Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 913: Leng Yaxuan


As if it were fragile glass, at this moment, whether it was repulsive force or gravitational force, even Qin Shaofeng's Shenxu Zuonenghu shattered in an instant.

Without hindrance, Qin Shaofeng realized once again that the familiar and extremely oppressive blockade had been imprisoned just now.

Once again, Qin Shaofeng lost his freedom to move, and his whole person was completely imprisoned in mid-air.


Qin Shaofeng's heart was full of bitterness when thinking of the words just said by this glamorous woman Zhu Lips.

What's so close, but the sea is gone!

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still did not give up.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't carefully check the attributes of Shaping Lanyan after it evolved to Moon Eye, Qin Shaofeng knew at this moment that after Shaping Lanyan evolved, some of his skills could already be displayed.

This does not need to be deliberately checked, it is just a natural enlightenment and it is already clear.

Moreover, the previous performances, whether it was the Shenxu Zuo Nenghu or the current one of his own super-strike Thunder Escape, Thunder God's Hammer, were actually not Qin Shaofeng's ultimate move.

Qin Shaofeng's true ultimate move had already begun preparations as early as when he started it.

At this moment, although he was once again completely imprisoned, he had restored his immobile state.

But Qin Shaofeng's ultimate move was already prepared.


His eyes flashed, and the reincarnation eyes of the nine-goed jade in his eyes lightly glowed with a purple-gold color like glaze.

The next moment, there was a thud-Qin Shaofeng's ultimate move broke out!

As if the space was broken, an invisible force burst out instantly, and then a giant over a kilometer suddenly appeared.

There was a burst of illusory light green at first, but soon, almost at the same time it appeared, it instantly solidified behind Qin Shaofeng.

This is a huge Buddha statue, and it is incredible that this huge Buddha statue is like a wood carving, especially behind the Buddha statue, it actually has an unclear number of arms!

Mu Dun really has thousands of hands!

This is the super-powerful wooden escape that Qin Shaofeng discovered that he could display after Evolution had Moon Eye.

And it's not just Mu Dun really thousands of hands!

Because this time Mu Dun really has thousands of hands, and he also has the top Huayao!

If so, if you really want to do this trick Mu Dun and press a correct name, then Mu Dun really has thousands of hands on top of it!

And this time, Mu Dun, who has the fairy mode in Hokage, has thousands of hands on top of it!

Thousands of hands on Xianfa Mu escape! ! !

It can be said that this is Qin Shaofeng's most powerful and most terrifying skill that burst out with the eyes of writing rounds!

this is?

Seeing such a huge thing suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, the eyes of the demon girl flashed with confusion.


But why does it look like wood?

Moreover, this form looks very similar to those of Buddha's cultivation practice!

There is also Qin Shaofeng's face, isn't it a lavender giant?

Why have you changed another one now?

Suddenly, an idea suddenly appeared in the Demon girl's heart.

But at this moment, the wooden escape Buddha statue moved instead.


Boom boom boom!

At this moment, countless fists slammed into the demon woman.

Each of these fists is several times larger than the body of the demon woman. They all blasted upwards, looking from a distance, like a waterfall of fists, towards the little demon woman The shock continued.

Did you make it?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with expectation.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng noticed something.

did not succeed!

Although this move of Immortal Famu Escape really had thousands of hands on top of Huayao, it was far from over, countless fists were still bombarding them.

If it were someone else, even if it was the Palace Lord of God's Mansion, he would definitely be smashed at this moment.

But Qin Shaofeng knew very well that this trick still had no effect on that woman.

the reason is simple!

He was still completely imprisoned, unable to move anymore!

If you really succeed, then you can at least regain your freedom!


This is not there!


With a violent sound, an explosion appeared.

Then, a surging breath burst out in an instant, blasting the countless fists away.

Even the huge wooden Buddha statue behind Qin Shaofeng directly exploded.

Then, a slender and perfect figure appeared.

Sure enough, just as Qin Shaofeng had expected, what he considered the strongest blow this time had really failed to defeat the opponent.

Seeing the other person's unscathed appearance, Qin Shaofeng's heart sank directly to the bottom.

too strong!

Direct is not an opponent at all!

Such an opponent, even with his current strength, coupled with the blessing of the King of Fist, I am afraid it is no different!

Unless it is the use of the devil suit!

Only the Demon King's Forbidden Hand who uses the Demon King's suit himself may still have a hint of escape!


Just run away!

After seeing the strength of the woman in front of him, Qin Shaofeng no longer had the idea of ​​defeating the other party.

Because that is simply not realistic!

Qin Shaofeng was sure that even if he used the Demon King's Forbidden Hand, no matter how he broke out, it would probably only make the opponent a little bit more strenuous.


Well, there is nothing else, I am definitely still caught by the other party!

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that the other party didn't seem to have any plans to kill him!

Uh, at least not now!

In this case, it would be better to stop for a while, and then find a chance to see if you can escape!

Qin Shaofeng planned in this way, and at the same time there was still a big doubt in his mind.

What is the origin of this woman, did she offend her?

While Qin Shaofeng was puzzled, the demon girl seemed to have finally calmed down when she saw Qin Shaofeng's appearance, and she smiled slightly.

"Oh, little man, you can be honest!"

Qin Shaofeng looked silent!

Uh, well, he has to be silent!

Because at this moment, he can't speak at all!

I don't know why Qin Shaofeng was punished. This time the demon girl directly imprisoned Qin Shaofeng.

This means that now Qin Shaofeng can't move his whole body except thinking.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't even blink his eyelids, so how could he speak?

As if very satisfied with her behavior, the demon girl nodded, and then her eyes flashed, and an invisible force came out.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng regained a little freedom!

But this little freedom is just being able to move his lips and roll his eyes.

As soon as he realized that he could speak, Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes, staring at the demon girl, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? Why did you shoot me? If Qin Shaofeng remembers correctly, I will I haven't seen you, there should be no hatred between you and me, right?"

"Oh, don't worry, little man! You ask so many all at once, how can someone finish the answer!"

The demon girl covered her mouth and looked at Qin Shaofeng, and then she opened her lips slightly and said, "You don't know someone, but they have noticed you a long time ago. Why do you have such a tempting thing!"

Noticed me a long time ago?

Qin Shaofeng was startled, and never thought that he would have been targeted by such a terrifying woman a long time ago.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng was puzzled by what the other party said that he had something attractive.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly made a guess?

"True Demon Bloodline?"

With the idea of ​​trying, Qin Shaofeng asked softly.

"Well, of course!" The demon girl nodded without denial, "If it weren't for this true demon bloodline, how could you attract a higher demon clan with a noble bloodline to a human being in a low-level space plane? ?"

The voice of the demon girl is extremely arrogant. When it comes to low-level dimensions, a trace of extreme disdain flashes in her eyes, but when it comes to the blood that she has, she is extremely proud.

Obviously, for her own blood, this demon girl is very proud of and cares about her.

But what she said surprised Qin Shaofeng!

"Devil? Are you also a demon?" Qin Shaofeng said in shock.

But after listening to Qin Shaofeng’s words, the demon girl was dissatisfied and said with a slight anger: "The little man pays attention to the tone, you don’t think of people as those demon people here, your demon people here are only some at best. Demon clan soldiers, not even the lower demon clan!"

"Qin Shaofeng, you can hear me clearly!" After saying that, the Demon girl spoke, looked at Qin Shaofeng proudly, and said in a bold voice, "The one standing in front of you now is the cold blood of one of the three emperors of the Demon Realm. Ya Xuan!"

The three royal families of Demon Realm?

When Qin Shaofeng heard this, he was shocked.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know what happened to the so-called three emperors of the Demon Realm.

But Qin Shaofeng knew about Demon Realm.

Because Xiao Yue'er probably talked to Qin Shaofeng about some conditions in the ancient sanctuary.

Except for the division of ranks one to nine forces, although there are some special forces, the most terrifying and powerful forces in the ancient sanctuary are divided into three forces.

And these three forces are also called three domains!

Sanctuary, Demon Realm and Star Realm!

Sanctuary refers to the ancient saints, and it is the collective name for all the ancient saints!

The opposite is the Demon Realm!

Demon Realm and Sanctuary, the strength of the two is between the two, although they are rivals, but they can't help each other.

It is precisely because of this that these two forces have been fighting and fighting for years.

There were some special ethnic groups among the ancient saints, and they had the title of Clan Demon Clan, which also came from this.

Similarly, there is the so-called Slaughter Clan in the Demon Realm!

And the woman in front of her named Leng Yaxuan actually said that she was one of the three royal families of the Demon Realm, which scared Qin Shaofeng.

There are also three extremely powerful tribes in the sanctuary. One of these three tribes is the ancient family with the blood of the sacred beast, the other is the Qin family with the blood of the ancient emperor, and the last is the legendary family with the supreme saint. The saints of the descendants of saints!

Sanctuary's strongest three clans, no matter which one they are, have extremely terrifying strength.

Have absolutely powerful power in the ancient sanctuary!

Although Xiao Yue'er didn't know the situation of the three imperial families of the Mozu, he didn't tell Qin Shaofeng much.

But when I think of it, this Demon Race can be enmity with the Saint Race for countless years. This strength is certainly not bad. The three major royal families of the Demon Race are naturally equal to the three major families of the Sanctuary!

Absolutely terrible!

And there was such a person in front of him, how could this make Qin Shaofeng not surprised?

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