Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 934: Finally enter the battlefield

This void space seems peaceful and harmless, but in reality danger is everywhere.

The endless pressure alone is not something ordinary people can bear.

It was terrible and only the strength of the realm of the realm king could barely resist it, but this was only barely resisting.

If you want to base yourself in this nihil space, at least all have an emperor realm.

But even if it is a powerful emperor, once it enters this void space, there will be no danger for the time being.

The strength of an emperor realm powerhouse can be, but it is impossible to break through the void and return to the ancient sanctuary.

Once trapped in the void, even the strongest emperor will have a dead end!

Because there is nothing in the emptiness space, there is no aura of heaven and earth, only the power of emptiness outside the avenue, which cannot be supplemented at all.

Therefore, for a long time, without the aura of heaven and earth, the powerful emperor can be consumed to death.

Even the strong of Nirvana, only the powerful Nirvana has the ability to open up some spatial rifts in the void, and then escape the void smoothly.

But if it's just Nirvana, at best, it will only open up a space rift, and after escaping, you don't know where you are back.

Luck can still return to the ancient sanctuary, luck can't, and I don't know that it will appear in that remote small plane space.

Therefore, the existence that can truly stay in the void and can fight unscrupulously can only be difficult to wait for the existence of the first level.

And the man and the woman in front of him are the ones who dominate the first level.

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that under such a sudden situation, he would encounter a super existence that dominates the realm.

And listening to what the platinum battle armor ruler said, Qin Shaofeng knew that the opponent might be the ruler of his own human race.

As for the other woman who was called the Demon Ji by the Platinum Battle Armor, just looking at the demon energy that surrounds her, she is obviously a powerful master of the Demon Race.

I just listened to the devil's master smiled slightly and said in a seductive voice: "Oh, I said platinum master, you are so chasing the slave house, do you like the slave house?"

With a chuckle, the Mo Ji Master's face flashed with regret, and he reluctantly said: "It's a pity, you are a human race, and your slave family is a demonic race! Otherwise, it's better, you simply betray the human race and take refuge in our demons. In this case, the slave house is still at your disposal!"

"Hmph, Mo Ji Xiu will once again deceive the crowd to make me betray the human race, unless all the demons in your demon domain die!"

The Platinum Battle Armor Master sneered, and then didn't seem to intend to talk nonsense. Aomine's long sword in his hand pointed out and shouted to the devil. "Alright, devil, tell me why you came here! If you don't say anything, don't blame me for killing you." This demon beheaded on the spot!"

"Oh, the slave is so scared!"

The magic girl smiled exaggeratedly, but her gaze turned slightly and fell on the transmission channel not far away, and she smiled charmingly, but the next moment, the words from her mouth made Qin Shaofeng and the transmission channel at this moment have everything After hearing this, the whole body shuddered.

"Platinum ruler, the Slave family admits that you are better than the Slave family, but what the Slave family is saying, it is the same master as you anyway! Once this fights, if this happens a little bit, it won't be great!"

After finishing speaking, the magic girl looked at the platinum armor master meaningfully.

When the Platinum Battle Armor Master heard this, his face changed instantly.

He never knew that this was a teleportation channel for his own human race and its allies, but the magic girl seemed to be right. There was this hop teleportation channel here, and he came here deliberately.

At this moment, there are a few and millions of people on this transmission channel.

Although compared with a demon ruler, even if the lives of more than a million people are exchanged, this is a very worthwhile sale.

But this platinum battle armor ruler is not a bloodthirsty generation, millions of human races and human race allies make him a little hesitant.

Of course, the most important thing is that the platinum battle armor master is not completely sure that he can behead the devil after doing it.

Although he is stronger than the devil, but as the devil said, everyone is in the realm of dominance, and it is obviously still a bit difficult to kill the opponent.

The platinum battle armor dominates this hesitation, but the magic girl seized the opportunity.


With a violent flash, the devil's figure shook, and after a burst of spatial ripples, the whole person disappeared, and instantly escaped from the void.

Only her charming and charming laugh was left in the void.

"Gluck, since the Platinum Master doesn't do anything, then the Slave Family will leave it alone. But don't forget, the Slave Family's words are always counted. The Slave Family can wait for the news of your betrayal of the Human Race at the moment of the Demon Race!"

Even if the devil had left, he still did not forget the last sentence of flirting with the platinum armor dominator.

Sure enough, it is the Demon Witch!


Seeing the direction of the devil's departure, the platinum battle armor master snorted coldly, but he didn't catch up again.

Because he felt that this time after the magic girl left, she really left.

But at this moment, a glimmer of doubt flashed in the eyes of the platinum battle armor master.

This magic girl has always been scheming and never disadvantaged.

Although I don't know the purpose of this devil's trip, the platinum battle armor master is sure in his heart that there must be some plan and conspiracy in the other party.

"No, this is too weird. Presumably, the Demon Race must have some plans. You must inform others and pay attention to the movements of the Demon Race!"

With a whisper, the platinum battle armor dominator's figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

Until this time, everyone in the entire transmission channel, including Qin Shaofeng, breathed a sigh of relief.

Too dangerous!

At that moment, it was extremely thrilling.

Because everyone knows that once the two masters are fighting, this transmission channel will definitely collapse for the first time.

And if the transmission channel collapses, then waiting for their results, I am afraid there is only a dead end.

"It's milky, it's so exciting!"

Inside the flying boat, the thin monkey exclaimed as soon as the two dominant auras disappeared, and then the whole person fell directly on the sofa behind him, just like the mud.

This safe cabin is four hundred square meters, which may reduce fatigue and tension of fighting. The safe cabin is full of luxurious and comfortable seats, and soft and soft.

At this moment, with the exception of He Chendong and Huang Haitao, the remaining few people collapsed on their seats and collapsed without any image.

Although it is not conscious, even if it is an unconscious aura, the aura of the two masters is not the realm of the realm master and the realm master.

Especially the platinum armor ruler among the two masters, burst out his own aura with murderous intent towards that magic girl.

Although it did not target the people in the transmission channel, at this moment, except for the masters of the realm, the rest were more or less affected.

"Huh~hu~hu~ this is the one who dominates the strong, the breath is really terrible!" Old Xiong gasped with lingering fear.

"It's too powerful, it's just the breath that makes me tremble. It's a master!" This was Du Qi's voice.

"It's amazing, if I can have such strength, then..."

Needless to say, such delusional words are naturally Wang Feng.

It's the forest that has always yelled, but this time it didn't exclaim anything.

Although he was also panting, compared with the old bear and thin monkeys, there was less awe in his eyes.

He Chendong saw everyone's expressions.

However, when he saw Qin Shaofeng's attitude at the moment, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although Qin Shaofeng's state at the moment is not better than Lao Xiong and the others, what surprised He Chendong is that Qin Shaofeng's eyes did not have the slightest shock to the powerful strength of the dominating realm.

Could it be that Qin Shaofeng, like this forest tree, has a very strong background and has ever seen a strong person who dominates the realm?

He Chendong secretly guessed.

But He Chendong didn't know that this was really the first time Qin Shaofeng saw a strong person in the dominating realm.

As for Qin Shaofeng's quick return to calmness, it wasn't that he had seen a powerhouse dominating the realm before, nor was he underestimating the existence of the dominating realm.

But... normal heart!

Yes, it is normal!

Indeed, this Domination Existence is really strong and powerful, being strong is just a breath, which makes Qin Shaofeng's divine sense afraid to approach, and Qin Shaofeng's powerful Nine-hook jade reincarnation eye pupil technique cannot resist.

But in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, this dominance could be reached by himself sooner or later, but it was only a matter of time.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has no fear in the existence of Domination Realm!


The appearance of Domination was just a small episode. Although everyone suffered a shock, the storm passed quickly.

This transmission channel is very long, and this is not a one-time transmission, but a transmission channel that always keeps transmitting.

Therefore, this kind of transmission speed is a bit slow, and it is really far to reach the status of the real battlefield area, so this time transmission will take some time.

A day later, when the flying boat passed through a spatial shock, He Chendong, who had closed his eyes and meditation in the safe hut, opened his eyes sharply, and a bright light broke out in his eyes, and then he said to the people in a deep voice: "Here!"


When everyone heard it, they immediately became energetic.

But at this moment, the thin monkey who had restored the external look formation did not require the command of the captain He Chendong to open the formation.

In the next moment, everyone saw the outside world.

Outside, although Feizhou hadn't completely separated from the transmission channel, Qin Shaofeng was able to see a huge bright hole not far from the transmission channel.

That is obviously the end of the transmission channel!

Finally, Feizhou quickly flew to the entrance of the cave. The next moment, Qin Shaofeng and others' eyes lit up, and the battlefield appeared in front of everyone.

At a glance, with Qin Shaofeng's eyesight, the speed of the flying boat was still very fast, but Qin Shaofeng still saw a lot of things.

this is?

When he saw the scene outside Feizhou clearly, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

Because what Qin Shaofeng saw was the broken wreckage of flying boats everywhere, and even among these wrecks there were humans and broken bodies of foreign races.

Even the sky here seemed to have a tragic breath, with a slightly scarlet color.

Wreckage, corpse, tragic!

This is the battlefield of the battle for hegemony?

Looking at everything outside, Qin Shaofeng had the first impression of this battlefield in his heart!


With a slight vibration, the flying boat seemed to fall to the ground.

This seems to be just a temporary teleportation point built on the battlefield. There are huge pits and pits everywhere, and the atmosphere of fierce battle remains everywhere!

Just as Qin Shaofeng wanted to ask He Chendong why he had stopped Feizhou here, the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's expression instantly changed, and his whole person instantly became tense.

Because at this moment, an extremely powerful divine sense swept across with an aura that Qin Shaofeng couldn't match.

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