qin Shaofeng thought he was not too shabby.

He Shaotian thought that Qin Shaofeng had admitted that his strength was not as good as his own, so he laughed and said, "Haha, it seems that you are self-aware, but if you can let me do my best, Qin Shaofeng, you are proud enough. Now you count. You died and died willingly."

Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

"Proud? Willingly? He Shaotian what are you talking about?"

Looking at He Shaotian disdainfully, Qin Shaofeng sneered: "Do you think you want me to die with such strength? Are you kidding me, do you daydream too much!"


Qin Shaofeng's words caused He Shaotian's face to sink, and he said angrily: "Qin Shaofeng, you are very good. In that case, I will let you see the power of the domain!"

Unexpectedly, when He Shaotian's words fell off, Qin Shaofeng sneered.

"Domain? Just like you is a domain?"

Qin Shaofeng took a step forward, and his voice rose sharply.

"If this is the case, then I will let you know about my field!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shaofeng flashed thunder violently.

Lei Dun Lei Prison!


In an instant, a violent thunder light burst out with Qin Shaofeng as the center, and the thunder prison formed.

how come?

He Shaotian was shocked, and he stayed blank.


Does Qin Shaofeng also own the field?

how can that be?

He Shaotian didn't believe it in his heart, but the next moment, what happened, shocked him.

Because at this time Qin Shaofeng was approaching him with the Thunder Prison, and what made He Shaotian's expression shocked was that as soon as his domain was approached by Qin Shaofeng's domain, he was actually torn to pieces.

Although they are all domains, and his domain still possesses three attributes, Qin Shaofeng is just a domain of Lei Zhi Li's strength.

But even so, his domain is actually no match for Qin Shaofeng's domain.

Damn it!

What is this all about?

He Shaotian was frightened and angry, as well as a hint of panic.

Because he found that in this situation, his domain would definitely be completely shredded.

As long as his field is broken, the results are waiting for him, so naturally there is no need to say more.

Like him, he will not spare Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng will not spare him either!

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