Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 845: crazy


With a huge bombardment, the huge arms condensed from Geliancheng were instantly blasted back by Qin Shaofeng's Xu Zuo Nenghu.

Even with Geliancheng himself, after being taken out hundreds of meters because of this bombardment, it was able to stabilize.

But compared with this, the huge purple giant in the distance was the thing that made Gelian the most concerned.

"How come? How can you show the complete world and earth?"

Seeing the huge purple Suzuonenghu, Ge Liancheng couldn't take it anymore, and after a murmur, he suddenly raised his head when Suzuonenghu saw Qin Shaofeng on his head, and asked angrily: "Damn it, Qin Shaofeng, where are you from? The cultivation method to obtain the supernatural powers of heaven and earth?"

"Heaven and earth?"

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback for a moment, obviously knowing what Ge Liancheng had misunderstood.

With a light shrug, Qin Shaofeng said innocently, "I don't know how to behave like that. If you are scared, just say it."

Ge Liancheng was silent because he was indeed afraid.

Although I don't want to admit it, the aura that this huge purple giant exudes is really powerful, so powerful that Gelian City is a little too strong to face.

This is actually a misunderstanding of Geliancheng, and he scared himself.

Although Qin Shaofeng's condensed Xu Zuo can be powerful, it is also limited in strength. If Ge Liancheng's heart is cruel and fights Qin Shaofeng desperately, Qin Shaofeng is not confident to take this Ge Liancheng with this Xu Zuo.

But the moment he saw that Xu Zuo was able to humiliate, Ge Liancheng thought that Qin Shaofeng would also have the same powerful magical powers as himself, such a powerful world.

In this practice of the world and the earth, he only cultivated a pair of giant arms in Geliancheng, and he felt that the power was extremely amazing.

But how powerful is Qin Shaofeng's entire cultivation?

Thinking of this, in the end this Gelian city was actually frightened because of this.

But this Gelian City is after all Gelian City. After a while of silence, his heart was fierce and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

Looking up at Qin Shaofeng again, Ge Liancheng's expression turned grim.

"Damn it, Qin Shaofeng, don't think that you can beat me like this. You forced me to confess. Repent and let me come to this point. Soon I will let you survive and die!"

Ge Liancheng yelled at Qin Shaofeng, his tone filled with this madness.


Seeing the appearance of Geliancheng, Qin Shaofeng frowned, feeling that something was wrong with Geliancheng at the moment.

Just thinking about it, the next moment Qin Shaofeng saw that there was a person in Geliancheng's hand, an old man.

That is?

As his eyes condensed, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with surprise.

Although he hadn't seen it before, Qin Shaofeng learned from Mei Lao San that all the powerful men around Geliancheng looked like.

At this moment, the old man who suddenly appeared in the hands of Geliancheng was the ancestor of the Mei family.

But when he felt the breath from the ancestors of the Mei family, Qin Shaofeng knew that the ancestors of the Mei family had not recovered from the heavy damage suffered by the move of leaving the city master to die.

what's the situation?

Although the ancestor of the Mei family is good, he hasn't recovered now. What does it mean for Ge Liancheng to call out his opponent?

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled, but the next moment, Ge Liancheng's actions immediately shocked Qin Shaofeng.

As soon as the ancestor of the Mei family appeared, Na Geliancheng grabbed the opponent, then stretched her head against the ancestor of the Mei family and bit his neck.

I circled a cross, this... this... this...

What the hell!

Seeing Ge Liancheng's actions, Qin Shaofeng was completely dumbfounded.

This Gelian city actually bit the ancestor of the Mei family?

But soon, Qin Shaofeng felt that Geliancheng was not biting people, but sucking the blood of the ancestor of the Mei family.

No, this is?

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng suddenly noticed the changes in the surrounding space.

The demigod realm of Galian City is getting stronger!

Soon, Qin Shaofeng determined that the demigod space of Gelian City was improving in a strange way at this moment.

Is this guy absorbing the power of the ancestors of the Mei family?

Or is it the demigod domain that absorbed the ancestors of the Mei family?

Qin Shaofeng understood instantly.

I am afraid that this city of Gelian has some kind of weird means, which can absorb the power of others by sucking the blood of others, and strengthen itself.


When Galian City's demi-god realm space rose to a certain step, the entire space violently burst, and the aura rose instantly.


At this moment, the Demigod Realm of Gelian City had already reached its peak state.

But the same ancestor of the Mei family also gave his life for this, and was completely absorbed into a mummy by Gelian City.

But Na Gelian City didn't seem to want to stop, with a light move with his right hand, the next moment, Boss Mei and several demigods appeared beside Gelian City, and even the army of the three thousand Saint Elephant Realm of Gelian City appeared.

At this moment, in front of the gate of the city lord's mansion outside.

After Qin Shaofeng and Geliancheng disappeared, because of Geliancheng's order, Boss Mei didn't attack Li Ruojun and the others, because in Geliancheng's view, as long as he solved Qin Shaofeng, everything would be fine.

Waiting for him will only be the throne of Lihuo City and the beauty of Li Ruojun.

Therefore, the battlefield out of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion stopped strangely.

This made Li Ruojun breathe a sigh of relief in secret, but she could hear the loud tremors faintly from the depths above, and she began to pray for Qin Shaofeng again in her heart.

It didn't take long for a strange situation to happen.

All the enemies have disappeared!

Li Ruojun didn't expect that Boss Mei and the others suddenly disappeared from his eyes, which was too weird.

But at this moment Li Ruojun didn't know that a very strange scene happened before Qin Shaofeng's eyes.


Seeing those who were summoned by Geliancheng, Qin Shaofeng was slightly startled, but before he could react, all of the more than 3,000 holy elephants in the army instantly dried up, and finally weathered, dusty, and all. Disappeared.

A few demigods such as Na Mei boss disappeared with them.

They were all absorbed by Gelian City!


This Golen City is crazy!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng had only one thought left in his mind.

It's crazy to absorb so many people to improve one's strength.

But it is undeniable that after absorbing these people, the demigod realm of Gelian City has been elevated to a very terrifying state.

Although he is still at the pinnacle of the Demigod Realm and has not yet reached that level of perfection, the city of Gelian at this moment has the blessing of the Dark Realm, so that his Demigod Realm may have reached a realm almost the same as that of the Lord of Fire .


After absorbing everyone, Ge Liancheng laughed fiercely.

"Strength, such a powerful force!"

Holding both hands, Geliancheng's body roared and roared, and the huge arms connected to him became darker at this moment, and finally turned into a dark color. Compared with before, the aura is also stronger. Many times as many.

Such an improvement allowed Gelian City to regain his strong confidence.

He raised his head suddenly, and Ge Liancheng looked directly at Qin Shaofeng and laughed: "Qin Shaofeng, you are really arrogant and let me absorb the power of these people. Why should you regret it now? My current strength has been improved several times. , You are no longer my opponent!"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at Geliancheng faintly, then sneered in disgust: "Heh, your method of ascension really makes me sick, but even so, what about it? You are still a clown in my eyes!"

"Damn, Qin Shaofeng, I want to kill you!"

Qin Shaofeng's words instantly made Geliancheng angry.


With the anger of Ge Liancheng, the entire half-god realm space was violently shaken, and an invisible huge force collapsed on Qin Shaofeng's Xu Zuo Nenghu.

this is?

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly and was very surprised.


It is actually suppressed!

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that after this promotion, the Demigod Realm of Gelian City would actually suppress him.

This was beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

boom! boom!

Just when Qin Shaofeng frowned, Ge Liancheng had already raised the two huge black arms and slammed them at the huge Xu Zuoneng.

Because of the suppression for a while, Qin Shaofeng did not escape this smash, causing Ge Liancheng to directly hit the huge body of Xu Zuo Nenghu.

Suddenly, the huge Suzuo was shocked, and he could not help but step back.

Although it was only a few steps, the huge size of Suzuo Nohu was hundreds of meters away.

"Hahaha, why are you dying?"

Seeing that he had repulsed Qin Shaofeng, Ge Liancheng was overjoyed, laughed, and rushed forward directly, facing Suzuo Nenghu with a fierce attack.

This caused Qin Shaofeng to passively defend for a while, using the hands of Xu Zuo Nenghu to resist the onslaught of the dark giant arms of Gelian City.

Suzuo could not help but retreat again and again because of Qin Shaofeng's passive defense.

This made Ge Liancheng see him, his heart became more and more ecstatic, and his attacks became faster and more fierce.

Although it was just such a violent blow, Suzuo could withstand it for a while, but Qin Shaofeng soon discovered a very bad thing.

The space of this demigod domain has become smaller!

Originally, the space of the demigod domain of Gelian City was a spherical space with a diameter of 10,000 meters.

But now it seems that Gelian City has been deliberately reduced, and there are only less than three kilometers left.

No, not deliberately shrinking, but this Galian City can't support the consumption of that much space now.

The maintenance of the demigod domain naturally also requires consumption, and the drastic increase in the demigod domain of Gelian City naturally increases the consumption a lot.

Therefore, Gelian City can no longer sustain the consumption of 10,000 meters.

Can't support it?

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In that case, let me help you.

The next moment, after Qin Shaofeng controlled Xu Zuo Nenghu for a dodge, at this moment, his heart moved.


With a flash of thunder, Qin Shaofeng had recovered the power in his body, and once again consumed it.

But at this moment, Suzuo Nenghu's right hand had a huge purple giant hammer.

Lei Dun Thor's Hammer!

With Thor's hammer in his hand, Qin Shaofeng slammed a hammer against the giant arm that Ge Liancheng had hit.


Thunder light flashed, a huge force burst out, and the giant arm of Gelian City was blasted out again.

how come?

A glimmer of disbelief flashed through Geliancheng's eyes with the smashed Juli.

But the next moment, after seeing the huge Thor's hammer clearly, Geliancheng's eyes shrank.

It's the kind of thunder hammer!

Thor's Hammer is not the first time Galian City has seen it.

But like the last time, after seeing Thor's Hammer again, even if he was compared with his previous self, his strength increased countless times, but when he felt the violent aura from the giant hammer, Geliancheng still felt a flurry of hair.

But soon, Geliancheng had no time to think about these things.

Because at this time, Qin Shaofeng had already picked up the huge Thunder God's hammer and smashed it at him fiercely.

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