Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 871: Xiaoyue'er's strength

Although the three major difficulties in the seven realms of the world, one is more difficult than the other.

Feng Qingluan's view is correct.

But the problem is that Feng Qingluan treats Qin Shaofeng as an ordinary person, even if he is not a thorough ordinary person.

But in Feng Qingluan's eyes, Qin Shaofeng was barely a genius at best.

After all, in the ancient sanctuary, there are countless geniuses who are as old as Qin Shaofeng, who have cultivated hundreds of domains and condensed the inner world.

But even such geniuses dare not say that they can pass these three levels.

However, Feng Qingluan didn't know that Qin Shaofeng really didn't care about these so-called three levels!

Hundreds of domains, uniting the inner world?

Otherwise, there are no more areas in the body?

I'm sorry, Master, I practiced the "Pill Sutra". I am afraid that no matter how many domains I have in my body, I can fully accommodate it.

Don’t you see that Qin Shaofeng can condense the domain into a domain cloud pill?

Now Qin Shaofeng's Dantian, I am afraid that even tens of thousands of cloud pills can easily accommodate.

Three thousand fields?

Don't be too easy!

Moreover, with the domain of the Dan Realm, the domain of comprehension is not a problem at all.

The realm that can be understood in this world is only three thousand weights!

From Xiaoyue'er, Qin Shaofeng had known about it.

Realm cultivation is actually learned from the basic attributes of the five elements, the nine rules of wind, thunder, light, and darkness, as well as some special rules.

And even if it is the same kind of rules, the areas that can be understood are countless.

Take the rules of fire as an example. People with fire attributes can comprehend countless areas of fire when practicing the rules of fire.

The realm of sun fire, the realm of purple fire, the realm of flame fire, the realm of sky fire, the realm of mysterious fire...

Anything about the power of the fire attribute can basically comprehend the corresponding field.

There is even a realm of fire that blends with other attributes, such as the realm of thunder and fire, the realm of wind and fire, the realm of dark fire and so on.

In fact, the realm that can be understood by the attribute of fire alone may have thousands or even thousands of weights!

However, the cultivation of the inner world, no matter how the promotion increases, it can only hold three thousand weights at most.

As the so-called Three Thousand Avenue, it actually means the Tao of the realm that a world can accommodate!

Of course, it is not impossible to continue to comprehend the realm, but if you want to reach that state, you can only rebirth in your own world.

Therefore, for Qin Shaofeng, it is not a problem at all to comprehend the three-thousand-fold domain from the domain of his pill realm.

At most, it's just the amount of time!

As for the problem of refining the real world after Consummation, it is not even within Qin Shaofeng's consideration.

The real world?

Oh, do you think the original world space in Ben Shao's body is fake?

With the original world space, how can I waste time to refine the inner world into the real world with the power of three thousand domains?

Give me a break!

These are not the same thing at all!

In a word, the cultivation of the seven realms of the world seems extremely difficult, but for Qin Shaofeng, he doesn't need to care about anything.

And Qin Shaofeng still has a feeling in his heart, I am afraid that even if he hasn't practiced the "Alchemy" or a special field like the Alchemy Realm, he can use the system to break through the seven realms of the world by upgrading monsters.

Seven worlds?

Three difficulties?

Oh, this is not the same thing!


A day later, somewhere in the source.

Family: Qin Yueer

Level: First Heavy

Occupation: Bishop

? ? ? :? ? ?

Talent root: the spirit of the devil (the body of the true demon)

Talent skills: Devil's Hymn

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: Dancing in the sky

Skill 3: Xiao Li Fei Dao

Skill 4: None

Skill Five: None

Familiar: None

At this moment, looking at Xiao Yueer's attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng had the urge to hit the wall.

Lord Yizhong?

It wasn't until this moment that Qin Shaofeng realized that Xiao Yue'er, a little girl, was actually so strong.

The realm of one thousand and eighty-seven realms!

He didn't even have a fraction of the little girl!

And I don’t know if the realm is too high, or some other reason, Qin Shaofeng now sees the boundary value column of Xiaoyue’er’s attribute interface, which is actually a series of question marks!

This made Qin Shaofeng very painful, and then finally realized why the little girl kept avoiding her realm.

It's nothing more than being afraid of hitting yourself!

Qin Shaofeng didn't ask Meng Xin'er's current realm, because he asked himself and suffered a bigger and more fierce blow.

However, it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng understood that the three skills Xiao Yue'er originally possessed were of little use to her.

That said, Xiaoyue'er is her first family member. Taking her as a situation, this can be a skill that can be obtained, namely the three skills of Yi Jin Jing, Wu Kong Shu and Xiao Li Feida.

But now that he encountered it, Qin Shaofeng naturally planned to replace Xiao Yueer's skills.

In fact, after Qin Shaofeng reached the supreme peak state, the system store was upgraded.

The current system store has become a system mall, and this upgrade has caused the special purchase interface in the previous system store to no longer appear with certain requirements, but directly independent.

Special channels!

This is a new feature after the system store has been upgraded to the system store.

And this special channel can buy some special items as long as a certain number of draws is consumed.

For example, Qin Shaofeng plans to give Xiaoyue'er a skill replacement card that can be purchased through special channels in the system mall.

It's just that buying a skill replacement card will cost 10 billion points and five super draw chances.

Of course, it is also possible to use the normal lottery chances and the special lottery chances for the number of lucky draws, as long as they are exchanged for the number of super lucky draw opportunities.

Ten billion points were not a problem for Qin Shaofeng now.

Because this time the wild beasts were caught in the wild beast wasteland, Qin Shaofeng got a lot of good things. Qin Shaofeng only took out some of the things that didn't help him, and the tens of billions of points were collected.

But Qin Shaofeng's heartache was painful for the five times of super lottery chances.

However, when he thought that this was all for Xiaoyue'er, Qin Shaofeng could bear it no matter how heartache it was.

Not long after, Xiaoyue'er's property interface was updated.

Family: Qin Yueer

Level: First Heavy

Occupation: Bishop

? ? ? :? ? ?

Talent root: the spirit of the devil (the body of the true demon)

Talent skills: Devil's Hymn

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: Write round eyes

Skill 3: World King Boxing

Skill 4: God of Thunder

Skill 5: Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong

Familiar: None

After this replacement, the skills Xiao Yue'er originally possessed, except for Yi Jin Jing, Wu Kong Shu and Xiao Li Feida were replaced by Qin Shaofeng.

There is no need to say more about the skill of writing round eyes, it can be said that this writing round eyes is the strongest skill Qin Shaofeng currently possesses.

Even to some extent, this writing wheel can be regarded as a super god-level skill.

Because after the upgrade of the writing wheel, it can continue to evolve. Gouyu writing wheel, kaleidoscope writing wheel, eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel, and then reincarnation eye.

Every time it evolves, some pupil skills can be awakened.

Although writing round eyes is only a skill, in fact, it can be regarded as a separate skill tree.

This evolutionary awakening skill has been increasing.

Even for the time being, most of Qin Shaofeng's abilities, most of his attack methods, came from Shalanyan.

Therefore, if this is possible, Qin Shaofeng will naturally share the skill of writing round eyes with Xiao Yueer.

And Jiewangquan, a skill that can temporarily increase the boost status, is also a great weapon.

Qin Shaofeng had already defeated many people who were above him with this realm king boxing.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng shared it with Xiaoyue'er was because of the realm that Xiaoyue'er currently comprehends. In fact, most of the attack methods are the power of the realm of Thunder!

And this Thunder God Art has a very strong auxiliary ability for lightning attacks.

Not to mention the increase in power, it can even reduce its own consumption when performing Thunder Attack.

Therefore, this Royal Thunder God technique is naturally suitable for Xiaoyue'er.

As for the skill of "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong", Qin Shaofeng hesitated for a long time, and finally shared the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" with her after a word from Xiao Yueer.

Although Xiaoyue'er is not a member of the fantasy race, but because of Meng Xiner's relationship, and the outsiders like Xiaoyue'er, it seems that it belongs to the demon god's hymn with powerful natural healing ability.

This made Xiao Yue'er attract much attention among the fantasy tribe, and even a powerful elder of the fantasy tribe took a fancy to Xiao Yue'er's healing ability and accepted him as a direct disciple.

Therefore, in the fantasy race, although Xiao Yue'er does not have the same status as Meng Xin'er, she is also an absolute goddess, and is supported by countless people in the fantasy race.

And it is precisely because of these factors that Xiao Yue'er has also cultivated some powerful techniques of the fantasy race.

And one of the powerful exercises called "Pan Li Jue" is one of the top exercises of the phantom race. It can gather the world powers cultivated from all areas of the inner world, and burst out terrifying power.

In this way, if Xiaoyue'er had the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung", the power that erupted from him would be even stronger.

So, in fact, this "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" is also very suitable for Xiao Yueer.

In this way, Xiaoyue'er has four new skills.

As for the only Yi Jin Jing that has not been replaced, there are some reasons why it was not replaced.

Although the skill of Yi Jinjing is not a saint-level skill, it is only a saint-level skill, but its amplifying ability is a powerful ability.

Even Xiao Yue'er at the first level of the realm master told Qin Shaofeng that Yi Jin Jing had been a great help to her for her increase.

Although the cultivation in the world realm is based on the cultivation domain, the power of the world can be cultivated.

Of course, this kind of world power also has high ground.

Generally speaking, before the Hundred Layers domains fully condense the inner world, the world power cultivated is the first stage, and this stage can be said to be the lower world power.

After possessing the inner world, from one hundred domains to three thousand domains, it is the second stage, which can be regarded as the power of the middle world.

In the final fusion stage, the power of the world that is produced is a high-level world power.

It stands to reason that this kind of practice is a bit complicated and requires practice in accordance with the rules.

Moreover, the power of the world in the three stages is at different powers, and the difference is huge.

With different levels of world power, there are naturally some gaps in the strength that they possess.

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