Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 941: Qin Shaofeng shot

"Huh, human beings are indeed a group of selfish villains who are greedy for life and fear of death!"

Seeing Wang Feng who escaped, a trace of contempt flashed in Blade Feng's eyes.

But soon, there was another smug sneer from the corner of Blade's mouth.

"Well, it's precisely this kind of miscellaneous existence that can make me feel a bit of fun!"


As soon as Blade's words fell, the hatch of the Demon Cloud opened directly.

The next moment, Blade Edge walked to the cabin door, and then pointed a finger at the distance, facing Wang Feng, who was escaping in the distance, and shot a thick black light with his fingers!

call out!

The black light was as fast as lightning, and under the swift speed, a sound of breaking through the air was broken.

The speed is as fast as it has shattered the space. A distance of hundreds of miles, without even a blink of an eye, is achieved in an instant.



With a loud explosion, Wang Feng, who was escaping quickly, was instantly hit. After a soft er, Wang Feng fell into the air instantly.

Before his consciousness fell into complete darkness, Wang Feng saw a big hole blasted out of his chest, but at this moment, the last thought remaining in his heart was a big question mark.

How is this going?

Haven't I escaped?

How could it have been attacked?

Perceiving the disappearance of Wang Feng's breath, Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng had noticed Wang Feng's strangeness from the very beginning, and knew that Wang Feng was always looking for opportunities to escape.

As for the gap that the locust puppet just appeared, Qin Shaofeng only sneered in his heart.

Because Qin Shaofeng didn't think much at all, he already realized that this was the enemy's trick.

This is a mechanical puppet!

How can there be chaos, and then expose a gap?

As long as there is a little brain, even people who have a little understanding of the machine race, I am afraid that this is impossible.

The mechanical puppets of the mechanical clan are all intelligent machines, especially this kind of mechanical puppet with the strength of the domain master, there is no sudden chaos at all.

Even these mechanical puppets don't need to be controlled by God's consciousness at all. You only need to directly issue instructions to that brain to control these mechanical puppets easily.

Therefore, how could anyone be fooled by such an obvious strategy?

But this Wang Feng is silly~ forced~ forced to hit the trick!

Does he really think that these mechanical puppets are controlled by the demon sense?

Then, the number is too large and it can't be controlled for a while, causing a burden of divine consciousness, causing a gap in the mechanical puppet army?



The opponent is a demons, and according to the information Leng Yaxuan left to him, Qin Shaofeng knows some demons, especially those with some advanced bloodlines, who look down on humans and other races.

And these demons like to play around with humans and other races!

As soon as the mechanical locust puppets were in chaos, Qin Shaofeng knew that it was the other party's intention to play around with himself and others to get people hooked.

Qin Shaofeng was still thinking at the time, this Demon Race is too stupid~ Forcing, can anyone out of ten of him be fooled by such an inferior trick?

I don't want to, Qin Shaofeng just thought of this, and then Wang Feng moved.

This is really stupid~ It's not as good as that!

Such a person is looking for death, I am afraid no one can stop it!


He Chendong, who also noticed the disappearance of Wang Feng's breath, shook his head gently, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

Although Wang Feng was despised for such behavior, He Chendong did not blame the other party.

Because to be honest, in fact, he had the same idea in his mind before, running away alone.

It's just that He Chendong is not Wang Feng. He Chendong is a man of righteousness and has his own bottom line. If not, he would not have lived on the battlefield to this day.

Just now he wanted to call Wang Feng, not because he was angry at Wang Feng's behavior, but he had already noticed that this was the other party's strategy and wanted to remind Wang Feng.

But Wang Feng's stupid fork was a bull, he laughed directly, and he didn't give He Chendong a chance to speak at all, and his whole person instantly ran into the other's trap.

Although at that time, He Chendong was able to quickly transmit to Wang Feng to remind Wang Feng.

But it was a pity that the shot speed of that Demon Race Blade was so fast that He Chendong was not given that opportunity at all.

Besides, I am afraid that even if He Chendong told Wang Feng about these situations, Wang Feng would sneer as He Chendong was lying to him.

In any case, the ending of Wang Feng was actually doomed long ago.

This is his own choice!

Similarly, the old bear, the thin monkey and the others also noticed the disappearance of Wang Feng's breath, but they had only deep disdain in their hearts at this moment. There was no regret about Wang Feng's experience, nor did they sympathize with Wang Feng.

Because at the moment Wang Feng escaped the encirclement alone, they no longer regarded Wang Feng as their comrade-in-arms.

Moreover, the situation at this moment did not allow them to estimate Wang Feng or something.

Because after killing Wang Feng, the Demon Man's Blade completely walked out of the Demon Cloud, and then issued a fierce attack on the locust puppets.

Suddenly, the attacks of those locust puppets became more and more frantic.

In the face of such a situation, He Chendong and Huang Haitao were not keeping their hands, and directly burst out their full strength, wanting to force a breakthrough.

But whenever He Chendong and Huang Haitao broke through, they seemed to get some instructions. Those locust puppets immediately blew themselves up, blocking He Chendong and Huang Haitao from breaking through with the force of self-detonation.

It's not that Blade Edge doesn't want to directly use a group of locust puppets to carry out a collective self-destruction to directly and completely kill this human team.

The reason why Blade Edge didn't use locust puppets to explode Qin Shaofeng and the others at once was because he became interested in He Chendong's safe house.

Blade's edge is afraid that these locust puppets will explode more, and that power can explode the safe hut together.

Therefore, Blade Feng planned to use locust puppets to consume the power of Qin Shaofeng and others.

Besides, these mechanical locust puppets are nothing to Blade Edge.

Because of the existence of the Demon Cloud, plus enough materials for these locust puppets, there can be as many as they want to escape.

"Damn, it's no way to go on like this!"

Being forced back again, He Chendong cursed with an ugly expression, and Huang Haitao's expression not far away was similar.

At this moment, the battlefield circle of the team has shrunk to less than fifty meters in diameter.

This is simply pressing hard every step!

"Captain, what should we do now?"

After exploding a locust puppet, the skinny monkey hid behind the old bear again and asked He Chendong loudly.

How to do?

He Chendong felt bitter, can he prepare?

In the current situation, even if he left everyone behind, he couldn't escape by himself.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and he began to speak to He Chendong.

"Captain, I have a way to temporarily alleviate the current situation!"


Suddenly receiving Qin Shaofeng's voice transmission, He Chendong's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to ask Qin Shaofeng, "What can you do with Yanyang?"

"Captain, you also know that the rules I understand are a bit special. My rules still have an ability to temporarily block all these locust puppets in front of me!" Qin Shaofeng explained secretly.


He Chendong's eyes widened in an instant, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Seal all the actions of the puppets in front of you?

is it possible?

But the matter is over, now He Chendong can only trust Qin Shaofeng and give it a try.

"Are you sure?" He Chendong said solemnly.

Although these locust puppets have been destroyed by their own team, hundreds of thousands, but there are at least two thousand in front of them!

"Yes!" Qin Shaofeng nodded.

After just nodding, Qin Shaofeng turned his gaze and fell on the demon not far away. He hesitated and said: "However, even if I temporarily sealed it, all the actions of the puppets, there is that demon. We I am afraid it will be difficult to escape!"

"Do not!"

He Chendong suddenly shook his head gently, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, as if he had made some decision in his heart.

"As long as there are no such annoying puppets, leave the rest to me!"

He turned his gaze, He Chendong also looked at the Demon Race in the distance, a glimmer of cold light flashed in his eyes.

"This demons has been playing around with us for so long, and it's time to escape back with profit!"

He Chendong's words made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised, but he didn't say much.

Because at this time, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered that He Chendong could have been on this battlefield for more than ten years, how could this be a simple three-level realm master?

I am afraid that in addition to the safe house, He Chendong has a stronger hole card!

Soon, He Chendong, who had a plan in his mind, immediately began to speak to the other players.

At the same time, Blade's Edge seemed to have finally played enough and was a little impatient.

"Forget it, too much time has been wasted. Let the puppets explode collectively and solve these human tribes. As for the formation of the high-level formation, you should just pay attention to it, and there will be no problem!"

Blade's face was already a bit disgusted at the moment, he didn't want to waste time like this.

But the next moment, what happened, made him completely stunned.

"This...what's going on? How come those puppets are completely disconnected from Moyun?"

Those locust puppets are indeed not controlled by the Blade's Divine Sense, but the Demon Cloud is closely integrated with the Blade's Divine Sense, and the locust puppets are closely linked to the Demon Cloud.

Therefore, Blade Edge can also control the locust puppets through the Magic Cloud, and sense the connection of the locust puppets.

But this kind of connection was suddenly cut off at this moment.

This was so sudden, so that the edge was caught off guard!

At this moment, no one noticed that there was a little snake-like beast in Qin Shaofeng's arms.

And the eyes of this little beast are full of purple ring-shaped jade patterns!

Nine Gou Jade Reincarnation Eyes!

The same little beast was also transcribed and sealed by Qin Shaofeng.

Monthly reading!

After possessing the Nine Gouyu Jade Reincarnation Eyes, Qin Shaofeng realized that the monthly reading he used was a little different.

Because the monthly reading displayed at this time can not only drag a person's spiritual power, but even the soul into the space of monthly reading.

The most incredible thing is that even a trace of the enemy's spiritual consciousness can be dragged into the moon reading space.

It was just a trace of divine knowledge, and it didn't affect me at all.

However, Qin Shaofeng could also obtain some information from this trace of spiritual knowledge.

Most importantly, such capabilities can also work at critical moments.

For example, interrupting others' consciousness attacks, or hindering others' consciousness from investigating oneself.

Another example is to isolate the trace of connection between mechanical puppets!

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