Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 940: Fight to death


Just when He Chendong, Qin Shaofeng and others felt that the situation in front of them was not good, the Demon Cloud shook slightly.

At the next moment, a large number of locust puppets flew out of it again, surrounding the safe hut where Qin Shaofeng and others were located.

But this time, the blade seemed to be angry and didn't keep anything, and directly sent out all the locust puppets.

Three thousand!

There are more than three thousand locust puppets densely packed and overwhelming!

This made the faces of the people in the safe house instantly change.

Na Du Qi and Wang Feng were even more scared, their faces pale as paper, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

Even the old people like Old Xiong are not calm at the moment, and their faces are calm.

The space was confined, and the safe house was once again completely surrounded.

This is a complete crisis!

I don't know how He Chendong intends to survive this crisis!

Inside the safe house, Qin Shaofeng was calm, without the slightest worry in his heart.

Because for Qin Shaofeng, the immediate crisis is only relative.

In the left eye of Qin Shaofeng, the immortal incarnation, the hand of heaven had actually been sealed once.

And with the strength of Qin Shaofeng's main realm, this time, the other heavenly gods who transferred the seal with all their strength, once displayed, would definitely enable Qin Shaofeng to teleport a hundred thousand attacks.

Although this was not as good as a small leap in space, Qin Shaofeng was able to let Yan Yun release the divine power of his eyes at the same time he used the hand of the sky.

In this way, it was enough for Qin Shaofeng's instant process to reach the point of silence.

Moreover, using the hand of heaven in the state of divine power, it can completely hide oneself in the space, which is hard to detect.

Exerting the hand of the sky in a state of divine might, this is Qin Shaofeng's best monstrous plan.

In fact, it is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng has the real confidence to enter this battlefield.

But he hasn't reached that place yet, and Qin Shaofeng doesn't want to abandon these companions in front of him.

Although the time to get along is still very short, Qin Shaofeng has some feelings for the old bear and the thin monkey.

Although it is far from the kind of life-and-death life, Qin Shaofeng didn't want the two to die just like that.

Inside the Smart Feizhou Demon Cloud, through the light curtain on the Demon Cloud, Feng Jian looked at this scene with a grin.

"Haha, human tribe, this time I want to see how you can escape!"


I'm afraid this is difficult!

Seeing the situation in front of him, He Chendong took a deep breath.

Although it is a big crisis, who is He Chendong?

After staying on this battlefield for more than ten years, has He Chendong encountered few dangers?

He has survived a crisis that is even worse than what he has in front of him. Why is he afraid of this?

The big deal is death!

A ruthless light flashed in his eyes, and He Chendong was aroused to be fierce in his heart.

"Everything is here, it's time to work hard!" He Chen yelled, the power of the world in his body surged.

The people with different faces suddenly heard He Chendong's words, and they all recovered their calm again.

Yes, the situation is already the case, just as the captain He Chendong said, the matter is over!

Since you can't escape, you can only do your best.

"Ha, just fight, I don't believe it, old bear, how powerful these mechanical things are!"

"That is to say, I also want to see the skinny monkey, what is the difference between the puppets of the mechanical clan!"

"Kill! We don't have any spoils here!"

"Come on, captain, we all listen to you, fight with him!"

Everyone in the safe hut roared, and the low color disappeared, replaced by a fierce vigor.

However, two of the ten people have different faces.

Qin Shaofeng's face was calm, and after a hesitant thought flashed in his eyes, a fierce light also flashed.


Although you can't really say that, it's not very wrong to fight a fight.

Compared with Qin Shaofeng, there was another person with a slightly different expression.

This person is that Wang Feng!

However, at this moment, Wang Feng's face was strange, but it was not like Qin Shaofeng's, hesitated because of a certain situation.


What's the joke, in this case, what desperately?

Merely the number of mechanical puppets of more than 3,000 is a big trouble.

This does not count as that demons!

Under such circumstances, how can you fight it?

Must die!

Wang Feng was flustered, but in the end a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and a certain decision was secretly made in his heart.

Hmph, a bunch of brash men, who are like you to find death like this?

It seems that I will have to find an opportunity later, so I can just run away alone!


He Chendong didn't notice the thoughts and decisions in Wang Feng's mind.

He Chendong was very pleased with the appearance of Lao Xiong and others.

"Hahaha, very good, it seems that my team is not afraid of death, in that case..."

His eyes flashed, He Chendong turned his head to look outside the safe hut, and shouted in a low voice: "Then let's kill!"


Before the words were over, He Chendong opened the door of the safe house, and was the first to go out.




When other people saw this, they all roared and went out.

Ten people against more than 3,000 mechanical puppets?

Inside the Smart Feizhou Demon Cloud, seeing the blade edge in this scene, a sneer in his heart.

"Human race is really a mess, so self-conscious, it really makes people laugh speechless!"

But no matter how Blade's laughter, the battle outside has already begun.


With a loud bang, the old bear holding a huge heavy hammer directly smashed three locust puppets under one hammer.

At this moment, the old bear is fully armed, with a huge hammer over five meters in his right hand, and a huge door-like shield in his left hand.

After the heavy hammer hit, the old bear carried the huge shield for a while, and in an instant three or five locust puppets were wiped out.

Compared to the old bear's attack that kills the enemy so quickly, the skinny monkey is not slow.

The skinny monkey looks thin and weak, but in fact this is the reason for his small size.

But precisely because of this, the skinny monkey is very light and agile.

At this moment, he was holding a pair of jet-black and radiant short blades, and he kept jumping beside the old bear.

Every time he jumps, he can take away two locust puppets with the black short blade in his hands.

It is precisely because of the presence of the thin monkey that the old bear can rush into the locust puppets unscrupulously.

Behind the two is the only woman in the team-the black cat!

Only then did Qin Shaofeng discover that the real weapon of the black cat woman was a black whip.

With a wave of the long whip, the black cat can actually smash ten or so locust puppets directly. Such a terrifying lethality is far more terrifying than the old bear and the thin monkey combined.

However, the most terrifying thing is to face He Chendong!

As the captain with the triple realm of the realm, He Chendong's combat power is undoubtedly the most powerful in the entire team.

The nine-ring sword in his hand kept slashing, and every single slash could kill dozens of locust puppets.

Deputy Captain Huang Haitao was not slow to kill the locust puppets, although he had to take care of the forest and wounded Du Qi, and even Qin Shaofeng was in his care.

But even so, Huang Haitao's long spear pierced through again and again, and could kill more than a dozen locust puppets.

It's just the realm of the domain, the mechanical puppet with the great power of the domain master in front of them is too fragile for the two of them.

Once attacked, it's not worth mentioning!

Therefore, the entire team is quickly killing these locust puppets at this moment.

After almost two or three breaths, a hundred locust puppets were destroyed.

According to this situation, it seems that there are only three thousand locust puppets, but it is not difficult to eliminate them!

But at this moment, with a boom, Qin Shaofeng and others' expressions changed again.

Because at this moment, everyone felt that the flying boat from above their heads unexpectedly released a forbidden force.

As soon as this restraining force appeared, everyone felt that they were suppressed and their strength was restricted.

Contrary to them, the locust puppets surrounding him and the others seemed to have been beaten with blood. The breath swelled instantly, almost all of them stepped into the realm of the great domain master in an instant, and their strength increased several levels.

"Damn it, what the **** is going on?"

As soon as the locust puppet's strength increased, the first person to feel the pressure was an old bear who smashed into it.

Even if there is a thin monkey on the side, the old bear can't resist it at this time, and the collision's footsteps are blocked by the locust puppets.

The thin monkey also jumped as he pleased before, and suffered a range restriction. After a few jumps, he was forced to return to the old bear.

And at this time, the black cat saw that the situation was not good, and it was the first time that he approached the old bear and the lean monkey. The three of them worked together to withstand the attacks of countless locust puppets.

But it didn't take long before the three were forced back into the team.

Originally, when the battle came out at the beginning, the battle of ten members of the team expanded the entire battlefield by more than 500 meters in diameter.

But at this moment, the strength of the locust puppets has increased, and after the strength of everyone is suppressed, the battlefield of ten can only shrink to an area less than 100 meters in diameter.

Even with He Chendong's continuous slashing of strong sword auras, he can barely maintain this situation at best, and he can't move forward.

The situation is getting worse and worse!

"Damn it!"

Seeing such a situation, Wang Feng screamed in his heart, his face extremely ugly.

With a calm expression on the side, Qin Shaofeng finally made up his mind and wanted to say something to Captain He Chendong.

However, at this moment, a strange scene appeared.

For some reason, the locust puppet in front appeared in a mess, and then there was a gap.

this is?

Suddenly seeing this scene, Wang Feng, who was originally anxious, his eyes lit up instantly, and he burst into laughter in his heart.

"Haha, it was God who helped me. That demon clan finally couldn't control such a mechanical puppet, causing the puppet to be in chaos, showing a gap, which is really great!"

Without the slightest hesitation, almost when the gap was formed in an instant, Wang Feng didn't even think about it. He jumped up and ran towards the gap.

"No! Wang Feng will come back to me!"

Seeing Wang Feng's movements, He Chendong's expression changed and he shouted loudly.

But what responded to him was a triumphant sneer from Wang Feng.

"He Chendong, this uncle won't die with you, I'll take a step first, you take care of yourself!"

Obviously, Wang Feng had already prepared to escape. The appearance of this gap only made him escape far away in an instant, directly out of the circle of locust puppets.

"Haha, I finally escaped!"

As soon as he escaped from the encirclement, Wang Feng felt ecstatic.

But what Wang Feng didn't know was that at this moment, the edge of the blade in the smart flying boat also showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

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