Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 813: Qin Shaofeng's counterattack


Qin Shaofeng's remarks surprised everyone present.

No one expected that Qin Shaofeng would admit it like this.

This also surprised Fang Zaishan, but soon Fang Zaishan laughed and said: "Hahaha, just admit it, you foreign thief dare to deceive my medical clinic..."

"and many more!"

Qin Shaofeng directly interrupted Fang Zaishan's laugh, and said speechlessly: "I said Lao Fang! Your surname is fine, but can you not be this way? When will I admit that I am an outsider?"

Old party?

Fang Zaishan was angry, and said cruelly: "Little thief, do you still want to quibble? You just said clearly that you have alchemy, doesn't it mean that you are an outsider?"

"Having alchemy is an outsider?"

Qin Shaofeng's face was slightly stunned, and then he looked up and down Fang Zaishan exaggeratedly, until he saw that Fang Zaishan was uncomfortable, then he said: "I said, Lao Fang, can you not be confused as a person? Ah! If I remember correctly, we medical doctors were just pharmacists a long time ago. At first, we medical doctors didn’t know how to refine pill. You don’t know the origin of pill, do you? Is it an outsider to have alchemy?"

Qin Shaofeng said this so Fang Zaishan was speechless, he forgot about it.

Qin Shaofeng was right. At the beginning, there was no pill, and the first pharmacist who appeared was not a pharmacist but a pharmacist.

Qin Shaofeng had seen all this knowledge in Old Master Liu's book. At first, Qin Shaofeng didn't quite understand it, but now Qin Shaofeng is clear.

I am afraid that the existence of the pill is precisely because they are brought here by outsiders.

From this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but think that this place probably had people from Origin Continent set foot here long ago.

Perhaps even the original crystal space battle, for the major forces and demons, wanted to enter this place.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know if this was the case, and why.

However, Qin Shaofeng also understood that this is not the time to think about this.

"That's what Grandmaster Qin said!"

Suddenly Grandmaster Yun spoke out and smiled slightly at Qin Shaofeng. Grandmaster Yun said again, "Also, even if Grandmaster Qin's methods are special, it can't be said that Grandmaster Qin is an outsider with this argument? Don't forget, everyone. , The little prince in the territory of King Tu, because of his natural peculiar physique, he is also blessed in alchemy, is he not an outsider?"

Grandmaster Yun asked twice, causing those present to nod involuntarily. The two commanders who had looked at Qin Shaofeng's unkind gaze also closed.

Li Lao didn't say anything from beginning to end, but still looked at everyone with a smile.

Damn, what the **** is Yunjiang doing?

Why do you want to be right with me?

Master Yun’s words made Fang Zaishan angry. Although he knew that his reason was untenable, in his opinion, if Grandmaster Yun hadn’t spoken out, he could still force Qin Shaofeng more at this point. .

After a slight pause, Fang flashed a gleam of light in the mountain's eyes. He immediately raised his head and looked at Qin Shaofeng, and said coldly: "Well, let's not talk about this, Qin Shaofeng, I want to ask you, where did your alchemy come from? Why did you suffer serious injuries when you appeared in Yanhuo Village?"

Yes, injury!

As if finally remembering something, Fang Zaishan stared at Qin Shaofeng and asked, "According to Li Yuan’s investigation, when you first appeared, all the bones in your body suffered severe injuries, and the body was torn by extremely strong force. Broken, this kind of injury is very similar to the situation where an outsider entered us and was hit hard by space forces. How do you explain this?"

At this moment, Na Liyuan immediately nodded and drank, "Yes, as Master Fang said, your injury is too weird, and don't want to quibble, just ask Yanhuo Village about this matter. Anyone can be confirmed!"

At this time, the atmosphere on the scene became serious again.

Indeed, just as Fang Zaishan said, when Qin Shaofeng appeared in Yanhuo Village, the injuries he suffered were not simple!

This has to be doubted!


Qin Shaofeng glanced at Li Yuan with disdain, and said, "Why do I have to sophistry? It was true that the serious injury appeared in Yanhuo Village, but I appeared before Yanhuo Village because I was fighting against a real outsider. After one game, I suffered such a serious injury!"

"Hahaha, a battle with a real outsider?"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, Fang Zaishan laughed loudly: "Qin Shaofeng, you won’t talk about it next. After a hard fight, you will eventually behead the real outsider, and then get it from the opponent. Alchemy, right?"

"Hey, Lao Fang really has you, you guessed it right!" Qin Shaofeng said in surprise, and quickly confirmed.

But what he said almost turned Fang Zai Shan Qi.

"You...you...you dare to admit it!"

"Why can't you admit it? The fact is!"

Qin Shaofeng's calm reply made it hard to tell that he was lying.

"Shit fact!" Fang Zaishan finally couldn't help but burst out.

With an angry expression on his face, Fang Zaishan pointed at Qin Shaofeng and said, "Don't be sophistry, kid. This outsider who can enter our world is very powerful. Even if it is suppressed, it is possible that you can deal with such an existence?"


Qin Shaofeng shook his head lightly, sighed, and suddenly looked at Grandmaster Fang sympathetically, and said: "I said Lao Fang, isn't your words inconsistent? You all said I am an outsider, and It’s another outsider who can come to us. They are very strong, but you just said that I’m not strong enough. Do you treat me like someone?"

When Qin Shaofeng said this, everyone present frowned slightly.


You kept saying that Qin Shaofeng is an outsider, and now Qin Shaofeng is weak. What do you mean by Fang Zaishan?

At this moment, Fang Zaishan also seemed to notice that he had spoken, and immediately defended himself: "Don't talk nonsense, I..."

"What am I?" Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly and interrupted Grandmaster Fang directly, and then sneered, "To be honest, I suspect that you Fang Zaishan is an outsider?"

"Am I an outsider?"

Fang Zaishan was stunned, and then he was very angry and laughed: "Qin Shaofeng, you are a dead end, desperate to slander me? It's like, who is Fang Zaishan, who doesn't know who is away from Fire City? Say I am an outsider? Is this nonsense?"

"Nonsense?" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, and then said playfully, "I don't think so, I also have evidence!"

"Evidence? What evidence do you have?" Fang Zaishan smiled coldly, with a look of disbelief.

Qin Shaofeng did not immediately answer Fang Zaishan, but turned to look at Grandmaster Yun, and said: "Grandmaster Yun, do you remember the last assessment yesterday, the Seventh Transformation God Profound Pill I refined?"

"This one……"

Grandmaster Yun paused slightly. He didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to ask himself this question, but he also nodded and smiled: "Of course I remember, Grandmaster Qin opened my eyes yesterday!"

"Where is it!" Qin Shaofeng smiled, humbled, and then asked Grandmaster Yun.

"Then dare to ask Grandmaster Yun, do you have any doubts about the pill of the seventh-turn God Profound Pill that Grandmaster Fang took out yesterday?"

At this moment, everyone present did not understand why Qin Shaofeng raised this matter.

But Grandmaster Fang's face changed slightly at the moment, making it hard to look.

"Uh, this one!"

Master Yun hesitated for a while, a little embarrassed to say.

At this time, Li Lao finally spoke.

"Xiaoyun, don't hesitate, say anything!"

"Yes, I'm old!"

The opening of Li Lao made Master Yun not hesitate, and he said directly: "Yesterday's pill recipe seems to me to be problematic, because it stands to reason that after the five element attribute medicinal materials are added to the thunder attribute medicinal materials, if this is added the ice type medicinal materials , But some are difficult to refine into pill, especially Bing Ling Cao, a medicinal material with the ultimate ice power!"

After a slight pause, Grandmaster Yun seemed to think about it again, but in the end he shook his head slightly and sighed, "I'll be honest, it seems to me that this kind of pill is very difficult to make a pill. Of course, this is also my personal opinion. After all, Master Qin, you have successfully refined the Seventh Rank God Profound Pill!"

"Well, yes, I did refine the Seventh Rank God Profound Pill, but..."

Qin Shaofeng paused for a while, his eyes fell on Fang Zaishan, whose expression was already very wrong at this moment, and said meaningfully: "This is all because I have known a pill that is similar to the Seventh Transition God Profound Pill. However, I know this kind of medicine, but I snatched it from the outsider, but what makes me puzzled is that I don’t know why it is so similar to the seven-turn God Profound Pill created by Grandmaster Fang. Don't make me curious!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved even more. He took out two lists and handed them directly to Li Lao, and said sincerely: "Li Lao is your old man who has done the most research on pill medicine. Can you take a look at these two pill recipes? ?"

One of these two pill prescriptions was the seventh-ranked **** profound pill prescription Fang Zaishan took out yesterday. After he took out the pill prescription, he did not take it back.

The other pill is the pill of the Five Elements Body Pill owned by Qin Shaofeng.

Li Lao deserves to be a person with the title of Grand Master. He just glanced a little, then nodded and said: "Well, yes, these two alchemy recipes look very similar whether they are the combination of medicinal materials or some refining methods. It is a high- and low-grade pill of the same kind of pill!"

Li Lao said, that's it naturally.

Then the problem is coming!

Don't say where Qin Shaofeng's pill came from, even if Qin Shaofeng is an outsider.

So how did this Fang Zaishan create this seven-turn **** profound pill?

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became weird.

The people present, even Li Ruojun, who was very disgusted by the opponent in the mountain, did not think that Fang Zaishan would be an outsider.

In this way, it can only show one problem.

This is that this seven-turn **** profound pill is not a pill created by Fang Zaishan at all.

And it is precisely because of this that Fang Zaishan's face at this moment is a wonderful one!





I'm afraid they are all, anyway, Fang Zaishan's heart is very confused at this moment, and in the end he can only remain silent.

Simply, a word from Li Lao helped him out.

"Well, that's the end of the matter, bring people up!"

Li Lao's last sentence was directed at the door.

As soon as the old saying fell, two burly guards escorted a person in.

After seeing who this was being escorted in, Li Yuan's face instantly turned pale, and a trace of fear was revealed in his eyes.

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