Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 915: Turn around

I don't know when, outside this core hall, suddenly there is a force of Ruo Ruo Wu.

This is a space force, and it also contains very powerful restrictions.

This made the core hall of this aerial fortress completely disconnected from the outside world.

Of course, this disconnection is just to disconnect everyone on the aerial fortress at this moment in contact with the core hall, but the aerial fortress still maintains this connection with the hall.

If someone has the ability, they can enter the space of the main hall through the connection between the aerial fortress and the core hall.

In addition to this method at this moment, only super strength can enter the space of the core hall.

This means that no matter what happens in the hall at this moment, outsiders will not be able to know.

However, the people at the Nine Clouds Gate are not surprised. After all, Qin Shaofeng only announced the retreat and practice not long ago, so naturally no one would disturb him.

Therefore, no one is aware of it at all. Defeating the palace master of the Palace of the Gods and bringing the entire palace into the Nine Clouds Gate, the current master of the Nine Clouds Gate, Qin Shaofeng, is in absolute danger at this moment!


very dangerous!

Although the thinking is lost, the consciousness is close to a state of complete desolation and sinking, which is completely equivalent to falling into a complete desire ~ hope.

But deep in Qin Shaofeng's consciousness, Qin Shaofeng still understood the situation at this moment, a very dangerous situation.

What made Qin Shaofeng very powerless was that he couldn't do anything at all under the sudden, but also speechless pleasure.

Because under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng's consciousness became vague and unclear, and he couldn't use any skills at all.

Knowing this a long time ago, I should have listened to Xiaoqiuqiu's words long ago, tempered my consciousness with divine consciousness, and strengthened my consciousness.

Feeling his current situation, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but feel regretful!

Qin Shaofeng did say that before Xiaoqiuqiu, but in Qin Shaofeng's view, he has system assistance, and he doesn't need to prepare for any skill, let alone deliberately use it.

At most, it's one of my own thoughts, and that's totally fine.

But now Qin Shaofeng has understood, perhaps the real situation is indeed the case.

But the problem is, that was the situation before!

The situation at this moment has already made Qin Shaofeng clear about one thing.

The god-level cultivation system on his body is indeed very powerful, and also very magical!

But the problem is that he himself is not strong. Once he encounters too many strong people, it will be very bad.

No matter how powerful the system is, no matter how magical it is, but it can't be used, what use will it be?

It's a pity that even if I regret it now, it's too late!

Did I just die like this!

This is the end of my Qin Shaofeng?

In a trance, Qin Shaofeng suddenly had such a thought.

As soon as this thought appeared, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that a force in his body was suddenly drawn out, and then surged toward Leng Yaxuan on his body.

Is this power the so-called true demon blood?

But how can such blood exist in me?

I'm human!

Qin Shaofeng was a little confused and completely confused.

It is blurred!

Because with this force flowing toward Leng Yaxuan, Qin Shaofeng even the extremely comfortable refreshing feeling this time began to slowly dissipate.

Obviously Leng Yaxuan did not intend to stay in this state for too long.

It's just that the double repairs took less than a quarter of an hour. After feeling that Qin Shaofeng could absorb the blood of the true devil, she couldn't wait to start to absorb it.

It can be said that as soon as this true demon bloodline was absorbed by Leng Yaxuan, it was completely equal to Qin Shaofeng's vitality and was also absorbed by Leng Yaxuan.

In such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was completely dying.

If Leng Yaxuan remained in the state of double cultivation, instead of blindly and immediately starting to madly supplement, then even if Qin Shaofeng really died, he would die with ease in the end.

Unfortunately, Leng Yaxuan is not!

She just wanted to absorb all the true demon blood in Qin Shaofeng's body as soon as possible.

Consciousness gradually dissipated, and any feelings had begun to completely disappear.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was full of unwillingness at the moment when his last trace of consciousness was about to dissipate.

Do not!

I, Qin Shaofeng, don't plan to die like this!

I have already made an agreement with Xiao Yueer, and I will go to her soon!

And not only Xiao Yue'er, but also Xin'er and Yun'er...

and also……

I haven't found my father and mother yet!

I have not yet entered that magnificent ancient sanctuary!

I'm not reconciled!

The silent cry, at this moment, broke out completely.

But no matter how crazy Qin Shaofeng's heart was, no matter how crazy he was, no matter how strong he was, his last trace of consciousness disappeared!

Consciousness disappears completely, not silence, this is complete death!

If only the consciousness is silent in the sea of ​​consciousness, it can still be awakened, and the person is still alive.

But disappear completely, then it is completely gone!

The simple point is the death of the soul!

People are dead!

Qin Shaofeng knew this very well.

Was he actually pushed to death by a woman? ? ?

Such a ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in Qin Shaofeng's heart.

But after Qin Shaofeng hopelessly determined that he was pushed back to death by a woman like this, Qin Shaofeng found that something was wrong!

Consciousness is completely dissipated!

But Qin Shaofeng discovered that after his consciousness dissipated, he seemed to enter another place strangely.

After entering this place, Qin Shaofeng was surprised to find that his consciousness had recovered in an instant.

Complete recovery!

The only drawback is that he cannot control his body.

Obviously I can feel the condition of my body, but I can't control it, or even feel the sensation of my body.

It was as if Qin Shaofeng's whole body had his soul out of his body and temporarily separated from his body.

But such a strange situation made Qin Shaofeng feel a familiar taste!

It seems that I have had this feeling and experience before!

At the same time, something happened to the outside world that shocked Leng Yaxuan.


It's coming soon!

Feeling the breath of true demon blood in Qin Shaofeng's body, it has begun to surge into her body, and Leng Yaxuan's heart is extremely excited!

But at this moment, seeing this breath and power belonging to the blood of the true demon, it was about to enter his body from the place where he and Qin Shaofeng merged, the power suddenly stopped.

Why did it stop?

Leng Yaxuan was shocked, but didn't care, but accelerated the speed of supplementing again.

But Leng Yaxuan soon discovered that no matter how she used her dual cultivation ability, she couldn't bring the power of the true demon blood into her body.

Although this force temporarily escaped from Qin Shaofeng, it could not completely enter Leng Yaxuan's body.

This situation shocked Leng Yaxuan.

Damn, what the **** is going on?

This is obviously already absorbed by me, but why can't it be absorbed by me?


Just as Leng Yaxuan was suspicious, she felt Qin Shaofeng's body violently shake, and the next moment, a strange breath erupted from Qin Shaofeng's body.

this is?

Feeling the breath that burst out of Qin Shaofeng's body suddenly, Leng Yaxuan's eyes resembling dazzling stars suddenly opened, and the pupils of her eyes shrank instantly, and she exclaimed in exclamation.

"Really...really... the breath of a true demon?"

As if seeing the most incredible things in the world, Leng Yaxuan was stunned.

"How is this possible? Absolutely impossible. Although Qin Shaofeng has the blood of a true devil, he is not aroused at all, and he is not awakened at all. How could such a pure true devil aura burst out of him?"

That's right, the breath that erupted from Qin Shaofeng's body at this moment was indeed the breath of true demons.

And what's incredible is that under this real demon aura, Leng Yaxuan was shocked to find that she could not move anymore.

True demon, the legendary family of gods and demons!

To be truly counted, true demons can be regarded as the head of the source of the demons, and all demons today are races developed by true demons.

Some are the inheritance of the true demon blood, and some are due to the fact that the ancestors lucky enough to absorb some of the true demon's blood, thus possessing peculiar power, resulting in some changes and evolution, and becoming the current demon race.

But no matter how the demons appeared, they all had a common characteristic.

That was in front of the real demon, they could not resist at all!

Because of the breath of true demons, it can completely suppress the ordinary demons.

Perhaps some powerful demons can rely on their own powerful strength to resist the absolute suppression of this bloodline.

But it is a pity that Leng Yaxuan does not belong to such a strong person at present, therefore, under the breath of this true demon bloodline, Leng Yaxuan has been absolutely suppressed by the strict level of this bloodline!


Complete suppression!

Under Qin Shaofeng's real demon aura, Leng Yaxuan was absolutely suppressed!

Even if Leng Yaxuan was not the descendant of the true demon, I am afraid that just the pressure on this supreme bloodline would be enough to make her unhealed injury directly worsen.

Just like an emperor who suddenly awakens, and then finds himself being harmed by a subject, how can this emperor not be angry!

At this moment, the true demonic aura erupting from Qin Shaofeng's body is such an emperor!

Although Qin Shaofeng's consciousness did not know where it entered, with the awakening of this true demon aura, he noticed the situation of Qin Shaofeng's body at this moment, and this true demon aura began to protect the Lord by itself.

This breath of true demon blood also belonged to Qin Shaofeng's body and was equivalent to Qin Shaofeng's own power.

Although it could not be controlled by Qin Shaofeng yet, as soon as he noticed the crisis of Qin Shaofeng's master, this true demon aura naturally countered.

And this counterattack is absolutely crushing!

This gave Leng Yaxuan no room for resistance at all, and could only be crushed ruthlessly and violently by this true demon aura.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was in crisis, and he was still in a situation where he was about to die.

But now the situation is different!

Although under the pressure of the true demon aura, Leng Yaxuan was not in danger yet.

But being so oppressed could not move at all, and completely lost the initiative.

This is also a very dangerous thing!

The situation has completely turned around!

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