Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 611: He Shaotian desperately

Lei Dun Lei Prison!

In the face of He Shaotian's semi-finished product field, Qin Shaofeng could think of a way to deal with it, and only his Thunder Escape skill, Thunder Prison.

Moreover, with Qin Shaofeng's current elemental strength, he used the Thunder Prison, and his power was slightly stronger than before.

In fact, it is exactly the same.

As soon as the thunder prison came out, the purple light shone through the thunder and lightning domain, directly tore open He Shaotian's domain.

After all, it is only a semi-finished product, but with the power of thunder hell, it can be easily broken.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not care.

Because the Thunder Prison cast once, he can only maintain it for ten seconds now.

There are only ten seconds, so it can't be wasted.


With the violent thunder and lightning power of Lei Prison, Qin Shaofeng forcibly tore He Shaotian's domain completely open, and then rushed to He Shaotian.

not good!

He Shaotian finally felt that something was wrong, and He Shaotian, who had awakened from the shock, was shocked in his heart and just wanted to dodge.

But he still took a beat.

A violent sprint caused Qin Shaofeng to appear directly in front of He Shaotian, and then Qin Shaofeng fisted at He Shaotian.


Huh! Huh! Huh!

Thirty-six Qianshan Fist Shadows blasted out in an instant, directly blocking He Shaotian's retreat completely.

He Shaotian realized that he couldn't escape Qin Shaofeng's attack, and could only helplessly use the power of the scattered domains that Qin Shaofeng had rushed to defend.


He Shaotian's domain shook slightly, and the power of the three attributes of thunder light, flame and wind blade instantly gathered around his body, forming a defense with a mixture of three powers.

Boom boom boom!

Thirty-six Qianshan boxing shadows, under Qin Shaofeng's will, violently blasted above the three power defenses that He Shaotian had condensed, and a loud noise erupted.

After the loud noise ceased, He Shaotian's defenses still existed, but compared with the initial cohesion, his aura was weaker.

Not only that, at the moment He Shaotian displayed the three power blending fields, and his breath has also dropped a lot.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he stretched out his hand again, once again blasting out a Qianshan fist shadow.

boom! boom! boom!

There was another series of loud explosions, and after the beginning, Qin Shaofeng didn't mean to stop, punch after punch, Qianshan punches one after another.

Of course, it is precisely because of this display that Qin Shaofeng consumes a lot, and the sixth-grade nine-layer spirit pills refined with spirit crystals on his body begin to decrease sharply.

But under the same attack, He Shaotian's domain became weaker and weaker.

After Qin Shaofeng's Thunder Prison maintenance time disappeared, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, and once again used the domain.

Qin Shaofeng can now use the domain three times in a day, and for now, only under the protection of the thunder prison can Qin Shaofeng enter He Shaotian's domain and approach He Shaotian to attack.

Although it is only a semi-finished product, its power cannot be underestimated.

However, after the time for the second Thunder Prison to be maintained, Qin Shaofeng did not perform the third Thunder Prison.

Because there is no need for that!

At this moment, under Qin Shaofeng's successive frenzied attacks, in order to withstand Qin Shaofeng's attacks, He Shaotian finally consumed his domain power almost.

In the end, only He Shaotian's body was surrounded by the defense gathered by the three powers of his domain.

But Qin Shaofeng's attack continued, and under this situation, this defense would not last long.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not use the last thunder prison, because He Shaotian no longer needed Qin Shaofeng to use the thunder prison, he could deal with it.

Damn it!

How could this be?

How could it become like this?

Within the defensive power, He Shaotian kept roaring in his heart, his emotions were extremely agitated, and he was even frightened.

Because he knew that in this situation, his ending seemed to be doomed.

A dead end!

He Shaotian couldn’t think of it. After hiding for so many years, he finally cultivated the domain this time. Although it was only a semi-finished product, He Shaotian knew that after he reached this point, even if he didn’t have super-grade spirit crystals, he could use a lot of Ordinary spirit crystal, directly promoted to the holy realm.

In terms of talents, the few great gods of the contemporary temple are far inferior to him!

After all, he is the only genius who does not need super-grade spirit crystals and can be promoted to the holy realm on his own!

He Shaotian knew how it would be different from breaking through the holy realm by relying on super-grade spirit crystals and breaking through to the holy realm by his own cultivation.

Especially if he can break through to the holy realm by himself and then enter that place, he can enjoy a better treatment than others.

Although so far, He Shaotian doesn't know how powerful the real power in charge of the entire Nine Cloud Continent is.

But He Shaotian knew that this strength absolutely surpassed Nine Cloud Continent, and the strong one was also far surpassing the strongest one in Nine Cloud Continent, Jiuyunzi!

In such a place, if you can be treated specially as soon as you enter, the future must be very bright and promising!

In He Shaotian's eyes, that place is his real stage!

Therefore, He Shaotian didn't plan to use the super-grade spirit crystal to improve his cultivation and break through to the holy realm.

He Shaotian just glanced at the super-grade spirit crystal that Song Yunlong snatched from Lin Yihan's hand and put it in his own storage and put it away.

But the current situation made He Shaotian feel tangled in his heart.

If this continues, he is afraid that there is no way to survive.

Compared with the present, He Shaotian just struggled for a while and made a decision in his heart.

No matter how good the future is, it is only based on having a future. If you lose your life now, what future is there?

As soon as he had a decision in his heart, He Shaotian's expression turned sullen, and he shouted at Qin Shaofeng, revealing his defensive strength that was getting weaker and weaker.

"Qin Shaofeng, you forced me to cut my future. I am sure to break your corpse into thousands of pieces today!"

With a roar and a scream, He Shaotian had something more in his heart, it was the super-grade spirit crystal.

Then, what makes people dumbfounded is that He Shaotian actually swallowed that super-grade spirit crystal directly.

As soon as the super-grade spirit crystal was swallowed, He Shaotian used the elemental power in his body in a strange way.

Then, in an instant, a surging aura burst out from He Shaotian. Under this surging aura, He Shaotian's own aura suddenly became stronger.

As early as the moment He Shaotian roared, Qin Shaofeng felt something was wrong.

Although Qin Shaofeng couldn't see He Shaotian after that defense, but Qin Shaofeng knew that He Shaotian must do something.

And just when Qin Shaofeng thought this way, he suddenly felt He Shaotian's breath, suddenly rising up.

I rub, is this?

Feeling the breath of He Shao's weather, such a strange and crazy improvement, Qin Shaofeng was startled and thought of a certain possibility.

I circled a cross. Why shouldn't this happen? Now I plan to use that super-grade spirit beast to attack the holy realm, right?

This is too crazy!

Qin Shaofeng was a little dumbfounded, and the attack in his hand stopped for a while.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng thought of something very bad.

"No, He Shaotian already has a domain, even if it is only a semi-finished domain, but if there is a super-grade spirit crystal to help, with the method of forcibly attacking the holy realm that the He family possesses, it is not impossible to succeed!"

And to be honest, although the chance of success is small, it is not impossible!

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng's expression immediately changed, especially when he felt He Shaotian's breath at this moment, becoming more and more exuberant, that kind of powerful exuberance seemed to have surpassed the Holy Origin Realm and reached another level.

"Oh, things are not good, this guy is going to succeed!"

Feeling He Shaotian's breath change, Qin Shaofeng's face was hard to look.

"Damn it, it seems we can only retreat temporarily!"

Qin Shaofeng was also a decisive person. Seeing that He Shaotian was about to successfully attack the Holy Realm, he had the idea of ​​retreating and running away.

As for the shame of fleeing, Qin Shaofeng didn't have it.

What is shameful and shameless, the most important thing is to save your life.


With a flash of figure, Qin Shaofeng came directly to Lin Yihan, grabbed Lin Yihan, and then came to Hong Kun's side, lifted Hong Kun's whole person up, and ran away crazy into the distance.

With the help of Qin Shaofeng's special version of the Sixth Grade Nine Layer Spirit Pill, Lin Yihan and Hong Kun's injuries have been stabilized, but Hong Kun is already in a coma.

Lin Yihan became sober as soon as he was caught by Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng taking himself and Hong Kun all the way crazy, Lin Yihan didn't react for a while.

"Shao Feng, what are you?" Lin Yihan subconsciously asked.

But the next moment, without waiting for Qin Shaofeng's answer, he suddenly felt something, and then suddenly looked back.

"This... this breath?"

Lin Yihan was a little shocked when he felt a strong breath in the distance behind Qin Shaofeng, slowly rising.

Because he could feel it, this breath seemed to have touched the holy realm.

No, it should be said that it has entered the range of the holy realm.

"This is He Shaotian's breath?"

After realizing that this breath was He Shaotian's breath, Lin Yihan's face changed completely.

"Shao Feng, what the **** is going on?"

"What else can do!" Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyelids and said helplessly, "Isn't this what Shaotian is, I have been anxious, and now I am desperately attacking the Holy Realm!"

Qin Shaofeng was speechless at the moment, and he couldn't think that He Shaotian would choose to attack the holy realm under such circumstances.

In such a hurried and completely unprepared situation, with the help of super-grade spirit crystals to forcibly attack the holy realm, there is no need to say more about the danger. If you don't pay attention, the chance of your body being burst by aura is absolutely as high as 90%!

And even if it succeeded by fluke, it would definitely damage its foundation afterwards, leaving serious troubles.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't think of it, He Shaotian would do this, and he was so successful!

However, having said that, if it were to be changed, Qin Shaofeng felt that he would do the same.

From this point of view, Qin Shaofeng admired He Shaotian somewhat.

But Lin Yihan, who received Qin Shaofeng's definite answer at this moment, did not have the idea of ​​admiring He Shaotian, but his expression changed drastically.

"Assault on the Holy Land?"

With an exclamation, Lin Yihan suddenly became anxious, just about to say something.

But at this moment, there was a loud bang in the distance, and the energy caused by a burst of spiritual energy spread violently.

Even if they were far apart, Qin Shaofeng and Lin Yihan were still affected by this vigorous fluctuation at this moment.

After feeling this vigor, both Qin Shaofeng and Lin Yihan's expressions changed, and a thought appeared in their hearts at the same time.

It succeeded!

Then He Shaotian succeeded in the attack, he has been promoted to the Holy Realm!

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