Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 872: Information from Feng Jiuxuan

Of course, there is always no shortage of powerful geniuses in the world who can cultivate medium and even high world powers without an inner world.

And these geniuses can often carry out leapfrog challenges in the seven worlds.

But Xiao Yue'er was telling Qin Shaofeng that, as soon as she entered the world realm, the world power cultivated in her body, with the help of Yi Jinjing, had actually reached the middle to upper level world power.

Moreover, after cultivating the inner world, the power of the world in Xiao Yueer's body has been completely transformed into the power of the higher world.

Therefore, even though Xiaoyue'er is now the realm of the realm master's first level, because of the power of the higher world, even the powerhouse of the realm master can challenge a lot.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand the ability of Yi Jinjing after reaching a high level.

I don't know why, Qin Shaofeng is very painful to discover that Xiao Yue'er's Yi Jin Jing is one level higher than his.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Yi Jinjing has a special ability.

However, compared with Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Yueer's super god-level talent skill Demon God Hymn was the powerful one that shocked Qin Shaofeng.

It has been almost four years since Xiao Yueer became Qin Shaofeng's family member.

During this period of time, Xiao Yue'er didn't pull down the practice of Demon God's Hymn at all.

Therefore, even if there is no skill point to improve the Demon Anthem, now Xiaoyue'er's Demon Anthem has reached level 6!

Devil’s Hymn: 6th level 8753 trillion/100 million, super **** level active skill, strongest **** and devil healing technique, after casting, can restore the damage the target receives. Possess the devil's gift and devil's blessing.

The current level is level 6. After the cast, it can cure 100% of the target person whose level does not exceed the first level of the caster, and all the damage suffered by the body. It can also heal people with more than one level, but the higher the level of the healing target, the smaller the effect.

In addition, after the gods and demons hymn level is raised to the first level, it will have the effect of resurrection. Compared with other resurrection items, the revival of the gods and demons hymn will be more perfect.

Looking at the attributes of the 6th-level Demon God's Hymn, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why Xiao Yueer could heal herself severely injured by Feng Qingluan in an instant.

With the healing power of the 6th-level Demon God's Hymn, let alone the injuries caused by Qin Shaofeng's six-fold domain shattering, I am afraid that even the six-hundred-fold domain shattered, he suffered heavy backlash.

As long as she doesn't die, Xiao Yue'er can be completely cured.

Not only that, although the 6th-level Demon God Hymn has not yet awakened, the Demon God Hymn has the peculiar resurrection ability.

But the hymn of the 6th devil **** has already awakened, with two exclusive abilities.

Devil's gift and devil's blessing!

Devil's Gift: Super God-level skill Devil's Hymn's exclusive skill ability, which is a passive skill. Allows the owner to have ten times the training speed.

Devil’s Blessing: Super-level skill Demon’s Hymn’s exclusive skill ability, which is an active skill. You can add a state where the attack power and defense power of the target person are increased by five times, and this state can be maintained for an hour!

Seeing Xiao Yue'er's two exclusive abilities awakened by the Demon God's Hymn, Qin Shaofeng was very moved.

Needless to say, the devil's gift, ten times the cultivation speed, it is no wonder that Xiao Yue'er is now in the realm of the realm master.

Not only that, Xiao Yueer also told Qin Shaofeng that the blessing speed of this demon god's gift also had an effect on her own major skills.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand why Xiaoyue'er Demon God Hymn could be upgraded to level 6, and Yi Jin Jing was one level higher than himself, reaching the level of 8.

It turns out that these are all abilities gifted by this demon god!

As for the ability of another demon **** to bless, this need not be said, because Qin Shaofeng has already experienced it personally.

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, Xiao Yue'er, the blessing of five times the attack power and defensive power of the Demon God's blessing, is probably not an absolute five times blessing to herself.

But after receiving the blessing state of the demon god's blessing, Qin Shaofeng was shocked to find that the blessing state of the demon god's blessing was actually five times, no more, no less!

Now that Qin Shaofeng has six levels of Consummation, his own power is actually still in the power level of the half-god Consummation.

According to Xiao Yue'er, if she wants to continue to improve her pure power, he can only increase the power by more than a hundred thousand elephants after he has fully condensed the power of the world through the domain of the demigod.

After possessing the power of one hundred thousand elephants, Qin Shaofeng found that if it was a simple normal eruption, even with multiple critical strikes, at best he could only play a pure power that was less than the power of a million elephants.

But after receiving Xiao Yue'er's blessing from the Demon God, Qin Shaofeng discovered that this boundary no longer exists.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Qin Shaofeng was completely shocked when he punched a wave of punches that exceeded the power of a million elephants, even millions of elephants, in the training ground of his own body's original world space.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the blessings of using the Realm King Quan, just an explosion of normal state.

Well, there is just one more state of blessing from the devil!

But that's it, this has made Qin Shaofeng fully understand the horror of Xiao Yueer, the demon god's blessing.

"Tsk tusk, Yue'er, the blessing state of your demon god's blessing is really amazing. It really surprised me that I could break through my own boundaries and explode with such a powerful force!"

Seeing the scene of destruction caused by his own boxing strength in front of him, Qin Shaofeng was surprised with emotion.

Hearing what Qin Shaofeng said, Xiao Yue'er suddenly raised her head, like a kid who was praised, proudly said: "Of course, in order to help the young master, people have worked hard to cultivate!"

Indeed, the purpose of Xiao Yueer's practice from the beginning was to help Qin Shaofeng.

Because of the feeling of death at the beginning, Xiaoyue'er has always remembered it!

Even the little girl still believes that this happened because she was too weak.

Therefore, in cultivation, the little girl has been working very hard.

The expression on Xiao Yue'er's face made Qin Shaofeng very emotional.

But Qin Shaofeng knew Xiao Yue'er's character very well, and knew that once the little girl recognized things, it would be difficult to change, so he didn't say much.

"Ha, I won't say much. Come on, let's take a look at the results of your cultivation over the years!"

In the end, Qin Shaofeng laughed, and then gestured with Xiao Yueer.

Of course, these gestures were made under the deliberate suppression of Xiao Yueer.

If not, let Xiaoyue'er let go and show the strength of the realm master realm, Qin Shaofeng simply couldn't see enough!

After all, Qin Shaofeng's current realm can't even compare to a fraction of Xiao Yue'er!

The six-fold realm realm is not enough for the 1087 realm realm, isn't it just a fraction of the mantissa?


In the next few days, Qin Shaofeng stayed with Xiao Yue'er.

After all, Xiao Yue'er's realm had reached the level of the realm master, enough to instruct Qin Shaofeng, who was only in the sixth realm realm, to cultivate.

And regarding the cultivation experience, Xiao Yue'er also gained a lot of this kind of knowledge from the fantasy race.

The fantasy clan is one of the ancient saint clan, there are countless strong people in the clan, and there are super strong people who dominate the realm.

Therefore, the fantasy race naturally has countless strong records of cultivation experience.

Not only that, Xiao Yue'er also possessed some cultivation treasures, pill or something, and even a powerful pill that Qin Shaofeng had never seen before.

After receiving the help of Xiao Yue'er, Qin Shaofeng's realm also improved by leaps and bounds.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng was helpless.

Because when Qin Shaofeng comprehend the tenth domain and cultivated all of these ten domains to the Consummation Realm, he directly reached the bottleneck.

At first, Qin Shaofeng didn't know why this was. After all, it was impossible for him to encounter such a bottleneck in the realm of Pill Realm.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng woke up!


The reason why I encountered a bottleneck was because I was in the state of the supreme pinnacle at the moment, in the state of the ultimate promotion task.

This one's own level can't be upgraded, so naturally it can't comprehend the domain.

This is completely restricted by the level.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng's current situation is that if he does not complete the limit upgrade task in front of him, he may not be able to continue to comprehend the domain and improve his strength at all.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has already begun to plan to return to the Origin Continent to complete the seventh phase of the "Lord of Nine Clouds."

Now because of Feng Qingluan, Qin Shaofeng has obtained a space jade from him.

This kind of space jade has no other effect, but it can resist the turbulence in some space gaps, and it is enough for Qin Shaofeng to pass through the space between the Origin Continent and this secret world, the space between the two safely.

Moreover, Feng Qingluan also told that there was a gap in the space on the other side of the Wild Beast Wasteland that reached the Origin Continent, which made Qin Shaofeng back to the Origin Continent no problem.

However, before Qin Shaofeng left for the Origin Continent, Feng Qingluan found him again.

"This is something Grandpa San gave you!"

After finding Qin Shaofeng, Feng Qingluan just gave Qin Shaofeng a storage ring, and after leaving a sentence, he left directly.

This made Qin Shaofeng very speechless, because he didn't understand how he directly offended Feng Qingluan.

And in the final analysis, it seems that he is offended!

After all, I was seriously injured by her like that!

"Oh, women are really inexplicable!"

Shaking his head gently, Qin Shaofeng's attention shifted to the storage ring left by Feng Qingluan.

One red and one white!

Two jade slips, this is what is in this storage ring!

For a while, this made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised.

"I thought it was a good thing, why are there two jade slips!"

Muttered to himself, the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's divine knowledge came out, and he immediately probed into the piece of white jade slip.

But at the moment Qin Shaofeng's divine mind touched the white jade slip, the jade simple shook, and a white light appeared.

Then, the white light that emerged quickly gathered into a figure in front of Qin Shaofeng.

It was Feng Jiuxuan!

"Haha, it's been a long time since Xiaozi Qin has seen you. I didn't expect your kid to be so dishonest. In such a short period of time, you did so many things."

Feng Jiuxuan, integrated by Bai Guanghui, smiled fiercely, then shook his head, and sighed: "Originally, I was planning to come and see you myself. It's a pity that what happened in the ancient sanctuary has exceeded mine. Unexpectedly. Some people are staring at me too closely, and I'm not good to come to see you.

"However, luckily, luck has allowed you to meet a descendant of my line. I will let Qing Luan, the girl, bring this message to you."

After listening for a while, Qin Shaofeng finally understood.

This was originally a message from Senior Feng Jiuxuan to himself!

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