Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 849: One person's fight (table) fight (play)

"Oh my god!, then...is that the king brute?"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable! Such a powerful king brutal beast was just beheaded?"

"Haha, great, it's saved, we're saved!"

"Yes, I didn't expect Grandmaster Qin to have such a powerful strength, this time we will be saved!"


Suddenly, on the ruins of the wall of Lihuo City, countless people screamed in excitement.

Seeing such a situation, apart from surprise, Li Ruojun was more surprised.

Qin Shaofeng’s repeated performance made Li Ruojun understand that Qin Shaofeng’s strength far exceeded her expectations.

But this is a great thing for them now!

After all, the stronger Qin Shaofeng's strength is, the safer they will be.

However, looking up at the huge figure in the distance, a sharp light flashed in Li Ruojun's eyes, and suddenly he shouted coldly: "Everyone prepares, follow me out of the city, stop the beast tide, and defend our home!"

Although Qin Shaofeng had been very serious about killing all the wild beasts, because of the appearance of this great ape king wild beast, there were still some wild beasts that had slipped through the net, and they were rushing towards Lihuo City.

Li Ruojun saw these savage beasts and planned to step forward and stop them.

Those countless wild beasts gathered together, as well as the powerful king of wild beasts, I can stop a small number of wild beasts with the strength of Li Ruojun, I can still do it with Li Ruojun!

With this thought, Li Ruojun's figure flashed, and immediately rushed out.

When Li Ruojun's words were first heard by others, everyone was stunned, but after a little thought, some people rushed to catch up with Li Ruojun.

There is no shortage of hot-blooded men from Huo City, especially many people are stimulated by Qin Shaofeng, and no longer intend to escape.

Besides, in the current situation, I am afraid that even if it is to escape, it is probably impossible to escape, it is better to fight!

And now that Qin Shaofeng is here, they are not without a chance!


Qin Shaofeng didn't notice what happened in Lihuo City, but soon the beast tide here suddenly appeared.



Suddenly, when Qin Shaofeng had just put away the giant ape's body, two huge beast roars came from a distance again.

Then, two huge wild beasts appeared.

The two savage beasts that suddenly appeared were naturally also kings of savage beasts.

One is a wolf-like wild beast, and the other is a leopard-like wild beast.

However, the most important thing is that the size of these two king brutal beasts is a point larger than the previous giant ape, and even their aura is stronger.

Huh! Huh!

With a violent flash, these two king brutal beasts instantly appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, and even more closely surrounded Qin Shaofeng.


Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly and didn't care. Although the opponents were two king savage beasts this time, Qin Shaofeng was not afraid of anything, but rather excited.

Killing two king beasts at once is exciting!

But the next moment, what made Qin Shaofeng's expression slightly wrong was that even though these two king brute beasts surrounded themselves, they did not launch an attack immediately, but just roared in a low voice.

this is?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand it a bit, but in the next moment, Qin Shaofeng knew what the other party meant.

Because under the low roar of the two of them, a large number of holy elephant realm savage beasts suddenly appeared in the surrounding beast tide, and they rushed towards him.

Nima, let the kid go?

Qin Shaofeng felt depressed for a while, but he didn't move slowly. To the countless savage beasts that rushed, he swept across the giant sword of the six soldiers.

Puff puff!

Just one sweep took away a lot of brutal beasts.

But at this moment, the two king brutal beasts suddenly attacked Qin Shaofeng.

Although because of the sweeping action of raising the sword, Susao Noho back a little bit.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already opened up the realm of perception with fiery eyes, how could he be able to hide all his movements in a radius of several kilometers?

Did a sneak attack?

Seeing the movements of the two king savage beasts, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of his mouth.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart was ruthless, and a faint purple light appeared in his eyes!

Shenluo Tianzheng!


A huge repulsive force exploded, and the savage beasts within a hundred meters of Qin Shaofeng instantly turned into a pool of blood scum, and anything like blood-colored flowers bloomed in an instant.

After that, after this repulsive force completely oscillated, it spread to countless savage beasts behind, causing countless deaths and injuries to the besieging holy elephant realm savage beasts.

As for the two king savage beasts, they were shocked by this powerful repulsive force for the first time.

Even because they were forcibly shaken out, these two king brute beasts were a little confused for a while.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng moved!


The huge Suzuo flashed fiercely, suddenly turned into a huge purple black shadow, and then rushed to the leopard's king beast.


Although it suddenly encountered such a shock, it made this leopard king brutal beast a little confused, but it was only a momentary matter. At this moment, it had already woken up, and it was roaring at Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng just sneered at this, his eyes flashed with purple light again.

Vientiane Tianyin!

Unlike Shenluo Tianzheng, Qin Shaofeng seldom uses this trick of Wanxiang Tianyin.

But this does not mean that Vientiane Tianzheng is not strong, on the contrary, Wanxiang Tianzheng is not weaker than Shenluo Tianzheng.


As soon as the powerful attraction came out, under Qin Shaofeng's control, he instantly found the leopard king brutal beast.

This made the leopard's unsteady figure suddenly pause in midair.

Feeling that he was not under his control, a trace of panic flashed in the leopard's eyes, and then he struggled frantically.

But when it was struggling, its entire huge body flew towards Qin Shaofeng fiercely.

Qin Shaofeng controlled Xu Zuo Nenghu to charge forward, and the leopard was pulled back by the power of the sky.

This one after another caused Qin Shaofeng to come to him in an instant.

At this time, this king brutal beast had faintly freed itself from the attraction of Wanxiang Tianyin.

After all, it is a king savage beast with great power, and Qin Shaofeng can actually attract the opponent, which is already very good.

Although he broke free soon, it was too late for Qin Shaofeng.


The black light flashed, and the huge black sword slashed fiercely, and then cut across the panther head of the king brutal beast that had just gained freedom.

With a puff, another giant head of a king brutal beast flew up.

Another king beast was beheaded!


Seeing his companion being killed, the giant wolf king brutal beast that had broken free from the attraction of Vientiane, suddenly roared.

But this time, apart from anger, the wolf's roar was still accompanied by this panic!

It is scared!

I can't help but be afraid!

The human being in front of it made it feel more powerful than ever before.

The terrifying and sharp pitch-black giant sword, the condensed weird giant purple giant, even has the ability to imprison such a king and brutal beast for a while.

Such a powerful and weird human being, it is the first time I have seen it.

It was timid, and even more thought of backing up in its heart.

But the next moment, a panic flashed in the giant wolf's eyes, as if he was thinking of something terrible, and then when he looked at Qin Shaofeng again, the timidity and fear in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a beast madness.


Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised when he felt the gaze in the giant wolf's eyes changed.

But without waiting for him to think about it, the giant wolf was already moving in the next moment.


With a roar, the giant wolf swept away, and the two claws in midair swung sharply at Suzuoneng, which seemed to cut off the cold light of space.

this is?

Feeling the sharp aura of these two cold rays of light, Qin Shaofeng was startled, and hurriedly raised Xu Zuo Nenghu's right arm, blocking it with the giant sword of the six soldiers.

clang! clang!

Hanmang attacked the pitch-black giant sword, and two shocks erupted, and then Qin Shaofeng's expression changed drastically.

Because the two huge forces brought by this tremor were as horribly powerful as ocean waves, the entire Suzuo could not help but slide a distance backward.

Nasu Sanohu's right arm was raised high and tilted backward because of the powerful counter-shock force.

If it weren't for this pitch-black giant sword to be condensed by the soldiers of the six realms, and for Qin Shaofeng to completely connect and fuse it with Suzuo Nenghu's right hand, I am afraid this huge force would have shaken it out of Suzuo Nenghu's right hand.

But this is not over yet. When Suzuo Nenghu raised his right hand, before Qin Shaofeng could completely stabilize Suzuo Nenghu, Qin Shaofeng felt that his eyes were dark, but the giant wolf directly rushed to Suzuo. Can care about.


With a low roar, the giant wolf rushed up, and it was Suzuo Nenghu's right arm, opened his blood basin, and with the sharp teeth that shone with cold light, he bit on it.


There was a crash, Qin Shaofeng's expression was slightly wrong, and he was surprised to find that his Xu Zuo could almost touch his right arm, and at this moment, he was bitten off by the giant wolf.


Suzuo Nenghu's giant arm with a giant sword smashed to the ground instantly, blasting a deep pit directly.

As for the giant arm of Nasuzunohu, because it was separated from the whole of Suzunohu, it began to blur in an instant and gradually disappeared.

As for the six soldiers of the dark giant sword, they could still exist for a while.

This is not over yet. After biting off Suzuo Nenghu's right arm, the giant wolf did not get off Suzuo Nenghu's body. It was a giant mouth that turned directly towards Qin Shaofeng himself, Nasuzuo Nenghu's head. Come here.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't panic at all about this, instead, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

court death!

I was angry in my heart, and did not see Qin Shaofeng's movements, the next moment the giant wolf buzzed on his body, and a black flame instantly burned.


Amaterasu's black flame is an inextinguishable flame, and can burn any existence. This giant wolf was completely ignited by Qin Shaofeng for a while.


As soon as the pitch-black flame burned, the giant wolf felt extremely painful and wanted to jump out for the first time.

But how could Qin Shaofeng make it happen?

"Since it's here, let's stay completely!"

A purple light flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, a powerful attraction vented from Qin Shaofeng.

Vientiane Tianyin!

As soon as the power of Wanxiang Tianyin came out, it immediately attracted the giant wolf to Suzuo Nenghu, making it unable to move.

Then the next moment, Qin Shaofeng, who was on the head of Xu Zuo Nenghu, gently raised his right hand and gave a firm grip.


He punched it out, but this punch burst out the power of six punches instantly.

Multiple critical strikes!

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