Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 844: The strength of Gelian City

Under this situation, Ge Liancheng's expression changed slightly, because he felt the flash of Qin Shaofeng's body just now, but there was some terrifying power that faintly made him feel a dangerous aura.

Damn, how could Qin Shaofeng have such strength, it seems that he can't keep his hands!

Seeing Qin Shaofeng not far away, Ge Liancheng secretly made a decision.

"Qin Shaofeng, you are very good, if so, then I will let you see my true strength!"

Ge Liancheng yelled loudly, and the void stood in the air, shocking from his body.

Demigod Realm!

This Galian City instantly displayed his demigod realm, and then a wave of spatial fluctuations flashed, and Galian City and Qin Shaofeng disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Within the space of the Demigod Realm, Ge Liancheng looked at Qin Shaofeng with a sneer.


Something is wrong!

Qin Shaofeng didn't resist anything when Gelian City used the Demi-God Realm, but secretly released his Pill Realm Realm to protect himself, before being brought in by Gelian City.

But at this moment, feeling the aura of the demi-god domain space of Gelian City, Qin Shaofeng faintly found something wrong with this space.

It's not that Qin Shaofeng has never seen the space of the demigod in the later stage, but Mei Lao San is the space of the demigod of this degree.

But compared with Mei Lao San, the demigod space of Gelian City seems to have a special power, and with the blessing of this special power, the demigod space of Gelian City is compared to Mei Lao San's half. The realm of gods has become more powerful than that.

For a while, this situation made Qin Shaofeng curious.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng seemed to be aware of the speciality of his demigod domain, Ge Liancheng smiled coldly and said, "Did you notice it? Do you feel that my demigod domain is a little different?"

Qin Shaofeng didn't answer, but Ge Liancheng said proudly, "Ha, I'll just tell you. My demigod domain and ordinary people's demigod domain have more special powers."

As he said, a flash of excitement flashed in Geliancheng’s eyes: "Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you outsiders, because I know from you that in addition to the half-god realm, people can cultivate the power of realm. In other words, this half-god realm is also a kind of realm."


Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked by Ge Liancheng's words, because he had already guessed something at the moment.

And then Ge Liancheng's words confirmed Qin Shaofeng's guess.

"Under my persecution, those of you from the Divine Mansion and Heavenly Sword Sect have spoken out a lot of cultivation methods. I didn't care about it at first, but when I learned about the existence of dual realms, I dealt with them. Heart!"

He raised his head slightly, seeing that Qin Shaofeng's expression seemed to understand something, Ge Liancheng smiled triumphantly, and then his tone became proud.

"It seems that you guessed it too. That's right. In my situation, according to the situation on your original continent, you are already a person with dual realms. In addition to this half-god realm, I have also cultivated a realm. !"

As he said, Ge Liancheng's breath surged, and with a boom, the entire space was completely rioted. The originally bright space suddenly dimmed, and the entire space had an additional layer of active dark power.

Dark system?

The realm of darkness?

Feeling the changes in this space, Qin Shaofeng knew immediately that, except for the realm of demigods, the realm of Galian City's comprehension was the realm of darkness.

Qin Shaofeng smiled just feeling the power of this dark realm.

"Huh? Dual realm? That's funny. With the power of your dark realm, at most it is equivalent to the realm of the fourth or fifth heaven. It's not even as good as the demigod realm in the early days. This double realm is simply weak!"


Ge Liancheng, who was still very proud, was instantly furious when he heard Qin Shaofeng's words.

It is true that the situation of the dual realm of Gelian City is very different. The half-god realm is equivalent to the realm of the eighth and ninth heavens, but his dark realm is only the realm of the fourth and fifth heavens.

This completely lost the balance between the normal dual realm owner, that dual realm.

However, this half-god realm is the realm of its own power, and such an imbalance has little effect.

But when Qin Shaofeng was so ironic, how could Ge Liancheng bear it?

"Damn it, Qin Shaofeng, you are really rampant, in that case you will die under my weak and explosive dual realm!"

With a roar, Geliancheng waved his hands, and with a boom, the entire space shook. In an instant, behind Geliancheng, dark black lightsabers condensed.

At a glance, there are rows and rows, a few also have two or three hundred, and the most shocking thing is that the aura of each and every black lightsaber actually exceeds the aura of the power of seventy thousand elephants.

That is to say, each of these dark black lightsabers has a power of more than seventy thousand elephants. Together, I am afraid that even a demigod of the realm like Boss Mei cannot resist.

"go to hell!"

Following Geliancheng's violent shout, the three hundred dark black lightsabers shot at Qin Shaofeng instantly.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was also slightly surprised.

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised by the horror of Geliancheng's move. Qin Shaofeng was surprised that this city of Gelian could actually be so capable of combining the half-god realm with the dark realm to launch such a simple attack.

From this aspect, this Gelian city is a very good dual realm person.

But well, such an attack can be...

Looking up, Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly in the dark black lightsaber.

If this is encountered by ordinary people, I am afraid it will be very embarrassing, but this Galian City actually wants to deal with himself with such a trick, which is simply a joke.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's pill realm expanded and opened instantly, forming a realm space with a diameter of 100 meters.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng has also released his own half-god realm. This is attached to the pill realm, so that the realm of the pill realm is directly from the level of the initial stage of the seventh heaven, to the peak realm in an instant. .

Lei Yu Spiral Duolian Pills!

Qin Shaofeng’s heart burst out at the moment when the domain space increased, and then, in Qin Shaofeng’s entire pill realm, there was a burst of flashes in an instant. Twenty or thirty thunder jade spiral pills, thunder shining, like thunder and lightning stars. .


In the next moment, these Leiyu Spiral Pills, like meteors, rushed out of Qin Shaofeng's Pill Realm in an instant, and plunged into the dark black lightsaber in the sky.

Suddenly, there was a burst of explosion, and every explosion produced by the Thunder Jade Spiral Pill could instantly annihilate dozens of dark black lightsabers.

Less than three breaths were time, and the dark black lightsaber of Gelian City was exploded.


how can that be?

Seeing this scene, Geliancheng was shocked, but soon after Geliancheng noticed Qin Shaofeng's domain space, his expression changed, and he exasperated and said, "The domain of the demigod? You actually condensed the domain of the demigod?"

"Heh, you just found out!" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly with a playful expression on his face.

But Ge Liancheng's face became gloomy.

Qin Shaofeng owns domains, and now there are more demi-god domains. This is not an explanation, Qin Shaofeng already possesses dual domains just like him.

Damn it, is this so?

Haven't those people on the original continent already said that there is only one chance to become a dual realm?

This Qin Shaofeng had already understood his domain, how could he still understand the semi-god domain and become the owner of the dual domain?

Ge Liancheng couldn't understand this, but it didn't hurt his killing intent on Qin Shaofeng.

Compared with before, Geliancheng now wants to kill Qin Shaofeng even more.

"Qin Shaofeng, don't be proud, even if you also have dual domains, you can't be my opponent!"

With an angry roar, Ge Liancheng shakes his hands and slams.

Boom! Boom!

As soon as Ge Liancheng unfolded his hands, it was as if he had reached the depths of his demigod domain, completely merging with the space.


In the next moment, Ge Liancheng's face instantly turned sullen, and his hands trembled slightly.

boom! boom!

With two loud noises, as Geliancheng's hands gathered, suddenly, the space behind Geliancheng was twisted and surged. With a bang, two huge dark black arms suddenly twisted and condensed.

From a distance, it was as if a force of strength extended directly from the hands of Gelian City, condensing two huge arms.

Each of these arms is over a hundred meters, exuding a frightening atmosphere.

"Qin Shaofeng, you can look at it. This move is a move I got from an ancient relic. It is a supreme magical power. It is your supreme honor to die under this move!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't care much about Ge Liancheng's proud roar.

Qin Shaofeng felt very strange in his heart as he watched Geliancheng's two huge arms.

How can this be so like my Suzuo!

This was Qin Shaofeng's first thought when seeing these two huge arms.

That's right, at this moment, Ge Liancheng's move is indeed similar to the Xu Zuo that Qin Shaofeng used. The only difference is that Ge Liancheng can only condense two arms.

"Qin Shaofeng turned into powder for me and disappear completely!"

With a bang, Ge Liancheng waved his hands and drove the two huge arms to directly hit Qin Shaofeng.

If this is a hit, even a strong man like Boss Mei will be directly injured.

Such power is already close to the demigod who possesses the peak realm and demigod domain.

Ge Liancheng sneered cruelly, in his opinion, this time Qin Shaofeng would definitely die.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked him appeared.


Hearing a boom, Ge Liancheng saw a burst of powerful purple light bursting out of Qin Shaofeng's body. The purple light vented out of Qin Shaofeng's body like a river waterfall.

And as soon as it gushed out, the purple light instantly twisted, directly condensing and forming!

In just a moment of effort, Ge Liancheng saw Qin Shaofeng's figure disappear in place, replaced by an extremely huge figure of giant.


Since this Ge Liancheng could condense such two huge arms, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to be polite and directly displayed Suzuo Nenghu.

But it seems that because of the relationship between the power of the realm and the improvement of the realm, the Xu Zuoneng condensed by Qin Shaofeng this time is actually three hundred meters tall, and even has two huge wings on his back.

Such Suzuo Neng is indeed amazing, but the boundary strength in Qin Shaofeng's body is also consumed instantly.

There is even a feeling in Qin Shaofeng's heart that if he has sufficient power, the condensed Suzuo Nenghu will be even bigger.

But that's it, it's enough!

With a cold smile, the next moment Qin Shaofeng stretched out his right hand, controlling Xu Zuonenghu's right arm, and hitting the giant arm that had hit Ge Liancheng with a fierce punch.

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