Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 935: Huge battlefield

this is?

Qin Shaofeng's face changed abruptly the moment he felt this sense of spirit.

The strong!

Although not as good as the existence of the dominating realm, this divine consciousness is at least the existence of the Emperor Realm!

Is there a strong enemy?

This was Qin Shaofeng's first thought.

However, the next moment, as if he noticed Qin Shaofeng's face, He Chendong smiled slightly and immediately said: "Brother Yanyang need not be nervous, this is our own!"

"My own person?"

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback, somewhat unclear.

But the thin monkey hurriedly took the words and explained to Qin Shaofeng: "Yes, it's his own person, this is just a routine check on us by the strong on our side!"

"Brother Yanyang, don't you know that every time we teleported over, it was actually extremely easy to be sneaked in by the enemy, and then replaced someone who had just entered the battlefield, preparing to carry out a sneak attack on our human army at a certain moment!"

As he said, the skinny monkey's tone became anxious, and he said uncomfortably: "Although this method is very tricky, it is undeniable that it is a good strategy. Our human race has been successfully attacked by the demons in this way several times. Suffer a lot!"

That's it!

After listening to the thin monkey, Qin Shaofeng nodded with some understanding.

Indeed, under such circumstances, it is really easy to mix into the enemy and then be attacked suddenly by the enemy.

And now there are strong people who use their spiritual consciousness to carry out every sweep of the flying boat, and naturally they can find the enemy in advance.

Even the number of divine consciousness sweeps is not just a simple one.

Because afterwards, Qin Shaofeng felt a few powerful spirits that were not weaker than before, and swept past him one after another.

However, this kind of divine consciousness sweep is also fast, and after a while, it has completely ended.


As soon as the divine sense sweep was over, He Chendong immediately launched the flying boat.

It was the low-grade flying boat among the flying boats. It also possessed the ability to control with God's Sense, but it was very simple and even effortless.

Of course, it depends on who.

If it is controlled by a lord realm person, even the lower-grade flying boat can't be controlled.

At least it must have the divine consciousness of the realm of the great domain master to control a low-grade flying boat freely and easily.

Therefore, it is precisely for this reason that the people who come to the battlefield are basically the realm of the great domain master.

After the flying boat flew up again, He Chendong turned around and smiled at everyone: "Okay, this time we are truly set off."

After speaking, He Chendong winked at Huang Haitao.

Huang Haitao nodded clearly, then took out a jade charm.


As soon as the jade talisman was taken out, a white light flashed, and a light curtain map appeared in this safe house.

This is... the battlefield map?

Seeing this light curtain map, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, and Huang Haitao's words later confirmed Qin Shaofeng's guess.

"Attention everyone, this is the rough map of the battlefield!" Huang Haitao pointed to the light curtain map and said.

It's okay for Lao Xiong and others, but newcomers like Qin Shaofeng and Lin Mu, staring at the light curtain map closely, keeping this map in their hearts.

Huang Haitao seemed to know that Qin Shaofeng and the others were memorizing the map. He paused deliberately for a while before he said: "This is just a rough map of the battlefield, and the record is not detailed. However, it doesn't matter, because for us, there is no need. That kind of detailed map, because our active area is only here!"

With that, Huang Haitao stretched out his right hand and pointed to a small corner on the outermost periphery of the light curtain map.

And with Huang Haitao's finger, the map of that small corner seemed to be pulled up and enlarged in an instant. The next moment, the entire light screen map became the map of that small corner.

Compared with the previous rough map of the normal battlefield, this time the small corner map is much more detailed.


In three hours, the flying boat finally flew out of the safe area.

It is said to be a safe area, but this is only relative. When you step out of the transmission channel and officially come to this battlefield, there is no concept of safety.

The so-called safe area is naturally gone.

At most, it is only less attacked by the enemy.

Even if it is only such an area, in the eyes of He Chendong and the others, this area is really a safe area.

Although it can't be said to be completely careless, but at most it is just a little vigilant, and there is no need to maintain the vigilance of mental tension at all times.

But when the flying boat flew to a certain area, He Chendong's expression became serious, and he shouted to everyone: "When I get to the ground, give me all caution, don't relax my vigilance, this is already a battlefield for fighting, don't be careless!"

In fact, without He Chendong's reminder, Qin Shaofeng and the others had already noticed that the area that Feizhou had entered at this moment was completely different.

The huge ravines are full of traces after the fight.

Even under Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness, he felt that a fight was being staged at this very moment.

The two sides are not demons and human races. From the aura point of view, Qin Shaofeng guesses that both sides are allies of human race and demons.

He Chendong seemed to have felt this scene with his spiritual consciousness, and he spoke again: "Yes, I will tell you one more thing. Don't act alone without my permission. Don't see my fellow human beings in trouble. Go and help! Because..."

After a slight pause, He Chendong said coldly and sternly: "This is most likely the weirdness of the enemy. Some people were deliberately left behind and not killed directly, just to wait for them to be rescued. If this is the case, they will be caught!"

"Ann, Captain!"

Perhaps the atmosphere was too dignified. The Skinny Monkey smiled slightly and said frivolously: "We are all veterans, how can we not know these things? As for the little recruits of Brother Yanyang, I and the old The bear will watch!"

"Well, Captain, don't worry!" Old Xiong nodded in cooperation.

At this time, Wang Feng seemed to have finally found a sense of superiority. He glanced at Qin Shaofeng lightly and snorted coldly: "Huh, Yan Yang has not heard it. It's better to be honest in the future, and learn from us, don't delay us. Legs!"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at Wang Feng lightly, without saying a word.

Hold back?

Are you talking about you?

But the black cat can't stand Wang Feng's arrogance, and he directly said to Qin Shaofeng: "It's not a hindrance. Little Brother Yanyang is even better than us. As long as you remember what the captain told you before. , When the time comes, you will be veterans too!"


Qin Shaofeng nodded and gave a thankful look at the black cat.

Until then, He Chendong said again: "Okay, I have already said what I have to say. I will finally remind you newcomers who have just arrived on the battlefield!"

"A few days ago, if there is a battle, I don't ask you to cooperate well and how much you can do. You are not familiar with the battle here, because you don't understand the veterans of our team, they can't cooperate, and it will be counterproductive. You guys. Finally, if you see who is in danger, you can go to support immediately!"


Qin Shaofeng, Yan Yun, Lin Mu, and Du Qi all nodded in response.


Seeing that everyone was ready, He Chendong nodded, raised his voice sharply, and drank.

"Then, let's start fighting now!"


The seventh field forty-three battlefield, although this is the name of the battlefield here.

But in fact, this battlefield does not exist alone, but a huge battlefield between the human race and the demons, a small corner of a certain area.

Although it is only a battlefield between the human race and the demons, if it is regarded as an ally of the human race and the demons, then the entire battlefield will participate in more races.

Therefore, the entire battlefield is very huge.

This huge battlefield is divided into ten areas, namely the first area to the tenth area.

Among these ten areas, the fourth and tenth areas are no different, they are all around the edge of the entire battlefield.

These seven areas are divided into 100 small battlefields, and each small battlefield has a teleportation point, and Qin Shaofeng and the others are on the battlefield at this moment.

As for the first area, second area, and third area, that's different.

Because these three areas, although there are not so many small battlefields, the people who fight in these three areas are different.

The battlefield in the third area is only divided into ten small battlefields, and if you want to enter any small battlefield in the third area, you need at least the cultivation base of the realm master.

Therefore, the third area battlefield is also called the main battlefield!

As for the second battlefield, it was the realm king battlefield.

As for the first battlefield, it is impossible to enter without the cultivation base of the emperor realm.

This place is not unusual even if there is a battle to dominate existence.

Qin Shaofeng didn't think much about the battlefields of the first three areas at this time, at least not at this stage.

Of course, even the 43rd battlefield in the seventh area has an extremely wide area.

According to He Chendong, the area of ​​the entire seventh area battlefield is no less than the area of ​​a medium plane space.

As for the area of ​​a medium-level space, Qin Shaofeng really didn't know.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew that the plane space of the Origin Continent where he was born was only a low plane space.

And the area of ​​the medium plane space is at least equivalent to the sum of ten low plane spaces.

This means that only the small battlefield on the 43rd is one-tenth the size of the plane of Origin Continent.

At this moment, the seventh area, the forty-third battlefield, under a broken mountain, had just experienced a fierce battle.

At this moment, only the winner is standing!

As for those who fell on the ground were ten human beings, but judging from the aura remaining on the corpses, these ten people were all masters in the realm master realm!

Such a powerful team was completely slaughtered?

What kind of team is this?

This is a team of more than 20 demon allies, and looking at the appearance of more than 20 people, it seems to be two teams.

However, what makes people curious is that among these two dozen people, only four of them are realm masters, and the others are just the cultivation bases of the great realm masters.

Four realm masters led more than 20 major realm masters and defeated a ten-man team that was all realm masters?

This is weird!

But the most surprising thing is that there is a third team among these two teams.

And this team is actually just one person!

However, compared with these, the most weird thing is that the people from the other two teams reported to this person with equal cooperation.

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