Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 914: Reversed?

Was he actually targeted by such a character?

After knowing the identity of the other party, Qin Shaofeng was completely in pain.

What sin did I suffer?


With a sharp cough, Qin Shaofeng explained, "Miss Leng, did you make a mistake? I don't have that real devil bloodline!"


Leng Yaxuan glanced at Qin Shaofeng playfully, smiled lightly, and said, "Don't worry, this can't be wrong. Although I haven't seen the existence of real demons, I am very clear about the aura of real demons. !"

As he said, Leng Yaxuan's eyes turned, her eyes bloomed with a strange brilliance, and she looked at Qin Shaofeng in a very serious and excited tone: "Although Qin Shaofeng I don't know, why is there a demon blood in a human in your district, and it is still The most noble Supreme True Demon Bloodline among the Demon Race. But these are not important anymore, because no matter what kind of background you have or what kind of identity you have, the true Demon bloodline in your body, I Leng Yaxuan wants deal!"

I circled a cross, it's a big deal!

Qin Shaofeng knew that he was in trouble when he heard the demon royal family named Leng Yaxuan say such a thing.

There are indeed many bloodlines in the ancient sanctuary, powerful or special, and countless.

In the ancient sanctuary, there are also many methods that allow some evil or greedy people to deprive others of their blood.

Such a situation is actually quite normal in the ancient sanctuary.

Even in the ancient sanctuary, there are people who plot the blood of the ancient saints to only three tribes.

And no matter how advanced the bloodline one has, once it is deprived by others, there will only be one result.

That's death!

Having a strong blood that can be passed down is naturally very difficult.

Either powerful, special, or peculiar!

But it is precisely because of this that once the blood is deprived, it is completely deprived of one's own life.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood.

This demon girl named Leng Yaxuan came to kill her.

"Hey, what, Miss Leng! As far as I can tell, there must be some misunderstanding. I really don't have the blood of the real devil as you said, so just let me go!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted loudly, trying very hard to explain something.

What kind of blood is there, he really doesn't have it!

It is a pity that no matter what Qin Shaofeng said, Leng Yaxuan still looked indifferent, and obviously would not believe what Qin Shaofeng said.

This made Qin Shaofeng anxious!

Damn, it looks like I can only do another fight!

With a ruthless heart, Qin Shaofeng intends to use the Demon King's suit and directly enter the state of the Demon King's forbidden hand.

Although Qin Shaofeng knew that even with the blessing of the Demon King's forbidden hand status, his chances of escaping would not be great.

But in the current situation, there are no extra players left for me.

But just as Qin Shaofeng planned to use the Demon King's suit to consume a lot of experience points and put himself into the state of the Demon King's forbidden hand, a situation that Qin Shaofeng could not imagine happened.

Seeing that she had finally decided something, Leng Yaxuan looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, with a strange and uncomfortable brilliance, her beautiful and delicate face suddenly turned red.

Damn it!

This Leng Yaxuan was originally a beautiful and seductive master. Now she has reddish cheeks and an affectionate posture in her eyes. Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng seems to have suffered a hundred times, a thousand times of crit.

Stayed in an instant!

For a while, even the connection with the Demon King's suit was directly broken.

Although Qin Shaofeng quickly recovered his senses, the next moment a "hiss" sound drew Qin Shaofeng's mind down again.

Moreover, after being dragged down this time, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have sunk directly.

Because this "hiss" sound is not some other figure, but the sound of clothes tearing.

Well, it's clothes, and it's Leng Yaxuan's clothes.

This Leng Yaxuan looked like this piece of clothing, after this fragmentation, she became impeccable!

What appeared to Qin Shaofeng's eyes was perfect, and it was impeccably seductive.

In this case, I am afraid that a man can't help it.

Although Qin Shaofeng's perseverance was good, at this moment, he was still sinking.

Because of the temptation brought to him by this ketone body, it was impossible to resist.

But at this time, that Leng Yaxuan suddenly said again.

"Although Qin Shaofeng is only a human being, because you have the blood of the true devil, I must get the blood of the true devil!"

"So, this can be regarded as a compensation for you. This time I will use my demon double cultivation method to seize your true demon blood. In my capacity, you will have no regrets in your life!"

Leng Yaxuan looked at Qin Shaofeng and said in a very calm tone.

But in fact, as long as you observe carefully, you can find that although Leng Yaxuan's face is calm at this moment, her eyes are showing a trace of panic and timidity!

Although the demons in the Demon Realm basically have no scruples about men and women, they are even very casual.

But that also only refers to the lower demons. Once the demons with a stronger bloodline, they will basically not engage in men and women with others at will.

Because of the physique of the demons, in this respect, there are some situations in which yin is used to replenish yang or yang is used to replenish yin.

Once the two sides merge, it is easy to cause one party to be supplemented by one party, and basically the weaker is supplemented by the strong one.

Moreover, even if it is deliberately controlled, there will be a party with a strong blood, because the blood is contaminated by a party with a weak blood.

Therefore, among the demons, the more powerful the demons are, as long as they do not practice any supplementary methods, they are very concerned about men and women, and they will not try it easily.

Because if the bloodlines of the two parties do not match, the pure Yin and Pure Yang Qi, which is the so-called virgin and virgin body, will be able to cultivate extremely fast.

This is Leng Yaxuan's situation.

Especially Leng Yaxuan has been regarded by the Leng Family as the Leng Family for millions of years, with the strongest bloodline and the purest person, so she will naturally not be allowed to easily be with other Demon men.

Not only that, but Leng Yaxuan was extremely arrogant in her heart, and there were not many Demon men who could come into her eyes.

And even if it can meet her vision, it will not be able to meet the standards of a man in her heart.

Even deep in Leng Yaxuan's heart, she felt that there was no man worthy of her in the world.

But this time is different!

Because what Qin Shaofeng has is the blood of the true devil!

Leng Yaxuan just heard about the true devil bloodline!

Therefore, in order to be careful, she is going to transfer this true demon blood from Qin Shaofeng in the safest way and earn it above her.

And the safest way is through double repairs between men and women!

Especially since she still maintains the pure Yin Qi, she can completely absorb the true demon blood in Qin Shaofeng's body with the help of this pure Yin Qi.

Although in her eyes, Qin Shaofeng did not meet her standards at all.

If it were to change to the general situation, let alone double cultivation with her, it would be impossible for her to look at Qin Shaofeng more.

Because Qin Shaofeng's strength is really too weak and too weak!

How could such a man be worthy of her, one of the three imperial princesses?

Even at this moment, even if she had already made up her mind, in Leng Yaxuan's heart at this moment, there was still extreme uncomfortableness.

Forget it, just treat it as the blood of the true devil!

With a light sigh in her heart, Leng Yaxuan comforted herself.

But at this moment Qin Shaofeng is completely stupid?

Double repair?

I circled a cross, what's the situation?

The script is wrong!

Qin Shaofeng was confused and speechless!

Is this the way I opened it wrong?

Or it is because my ability to accept is poor.

Or are the demons so open? ? ?

However, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered something again!




No matter what the situation is now, it seems that nothing has changed!

I am in danger!

Because no matter what Leng Yaxuan wants to do to herself, if she develops according to the current situation, she can't avoid death after all!

It's nothing more than direct death, the difference between death and death!

After awakening, Qin Shaofeng became more vigilant.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's expression was extremely difficult to look at, and his heart was as if he sank directly into the endless seabed.

Because Qin Shaofeng found that he couldn't move anymore!

That Leng Yaxuan had once again completely imprisoned herself, and the imprisonment this time was really extremely complete.

Not only couldn't speak, but his eyes couldn't move, even Qin Shaofeng felt his own thinking, and was slowly weakening.

And the strangest thing is that while losing the ability to think, Qin Shaofeng found that his feelings were left behind.

You can't think with normal thinking, just feel.

Well, to be precise, Qin Shaofeng's situation at the moment has completely fallen into a state of complete desire and hope.

The feeling is still there, but it is because there is no normal state of mind!

To put it ugly, it means to become a beast that only knows desire and hope...

This is also no way!

Although Leng Yaxuan is still icy and clean, she is still a demon, and in terms of physique, there are still some special abilities of the demon.

For example, the demons are very good at double cultivation, which is completely self-explanatory.

In order to more thoroughly absorb the true demon blood in Qin Shaofeng's body, Leng Yaxuan completely released her purest ability as a demon.

That is the power of desire!

With Leng Yaxuan's blood, plus the circumstances of his inheritance, this ability was released, and that was incredible.

Under normal conditions, very few people could resist Leng Yaxuan's charm, and it was completely released at this moment, and Qin Shaofeng could not bear it.

Qin Shaofeng had all forgotten about the last move, what opportunity to wait for the Demon King's Forbidden Hand, and a plan for the last fight.

Even deep inside, Qin Shaofeng knew very well that he was very dangerous at this moment.

However, Qin Shaofeng was lost directly under the surging desire ~ hopeful pleasure.

Even Qin Shaofeng had forgotten to resist and began to feel at ease...

Do not!

It should be accepted with extremely longing and expectation.

Qin Shaofeng didn't feel even if the small ball was yelling with great anxiety in his sea of ​​knowledge at this moment.

He has fallen completely!

It's just that Qin Shaofeng suddenly had a very weird thought in his heart when he lost his normal thinking.

Am I being reversed?

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