Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 942: Bad situation

Although mechanical puppets do not need to be manipulated by divine consciousness, they do require intelligent manipulation.

These mechanical puppets will act only after the brain gives instructions.

If it can act alone, it is no longer a simple mechanical puppet.

And these locust puppets in front of them are just ordinary mechanical puppets, all of which have an intelligent brain that issues instructions and controls them.

Although such instructions are not divine consciousness, but something similar to brain waves, it is always a wave force like divine consciousness.

Even in serious comparison, although a little special, I am afraid it is still inferior to divine consciousness.

Since the moon reading space can capture even the divine consciousness, how can the communication information between this mere mechanical puppet fail to capture it?

The result, just as Qin Shaofeng expected.

As soon as the month read out, these mechanical puppets were directly recruited!

This can be regarded as completely accepting these mechanical puppets' information from the Demon Cloud, and directly accepting it to another place, so that the information conveyed by the Demon Cloud is not directly transmitted to these mechanical puppets!

In such a scene, Rao, the old Xiong and others who had been reminded by the captain He Chendong, saw their eyes widened.

Even He Chendong had a glimmer of surprise in his eyes.

Although the reason in his heart made him not believe that Qin Shaofeng, who was only at the first level of the great domain master, could really seal more than two thousand mechanical puppet actions.

But now the facts are in front of him, so he has to believe.

However, this He Chendong is after all an old man who has been rolling on the battlefield for a long time. Although he was surprised in his heart, he quickly reacted.

"Do it!"

With a violent shout, He Chendong awakened all those who were in shock at the moment.

Then, He Chendong didn't hesitate at all, brushed, his figure flashed, and he came directly to the mechanical puppets who were already immobile, and waved his hand.


A large swath of mechanical puppets was thus brought into his storage ring by He Chendong.

At the same time, the old bears and lean monkeys who had awakened one after another began to take action.

At this moment, with the exception of Qin Shaofeng, everyone else began to crazily incorporate these mechanical puppets into their storage ring.

This is the plan that He Chendong discussed with Qin Shaofeng!

Qin Shaofeng also said that he could only seal the actions of the mechanical puppet, but he could not destroy it, and he did not dare to destroy it.

Because these mechanical puppets are all concentrated together, once they are destroyed, the explosive force that will be generated is difficult to estimate.

This might be extremely easy to injure his own person, and the explosive force is too strong, Qin Shaofeng is also uncertain, what impact will it have on the moon reading space.

After all, this month's pupil reading technique was only transcribed and sealed by one's own body, and it was far from the real power that the body displayed.

Even if it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's main soul at this moment, the monthly reading couldn't control so many skilled mechanical puppets!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's buddy He Chendong said before that mechanical puppets can be responsible, but their real enemy, the demon master, he can't help it.

However, later on, He Chendong felt ruthless and had the idea of ​​collecting these mechanical puppets.

Solve these mechanical puppets first, and then deal with the demons.

Because of the lack of these mechanical puppets, He Chendong would not always worry about when these mechanical puppets would blew themselves up to himself and others.

Although these locust puppets are not strong individually, if they explode in large numbers, their power is simply too strong.

"Receive! I take it! I take it! I take it!"

At this moment, the short blades of the skinny monkey's hands have been put away, and he is jumping among the locust puppets, and the locust puppets are harvesting a lot.

With the dexterity of the lean monkey body, at this moment, except for the captain He Chendong and the deputy captain Huang Haitao, the fastest to collect these locust puppets is the lean monkey.

Seeing these nine human beings collect their own mechanical puppets, the blade did not act, and looked indifferent.

At this moment, the blade's gaze fell on Qin Shaofeng instead.

"Is that him?" Looking at Qin Shaofeng, there was a glimmer of doubt in Blade Feng's eyes, "The ability to isolate and hinder the connection between the Demon Cloud and the puppets is really weird!"

Originally, Blade Edge still had some doubts, why in such a human team with the lowest seventh level of the great domain master, it was actually mixed with a small human who had just broken through to the great domain master realm, but had the great domain master's first level of cultivation.

But when I look at it now, Blade Edge finally understands why.

"Oh, it's interesting. I didn't expect such a person in this human being with such a strange ability! It's really interesting. It's better to be caught as a slave and raised, and when you return to the Demon Realm, you can show off!"

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Blade Feng's mouth. He didn't worry about it. He Chendong and the others were still taking the locust puppets.

These locust puppets are just his toys. To him, they are nothing at all.

Because these locust puppets are not worth mentioning to the masters of the realm.

Otherwise, he would not look for a partner.

Finally, the two thousand locust puppets were quickly collected by He Chendong and others.

However, after these locust puppets disappeared, He Chendong and the others did not feel a trace of relief.

Because the existence behind these locust puppets is their real enemy.

"You are good!"

After the last locust puppet was received by He Chendong into the storage ring, the blade edged across the void, and it came directly to He Chendong and the others not far away, and he said in a cold voice face to face.

As he spoke, a surge of murderous intent rose instantly from Blade's body.

That murderous force, after an instant eruption, even the deputy captain Huang Haitao's expression changed and his heart sank.

Such a strong murderous, this person's strength is too terrible, I am afraid that even the other party can't handle it.

Huang Haitao has also fought on this battlefield for several years, and he can naturally appreciate the power of the enemy of the demons.

Not only him, but the strength of this blade can be clearly understood by both the old bear and the thin monkey.

This made the little joy after successfully collecting the locust puppets before, at this moment, they were all directly shocked and disappeared completely by the powerfulness in front of them.

too strong!

He seemed to be aware of the shock of the human beings in front of him at his own powerful strength. Blade Feng was slightly proud of his heart and bowed his head indifferently: "Say, how do you want to die?"


He Chendong raised his head to look at the blade, his face was not afraid, and a trace of madness flashed in his eyes.

"If you want us to die, then you have to have that ability too!"

As soon as the words fell, He Chendong's eyes flashed, and the next moment the whole sky soared.

At the same time, he didn't know what He Chendong did, and his whole body flashed with three kinds of brilliance, red, dark blue and light cyan.

As soon as these three kinds of brilliance appeared, they gathered together, and then formed a weird white with a fluorescent color.

Under the white brilliance, He Chendong's whole body aura exploded in an instant.

He Chendong was originally only the three-level realm of the realm master, although it was the three-level peak realm of the realm master, it would take a while to get away from the four-fold realm of the realm master, if there were no special opportunities.

But at this moment, He Chendong's breath not only broke through to the realm of the realm master's triple peak, reached the realm of the realm master's fourth realm, and even soared all the way, instantly soaring to the realm of the realm master's sixth realm.

But even so, He Chendong seemed a little dissatisfied.

brush! ~

With a slight shake of his right hand, He Chendong immediately escaped a pill from his storage and swallowed it with his head up.


A breath exploded, and He Chendong's breath surged again.

Seventh Realm of Realm!

At this moment, He Chendong's breath actually reached the seventh realm of the world master!

Although Qin Shaofeng already knew that He Chendong had some hole cards, he didn't want He Chendong to do this step.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt that He Chendong's ascended realm was not just a simple ascension, but a real power after the ascension.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng believed that with He Chendong's combat experience, with such a promotion, he could also completely burst out the power after the promotion.

Perhaps the power of the seventh realm of the world master is He Chendong's true strength!

However, Qin Shaofeng also felt that with He Chendong's state, it seemed that it would not last long.

It is precisely because of this that after He Chendong was promoted, he was flashed, and without a word, he fought directly in front of the blade.

this is?

Feeling He Chendong's aura at this moment, Blade Feng was also startled.

Because at this moment, he actually felt a trace of danger from the human being in front of him.

In front of him, this human being regarded as an ant actually made himself feel dangerous?

Blade Feng's face was ugly, and his heart was full of anger.



Without hesitation, facing the rushing He Chendong, Blade Feng directly greeted him.

He wants to let the humans in front of him understand that he is not a demons that can be defeated by some means!


As soon as the two sides contacted, the powerful realm master realm power blasted.

The two are handed over!

The battle between the masters of the realm is not ordinary, the battle scene between the two, the old bear and the thin monkey, they can't see clearly.

It is difficult to keep up with the opponent's speed even if it is probed with divine sense.

In the presence of Huang Haitao, he could still see clearly the battle between the two, but Qin Shaofeng was able to see clearly with the help of the pupil power remaining in the eyes of his immortal incarnation.

And even if he couldn't see clearly, with Qin Shaofeng's divine knowledge, he could easily capture the battle between the two in the sky at this moment.

After observing for a while, Qin Shaofeng frowned.

Because up to now, the situation of the battle is a little less optimistic.

He Chen is down in the east!

Although He Chendong used some means and medicine to temporarily possess the cultivation base of the world master's seventh realm.

But until now, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the demons in front of him actually possessed the realm master's eight-fold initial cultivation base.

Although the combat experience of this demons was not as good as He Chendong, it was far worse than He Chendong when fighting.

But no matter what this is said, this blade is also the cultivation base of the Eighth Layer of the Realm Master Realm, and He Chendong's strength at this moment has only been temporarily improved.

Although He Chendong has rich experience in combat, he is always only the realm of the tertiary master. It is extremely disadvantageous to face this Demon Blade.

If He Chendong had not had such rich combat experience, then he would not simply be at a disadvantage now.

The situation was mostly defeated by the Demon Blade, or even directly killed.

Things are getting worse and worse!

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