Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 812: Yes, I have alchemy

With Li Ruojun, Qin Shaofeng was not escorted away directly, but followed Li Ruojun to a special place in Lihuo City-Lihuo Palace!

Away from the Huodian is the most central place from the city of Huo, in fact, it is not far from the headquarters of the medical hall.

The reason why Lihuo Temple is special is because Lihuo Temple possesses underground heart fire, which can be used to refine the pill.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that it was precisely because of this that the medical hall was built near the Lihuo Palace.

But when he came to the Lihuo Palace, Qin Shaofeng always felt that the Lihuo Palace was not a simple place to provide underground fire.

Because the moment Qin Shaofeng stepped into the Temple of Lihuo, Qin Shaofeng felt the breath of a large number of powerful men.

The powerhouses mentioned here are all powerhouses in the Eightfold, Ninefold or even Tenfold Realm of the Holy Elephant Realm.

Even Qin Shaofeng was vaguely aware that there was a few very subtle auras deep in the temple from the fire.

This kind of aura is so strong that Qin Shaofeng estimates that the lowest is the kind of aura that is at the peak of the Holy Elephant Pill.

There may even be an existence beyond the Holy Elephant Realm!

Such a situation made Qin Shaofeng vigilant.

However, thinking of himself now, Qin Shaofeng still has some confidence in his heart.

It's okay, it's a big deal. At the critical moment, I will use the magic ring to take a Thor's Hammer. I don't believe that this city of fire can block my current ten times the value of the Thunder God's hammer!

I think that I now have eight trillion points of sacred yuan worth, ten times that is eighty trillion points.

Although this does not mean that he has increased the attack of Thor's Hammer ten times, Qin Shaofeng is confident that such a blow of Thor's Hammer, even if he is a strong person beyond the Holy Elephant Realm, can't take it so easily!

Thinking about it this way, Qin Shaofeng felt relieved a lot, and only then began to a lot of where he was now.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng followed Li Ruojun and was taken to a lobby.

Except for Qin Shaofeng and Li Ruojun, there were only five or six people in the lobby, but Qin Shaofeng could feel that after he was brought into the lobby, he immediately surrounded the atmosphere of a lot of powerhouses outside the lobby.

The five or six people in the lobby were those whom Qin Shaofeng knew, and it was Master Yun who sat on a high seat with Fang Zaishan yesterday.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng looking towards him, Master Yun smiled slightly with a kind face, which made Qin Shaofeng feel a little fond of him.

It seems that not everyone believes that they are outsiders!

Except for the five remaining Master Yun, Qin Shaofeng didn't know him.

Three of them were all wearing armors and dressed as generals, and they were obviously the leaders of the guards from the city of fire.

As for the remaining two people, one of the middle-aged men made Qin Shaofeng a little familiar.

After taking a closer look, Qin Shaofeng realized that he was not familiar with anything, but a little alike.

Because the appearance of this middle-aged man was somewhat similar to that of Na Geliancheng and Ge Baodong, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly and he immediately remembered something.

Is this person the head of the Ge family?

However, the person who cared Qin Shaofeng the most was the last old man.

This old man was full of white hair and crouched. Although it seemed to be the shortest person again, Qin Shaofeng realized that no matter it was, he respected him extremely.

Even though Fang Zaishan, who had been unyielding on the road and glaring at Qin Shaofeng, had gathered a lot of his temper after entering the place and seeing the old man.

This gave Qin Shaofeng a guess about the identity of the old man.

If this old man shouldn't be surprised, he would be the three grandmasters from the city of fire, and the last grandmaster who is respected as the grandmaster!

And then the words of the old man made Qin Shaofeng affirm this.

"Okay, people are here, so let's start now!"

The old man smiled slightly, looked up at Qin Shaofeng, and said: "Qin Shaofeng, right, the old man's surname is Li, this time someone said that you are an outsider, and there is corresponding evidence, so as a last resort, this time the old man will call you Please come!"


Upon hearing the old man's words, Qin Shaofeng immediately confirmed the identity of the other party.

The strongest of the three great masters in Lihuo City came from Lijia. Seriously speaking, he could be regarded as Li Ruojun and Lile's grandfather and their elders.

Even the arrogant Fang Zaishan in the city of Lihuo, in front of his old man, honestly called the other party Li Lao.

Qin Shaofeng also understood why Li Laohui appeared here.

I am also the master of the medical hall anyhow now, and I am said to be an outsider, but it is of great importance.

After all, it would be extremely embarrassing for the medical hall in Lihuo City to identify an outsider as a grandmaster.

Moreover, Li Lao is not only the status of a great master, he said that the elders of Lihuo City Lord, even the guards of Li Lao can order the dispatch in Lihuo City.

This time, it was the most suitable to be hosted by his old man.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng thought a lot, but in the eyes of outsiders, Qin Shaofeng responded immediately after the old voice fell off.

"I'm serious. With you, the younger generation is naturally very relieved, and the younger generation also believes that your old family can see what you are doing, and the younger generation is innocent!" Qin Shaofeng said.


As soon as Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, Fang Zaishan sneered: "Don't pretend to be a thief. I have some evidence. You can't deny it!"

Fang Zaishan sneered triumphantly, and looked at Qin Shaofeng with a cold snort, "Humph, so I advise you to be honest and just admit it!"

Personal evidence?

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, looked at Fang Zaishan frankly, and said: "Since Grandmaster Fang, you have said so, then I would like to see this so-called personal and material evidence!"

At this moment, no matter whether it is from the old age or the other present, they are silent.

This made Fang Zaishan even more unscrupulous.

"Very well, don't give up, still struggle?" Angrily in his heart, Fang Zaishan shouted to the guards at the entrance of the lobby behind him, "Come on, take the witnesses!"

Qin Shaofeng was immediately happy.

I circled a cross, is there any real evidence?

Oh your sister, who can prove that I am an outsider!

I want to see what tricks you play in the mountains!

Old God Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest worry on his face, and he didn't feel anxious or panicked. It seemed that he was not an outsider.

But Qin Shaofeng's appearance fell into Fang Zaishan's eyes, but he pretended to be more convinced in his heart that Qin Shaofeng was an outsider.

Not long after, under the leadership of two guards, one person was stayed in.

But when he saw the face of the man who entered, Qin Shaofeng was really drunk.


This Li Yuan is actually a witness to prove that he is an outsider?

Qin Shaofeng really didn't know what to say.

However, what made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised was that after Li Yuan entered, Li Ruojun, who had been standing silently not far away, looked at him with a strange light in his eyes.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel a little unusual.

Does this Li Yuan really have evidence to prove that he is an outsider?

At this time, Li Yuan who came to this place, after seeing the big men in front of him, was honestly a little bit regretful.

Said Qin Shaofeng was an outsider, even though he was actually a blind cat and a mouse.

But in Li Yuan's mind, this was just a guess by him, and it could even be said to be a fault.

At this moment, the Li Lao, the three leaders, and the Ge family Patriarch, made him understand that things were getting worse.

But the matter has come to this point, and Li Yuan also understands that at this point, he can no longer look back.

Only one way to the dark!

"Little man Liyuan has seen Li Lao and a few adults!" After calming down, Li Yuanli immediately saluted Li Lao and the others.

But the other side in the mountain couldn't help it, and he said directly: "Li Yuan, hurry up and tell the true face of Qin Shaofeng, the old man!"

"Yes, Lord Fang!"

Li Yuan replied respectfully, then raised his head and glanced at Qin Shaofeng before saying, "My sirs, Xiao Ren Li Yuan can be regarded as a medical doctor in the hospital. In the recent animal riot, the villain should be like a village. Request, send disciple Ran Jinrong to help refine medicine and transfer villagers. I don’t want to..."

Li Yuan's voice suddenly rose, with a hint of anger in his tone. He looked directly at Qin Shaofeng and said angrily: "I don't want to encounter this Qin Shaofeng on the road, and then be targeted by Qin Shaofeng everywhere.

"But the villain disciple Ran Jinrong accidentally discovered that this Qin Shaofeng was not a member of Yanhuo Village, but was under the name of Yanhuo Village. It was unreasonable to fought against that Chihuo Village."

Li Yuan's tone was already sorrowful, but Qin Shaofeng's expression was painful.

Can you tell me a little bit more?

This black can make you call it white!

"After learning about this situation, the villain was afraid of receiving some kindness from Chihuo Village in his early years, so he personally went to once to mediate. But after the villain felt it, he was ridiculed and designed by Qin Shaofeng. There was a gambling fight."

"Several adults are clear lessons, the villain is just a junior master, but Qin Shaofeng has the level of a grandmaster-level medical doctor, which shows that he deliberately shamed the villain!"

Li Yuan started crying as he spoke.

But at this moment, Li Ruojun couldn't help it.

"Li Yuan, what are you talking about inverted black and white? I was there that day, but what I saw was completely wrong with what you said, that day..."

Li Ruojun kept cold, and his tone was full of anger.

But before she could finish her words, Li Yuan shouted: "Miss, you have wronged me! This was designed by Qin Shaofeng deliberately, and you have never discovered the true face of Qin Shaofeng."

"Aside from other things, you didn't think about it. Who wouldn't look for Qin Shaofeng, why did he find Master Lile? And he was less than twenty years old, and he actually possessed a master-level medicine alchemy technique. The alchemy technique Qin Shaofeng used was also extremely strange. It was not the alchemy technique we had at all. It was very similar to the alchemy technique possessed by outsiders!" Li Yuan explained.

At this time, Na Fang Zaishan also fiercely interjected: "Yes, I can also testify to this point. The alchemy technique Qin Shaofeng possesses is probably the alchemy technique of an outsider. This is enough to show his true identity!"

After that, Fang Zaishan raised his head slightly, looked at Master Yun on the side, and asked directly: "Master Yun was also present yesterday. Are you telling us that Qin Shaofeng's alchemy technique is ours?"

"This one……"

Grandmaster Yun hesitated for a while, thought about it, and then said: "It is true that Grandmaster Qin's hesitant refining technique is different from ours, but..."

"It's nothing but!" Fang Zaishan didn't have the slightest chance to give Grandmaster Yun a word, and looked back at Qin Shaofeng with a sneer, "Well, what can you say, Qin Shaofeng, you kid, dare you say that your medicine alchemy technique is not from outside? Alchemy?"

Facing the aggressive Fang Zaishan, Qin Shaofeng raised his head slightly, grinned, and said something that shocked everyone present.

"Well, yes, I have alchemy!"

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