Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 848: Blast the king savage beast

"Oh, it's 80% so soon?"

Taking a look at his own experience value at the moment, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, and then moved again.


Suzuo Nenghu, who was already empty, had just raised his right hand by Qin Shaofeng, and then slammed it.


Suddenly, the entire space lit up, and instantly appeared one by one with a diameter of more than ten meters, the whole body appeared with purple lightning and flame fist shadows!


After exhausting all the power in his body, Qin Shaofeng directly exploded a Qianshan fist with the size of Xu Zuo Nenghu.

However, this time due to insufficient consumption, Qianshan Fist Shadow only appeared thirty-six ways.

But even so, the final effect this brings is amazing.


After thirty-six huge explosions one after another, thirty-six Qianshan fist shadows fell into the dense beast tide and exploded like flowers everywhere.

There was another series of system prompts, countless wild beasts died, Qin Shaofeng's experience value skyrocketed again.

Even this time the surge was accompanied by these prompt sounds, as well as a special system prompt.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for meeting the upgrade requirements, and the level is increased by one level. The current level is Supreme Nine!"


After this system prompt, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt that his depleted dantian instantly recovered to Consummation, and his boundary strength was actually much greater.

Taking a moment to take a look, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with joy with his current attributes.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Supreme Nine

Experience value: 11.66%

Occupation: Devil

Boundary power value: 200,000/200,000 (One yuan pill of the supreme nine-fold realm has a boundary power value of 20 points, and the Yi Jin Jing is added 100 times to 2000 points, and 100 pill is 200,000 points)


"Boundary power has doubled?"

After exclaiming in a low voice, Qin Shaofeng laughed suddenly: "Very well, this is interesting!"

Originally, Qin Shaofeng made two moves in succession, and when he heard Qin Shaofeng's laughter, Ge Liancheng shook his face, and his heart roared frantically.

Damn, damn, damn!

How could Qin Shaofeng possess such power?

Brutal beasts, what about those king brutal beasts?

Why didn't you come out and kill this Qin Shaofeng!


As if responding to the anger in Geliancheng's heart, an extremely angry beast roar suddenly sounded at the same moment.

The next moment, dozens of miles away behind the tide of beasts, a huge ape and brutal beast appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

As soon as this savage beast appeared, it rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

This is the king brute?

At the moment when this brutal beast appeared, Qin Shaofeng recognized the identity of the opponent.

Because the breath of this brutal beast is very powerful, not at all weaker than that of the previous boss Mei, it is obviously a king brutal beast.

Seeing the appearance of this king beast, Geliancheng was overjoyed.

Although the aura of this king beast is not as good as the previous one, Geliancheng knows that the strength of the king beast is much stronger than that of a demigod.

And there are so many savage beasts in front of me, this combination may put Qin Shaofeng to death!

This king brutal beast is not slow, only a few breaths left after a distance of tens of miles, and it came to Qin Shaofeng.


As soon as he appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, this ape king brutal beast was like a gorilla, hammering his chest fiercely, and then slammed his arms towards Suzuo Nenghu.

This ape king beast is not small in size. It is seventy to eighty meters tall, and it is completely a giant ape. Those sturdy limbs seemed to be full of explosive power.

But compared with Suzuo Nenghu, this great ape is like tall adults and weaned kids.

But when the fist from the giant ape fell on Suzuo Nenghu, Qin Shaofeng didn't look at it that way.

boom! boom!

With two loud noises, under Qin Shaofeng's surprised gaze, the huge Xu Zuoneng was actually knocked back like this.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After such a retreat, the giant Xu Zuo Nenghu took Qin Shaofeng back and forth for thousands of meters.

This scene made Ge Liancheng, who was grasped by Suzuo Nenghu's left hand, seen it, and he felt ecstatic.

Haha, very good, come on, hurry up and smash this Qin Shaofeng to death!

It seemed that he heard the heartfelt voice of Geliancheng, it was the giant ape who roared again, raised his arms, and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng again.

Damn, you monkey, really take yourself seriously?

Seeing the great ape rushing towards him again, Qin Shaofeng also had a trace of anger in his heart.

"Huh, I really don't know what to say!"

With a cold snort, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with a cold light, and his heart moved.


The next moment, Suzuo Nohu's right hand flashed with a fierce black light, and then a huge giant sword appeared.

what is this?

Seeing such a huge sword suddenly appeared in Suzuo Nenghu's right hand, Ge Liancheng was shocked, full of shock.

Because he found that this black giant sword was not only extremely sharp, but also full of strange power.

Damn, who exactly is Qin Shaofeng, and how can he possess so many weird methods?


Just as Ge Liancheng was roaring in his heart, Qin Shaofeng controlled Xu Zuo Nenghu to raise the black giant sword and slashed at the great ape that was approaching.

Although Suzuo Nohu suddenly had an extra weapon in his hand, the great ape was full of disdain.

As a king savage beast, it has this incomparable arrogance.

And this arrogance is the source of its own power!


How can a human weapon be wounded by it?

It is a wild beast like king, how could it be hurt by the weapons in the hands of little humans?

Therefore, this great ape king brutal beast not only didn't mean to evade, but instead kept the speed at which it rushed towards Qin Shaofeng in its hand, and fisted with both arms.

When Qin Shaofeng saw this scene, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Just this slight sneer was seen by Na Geliancheng, which shocked his mind and had a bad premonition.

Soon, his hunch was confirmed.


The black light flashed, and the huge black sword flashed past, directly across the arms of the giant ape.



Two puffs, then two columns of **** water rose from the sky.

No, it is not a column of water, but a column of blood!


Suddenly, an extremely desolate and painful roar sounded from the mouth of the great ape.

The next moment, the giant ape instantly retreated, looking down at his arms, screaming again and again.

At this moment, its powerful arms are gone!

At that moment, Suzuo Nohu raised the black giant sword, swiped across its upper arm, and directly took its arms away.

Boom! Boom!

At this time, there were two dull noises tens of meters behind the giant ape, but it was the sound of the giant ape's arms being cut off, and the sound of completely landing.


At this moment, Xu Zuo Nenghu stepped on his footsteps and directly caused Qin Shaofeng to bring him to the great ape with Lingbo's microsteps. Then there was a flash of black light, and the great ape's screams completely disappeared.


There was another dull sound, and a huge ferocious head rolled out of the ground, but it was the head of the great ape.

Qin Shaofeng had just cut off his head directly!

And until then, in front of the great ape who had been standing still, did it fall back heavily, and then aroused a burst of dust.

In this case, all the brutal beasts of the entire beast tide quieted down instantly.


A king savage beast just died like this?

Seeing this scene happen, Gelian felt that he was dreaming.

Isn't this king beast very powerful?

But if it fell into Qin Shaofeng's hands, it was just two swords to finish it?

What the **** is that black giant sword?

It is so sharp, so sharp that it can easily cut the king beast with cutting melons and vegetables.

For a moment, Ge Liancheng stared at the huge black sword in Suzuo Nenghu's right hand, his eyes were shocked and incredulous.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng was not surprised.

The defensive power of the brutal beast is very strong, especially since it is the king brutal.

According to Qin Shaofeng's estimation, the defensive power of this giant ape brutal beast, even if it stood still and let Mei Lao San attack with all its strength, I am afraid that the strength of Mei Lao San could not help the opponent for a while.

It's a pity that this silly monkey is too self-confident. He thinks his Six Ways soldiers are ordinary weapons?

That's right, the huge black giant sword in Xu Zuo Nenghu's right hand at this moment is exactly the soldier of the six realms condensed by Qin Shaofeng's reincarnation eye pupil technique.

With Qin Shaofeng's current three-hook jade reincarnation eyes, and the sufficient boundary strength in his body, he condensed this huge Six Dao soldiers, but it was barely possible.

In fact, at the beginning of the great ape, the moment when the giant sword of the Six Ways of Soldiers slashed towards him, even if Qin Shaofeng deliberately suppressed the breath of the Six Ways of Soldiers, the instinct of the beast still made it feel dangerous, and immediately wanted to avoid it. .

It is a pity that Qin Shaofeng condensed the six soldiers, but they have the ability to interfere with opponents' movements and even thinking.

Although it was only a momentary matter, it was enough.

However, having said that, after all, this great ape was too confident, which made Qin Shaofeng behead a king brute so easily.

With a light wave of his right hand, the corpse of this great ape was put into storage ring by Qin Shaofeng.

The corpses of ordinary savage beasts are fine, but this giant ape is a king savage beast, how could Qin Shaofeng miss it?

The corpse of this king savage beast is an invaluable treasure. The blood and bone marrow can be used for refining medicine, and some hard bones and claws can forge weapons.

Even a coat of fur can be made into a battle armor with amazing defensive power.

Of course, the most important thing is that the brutal beast spirit orb in the king brutal beast.

A savage beast spirit orb of a king savage beast, the energy contained in it is very surging and powerful, even if it is obtained by a seven-level master of the holy elephant, after absorption, it can definitely step into the semi-god state.

If he has excellent talent and good luck, he can directly raise the Demigod Realm to the mid-level realm.

Qin Shaofeng naturally had no reason to let go of such a wealth.

In the distance, on the ruins of the wall of Lihuo City, Li Ruojun looked at this scene, completely stunned.

In fact, long before Qin Shaofeng rushed out and controlled the huge Suzuo Nenghu to kill a large group of wild beasts, Li Ruojun was surprised.

And there were many other people who were surprised by Li Ruojun. Everyone couldn't believe that Qin Shaofeng was so powerful.

But compared with the previous savage beasts, the beast of the great ape king was killed by Qin Shaofeng at this moment, which shocked everyone the most!

No explanation, no doubt.

As soon as the great ape appeared, the surging and terrifying aura had already spread, and everyone knew for the first time that this was a king savage beast.

Seeing that the king beast appeared, for a while, countless people on the side of the city of fire were completely desperate.

But after only a few breaths, Qin Shaofeng beheaded the king brute beast.

This is crazy!

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