Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 852: Complete suppression

This is a flood dragon whose half-god domain has reached its perfect state!

Qin Shaofeng was shocked when he felt the breath coming from the dragon's body.

Because Qin Shaofeng could fully feel the oppressive feeling from the dragon's body, it originated from the opponent's demigod domain.

As soon as he noticed this, Qin Shaofeng immediately became vigilant.

Not to mention that this is a flood dragon, or even just a human demigod, with a half-god realm of perfection, Qin Shaofeng dare not look down upon it.

Especially with such a terrifying existence like Jiaolong, with such a powerful demigod domain, how dare Qin Shaofeng be careless?

The first three king savage beasts were also stronger for the giant wolf, but in fact, Qin Shaofeng knew that the giant wolf’s demigod domain was not as good as Mei Lao San, the demigod domain of the later stage.

But the opponent has the power of nearly two hundred thousand elephants. Now it is replaced by this terrifying flood dragon, and the opponent has a half-god realm of perfection.

One can imagine how terrifying the power of this dragon would be!


Suddenly, the Jiaolong let out a low voice, unexpectedly vomiting.

Qin Shaofeng was shocked for an instant. The brutal beast is not a monster. Under normal circumstances, it is inhumane!

There is a difference between a savage beast and a monster beast. If it is said that a beast has evolved a form of wisdom from a beast, then the savage beast is a form that has completely evolved power.

Therefore, in terms of pure power, the monster beast may be inferior to the brutal beast, but in terms of intelligence, the monster beast is far superior to the brutal beast.

But this dragon is uttering human words, which is obviously different from ordinary beasts.

However, Qin Shaofeng was relieved soon.

The flood dragon in front of him had awakened the existence of the true dragon's might, and his intelligence was naturally different.

Maybe even this dragon has some inheritance from the true dragon bloodline!

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, the Jiaolong didn't care, and continued to speak: "Human, you are very good, but you shouldn't kill my three men. And I also feel that you are absolutely threatening to me to conquer this world. , So you go to die!"

not good!

Upon hearing what Jiaolong said, Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked, and the bounding power in his body instantly ran wildly.

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that this flood dragon would actually fight as soon as he said it. It was simply too arrogant.


Although Qin Shaofeng had reacted in time, the speed of that dragon was too fast.

I saw the dragon's breath shook, and then stretched out his front paws, and Void grabbed Qin Shaofeng's Xu Zuo Nenghu.


No cold light and strong strength appeared, but with just such a light claw, the Xu Zuo Nenghu that Qin Shaofeng condensed was crushed by the dragon.

Moreover, at the moment when Xu Zuo was able to break, Qin Shaofeng felt a flurry of hair in his heart, as if a fatal danger had come.



Without even thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng directly displayed his supernatural power and entered a state of blurring.

And at the moment when Qin Shaofeng had just completed the blurring, he felt an invisible, but incredibly sharp aura passing through his body in a blurry state.

Space attack?

Feeling this sharp aura, Qin Shaofeng immediately understood that it was not that the flood dragon hadn't exploded any attack, but that the opponent directly used the power of space to condense into a sharp edge, smashing his own Suzuo Nenghu.

Even if it wasn't for his quick reaction, I'm afraid I was cut in half just now.


Seeing that his attack hadn't cut Qin Shaofeng in half, the Jiaolong let out a suspicion, but then its huge erect pupils flashed, and it was clear what it was.

"Huh, humans didn't expect that you also have the power of space, and you can hide yourself in another space, but you think this way, I can't help you?"

With a cold snort, Jiaolong's huge eyes flashed with disdain, and the next moment, a surging force burst out from his body, as if a storm had appeared.


This shocking storm swept across to Qin Shaofeng frantically, and actually swept up the space around Qin Shaofeng for a kilometer, and the entire space trembled violently.


There was a frenzied shock, Qin Shaofeng's face changed in an instant, because he felt that the shock of this storm not only affected the surrounding space, but even oscillated directly into the original world space in his body in a strange direction.


It seemed to have suffered a direct impact, and the storm slammed into the space barrier of the original world space.

Qin Shaofeng was horrified immediately!

This was the first time Qin Shaofeng had encountered a situation in which his original world space was directly attacked.

Fortunately, the space barrier of the Origin World was very hard. After being attacked like this, it only trembled slightly, and it was not a major problem.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's expression changed.

Although this blow did not harm the original world space in his body.

But Qin Shaofeng was shocked to discover that the shock of the attack on the original world space in his body actually shook himself out of the virtual state.

The divine power is broken!

As soon as the virtual state was broken, Qin Shaofeng himself appeared in front of the dragon.

The Jiaolong's eyes flashed when he saw it, and his claw was another blow.

Damn it!

Qin Shaofeng shouted angrily, and immediately used the King's Fist in the next moment.

Level 6 Realm King Fist allows Qin Shaofeng to perform ten times the Realm King Fist, temporarily increasing his strength to a five-level realm.

But this time after Qin Shaofeng used the Realm King's Fist, he found the power to improve, and it didn't seem to be as much as before.

Qin Shaofeng didn't have any surprises about this. In fact, after possessing the power, the promotion of this world king boxing seemed to be greatly reduced.

I am afraid that only after continuing to upgrade to a more advanced realm, Jie Wangquan can continue to exert its powerful improvement ability.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still felt at this moment that the blessing of Jie Wang Quan had increased his strength by at least two or three times.


The first time Qin Shaofeng burst out with a full blow Qianshan Fist, and then after the Qianshan Fist broke out, Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at the result. He stepped on Lingbo's microsteps and instantly transformed into eighteen phantom clones. Escaped in all directions.


With a roar of anger like a dragon, facing Qin Shaofeng, he slapped out those seventy-two Qianshan Fist Shadows. With just one roar, the Jiaolong blasted and killed a half-god Qianshan Fist of five or six levels. Nothing left was shattered.

This power is terrible!

But this was not over yet. Seeing Qin Shaofeng fleeing directly, Jiaolong's right claw moved lightly, and the blade of space that had been cut out instantly turned and swept away towards the phantom clones that Qin Shaofeng split up.

Bang bang bang!

With a series of explosions, the eighteen phantom clones shattered one after another in an instant, leaving only Qin Shaofeng's deity.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Shaofeng had entered the rapid state of Wukongshu, and had already escaped a short distance.

This made the dragon furious immediately!

"Damn human bug, how dare you run away?"

With a roar, Jiaolong swam vigorously, instantly turning into a dark golden black light, and chased Qin Shaofeng.

This time Qin Shaofeng chose to flee to the wild beast wasteland. It can be said that Qin Shaofeng's escape was to take the Jiaolong away from the city of fire.

As soon as the Jiaolong left, Ruojun and the others slammed loose in the distance, all of them slumped on the ground, and then gasped heavily.

Before, because of the powerful pressure of the Flood Dragon, they didn't even dare to make a sound of the atmosphere, and even held their breath a bit.

Too powerful!

Power beyond imagination!

Just facing the breath of that Flood Dragon, Li Ruojun didn't even have any thoughts of resistance.

At this moment, looking at the direction of Qin Shaofeng and Jiaolong in the distance, a trace of worry flashed in Li Ruojun's eyes.

Qin Shaofeng, don't die!


In the distance, Qin Shaofeng, who resisted and flee, was shocked at this moment.

The rapid state of the air dance, coupled with the double ascension and acceleration of the Dan realm and the half-god realm, brought Qin Shaofeng's speed to an incredible realm.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still felt that the terrifying flood dragon behind was approaching him quickly.

Damn, how could such a perverted Beast King appear?

Qin Shaofeng was extremely angry, but more helpless.

But he was helpless, but the flood dragon behind was furious.

"Damn human being, a bug-like existence, you still want to escape, you **** it!"


With a roar of incomparable anger, the next moment, an invisible spatial force burst out of this flood dragon.

Demigod Realm!

Under the anger, this dragon broke out of his own demigod realm!

Compared with Mei Lao San and even Galian City, Jiaolong's Demigod Realm is so powerful that it is abnormal!

If it is said that the demi-god domain of Gelian City is a small pool with a diameter of ten meters, then the demi-god domain of this dragon at this moment is a huge lake with a diameter of more than a hundred miles.

One day and one ground!


The void shook, just as soon as the half-god realm appeared, it spread in an instant, and the dragon's half-god realm space immediately swallowed Qin Shaofeng in.

not good!

Qin Shaofeng knew that the situation was not good when he felt the dragon burst out of the Demigod Realm.

But without waiting for Qin Shaofeng's reaction, Jiaolong's demi-god realm space enveloped him.

When Qin Shaofeng reacted, Qin Shaofeng realized that he had appeared in a strange space.

This is a powerful space, filled with sulfur-like pungent smell everywhere, and the space is full of gray-white gas.

Below that, there only exists, endless dark brown billowing magma.

This is the half-god realm space of this dragon, and it has such a real state!

But what Qin Shaofeng cares about is not this, what Qin Shaofeng cares about is his own situation at the moment.


Complete suppression!

After being admitted into this space, Qin Shaofeng felt that he had been completely suppressed by this space.

Pill Realm and Demigod Realm, even with the power of Thunder Prison, couldn't let Qin Shaofeng break free from the suppression of this space.

This is the power of Consummation Domain Space?

Yes, it is the domain, but not the demigod domain!

This is because Qin Shaofeng has already felt that in addition to the half-god realm, this dragon also has the dark and fire realms, and even the space realm.

Quadruple domains!

This flood dragon actually possesses four realms, although only the half-god realm has reached the realm of Consummation, the other triple realms are at most the realm of the seven or eight layers.

The domain of the demigod could be the main domain, and this combined with the existence of the other triple domains made Qin Shaofeng unable to resist at all in this space.

It was completely suppressed!

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