Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 921: Neverland

"No wonder the task was triggered, it turned out that the function of the system task has been updated!"

Looking at the system interface, Qin Shaofeng murmured softly.

Then, Qin Shaofeng also saw about the update of the system this time.

The system update of this system is divided into three stages, and it is now in the second stage.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that the two stages of updating should be updating the content of the system store, and then the final stage might be the system skills.

However, what made Qin Shaofeng a little helpless was that this thing did not prompt the update time, so Qin Shaofeng didn't know how much time it would take for the next second and third phases of the system to update.

Since he couldn't know the time of the update, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to these, and instead checked his limit upgrade mission this time.

Extreme upgrade: special task, when the player is in a special stage, the system will automatically trigger this task.

Because the trigger time of this extreme upgrade task is affected by the player Qin Shaofeng's current situation and system updates. Therefore, the content of this extreme upgrade task is a special stage upgrade task.

There is only one mode for the upgrade task in this special stage, and players can only choose this mode for the task.

In addition, due to the particularity of this mission, there is no penalty for this mission.

Special stage upgrade tasks: special stage tasks, any final results will be rewarded by the system with the star rating.

One-star completion: Before the end of the system update, raise the eternal incarnation Yan Yang to the realm master state! Get 100 points of system exchange points!

Two-star Completion: Before the end of the system update, raise the Indestructible Incarnation Yan Yang to the Realm Lord's Triple Realm! Get 300 points of system redemption points!


Eight-star completion: Before the end of the system update, upgrade all the immortal avatars you have to the pinnacle of the realm king! You can get 10,000 system exchange points, 10 skill points, and level up to 3 levels!

Completion degree nine stars: Before the system update is over, on the basis of completing the degree eight stars, upgrade any of the immortal incarnations you have to the emperor realm! You can get 30,000 system exchange points, 30 skill points, and level up to 5!

Ten-star completion: Before the end of the system update, let any one of the immortal incarnations enter Nirvana! You can get 100,000 system exchange points, 50 skill points, and level up to 10!

this is……

After seeing the content of his extreme upgrade mission, Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised.

Because of the mission this time, it was once again restored to the evaluation of star completion.

As for the content, Qin Shaofeng was surprised!

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect to upgrade based on his own cultivation.

and many more!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something, a trace of astonishment and dumbfounded eyes flashed in his eyes.

"No, this is an extreme upgrade task! It is actually based on my own level as the evaluation of completion, then how should I upgrade!"

Qin Shaofeng was completely confused at once.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon became embarrassed again.

"Uh, wait a minute, it seems that I am thinking too much. This mission requirement is only my three immortal incarnations. This seems to be useless!"

A little unnaturally touched the back of his head, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly looked around. Seeing that this place was just like himself at the moment, he felt relieved again.

"Fortunately, no one sees it, and it's useless to let the little ball see the little thing, otherwise I'm embarrassed."

"However, what about the exchange point of this system?"

Looking at the reward information, Qin Shaofeng's gaze stayed on, the reward for the exchange point was on.

"Could it be that after the system update is completed this time, the system store has added items that need to be purchased at the system exchange point?"

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng could only guess like this.

Moreover, in Qin Shaofeng's mind, most of the system's exchange points can be exchanged for some special commodities.

Whether this is or not will be known only after the system has been updated.

However, Qin Shaofeng also learned a message through the content of this extreme upgrade mission.

That is, after this system update, his dependents no longer seem to be restricted by his level.

In fact, according to the level of super devil chess pieces, after becoming one of their own family members, they will have the development of restricted behavior promotion.

Qin Shaofeng had already experienced this since Xiao Yue'er.

Because when I first saw Xiao Yue'er, Qin Shaofeng was very clear that Xiao Yue'er revealed an artistic conception far beyond the realm of the realm master, but his cultivation level had not improved.

Although Xiao Yue'er didn't say anything, Qin Shaofeng knew that this was because the little girl, Xiao Yue'er, was a dependent of her own and was restricted by her master's realm.

This is probably not just Xiaoyue'er, but also other family members of her own.

Even the level of Meng Xin'er's queen would be limited by her own strength.

This is also an urgent matter in Qin Shaofeng's heart.

In fact, according to Qin Shaofeng's prediction, at least he would have to wait for his second immortal incarnation to reach the realm of the realm before he would go to the ancient sanctuary.

Regardless of the Origin Continent, it is just that the Lord Realm is an absolute powerhouse, and a Powerful Realm Realm can dominate the entire plane.

But in fact, the Lord Realm and the Domain Master Realm are only one or two ants in the ancient sanctuary, and even the Great Domain Master is only a cannon fodder.

Only the cultivation base of the realm of the realm master can barely hold a foothold in the ancient sanctuary.

Because the realm master has a thousand-weight domain, the inner world has entered the stage of great success. Although it is far less than the three thousand-weight of the peak realm, the strength is also very powerful.

In comparison, a strong person in the first stage of the realm master can easily kill more than a dozen great masters in the peak realm.

Of course, the great domain masters mentioned here are just ordinary people, and do not include some great domain master geniuses who can challenge the peak realm!

Qin Shaofeng's previous plan was to wait until he had cultivated to the realm before officially heading to the ancient sanctuary.

However, because he was worried that Meng Xin'er and others would be restricted by their own level and their strength could not be improved, Qin Shaofeng was a little anxious to enter the ancient sanctuary.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew that after entering the ancient sanctuary, he could definitely improve his strength quickly.

Although this is dangerous, it is also the fastest way.

This is why Qin Shaofeng really wants to know when the system update will end.

However, Qin Shaofeng no longer needs to worry about the current situation.

Perhaps it is the first phase of the system update this time, and the improvement of the strength of his dependents will not be restricted by his own strength.

It stands to reason that under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng could completely slow down again and wait until he reaches the realm of the realm before heading to the ancient sanctuary.

But Qin Shaofeng made a decision, and after ten days, he entered the ancient sanctuary!

The reason is very simple, one is that this time limit upgrade mission has a time limit.

Although there are no penalties, Qin Shaofeng wants to achieve a higher degree of completion as much as possible and obtain richer system rewards.

Of course, this is also one of them!

The most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng no longer wants to be left behind by Meng Xiner and the others.

If my strength is not as good as my own women, then Qin Shaofeng, I'm still a fart!


In the ancient sanctuary, this huge island floats somewhere high in the sky.

However, it is better to say that this is a floating continent rather than an island.


This is the clan land of one of the ancient saints, the fantasy clan!

Although it is the land of the fantasy clan, this Neverland can only be entered by the disciple of the fantasy clan with a strong bloodline and aloof talent.

Ordinary phantom disciples can only live in the land below this dream island.

On Neverland, in front of a huge palace, there was a confrontation right now.

One side is a pretty and beautiful girl. Although it seems weak, the aura revealed by her body is a real world master, and she is also in the seventh realm of the world master.

This beautiful girl is not someone else but the little girl Qin Yueer!

After returning to the ancient sanctuary with Feng Qingluan, Xiaoyue'er quickly returned to Fantasy Island, the clan land of the fantasy tribe. Feng Qingluan was eager to bring Liu Xiaowan back to the Feng tribe. The three did not get together, so they separated. .

And just over three months ago, Xiao Yue'er suddenly felt that the invisible shackles that had blocked her advancement suddenly disappeared for some reason.

This caused her to be suppressed all the time, instantly dissipating, and then the realm jumped several times, reaching the sixth realm of the realm master.

Had it not been for some special circumstances, Xiao Yue'er would have long since gone to practice in retreat.

Because she felt very clearly, taking advantage of the invisible shackles to dissipate, she would definitely be able to hit the realm of the great realm master long ago.

Even if she didn't practice in retreat, after these two months, with just a little practice, Xiao Yue'er was still ascending to the realm of the seventh level of the realm master, and she was about to break through to the eighth level of the realm master.

But just when Xiao Yue'er was about to break through to the eighth realm of the realm master, she felt that someone was asking for trouble.

When it came out, it was really the same as she thought.

"Xuan Zihua, why are you here again?"

Looking at the young man headed by the few people in front of him, Xiao Yue'er said in a bad tone.

Although the fantasy race is one of the ancient sanctuary, in fact there are still many families in the fantasy race.

To put it simply, the fantasy clan is a large ethnic group, and under the fantasy clan, there are still a large number of families.

The Dream Family can be regarded as a big family among the fantasy clan, even one of the three major families of the fantasy clan.

It's just a pity that there was a battle with the demons hundreds of years ago. At that time, the strongest of the dream family died in battle, and a large number of the strongest dreamers died.

This weakened the position of Mengjia in the fantasy race.

Fortunately, Mengjia is one of the three major families of the fantasy clan after all. This background is very powerful, and it can barely retain the position of the three major families.

But this situation cannot last for long.

If you want to completely keep the status of Mengjia, it can only make Mengjia give birth to an absolute super power again.

Therefore, for these years, the Dreamers of the Fantasy Race have been looking for disciples of the Dreamers who have super potential and talent.

This is also the reason why Meng Xin'er was quickly discovered by the dream family of the fantasy family after awakening the blood of the dream family, and then was taken to the fantasy island of the ancient sanctuary fantasy family.

In fact, at the beginning, the senior management of the Dream Family of Fantasy Race didn't pay much attention to Meng Xin'er.

After all, the ancient sacred line of the Dream Family considered by the Meng Xin'er family, and the dream family of the Fantasy Race are just the blood of the ordinary Dream family.

Even if you compare it carefully, it's not as good as the blood of the ordinary disciple of the Dream Family of the Fantasy Race!

This is not to mention the comparison with the direct blood disciple of the Dream Family of the Fantasy Race.

Therefore, after Meng Xiner was taken to Neverland, there was no high-level attention from the fantasy family Mengjia.

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