Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 933: First encounter with the master

Something is wrong!

With this 10-year experience of He Chendong on the battlefield, how could he only prepare such a flying boat?

Seeing the appearance of this flying boat, Qin Shaofeng felt very wrong.

At this time, the thin monkey next to him seemed to see the doubt in Qin Shaofeng's heart. He hehe smiled and whispered: "Hey, Brother Yanyang is very confused? Why are our flying boats so rubbish?"

"Uh, this is not enough!" Qin Shaofeng paused slightly, embarrassed.

"Ha! What's so embarrassing!"

The skinny monkey laughed, then looked around with disdain, and said indifferently, "What can such a flying boat be if it is not rubbish? But let me tell you, our flying boat can't be superficial!"


The words of the thin monkey made Qin Shaofeng's heart move, could it be that there is something special about this flying boat?

But when he asked again, the skinny monkey just smiled mysteriously, and you would know it after saying a word in, so no more explanation.

At this time, He Chendong had already led everyone into the flying boat, Qin Shaofeng stopped thinking about it, and hurriedly followed.

For a moment, after entering the flying boat, Qin Shaofeng finally understood the meaning of the phrase “you will know after entering” by the thin monkey.

The reason is very simple. There is nothing in this flying boat, it is empty, and there is no room layout in a normal flying boat.

The only difference is that in the open position in the flying boat, a formation is arranged.

But the function of this formation is only to attach the things on this formation to this flying boat.

And the thing in this formation is actually not something, but a square independent room that is twenty meters wide and long, similar to a training room.

this is?

Seeing this independent square room, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with surprise.

This is, the skinny monkey smiled and said proudly to Qin Shaofeng: "Welcome to see our team's safe house, how about it? Is it possible?"


This is so great!

Looking at the safe hut in front of him, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why it was just such a junk flying boat, and Lao Xiong and others were still so calm.

The real reason is that the flying boat outside is really an ordinary means of transportation, and the so-called safe house is the real safety.

Although it was only an independent small room with a 20-meter cube, Qin Shaofeng discovered that a large number of formations were portrayed around this safe house.

The most important thing is that the array patterns depicted are actually intermediate-level formations, and none of the low-level formations.

Defense formation, attack formation, solidification formation, strengthening formation...

Too much!

With so many patterns, the six sides of this safe house are almost occupied.

But what shocked Qin Shaofeng the most was that after entering the safe hut, he suddenly discovered that a huge array of defensive formations was depicted on the wall of the hut immediately!

And the formation patterns here are actually high-level formation patterns!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was already shocked and speechless.

Qin Shaofeng could barely accept them if they were all intermediate formations. After all, even if there were more intermediate formations, this safe hut was only so big, and it wasn't too much to count seriously.

Moreover, with the capital that He Chendong had spent more than ten years on this battlefield, he was barely able to gather it.

But this advanced pattern is different.

Although it is only a high-level formation, the value of this high-level formation layout has exceeded all the intermediate formations outside the cabin.

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe that He Chendong, the realm master, could pay such a price to build such a safe house.

"Captain He, this is what you call the formation of high-level formations, right?"

After entering the hut, Lin Mu cried out again after seeing the formation.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and he finally understood why He Chendong could let Lin Mu, a physician of the Great Domain Master, join his team.

This is probably the formation of this advanced formation pattern!

"Well, that's right, this formation!"

He Chendong nodded, then smiled slightly, and said: "In fact, this high-level defensive formation is a piece of flying boat fragment that I accidentally picked up on the battlefield. What is it?"

"According to my inference, this fragment should be a powerful flying boat, fragments after disintegration. Fortunately, the high-level formation pattern of this fragment was perfectly preserved in the formation method, and finally I spent all my savings. , I built such a safe house, and after owning this safe house, I became independent and organized my own team!"

When it comes to this matter, He Chendong's tone is quite proud.

But after listening to his words, Qin Shaofeng had to sigh with emotion again.

"Although this battlefield is dangerous, it also has countless opportunities!"

Obtaining a piece of fragment, there is actually a complete formation described with high-level formation patterns on it, and people have to envy He Chendong's luck.

Although it was not the first time to come in, whether it was Old Bear, Thin Monkey or Wang Feng, they were all envied at this moment!

But at this moment, no one except Qin Shaofeng noticed that after hearing He Chendong's words, Lin Mu murmured silently.

"It's just a piece of debris, all depicting such a high-level formation pattern, this is probably not necessarily owned by the best flying boat!"


Lin Mu's silent mutter made Qin Shaofeng's heart move.

Unexpectedly, just listening to what He Chendong said, the forest can infer the original situation of the fragment.

It seems that the identity of this kid is not simple!

Since it can be seen that this fragment belongs to an ordinary flying boat, although the Need for Flying Boat has a large number of high-level formation patterns, Qin Shaofeng can recognize that the fragment of this safe house is not the main location.

It may even be a small corner, not a very important position.

But in this case, the high-level formation pattern is also depicted on it, so the flying boat is far beyond the range of the best flying boat.

This must be Wang Pinfeizhou!

Wang Pin Feizhou is actually not a Feizhou anymore, because the Feizhou that surpasses the Ultimate Feizhou has a brand new name, which Qin Shaofeng learned from Leng Yaxuan.

Sky fortress!

This is the name of Beyond Need Feizhou, known as Wang Pin Feizhou!


Although they boarded the flying boat, in fact, Qin Shaofeng and the others did not leave immediately.

After waiting for a long time, it was Qin Shaofeng's turn to fly the boat.

Along the special route, the flying boat Qin Shaofeng and the others were on, after flying a certain distance, finally came to that huge space channel.

Finally set off!


After a slight shock, Feizhou entered the passage.

Inside the space channel is a void space, extremely dark, like the deep space of the universe!

And in this infinite void space, a channel of white soft light radiates through the void space and extends to the depths of the void space.

For this void space, this is just a small light like a filament.

But this light is exactly the huge transmission channel with a diameter of thousands of miles where Qin Shaofeng and their flying boats are now.

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the extremely huge transmission channel is nothing to put in this void.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng and others in the Feizhou safety hut looked at the shocking scene from the outside world with the help of a special formation.

Although it was shocking, for Qin Shaofeng, it was nothing more than that!

Because when he obtained the original world space, Qin Shaofeng personally entered the chaotic time and space. Compared with the chaotic time and space, this void space was still terrifying, but it was nothing.

The stronger the cultivation base, the more thankful Qin Shaofeng was that he was so lucky that he was able to enter the chaotic time and space.

To know that even if it is the existence of the dominating realm, it is a laborious task to enter the chaotic time and space.


Just as everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, a loud noise suddenly rang out from the boat.

To be precise, it was a loud noise from outside the huge transmission channel.

And along with this loud noise, a arrogant spatial shock hit, instantly destroying the formation of Feizhou's outside view.

Even the flying boat shook abruptly.

Not only the flying boat Qin Shaofeng was in, but all the flying boats in this transmission channel were shaking at this moment.

"what sound?"

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

Inside the flying boat, the old bear, the thin monkey and others all changed their faces.

This is not the first time they have experienced this transmission channel, but this is the first time they have encountered such a situation.

This is a void space, Lao Xiong and others don't know what kind of existence this void space is.

But this does not mean that they do not know the danger here!

If there is a transmission channel, they will not have trouble.

But once there is no such transmission channel, the endless terrifying pressure of this void space alone will be enough to crush their crushed bodies.

Even if it is protected by the high-level formation of this safe house, it is the same.

Because the pressure here is not something that a high-level formation pattern can defend.

"Don't panic!"

Seeing everyone panicked, He Chendong let out a deep cry.

But the next moment, what happened, can no longer keep him quiet.

Just listening to Feizhou, there was a sudden shout: "Magic Ji, you dare to sneak into my human teleportation point, what on earth do you want to do?"


Someone actually appeared in this void space?

Despite the horror in his heart, Qin Shaofeng released his consciousness for the first time, and then went outside to explore.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness discovered that at this moment in the void space outside the transmission channel, there were two human figures standing in the void, looking at each other!

One of them was a young man in a platinum armor, with a face like a jade, extremely handsome, holding a Qingfeng sword, and full of terrifying sword intent.

These sword intents directly shredded and destroyed the emptiness in the space surrounding the man, leaving a vacuum.

But the figure opposite him was an extremely beautiful woman, surrounded by purple and black devil energy, constantly swallowing the power of nothingness around him.

No matter which man or woman it is, their breath is extremely powerful.

Even the power of the world leaked unconsciously, with supreme majesty and tyranny!

Under such influence, even Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness can hardly keep the situation outside.

And the reason why Qin Shaofeng could see the outside world at this moment was because he used his body to seal a part of the pupil power of the eyes of the immortal incarnation of his own.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng felt sore in his eyes, and he couldn't hold on anymore.

This is to dominate the strong!

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