Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 922: Fantasy

Although the Huanzu seniors didn't notice Meng Xin'er at first, they soon discovered that Meng Xin'er was extraordinary.

As Qin Shaofeng's demonic family member, Meng Xin'er was at the queen level, awakening the true holy vein of the fantasy race.

It was only because of Meng Xin'er's phantom family's holy veins and the relationship between the super devil chess pieces that they mutated and formed a powerful Taixu spirit.

The Spirit of the Void is not only powerful, but also very weird, even some powerful people in the Nirvana Realm can't see through it, let alone the general high-level of the fantasy family dream family.

This is the reason why Meng Xin'er was regarded as a general disciple of the fantasy family dream family from the beginning.

But gold always shines!

Because of the powerful Spirit of the Void and the resources of the phantom race, Meng Xiner's cultivation speed is naturally extremely fast.

Although Meng Xin'er was not favored by the fantasy family Mengjia, there were still no shortage of resources for cultivation.

It is precisely by virtue of these fantasy dreamers' general training resources that Meng Xin'er has demonstrated an unusually eye-catching talent.

The realm improves very quickly, and he also possesses extremely powerful talents and supernatural powers.

Because of the constraints of Qin Shaofeng's master realm from time to time, Meng Xiner's cultivation speed is very fast, but she often gets stuck.

Therefore, whenever she was stuck in a link, Meng Xiner was practicing the skills Qin Shaofeng shared with her.

Among them, Qin Shaofeng deliberately instructed to write round eyes, but Meng Xiner's cultivation focus.

In the Fantasy Island of the Fantasy Race, what Meng Xin'er came into contact with was naturally beyond what Qin Shaofeng could compare.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Meng Xiner's writing round eyes can be upgraded very quickly.

Coupled with the detached talent that Meng Xiner gradually showed, the Dream Clan Dreamer naturally attached great importance.

In the eyes of those seniors of the Dream Clan, the magical power of Meng Xin'er's eyes belonged to the power of the sacred vein of the fantasy race.

After all, no matter what kind of people in the illusion race, once the illusion race's holy veins are awakened, they can have all kinds of abilities.

Therefore, the Huanzu Mengjia didn't have the slightest doubt about Meng Xin'er's Zhuanyan, and even spent a lot of effort and energy to help Meng Xin'er cultivate Zhuanyan.

Because of this situation, Meng Xin'er's eyes directly increased to level 8, and even soon to enter level 9 not long ago.

It was precisely because she realized that her writing wheel was about to evolve to level 9, Meng Xin'er went into retreat.

Xiao Yue'er also guarded outside because he knew this situation, instead of taking advantage of the invisible shackles on his body to disperse, taking the opportunity to attack his realm.

In the eyes of this little girl, she had long regarded Meng Xin'er as her young milk.

Fight where there are people!

This is true even in the fantasy clan dreamer!

Meng Xin'er possesses such a talent, which naturally arouses envy of countless people.

But more people are trying their best to get Meng Xin'er's favor, even Meng Xin'er this person!

The Meng family where Meng Xin'er is located is just a trace of the bloodline that the Dream Clan Meng family had shed for an unknown number of years ago.

Therefore, many seniors of the Dream Clan Dream family want to bring Meng Xiner's line directly into their own line.

This combined with Meng Xin'er's excellent appearance, especially after practicing the Taixu Spirit, the whole body is full of aura that seems to be a goddess above the nine heavens.

Under this circumstance, there are naturally countless pursuers of Meng Xiner.

Unfortunately, no matter who the other party is, Meng Xin'er hasn't moved her mind, she's always devoted herself to cultivation.

This is in the eyes of some seniors of the dream family, and they also feel that Meng Xin'er is doing the right thing, focusing on cultivation, which is naturally a good thing.

But soon an unexpected situation appeared.

When Meng Xin'er discovered that she had cultivated three thousand layers of domains, she could not enter the realm of the realm king anyway.

The reason is simple, it's all because as Qin Shaofeng's demonic family, her realm is restricted.

This limitation was Qin Shaofeng's appearance and maintenance for a long time after the last extreme upgrade mission.

Even the queen among the dependents is much more restricted than Xiao Yue'er, but there are still restrictions after all.

After this restriction, Meng Xiner naturally could not improve her realm.

Ever since Meng Xin'er came to Neverland and entered the Dream Family of the Fantasy Race, her practice has been singing all the way, and this suddenly stopped, which naturally attracted the attention of the senior management of the Dream Family of the Fantasy Race.

At the beginning, no one cared how, after all, after cultivating three thousand domains, it would take time to be promoted to Realm King.

The realm of the realm king is also called the realm of perfection!

Because after having a full three thousand weights in the domain, the inner world in one's body has reached the number three thousand a week!

As the so-called three thousand avenues!

These three thousand are the realm of perfection.

The path of cultivation is to cultivate the inner world by condensing in the body. If you want the inner world to complete, you need three thousand domains to maintain.

Because, the realm of the realm king is to consolidate the three thousand layers, so that the inner world in one's body reaches the perfect realm.

And after this completion, you can enter the last realm of the world's seven realms-the emperor realm!

Because only by integrating the three thousand domains of the inner world into one, can you be qualified to claim the emperor!

Not to mention this integration, it is a difficult process to formally enter the realm king after having three thousand domains.

Therefore, Meng Xin'er came to a halt in speed, and Huanzu Mengjia didn't care too much.

After all, it takes some time to enter the realm of the realm king in the realm of the great realm master in the three thousand-fold domain.

But soon, those high-level members of the Dream Clan Dream family felt that something was wrong.

Because the days Meng Xiner stayed in the pinnacle state of the Great Realm Master, it was getting longer and longer.

With the talent shown by Meng Xin'er, with the sufficient resources of their Fantasy Race Dream Family, this will enter the Realm King Realm from the Great Realm Master Realm, even if it will stay for a while, it will definitely not last long!

In the eyes of those high-level dreamers of the fantasy race, Meng Xin'er is at most in this state, staying for ten days and eight months can break through.

After all, they pay much attention to Meng Xin'er's cultivation. Not only do they provide the best cultivation environment, but even the resources are the most comprehensive and the best.

But for three months in a row, Meng Xin'er still did not break through to the Realm King Realm, which made the high-levels of the Fantasy Race Meng Family feel something wrong.

There is no shortage of genius in the ancient sanctuary.

In fact, it is very easy for the environment of the above ancient sanctuary to breed genius.

But a genius is a genius, and a strong is a strong.

If a genius wants to become a strong one, relying on talent alone is far from enough.

Opportunity, chance...

All factors are indispensable.

The real powerhouse in the ancient sanctuary, which one of them didn't grow up like this?

If you just want to be a real powerhouse if you just have supernatural talents, that's impossible.

There is no shortage of some in the ancient sanctuary, possessing extremely powerful and terrifying talents, but they have not become truly strong.

Either he died prematurely, or because of one of these reasons, he lost the opportunity to become a strong man.

Among them, there are some talents with supernatural talents, after they have cultivated to a certain level, they suddenly stopped moving forward.

Such a situation is not uncommon, so the senior management of the Dream Clan Mengjia began to think that Meng Xin'er was also the same.

Fortunately, Meng Xiner's 8th-level writing round eyes has evolved to six-gou jade round eyes. In fact, there are not as many pupil techniques as Qin Shaofeng, but there are many.

Because of this situation, the senior management of the Dream Family of the Fantasy Race still did not completely give up Meng Xin'er.

After all, it is undeniable that Meng Xin'er also possesses the Saint Vein of the Illusion Race.

And it's just stayed in the realm for a few months, maybe there will be a turning point later!

But it is undeniable that the real high-levels of the Dream Family of the Fantasy Race are somewhat disappointed in the situation of Meng Xin'er.

Although it still retains the last hint of hope, it has actually given up a bit.

Once the Saint Veins of the Illusory Race awakens, they can cultivate and improve quickly, and only when they encounter a real breakthrough, will there be a pause.

But all the disciples of the illusion race of the hidden illusion race's holy veins, whether it is the dream family or other illusion race disciples, will basically encounter such a breakthrough in the last realm of the seven worlds, that is, the emperor realm.

Once it breaks through, that's another world!

Therefore, basically all the disciples of the illusion clan who have awakened the sacred vein of the illusion clan, their minimum achievement is to successfully enter the Nirvana state.

Some geniuses are not as good as dominating the realm!

The powerhouse the Dream Clan Dreamer needs right now is the powerhouse in the dominating realm.

Meng Xin'er actually encountered a breakthrough in the pinnacle state of the Great Realm Master, which was obviously difficult to become a master.

This is not the real high-level people of the Dream Clan Dreamers who need to be trained and expected.

Having said that, in any case, Meng Xiner's possession of the Saint Vein of the Illusory Race has been thoroughly confirmed.

Therefore, there were many people in the Dream Family of the Fantasy Race, who began to attract Meng Xin'er's attention.

Under normal circumstances, it is extremely easy for a disciple with the illusion clan's sacred vein to give birth to a child with the illusion clan's sacred vein.

Among the many pursuers, there is a phantom disciple who is very urgent to pursue Meng Xin'er, and it can even be said to be shocked. All other suitors are left alone.

In addition to the dream family, the other two families of the three fantasy families are the Xuan family and the fantasy family!

This fantasy family can be said to be the purest bloodline of the fantasy family, and seriously speaking, it can be regarded as the real master of Neverland.

As for the Xuan Family, it is the last of the three fantasy families.

The Xuan Family used to be stronger than the Meng Family, but now the Fantasy Family Meng Family has no absolute power in the past. Naturally, it is even the Xuan Family.

Nowadays, there is a direct disciple of the Xuan family who has taken a fancy to Meng Xin'er and intends to marry Meng Xin'er as his wife.

This Xuan family disciple who fancy Meng Xin'er is not only the Xuan family's direct line, but also the son of the Xuan family's Patriarch. His position in the fantasy clan is very high.

Moreover, this person is also a person who has awakened the sacred veins of the illusion race, whose name is Xuan Yunfei.

This Xuan Yunfei not only awakened the Illusory Clan’s Saint Veins, his talent was already the first person among the younger generation of the Illusory Clan. Even young and lightly young, he was able to compare with some of the predecessors of the Illusory Clan.

Xuan Yunfei was also appointed as the next Patriarch of the Xuan family.

Originally, even if this Xuan Yunfei was the next Patriarch of the Xuan Family, out of the protection of his family's blood, it was impossible for Meng Xiner to marry Xuan Yunfei.

But because of the decline in the strength of the fantasy family's dream family in recent years, and even though Meng Xin'er possesses the fantasy family's holy veins, it seems that the potential is not very strong.

Therefore, this did not hinder Xuan Yunfei's pursuit of Meng Xin'er, the high-level members of the Dream Family of the Fantasy Race.

There are even some high-level officials who are happy to see this situation.

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