Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 853: Hard fight

"Human bug, you can't run this time!"

Looking at Qin Shaofeng who was motionless, Jiaolong snorted coldly.

After displaying the domain space and completely suppressing Qin Shaofeng, this Jiaolong was not so angry anymore.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng, the Jiaolong suddenly said, "Human, you really surprised me. There is obviously not much demigod domain, but the strength is stronger than my average subordinate, and the speed of escape is not slower than me. How many."

Jiaolong looked at Qin Shaofeng in amazement, and then his erect eyes flashed fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "Human, I give you a chance to surrender to me and be my slave. After I take all the tribes of mankind, I let you rule the entire mankind!"

"Be your slave?"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly raised his head to look at Jiaolong, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Jiaolong didn't notice the cold light in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and said proudly: "Yes, with your strength, you can barely become my slave, surrender! Human!"

But this time, Qin Shaofeng's answer to this Jiaolong was only two words.



Jiaolong was taken aback for a moment, and then he was angry, but when he shouted the word dream, Qin Shaofeng moved.

It's the King of Fist!

But this time, Qin Shaofeng had entered another state of Realm King Fist, a state ten times above Realm King Fist.

In that minute, the enhanced state of the first-order level promotion was obtained!

Qin Shaofeng is now in the tenth highest realm of the Supreme, the realm above the Supreme, Qin Shaofeng still does not understand what realm it is.

Because of the tenfold advancement of the Realm King Quan before, Qin Shaofeng still did not enter the realm above the supreme.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, the super-powerful state of Jie Wang Quan's one-minute promotion to one order can definitely allow him to enter the realm above the supreme.

However, Qin Shaofeng was disappointed in the end.

Even in the one-minute strengthening state of the Level 6 Realm King Fist, Qin Shaofeng still did not feel the power to break through the Supreme Realm.

But the improvement this time made Qin Shaofeng feel extra powerful.

It's complete!

At this moment, I clearly felt in front of me that after my half-god realm was strengthened by the Realm King Fist, it was temporarily directly elevated to the realm of Consummation.

Even the domain of the pill realm has risen to the realm of the nine heavens!


At the moment of promotion, Qin Shaofeng felt that he had regained his freedom and broke free from the restraint of Jiaolong's space domain.

As soon as he broke free, Qin Shaofeng felt a joy in his heart. The next moment, his eyes flashed, purple light emerged, and the reincarnation eyes with three-goed jade appeared.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The first time Qin Shaofeng broke out a Shenluo Tianzheng, without reservation, he did his best!


A huge shock broke out completely in this flood dragon's domain space.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's face changed instantly.

Didn't burst open?

Qin Shaofeng was horrified, and with his full force at the moment, he hit Shenluo Tianzheng with all his strength, but didn't actually shake the flood dragon's domain space open?

Qin Shaofeng originally thought that with the help of the half-god realm of his current consummation realm and the pill realm realm of the Nine Heaven Realm, the power of the Shenluo Tianzheng had been raised to an extremely terrifying level.

In this way, even if you can't explode this Flood Dragon's domain space, you can at least allow yourself to escape.

Qin Shaofeng had never thought of fighting this flood dragon. At this moment, his strength was naturally strong, but it was only a minute.

But for just one minute, Qin Shaofeng didn't think he could defeat this dragon, even if it was an hour, it was absolutely impossible.

This dragon is too powerful!

But after the attack on Shenluo Tianzheng, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the flood dragon in front of him was far stronger than he thought.

Because at this moment, when he was in such a state, the Shenluo Tianzheng with a full blow, actually only shook the opponent's domain space, and then it was gone!

Damn, why is this dragon so perverted?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, but also secretly anxious.

Such a powerful dragon is simply desperate!

But at this moment, the dragon's heart was angry, completely angry!

"Damn human! Roar--!"

With a ferocious roar, the dragon's void surged.

It did not expect that under such circumstances, the people in front of it would dare to rebel against itself. This was simply the greatest provocation to it, and even an insult to it, the brutal beast king.

"Human bug, I decided, I want you to die!"

After this sound, the huge head of Jiaolong lowered, facing Qin Shaofeng, a scorching dragon breath spit out.


The dragon's breath is extremely hot, and the flame that burns up seems to be able to burn even in space, and its power is extremely terrifying!

Qin Shaofeng had a feeling in his heart that if he was contaminated with such a terrifying breath of the dragon, he would probably not have any good results.


With a secret cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng once again used Xu Zuo Nenghu.

But this time, Qin Shaofeng condensed Suzuonenghu, who was more than 900 meters tall, and his body shape alone was three times larger than the previous one.

But in fact, compared to the auras of the two, the Suzuoneng that Qin Shaofeng condensed at this moment was definitely more than ten times stronger than the previous Suzuoneng.


Finally, at the moment when Suzuo Nenghu condensed, the dragon's breath fell on the huge body of Suzuo Nenghu.

With Xu Zuo being able to care about it, Qin Shaofeng sighed in secret, thanking that he would not come into direct contact with the dragon's breath.

But the next moment, it seemed that he felt something. Qin Shaofeng's expression changed, and when he looked down, he was shocked to find that the dragon breath that the dragon spit out had a faint sign of melting the Xu Zuo energy.

not good!

Seeing this step, Qin Shaofeng was shocked, and immediately unfolded the huge wings behind Suzuo Nenghu, wanting to let Suzuo Nenghu fly out of the dragon's breath fire.

But at the moment when Suzuo Nenghu flew, Qin Shaofeng, who was in Suzuo Nenghu's head, felt that the top of his head was black. When he looked up, Qin Shaofeng saw a huge dragon's tail and pointed to himself. Sweep.

So fast!

The moment Qin Shaofeng saw the giant tail, Qin Shaofeng's pupils shrank, and the three-gou jade on his reincarnation eyes suddenly turned suddenly.


In the next moment, a black light flashed, and then a huge black shield appeared instantly above Suzuo Nohu's head.


The moment the black shield appeared, the giant tail smashed up fiercely, and then directly smashed the black shield down, and the shield slammed onto Suzuo Nohu.

But because the black shield hindered a little bit, this made Qin Shaofeng finally able to remove Xu Zuo Nenghu's head and not let this blow directly fall on him.


Under the terrifying power of the giant tail, the black shield slammed on the chest of Suzuo Nohu, making a loud noise.

Qin Shaofeng just felt an unmatched force, violently surging from him, and he flew out in an instant with the help of others.


When flying upside down, Qin Shaofeng clearly heard a cracking sound. After barely holding the huge Suzuonhu, he lowered his head and found that at this moment, there were several huge cracks in Suzuonhu's chest.

Seeing these cracks, Qin Shaofeng was sweating all over.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I just reacted quickly, and a black shield was condensed by the soldiers of the six ways. Otherwise, let the giant tail of this dragon directly hit the head of Suzuo Nohu, I am afraid that I am already injured! "


Seeing his own tail, he didn't actually defeat the purple giant, Jiaolong was angry in his heart, let out a low growl, and rushed over again.

Damn, you worm is too arrogant!

Qin Shaofeng's attitude also made Qin Shaofeng's heart angry, and his eyes flashed with cold light. The next moment, Qin Shaofeng shook his hands and directly controlled Suzuonenghu. He slammed a punch against the rushing dragon!


There was a shock, although Qin Shaofeng only blasted a punch, but at this moment, Suzuo Nenghu burst out one after another, six huge shadows of fists.

Multiple critical strikes!

In the state of Suzuo Neng at this moment, under Qin Shaofeng's control, a full blow exceeded the power of a hundred thousand elephants!

Even under these multiple crit attacks, Suzuo Nenghu played the last breath of the shadow of a boxing, which was more than 800,000 powers.

Such a terrifying power, even in the realm of the Flood Dragon, under the explosion, the space was faintly distorted.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

I don't know if it was careless or disdainful, Jiaolong did not evade, and directly faced these six giant shadows, Qin Shaofeng believed it should be the latter.

Regardless of which kind, the last six terrifying power attacks blasted the flood dragon.

There were six huge explosions in succession, one more shocking than another, one more terrifying.


There was a roar of pain, and under the attack of six fist shadows in succession, the dragon was blown out.

But that's only the case. With the eyes of reincarnation open, Qin Shaofeng could clearly see that the flood dragon suffered from such a powerful multiple critical strikes without any injuries at all.

Even the six terrorist attacks did not leave a trace on its dark golden scales.

That is to say, the multiple crits that he broke out with all his strength were only in exchange for a cry of pain from the opponent?

Qin Shaofeng's face twitched for an instant. At this moment, his heart hurts extremely.

But the dragon is even more angry!

"Roar! Damn human bug, you dare to attack me, I must kill you!"

With a roar, Jiaolong's aura vibrated and exuded a terrifying aura, rushing towards Qin Shaofeng frantically.

The roar of Jiaolong made Qin Shaofeng speechless.

What does it mean to dare to attack you?

Did you make a mistake? In this situation, if I don't attack you, do I stand and let you swallow it?

Although it was such a complaint in his heart, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to be careless in the face of the flood dragon rushing up again.

"Lei Dun Thunder Dragon!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!

With a flash of thunder, Qin Shaofeng directly exploded out of three huge thunder dragons with the help of the power of the Thunder God Technique.

As soon as the three thunder dragons appeared, they rushed towards the flood dragon with thunder and lightning all over them.

But in the next moment, the flood dragon just opened and was a breath of dragon, and completely wiped out the powerful demigod thunder dragon like Gelian City.

This scene made Qin Shaofeng's face twitch again.

Although there was a premonition in his heart, the fact that Lei Dun Thunder Dragon had been destroyed in this way a long time ago still left Qin Shaofeng speechless.

This dragon is too strong!

But even if he knew that the effect was not great, Qin Shaofeng continued to use Lei Dun again.

"Lei Dun Qilin!"

"Lei Dun Thunder Dragon!"


It wasn't that Qin Shaofeng didn't want to use other skills, but the situation at the moment, Lei Dun was already Qin Shaofeng's only choice.

After all, there is the God of Thunder Spell, and when Lei Dun is used, the relative consumption will be less, allowing himself to explode some attacks.

For the first time, this was the first time Qin Shaofeng felt that the battle was so difficult!

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