Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 939: Crisis!

The enemy finally appeared!

When Divine Consciousness noticed the existence of Blade Edge, He Chendong and others were relieved a little.

This didn't see the enemy always a little uncomfortable, and felt a little suspended.

At this moment, when I saw the enemy, I felt relieved.

But soon, what made He Chendong frowned slightly was that he had already sensed the identity of the person in front of him.


And from the sense of breath, it should be a demon with a good blood.

The most important thing is that the realm of this demon race is actually much stronger than him, and the cultivation base is at least in the realm above the sixth level of the realm master.

Is a strong enemy!

He Chendong's heart sank. The next moment, he immediately addressed Qin Shaofeng and others behind him, saying: "It's a strong enemy. Everyone will pay attention to it. I will urge the safe house to escape if I have the opportunity. Then everyone will listen to my orders and export the world together. The power temporarily helps the safe house to withstand the attack. Don't let the enemy interrupt it, because there is only one chance!"

Although the array patterns depicted in this safe house are mostly defensive.

But there is also a special intermediate formation pattern in this safe cabin. This is the space formation pattern that He Chendong spent a great price to find a pattern master to depict.

This space formation allows the safe hut to perform a small space jump.

This is the last escape method in He Chendong's hands, but this method is rarely used by He Chendong.

The reason is simple. It is all because of a space jump, even a small space jump, the power of the world consumed is extremely terrifying.

Under normal circumstances, a boundary crystal can only make the safe hut space jump three times at most.

Boundary crystal is the spar condensed by the power of the world in the body of the master, and the boundary crystal in the ancient sanctuary can also be regarded as a kind of currency.

Not only can it be used as a currency for purchasing resources, but it can also absorb and restore the power of the world consumed by the body, and even for people below the realm of the realm, this world crystal can be used as a cultivation resource.

However, the currency of Boundary Crystal will only appear in the hands of masters and powerhouses.

Because a boundary crystal needs more than two thousand domains of world power to condense into a special spar.

This means that only the Great Realm Master can condense the boundary crystal.

To Qin Shaofeng and others, even to He Chendong, boundary crystals are very precious.

He Chendong's net worth at this moment also has three boundary crystals.

And it was just a small space jump. He Chendong estimated that it was only one time, and he couldn't escape the chase of the demon man in front of him.

I am afraid that after this time, at least one boundary crystal will have to be consumed!

He sighed softly in his heart, but a trace of determination flashed in He Chendong's eyes.

If the boundary crystals are gone, it will be profitable. If the lives are now gone, then everything will be over.

At this moment, I finally stood in front of Qin Shaofeng and the others and looked down. He Chendong's safe hut gave a sneer and said, "Human, come out and die! You can't escape!"

Blade's tone was extremely confident, because he didn't believe that the weak human team in front of him could escape his pursuit.

In fact, the blade did not plan to shoot in person.

Although He Chendong's safe house has the ability to hide his breath, Blade's Demon Cloud has a special detection ability.

Therefore, Blade Feng had long discovered the cultivation realm of He Chendong and all of them.

The strongest is a human being in the triple realm of the world master, which is really too weak.

If it weren't for this human team, the high-level formation in the small house that he owned, the blade would not plan to make a move.

"Come out quickly, so I will give you a happy one!"

Seeing that He Chendong and others did not move, Blade Feng was a little dissatisfied.

But at this moment, He Chendong in the safe house suddenly yelled, "Shoot!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, everyone in the safe room burst out of the power of the world in their body.

A series of ten powers of the world burst out in an instant, and then gathered outside the safe house, wrapping the whole safe house.


Seeing this scene, that Jianfeng frowned fiercely, but the next moment, the scene that happened made him instantly angry.

Because after wrapping the power of the world, the safe house shook suddenly and disappeared from his eyes in an instant.

"Damn, these human ants actually dare to escape?" Blade Feng said angrily.

With Blade's perception, he naturally saw clearly that the human team had just performed a space jump.

This is something that Blade Edge never expected, because he didn't expect it at all, it was just a team with two world masters.

This slightly special small room not only has a high-level formation pattern, it also depicts a space jumping formation.

Because I didn't expect it, just after blocking the opponent's escape route, Blade Edge didn't let the locust puppets defend anything.

However, after the rage, there was boundless killing intent emerging from Blade's body!

"Hmph, even if it's a space jump, I don't believe that a small team with only two world masters, how far can it jump with the space jump formation method!"

After the words, Blade Edge turned and flew into the Demon Cloud.

In the next moment, a large number of locust puppets returned to the Demon Cloud one after another, and then the Demon Cloud paused slightly before dissipating.

This is also a space jump!


Somewhere in the low altitude hundreds of thousands of miles away, a strange small house suddenly appeared, but it was He Chendong's safe house.

Inside the safe house, He Chendong was also confused at this moment.

Because this time the space jump is so smooth!

He Chendong couldn't think of it, it was too strange that the demon man didn't prevent them from jumping in space.

Although the space jump formation is activated, it can immediately jump in space.

But the difference is that when the space jump starts, it takes some time.

Although these times are very small, almost just one second.

But for a master in the realm of the realm in one second, this can already do a lot of things.

It was precisely because of this that He Chendong allowed Qin Shaofeng and the others to unleash the power of the world and wrap the safe house to withstand the enemy's upcoming attack.

After all, the space jumping array depicted on my own safe hut is just the smallest space jumping array. If the safe hut is attacked, it is very likely to interrupt the opening of the space jumping and make the jump fail.

But the last thing was that the enemy didn't stop him and the others, which allowed him and the others to escape smoothly.


"Ha, it's finally out!"

"What's special, it finally came out, the breath of that Demon Race just now is really terrifying!"

"Yes, just that aura, there is no realm master's eighth realm, just the realm master's cultivation base of the seventh realm!"

Inside the safe hut, Lao Xiong and others rejoiced at this moment.

However, He Chendong was still not completely relieved, planning to activate the space jump formation and let the safe house perform a space jump again.

But at this moment, with a boom, a black shadow appeared, causing He Chendong's face to instantly change color.

"Damn it, it's the demons! He's caught up."

It was Huang Haitao, the deputy captain who spoke out. He has cooperated with He Chendong for many years, and he cooperates most tacitly.

At this moment, Huang Haitao knew that the captain He Chendong would definitely continue to make space jumps in order to be cautious, so the task of detecting the surrounding situation fell on him.

He didn't need He Chendong's instructions at all. Huang Haitao had already released his consciousness, always paying attention to the surrounding movements.

Then, when the Demon Cloud appeared, Huang Haitao immediately noticed it, and then he let out a cry with a change of expression on his face.

Huang Haitao's voice changed the expressions of everyone in the safe hut.

The next moment, without waiting for any other reaction from the crowd, with a bang, the safe house suffered a powerful attack.

As soon as the Demon Cloud appeared, it launched a beam of light attack on the safe house.

Because everyone did not withdraw their own world power, the Demon Cloud's attack was resisted by the world power under the combined efforts of ten people including Qin Shaofeng.

And He Chendong, who had been preparing for a space jump, finally took advantage of this time to let the safe house perform a space jump again.

The only difference is that this time into the safe hut where the space jumps, the surrounding area is not protected by the power of the world.

Because under the blow of the Demon Cloud, the power of the world gathered by Qin Shaofeng and all of them was directly scattered.

Soon, the space jump succeeded, and Qin Shaofeng's safe house appeared in another place hundreds of thousands of miles away.

This time, He Chendong didn't hesitate at all. Once the safe hut finished jumping, he directly started the third space jump.

But this time, it was still slow!

Perhaps Blade Edge already knew the location where the He Chendong people had fled, or perhaps it had been offset by the world power of Qin Shaofeng and the others when they were just attacked by the Demon Cloud.

However, in the end, I was afraid that it was still somewhat affected, so that this space jump was not as far as the first jump.

and so……


The space shook, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng and the others in the safe hut suddenly felt a powerful restraint ability, which restrained them.

Do not!

To be precise, the entire safe house was imprisoned.

not good!

He Chendong's expression changed drastically after feeling the immediate imprisonment of the safe house.

Because He Chendong had already felt it at this moment, at the moment just now, that Demon Race was driving his flying boat, and appeared directly above the safety hut of himself and the others in a spatial jump.

Moreover, as soon as the opponent appeared, the flying boat released a force of space confinement, completely confining the surrounding space.

And this kind of space confinement is simply impossible to jump out with the space jump formation on the safe hut.

In just an instant, He Chendong understood that the team he was waiting for had encountered the Demon Race, which was definitely not an ordinary Demon Race.

Being able to jump to the top of oneself and others with such accuracy, obviously, the opponent not only has a space jumping formation, but also probably a higher level than the space jumping formation on his own safe house.

Especially this ability to confine space jumps definitely comes from a powerful confinement space formation.

Moreover, being able to do so in such an instant meant that the imprisonment was successful, and most of this spatial formation was portrayed with high-level formations.

How can it be easy for the demons with such equipment!

Damn it!

It's dangerous this time!

He Chendong's heart sank, his face was hard to see the extreme.

Others don't say it, they also know that at this moment, their team is afraid that they are facing an absolute crisis!

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